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題名 歷史正義的困境--族群議題與二二八論述
The Predicament of Historical Justice: Ethnic Issues and the Discourses on the 228 Uprising
作者 陳翠蓮
Chen, Tsui-Lien
貢獻者 政大台史所
關鍵詞 二二八事件;歷史正義;外省人原罪論;族群;李登輝;民主化
The 228 Uprising;Historical Justice;the Discourse on the Original Sin of the Mainlanders;Ethnicity;Li Teng-hui;Democratization
日期 2008-06
上傳時間 18-Apr-2013 11:16:55 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文目的在分析民主化之後的臺灣,在追求歷史正義時所面臨的困境及其原因。作者以二二八事件相關論述爲焦點,從歷史研究途徑,追索二二八論述與族群議題糾葛不清的過程。二二八事件發生當時,國民黨政府除歸咎臺灣人「奴化」、共產黨操縱、獨立叛國之外,並大力渲染二二八事件中的族群衝突,爲國民黨軍隊的屠殺報復找尋藉口。其後近四十年,政府當局禁止二二八事件在公共領域與媒體中被談論,意圖抹除民間記憶。一九八○年代起,海外臺獨運動人士追究二二八事件責任,臺灣島內二二八公義和平運動呼聲高亢,國民黨政府當局非但逃避責任問題,更強化族群論述,將外省族群與國民黨捆綁在一起,抵擋民間的平反行動。此論述經黨國媒體廣爲傳播,一再灌輸,使得全體外省族群爲國民黨背負歷史包袱,國民黨本身正是「外省人原罪論」的製造者。臺灣民主轉型過程中,李登輝扮演著重要角色。雖然他對二二八事件所做的道歉、立碑、「補償」等回應,已有相當突破,但仍然迴避真相與追究責任。不僅如此,李登輝的十二年總統任職期間,並未對威權時期之附從結構,如情治、司法、媒體、黨產等問題,加以解構導正,錯失確立轉型正義的最佳時機。
     This article aims to analyze the predicament and reason while Taiwan pursues the historical justice after democratization. The author argued initially from the 228 Uprising as a focus, with historical perspective, to study the complicated process concerning 228 discourses and ethnic topics. When the 228 event occurred, the Kuomintang administration exaggerated it as an ethnic conflict for vengeful slaughter by army. Thereafter 40 years, the authorities forbad the people to discuss the 228 Uprising in public sphere and mass media, intended to erase the memory of the people. Until the 198Os, the overseas members for independence movement investigated the responsibilities of the 228 Uprising, then the justice and peace movement spread all over Taiwan. The KMT administration not only evaded the responsibility, but also strengthened the ethnic discourse, tied the Mainlanders together with the KMT to resist the people`s request for justice. Such kind of discourse was widely disseminated and repeatedly acculturated by party-state media. As a result, all the Mainlanders substituted the KMT to bear a historical burden. The KMT itself is precisely the maker of the discourse on the "original sin of the Mainlanders". In the process of democratic transition, President Li Teng-hui played an important role. He made some breakthrough, such as, apology for the victims, setting up a monument, given compensation, and so on. But he still avoided inquiring into the truth and responsibility. Furthermore, Li Teng-hui never deconstructed the accomplices of the authoritarian machine, such as secret agents, the judicatory, the media, and the Kuomintang`s property during his 12 years Presidency. He lost the best opportunity to build transitional justice for the society.
關聯 國史館學術集刊, 16, 179-222
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 政大台史所en
dc.creator (作者) 陳翠蓮zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Tsui-Lienen (日期) 2008-06- 18-Apr-2013 11:16:55 (UTC+8)- 18-Apr-2013 11:16:55 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Apr-2013 11:16:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文目的在分析民主化之後的臺灣,在追求歷史正義時所面臨的困境及其原因。作者以二二八事件相關論述爲焦點,從歷史研究途徑,追索二二八論述與族群議題糾葛不清的過程。二二八事件發生當時,國民黨政府除歸咎臺灣人「奴化」、共產黨操縱、獨立叛國之外,並大力渲染二二八事件中的族群衝突,爲國民黨軍隊的屠殺報復找尋藉口。其後近四十年,政府當局禁止二二八事件在公共領域與媒體中被談論,意圖抹除民間記憶。一九八○年代起,海外臺獨運動人士追究二二八事件責任,臺灣島內二二八公義和平運動呼聲高亢,國民黨政府當局非但逃避責任問題,更強化族群論述,將外省族群與國民黨捆綁在一起,抵擋民間的平反行動。此論述經黨國媒體廣爲傳播,一再灌輸,使得全體外省族群爲國民黨背負歷史包袱,國民黨本身正是「外省人原罪論」的製造者。臺灣民主轉型過程中,李登輝扮演著重要角色。雖然他對二二八事件所做的道歉、立碑、「補償」等回應,已有相當突破,但仍然迴避真相與追究責任。不僅如此,李登輝的十二年總統任職期間,並未對威權時期之附從結構,如情治、司法、媒體、黨產等問題,加以解構導正,錯失確立轉型正義的最佳時機。
     This article aims to analyze the predicament and reason while Taiwan pursues the historical justice after democratization. The author argued initially from the 228 Uprising as a focus, with historical perspective, to study the complicated process concerning 228 discourses and ethnic topics. When the 228 event occurred, the Kuomintang administration exaggerated it as an ethnic conflict for vengeful slaughter by army. Thereafter 40 years, the authorities forbad the people to discuss the 228 Uprising in public sphere and mass media, intended to erase the memory of the people. Until the 198Os, the overseas members for independence movement investigated the responsibilities of the 228 Uprising, then the justice and peace movement spread all over Taiwan. The KMT administration not only evaded the responsibility, but also strengthened the ethnic discourse, tied the Mainlanders together with the KMT to resist the people`s request for justice. Such kind of discourse was widely disseminated and repeatedly acculturated by party-state media. As a result, all the Mainlanders substituted the KMT to bear a historical burden. The KMT itself is precisely the maker of the discourse on the "original sin of the Mainlanders". In the process of democratic transition, President Li Teng-hui played an important role. He made some breakthrough, such as, apology for the victims, setting up a monument, given compensation, and so on. But he still avoided inquiring into the truth and responsibility. Furthermore, Li Teng-hui never deconstructed the accomplices of the authoritarian machine, such as secret agents, the judicatory, the media, and the Kuomintang`s property during his 12 years Presidency. He lost the best opportunity to build transitional justice for the society.
dc.format.extent 740772 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh_TWen
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 國史館學術集刊, 16, 179-222en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 二二八事件;歷史正義;外省人原罪論;族群;李登輝;民主化en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The 228 Uprising;Historical Justice;the Discourse on the Original Sin of the Mainlanders;Ethnicity;Li Teng-hui;Democratizationen
dc.title (題名) 歷史正義的困境--族群議題與二二八論述zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Predicament of Historical Justice: Ethnic Issues and the Discourses on the 228 Uprisingen
dc.type (資料類型) articleen