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題名 大型活動建構臺北市城市品牌形象研究
The study of Mega events on the image branding of Taipei作者 蔡依蒨
Tsai, Yi Chien貢獻者 陳清河
Chen, Ching Ho
Tsai, Yi Chien關鍵詞 大型活動
mega event
city marketing
image branding
Delphi method
Taipei City日期 2011 上傳時間 2-Jan-2013 13:20:34 (UTC+8) 摘要 全球化的競爭趨勢使得國家行銷發展跨越原有的疆界,轉而成為各國城市間的競爭,城市的經管理與行銷提升城市本身的競爭優勢,城市亦藉由積極參與國際性大型活動或展演拓展城市的知名度與形象,吸引實質的產業投資與引導消費等實質經濟利益,同時也能成為國外人士連結城市的管道。因此,整合城市的各個面向,例如城市品牌,城市形象、特色產業、基礎建設等,以策略性的包裝與行銷大幅提昇城市的競爭力。 臺北市經營城市行銷,首重市場定位與塑造品牌形象,統籌臺北市的政治、經濟、歷史、文化、環境等資源整合,成為城市品牌形象定位的基礎,因此積極透過城市行銷對外發展的臺北市而言,參與如奧林匹克運動會、世界博覽會等國際性大型活動的機會,藉由行銷策略組合建構城市品牌形象以利臺北市推展城市行銷是本研究的主要目的。 文獻回顧部分,探討包括城市行銷的定義與內涵,行銷策略擬定與建構城市品牌印象之相關理論,以及大型活動本質的探討與建構品牌形象之關聯。研究方法則而歸納文獻資料提示的建構城市品牌指標參考,整理歸納「構面組織」、「環境構面」、「目標市場構面」、「行銷構面」、以及「策略構面」等五個面向擬定59項評估指標製作修正式德菲法調查問卷,由10位公共行政、行銷、傳播及媒體領域之專業人士填寫調查問卷,由專家學者群體決策為基礎進行調查,最後經兩回合問卷調查後專家達成意見一致性共識作為本研究分析之基礎。 本研究透過修正式德菲法問卷的五個5個構面共59項以大型活動建構城市品牌形象之評估指標,專家小組認為利用參與大型活動建構城市品牌形象中,「組織構面」的領導者決策、策略規劃及策略執行能力為最主要關鍵,而包括城市的交通建設網絡以及城市風格等,都是影響形塑城市重要因素。而研究結果則建議建構城市品牌形象可採用地區性行銷策略,而在策略實際操作部分則延攬專業的行銷規劃團隊,以規劃主題式行銷活動,並透過新興媒體進行宣傳等方式為臺北市形塑優質的城市品牌形象。
As a consequence of globalization, the marketing of region has grown in importance as countries, regions compete with one another to attract investment and visitors. To compete effectively, it is essential to identify the critical success factors of image branding and ensure those who are into the strategic planning. City`s image branding is largely dependent on the construction, communication and management as well as the style of the city. A city`s brand image provides, on one hand, the basis for developing city marketing to pursue economic development and, on the other hand, provides as a conduit for people outside the country. This study examines the effectiveness of the efforts on the image branding of Taipei based on an analysis of image branding strategies through the participation of mega events. The theoretical background from literary reviews of this study covering city marketing, city branding and image, mega events and event marketing topics, which are the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. The primary city brand-driven mega events indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches and by dividing them into five aspects: organizational, environmental, target market, marketing, and strategies. All primary indicators are evaluated by 10 marketing, communication, media, and administrative experts to evaluate which have the most criteria toward the image branding of Taipei, and how these factors could be utilized to form the strategic framework. Based on the survey of the modified Delphi method, the result indicated that the most crucial success factor of the image branding of Taipei is organization leadership, which refer to the city governing philosophy of decision-making, strategic planning, and implementation represention the core building block of image branding. This survey points out that the convenient transportation network, unique city style and applied communication channel, such as social media, are also drawing a line determining the effect of the image branding of Taipei.Accordingly, some recommendations can be made for the use of the image branding of Taipei: diversified cultural driven assets can be attractive points; Fesvital and activities also can be applied; new style of promotiation channel such as social media can also be developed. Those are based on a combination and the components of the city`s brand management.參考文獻 一、英文文獻Aaker, D. (1991). 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100資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳清河 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Ching Ho en_US (Authors) 蔡依蒨 zh_TW (Authors) Tsai, Yi Chien en_US dc.creator (作者) 蔡依蒨 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Yi Chien en_US (日期) 2011 en_US 2-Jan-2013 13:20:34 (UTC+8) - 2-Jan-2013 13:20:34 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Jan-2013 13:20:34 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0097941007 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 傳播學院碩士在職專班 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 97941007 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 100 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 全球化的競爭趨勢使得國家行銷發展跨越原有的疆界,轉而成為各國城市間的競爭,城市的經管理與行銷提升城市本身的競爭優勢,城市亦藉由積極參與國際性大型活動或展演拓展城市的知名度與形象,吸引實質的產業投資與引導消費等實質經濟利益,同時也能成為國外人士連結城市的管道。因此,整合城市的各個面向,例如城市品牌,城市形象、特色產業、基礎建設等,以策略性的包裝與行銷大幅提昇城市的競爭力。 臺北市經營城市行銷,首重市場定位與塑造品牌形象,統籌臺北市的政治、經濟、歷史、文化、環境等資源整合,成為城市品牌形象定位的基礎,因此積極透過城市行銷對外發展的臺北市而言,參與如奧林匹克運動會、世界博覽會等國際性大型活動的機會,藉由行銷策略組合建構城市品牌形象以利臺北市推展城市行銷是本研究的主要目的。 文獻回顧部分,探討包括城市行銷的定義與內涵,行銷策略擬定與建構城市品牌印象之相關理論,以及大型活動本質的探討與建構品牌形象之關聯。研究方法則而歸納文獻資料提示的建構城市品牌指標參考,整理歸納「構面組織」、「環境構面」、「目標市場構面」、「行銷構面」、以及「策略構面」等五個面向擬定59項評估指標製作修正式德菲法調查問卷,由10位公共行政、行銷、傳播及媒體領域之專業人士填寫調查問卷,由專家學者群體決策為基礎進行調查,最後經兩回合問卷調查後專家達成意見一致性共識作為本研究分析之基礎。 本研究透過修正式德菲法問卷的五個5個構面共59項以大型活動建構城市品牌形象之評估指標,專家小組認為利用參與大型活動建構城市品牌形象中,「組織構面」的領導者決策、策略規劃及策略執行能力為最主要關鍵,而包括城市的交通建設網絡以及城市風格等,都是影響形塑城市重要因素。而研究結果則建議建構城市品牌形象可採用地區性行銷策略,而在策略實際操作部分則延攬專業的行銷規劃團隊,以規劃主題式行銷活動,並透過新興媒體進行宣傳等方式為臺北市形塑優質的城市品牌形象。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) As a consequence of globalization, the marketing of region has grown in importance as countries, regions compete with one another to attract investment and visitors. To compete effectively, it is essential to identify the critical success factors of image branding and ensure those who are into the strategic planning. City`s image branding is largely dependent on the construction, communication and management as well as the style of the city. A city`s brand image provides, on one hand, the basis for developing city marketing to pursue economic development and, on the other hand, provides as a conduit for people outside the country. This study examines the effectiveness of the efforts on the image branding of Taipei based on an analysis of image branding strategies through the participation of mega events. The theoretical background from literary reviews of this study covering city marketing, city branding and image, mega events and event marketing topics, which are the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. The primary city brand-driven mega events indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches and by dividing them into five aspects: organizational, environmental, target market, marketing, and strategies. All primary indicators are evaluated by 10 marketing, communication, media, and administrative experts to evaluate which have the most criteria toward the image branding of Taipei, and how these factors could be utilized to form the strategic framework. Based on the survey of the modified Delphi method, the result indicated that the most crucial success factor of the image branding of Taipei is organization leadership, which refer to the city governing philosophy of decision-making, strategic planning, and implementation represention the core building block of image branding. This survey points out that the convenient transportation network, unique city style and applied communication channel, such as social media, are also drawing a line determining the effect of the image branding of Taipei.Accordingly, some recommendations can be made for the use of the image branding of Taipei: diversified cultural driven assets can be attractive points; Fesvital and activities also can be applied; new style of promotiation channel such as social media can also be developed. Those are based on a combination and the components of the city`s brand management. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 謝辭 I中文摘要 IIIABSTRACT V目錄 VII圖目錄 IX表目錄 X第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究目的 3第三節 研究限制 5第四節 研究架構 6第二章 文獻探討 9第一節 城市行銷 9第二節 城市行銷策略規劃 14第三節 城市品牌形象 19第四節 大型活動與城市品牌形象 26第三章 研究設計 31第一節 研究架構及研究設計 31第二節 研究執行與資料處理原則 41第三節 發展研究問卷 43第四節 問卷發放 50第四章 資料分析與解釋 53第一節 問卷調查數據整理 53第二節 問卷調查數據分析 62第三節 分析歸納 65第四節 專家意見補充 70第五章 結論與建議 73第一節 研究發現 74第二節 研究建議 80參考文獻 85附錄一 第一回合修正式德菲法專家問卷 95附錄二 第二回合修正式德菲法專家問卷 105 zh_TW dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大型活動 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 城市行銷 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 品牌形象 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 德菲法 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 臺北市 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) mega event en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) city marketing en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) image branding en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Delphi method en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taipei City en_US dc.title (題名) 大型活動建構臺北市城市品牌形象研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The study of Mega events on the image branding of Taipei en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、英文文獻Aaker, D. 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