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題名 結合感知玩具與電子書於兒童學習之互動設計
Designing a children`s learning app with tangible toys作者 曾韻如
Tseng, Yun Ju貢獻者 余能豪<br>吳岳剛
Yu, Neng Hao<br>Wu, Yueh Gang
Tseng, Yun Ju關鍵詞 數位教具
digital manipulatives
tangible learning
game-based learning
tangible toy
tablet日期 2011 上傳時間 3-Dec-2012 11:32:53 (UTC+8) 摘要 近幾年平版電腦興起,觸控式平板之操作介面簡單直覺,學習曲線低,很適合小朋友來操作,已逐漸被使用在教育市場中。回顧教育學家所提出之學習理論,我們發現感官和四肢,是嬰幼兒時期主要的發展任務,也是幼兒智慧發展的根源,然而平板電腦缺乏實物的觸覺感知,平面的觸控體驗大幅限制了兒童的感官知能。因此本創作旨在針對3~6歲的小朋友,設計一套結合觸控平板之實體感知玩具(Tangible Toys),並延續福祿貝爾與蒙特梭利對於觸覺學習的教育理論,實作兩種運用於平板與感知玩具的遊戲學習模式,提供新型態的互動學習體驗。小朋友在本創作設計之遊戲學習過程中使用到手的操作與觸覺感知,藉由有趣的感官互動,增加小朋友的學習興趣。我們提出兩種英文單字的學習模式,並觀察與分析兒童使用感知玩具在平板上的操作行為,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據,本創作所發展之技術亦可輔助觸控式平板發展多樣化之「數位教具」。 綜合所述,本創作完成目標如下:1. 互動學習體驗:以感知玩具結合平板的互動形式帶給兒童新型態的互動學習體驗。2. 兒童探索學習:透過感知玩具刺激兒童的學習興趣,利用不同的玩偶讓兒童嘗試去探索關聯式的單字。3. 操作經驗分析:分析兒童對於感知玩具的使用經驗與操作,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據。
Touch-based tablets have grown extremely rapidly in recent years. Since the touch-based interface is simple, intuitive and easy to learn, touch-based tablets have been adopted quickly in the Education market. However, touch-based tablet lacks tangible and tactile feedback, thus it constrains children’s learning ability of sensations. In this paper, we aimed at 3~6 years old children and designed a children’s learning app with tangible toys on the tablet. By extending Frobel and Montessori’s tactile learning theory, we implemented two game-based learning applications with tangible toys to bring a novel interactive learning experience for children. We conducted the preliminary study of 4 kindergarten children. The result showed that children were interested in tangible toys and had more fun in the learning activities. Finally, our capacitive tags can be used to design various forms of digital manipulatives on the tablets.參考文獻 中文文獻:王克先(1982) .發展心理學新論.台北市:正中。王文科(1983).認知發展理論與教育.台北:五南圖書出版社。王貴媖(1995).國小三年級藝術與人文學習領域音感教學遊戲策略應用之研究.國立台南大學音樂教育學系音樂科教學碩士班。夸美紐斯(1999).大教學論(傅任敢).台北:五南書局。[Comenius, J. A. (1896). The great didactic. London:Kessinger.]林美珍(1996) .兒童認知發展.台北:心理出版社。韋志成(1996) .語文教學情境論.廣西教育出版社。黃光雄. (1966) . 福祿貝爾教育思想之研究.教育研究所集刊.第八輯, (臺灣省立師範大學) .185-280。游乾桂(1994).啟發兒童的創造力.遠流出版社。賈馥茗、林逢祺、洪仁進、葉坤靈(2003).中西重要教育思想家 .國立空中大學。82蒙特梭利 (2003).蒙特梭利幼兒英才教育的秘密(付地紅,張冬梅).台灣:先智出版事業。[Maria Montessori (1982). Secret of Childhood. Ballantine Books.]蒙特梭利(1994).吸收性心智(王堅紅).台北:桂冠。[Maria Montessori (1995). The Absorbent Mind. Holt Paperbacks.]英文文獻:Abt, C. (1970). Serious Games. New York: The Viking Press.Avrahami, D., & Wobbrock, J. (2011). Portico: tangible interaction on and around a tablet. Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Santa Barbara, CA USA. Retrieved from, C. O. and R. F. (1996). Learning to learn. Touchstone.Britton, L. (1992). Montessori Play And Learn: A Parent’s Guide to Purposeful Play from Two to Six. Three Rivers Press.Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and Education. New York: Collier Books.Dewey, John. (2001). The School and the Society and The Child and the Curriculum. University Of Chicago Press.Eisner, E. W. (1982). Cognition and curriculum : a basis for deciding what to teach. Longman Group United Kingdom.Ellis, M. J. (1973). Why people play. Prentice Hall.Girouard, A., Solovey, E. T., Hirshfield, L. M., Ecott, S., Shaer, O., & Jacob, R. J. K. (2007). Smart Blocks: a tangible mathematical manipulative. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction (pp. 183–186). ACM. Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA. Retrieved from, M., & Orth, M. (1998). Triangles: tangible interface for manipulation and exploration of digital information topography. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on, 1-8. Los Angeles, CA USA. Retrieved from, M. R. (1969). Pestalozzi─his thought and its relevance today. London: Methuen.Healy, J. M. (1998). Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children`s Minds. Simon & Schuster.79Heiland, H. (Hrg. . (1982). Friedrich Fröbel: Ausgewählte Schriften. 2. Band: Die Menschenerziehung. Verlag Helmut Küpper vormals Georg Bondi.Hutt, C. (1971). Exploration and play in children.Ishii, H., & Ullmer, B. (1997). Tangible Bits : Towards Seamless Interfaces between People , Bits and Atoms. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, Los Angeles, CA USA.Jean, P. (1986). The Construction of Reality in the Child. Ballantine Books. Johnson, J. E. (1999). Development, Play and early childhood. Allyn & Bacon.Locke, J. (1693). Some Thoughts Concerning Education. NuVision Publications.Marco, J., Cerezo, E., & Baldassarri, S. (2010). Playing with toys on a tabletop active surface. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 296–299). ACM. Barcelona, Spain. Retrieved from, M. (1949). Childhood Education. Henry regency Company.Moran, J. D. (1988). Creativity in Young Children. Retrieved from, I. C., Wilensky, U., & Horn, M. S. (2011). ). It`s just a toolbar :Using Tangibles to Help Children Manage Conflict Around a Multi-Touch Tabletop. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction, Funchal, Portugal.Pestalozzi, H. (1803). ABC der Anschauung, oder Anschauungs-Lehre der Massverhaltnisse. Tubingen,Germany: J.G. Cotta.Piaget,J. & Inhelder, B. (1962). The Psychology of the Child. Basic Books.Prensky, M. (2007). Digital Game-based Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.80Raffle, H., Vaucelle, C., & Wang, R. (2007). Jabberstamp: embedding sound and voice in traditional drawings. Proceeding SIGGRAPH `07 ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 educators program Article No. 32. San Diego, Italy. Retrieved from, Mitchel, Martin, F., Berg, R., & Borovoy, R. (1998). Digital manipulatives: new toys to think with. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, Los Angeles, CA USA. Retrieved from, M., Martin, F., Sargent, R., & Silverman, B. (1996). Programmable Bricks: Toys to think with. IBM Systems Journal (Vol. 35, pp. 443-452). doi:10.1147/sj.353.0443Rousseau, J.-J. (1979). Émile ou De l`éducation. Basic Books.Ryokai, K., & Cassell, J. (1999). StoryMat: a play space for collaborative storytelling. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Retrieved from, H. (1999). Smarter play for smart toys.Silber, K. (1960). Pestalozzi, the man and his work (p. 138). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.Watanabe, R., Itoh, Y., Kitamura, Y., Kishino, F., & Kikuchi, H. (2005). Distributed autonomous interface using ActiveCube for interactive multimedia contents. Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Augmented tele-existence, Christchurch, New Zealand. Retrieved from, A. D. (2009). A Parents Guide to the Montessori Classroom (p. 61). Parent Child Pr.Yu, N., Chan, L., Lau, S., & Tsai, S. (2011). TUIC: enabling tangible interaction on capacitive multi-touch displays. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. Vancouver, BC USA. Retrieved from, H. (1973). Sight - Sound - Motion. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.Zuckerman, O. (2007). Historical Overview and Classification of Traditional and Digital Learning Objects. Retrieved from, O., & Resnick, M. (2007). Flowness + FlowBlocks Uncovering the Dynamics of Everyday Life through Playful Modeling. Media, (June 2006), 1-161. 描述 碩士
100資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 余能豪<br>吳岳剛 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Yu, Neng Hao<br>Wu, Yueh Gang en_US (Authors) 曾韻如 zh_TW (Authors) Tseng, Yun Ju en_US dc.creator (作者) 曾韻如 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Tseng, Yun Ju en_US (日期) 2011 en_US 3-Dec-2012 11:32:53 (UTC+8) - 3-Dec-2012 11:32:53 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 3-Dec-2012 11:32:53 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0099462008 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 數位內容碩士學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 99462008 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 100 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近幾年平版電腦興起,觸控式平板之操作介面簡單直覺,學習曲線低,很適合小朋友來操作,已逐漸被使用在教育市場中。回顧教育學家所提出之學習理論,我們發現感官和四肢,是嬰幼兒時期主要的發展任務,也是幼兒智慧發展的根源,然而平板電腦缺乏實物的觸覺感知,平面的觸控體驗大幅限制了兒童的感官知能。因此本創作旨在針對3~6歲的小朋友,設計一套結合觸控平板之實體感知玩具(Tangible Toys),並延續福祿貝爾與蒙特梭利對於觸覺學習的教育理論,實作兩種運用於平板與感知玩具的遊戲學習模式,提供新型態的互動學習體驗。小朋友在本創作設計之遊戲學習過程中使用到手的操作與觸覺感知,藉由有趣的感官互動,增加小朋友的學習興趣。我們提出兩種英文單字的學習模式,並觀察與分析兒童使用感知玩具在平板上的操作行為,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據,本創作所發展之技術亦可輔助觸控式平板發展多樣化之「數位教具」。 綜合所述,本創作完成目標如下:1. 互動學習體驗:以感知玩具結合平板的互動形式帶給兒童新型態的互動學習體驗。2. 兒童探索學習:透過感知玩具刺激兒童的學習興趣,利用不同的玩偶讓兒童嘗試去探索關聯式的單字。3. 操作經驗分析:分析兒童對於感知玩具的使用經驗與操作,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Touch-based tablets have grown extremely rapidly in recent years. Since the touch-based interface is simple, intuitive and easy to learn, touch-based tablets have been adopted quickly in the Education market. However, touch-based tablet lacks tangible and tactile feedback, thus it constrains children’s learning ability of sensations. In this paper, we aimed at 3~6 years old children and designed a children’s learning app with tangible toys on the tablet. By extending Frobel and Montessori’s tactile learning theory, we implemented two game-based learning applications with tangible toys to bring a novel interactive learning experience for children. We conducted the preliminary study of 4 kindergarten children. The result showed that children were interested in tangible toys and had more fun in the learning activities. Finally, our capacitive tags can be used to design various forms of digital manipulatives on the tablets. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要 .................................................................................................................................................. 2英文摘要 ............................................................................................................................................... 3目錄 ........................................................................................................................................................ 4圖目錄 .................................................................................................................................................... 6表目錄 .................................................................................................................................................... 8第1章 緒論 ..................................................................................................................................... 91.1 研究背景與動機...................................................................................................................................... 91.1.1 平板作為學習工具................................................................................................................. 91.1.2 手部操作對兒童的重要性 ............................................................................................... 101.1.3 遊戲學習對兒童成長的影響 .......................................................................................... 111.2 研究目的 ................................................................................................................................................... 121.3 研究問題 ................................................................................................................................................... 121.4 研究架構與流程.................................................................................................................................... 13第2章 文獻探討 ..........................................................................................................................142.1 教育學家理論 ......................................................................................................................................... 142.1.1 認知發展 ................................................................................................................................. 152.1.2 教育學家對兒童時期發展的見解 ................................................................................. 162.1.3 學習物件 ................................................................................................................................. 192.2 遊戲學習 ................................................................................................................................................... 262.2.1 遊戲與探索行為 .................................................................................................................. 262.2.2 遊戲學習與相關理論 ......................................................................................................... 282.2.3 悅趣式學習 ............................................................................................................................ 292.3 電腦輔助感知學習 .............................................................................................................................. 312.4 平板學習類應用程式 ......................................................................................................................... 402.5 小結 ............................................................................................................................................................. 42第3章 作品設計 ..........................................................................................................................443.1. 創作概念說明 ......................................................................................................................................... 443.2. 感知玩具設計 ......................................................................................................................................... 463.2.1 玩具設計 ................................................................................................................................. 463.2.2 玩具底座:底座感測程式 ............................................................................................... 473.3. 剪貼簿模式設計 .................................................................................................................................... 503.3.1 剪貼簿模式流程架構 ......................................................................................................... 503.3.2 剪貼簿模式內容設計 ......................................................................................................... 513.3.3 剪貼簿模式互動設計 ......................................................................................................... 523.4. 單字動畫模式設計 ............................................................................................................................... 563.4.1 單字動畫模式流程架構 .................................................................................................... 5753.4.2 單字動畫模式互動設計 .................................................................................................... 58第4章 系統評估 ..........................................................................................................................614.1 系統評估原型 ......................................................................................................................................... 614.2 評估方法與流程.................................................................................................................................... 624.3 使用者回饋 .............................................................................................................................................. 654.4 訪談與結果 .............................................................................................................................................. 70第5章 結論與未來展望 .............................................................................................................715.1 限制 ............................................................................................................................................................ 715.2 結論與設計建議.................................................................................................................................... 715.3 未來展望 ................................................................................................................................................... 75參考文獻 .............................................................................................................................................78附件 ......................................................................................................................................................83 zh_TW dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位教具 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 感知學習 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 遊戲學習 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 感知玩具 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 平板電腦 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) digital manipulatives en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) tangible learning en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) game-based learning en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) tangible toy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) tablet en_US dc.title (題名) 結合感知玩具與電子書於兒童學習之互動設計 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Designing a children`s learning app with tangible toys en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻:王克先(1982) .發展心理學新論.台北市:正中。王文科(1983).認知發展理論與教育.台北:五南圖書出版社。王貴媖(1995).國小三年級藝術與人文學習領域音感教學遊戲策略應用之研究.國立台南大學音樂教育學系音樂科教學碩士班。夸美紐斯(1999).大教學論(傅任敢).台北:五南書局。[Comenius, J. A. (1896). The great didactic. London:Kessinger.]林美珍(1996) .兒童認知發展.台北:心理出版社。韋志成(1996) .語文教學情境論.廣西教育出版社。黃光雄. (1966) . 福祿貝爾教育思想之研究.教育研究所集刊.第八輯, (臺灣省立師範大學) .185-280。游乾桂(1994).啟發兒童的創造力.遠流出版社。賈馥茗、林逢祺、洪仁進、葉坤靈(2003).中西重要教育思想家 .國立空中大學。82蒙特梭利 (2003).蒙特梭利幼兒英才教育的秘密(付地紅,張冬梅).台灣:先智出版事業。[Maria Montessori (1982). Secret of Childhood. Ballantine Books.]蒙特梭利(1994).吸收性心智(王堅紅).台北:桂冠。[Maria Montessori (1995). The Absorbent Mind. Holt Paperbacks.]英文文獻:Abt, C. (1970). Serious Games. New York: The Viking Press.Avrahami, D., & Wobbrock, J. (2011). Portico: tangible interaction on and around a tablet. Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Santa Barbara, CA USA. Retrieved from, C. O. and R. F. (1996). Learning to learn. Touchstone.Britton, L. (1992). Montessori Play And Learn: A Parent’s Guide to Purposeful Play from Two to Six. Three Rivers Press.Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and Education. New York: Collier Books.Dewey, John. (2001). The School and the Society and The Child and the Curriculum. University Of Chicago Press.Eisner, E. W. (1982). Cognition and curriculum : a basis for deciding what to teach. Longman Group United Kingdom.Ellis, M. J. (1973). Why people play. Prentice Hall.Girouard, A., Solovey, E. T., Hirshfield, L. M., Ecott, S., Shaer, O., & Jacob, R. J. K. (2007). Smart Blocks: a tangible mathematical manipulative. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction (pp. 183–186). ACM. Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA. Retrieved from, M., & Orth, M. (1998). Triangles: tangible interface for manipulation and exploration of digital information topography. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on, 1-8. Los Angeles, CA USA. Retrieved from, M. R. (1969). Pestalozzi─his thought and its relevance today. London: Methuen.Healy, J. M. (1998). Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children`s Minds. Simon & Schuster.79Heiland, H. (Hrg. . (1982). Friedrich Fröbel: Ausgewählte Schriften. 2. Band: Die Menschenerziehung. Verlag Helmut Küpper vormals Georg Bondi.Hutt, C. (1971). Exploration and play in children.Ishii, H., & Ullmer, B. (1997). Tangible Bits : Towards Seamless Interfaces between People , Bits and Atoms. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, Los Angeles, CA USA.Jean, P. (1986). The Construction of Reality in the Child. Ballantine Books. Johnson, J. E. (1999). Development, Play and early childhood. Allyn & Bacon.Locke, J. (1693). Some Thoughts Concerning Education. NuVision Publications.Marco, J., Cerezo, E., & Baldassarri, S. (2010). Playing with toys on a tabletop active surface. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 296–299). ACM. Barcelona, Spain. Retrieved from, M. (1949). Childhood Education. Henry regency Company.Moran, J. D. (1988). Creativity in Young Children. Retrieved from, I. C., Wilensky, U., & Horn, M. S. (2011). ). It`s just a toolbar :Using Tangibles to Help Children Manage Conflict Around a Multi-Touch Tabletop. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction, Funchal, Portugal.Pestalozzi, H. (1803). ABC der Anschauung, oder Anschauungs-Lehre der Massverhaltnisse. Tubingen,Germany: J.G. Cotta.Piaget,J. & Inhelder, B. (1962). The Psychology of the Child. Basic Books.Prensky, M. (2007). Digital Game-based Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.80Raffle, H., Vaucelle, C., & Wang, R. (2007). Jabberstamp: embedding sound and voice in traditional drawings. Proceeding SIGGRAPH `07 ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 educators program Article No. 32. San Diego, Italy. Retrieved from, Mitchel, Martin, F., Berg, R., & Borovoy, R. (1998). Digital manipulatives: new toys to think with. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, Los Angeles, CA USA. Retrieved from, M., Martin, F., Sargent, R., & Silverman, B. (1996). Programmable Bricks: Toys to think with. IBM Systems Journal (Vol. 35, pp. 443-452). doi:10.1147/sj.353.0443Rousseau, J.-J. (1979). Émile ou De l`éducation. Basic Books.Ryokai, K., & Cassell, J. (1999). StoryMat: a play space for collaborative storytelling. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Retrieved from, H. (1999). Smarter play for smart toys.Silber, K. (1960). Pestalozzi, the man and his work (p. 138). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.Watanabe, R., Itoh, Y., Kitamura, Y., Kishino, F., & Kikuchi, H. (2005). Distributed autonomous interface using ActiveCube for interactive multimedia contents. Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Augmented tele-existence, Christchurch, New Zealand. Retrieved from, A. D. (2009). A Parents Guide to the Montessori Classroom (p. 61). Parent Child Pr.Yu, N., Chan, L., Lau, S., & Tsai, S. (2011). TUIC: enabling tangible interaction on capacitive multi-touch displays. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. Vancouver, BC USA. Retrieved from, H. (1973). Sight - Sound - Motion. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.Zuckerman, O. (2007). Historical Overview and Classification of Traditional and Digital Learning Objects. Retrieved from, O., & Resnick, M. (2007). Flowness + FlowBlocks Uncovering the Dynamics of Everyday Life through Playful Modeling. Media, (June 2006), 1-161. zh_TW