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題名 大稻埕變大藝埕:文化創業者的中介與拼湊作為
Tending the Cultural Landscape in Dadaocheng: The Brokering and Bricolage in Cultural Entrepreneurship作者 蔡佩錞
Tsai, Pei Chun貢獻者 李仁芳
Lee, Jen Fang
Tsai, Pei Chun關鍵詞 中介
cultural and creative industry日期 2012 上傳時間 3-Jun-2013 11:06:49 (UTC+8) 摘要 創業的過程從無到有,往往是在資源有限的情況下,因此,創業者無不致力於尋求資源。有一派學者主張運用拼湊(bricolage),隨地取材為既有資源賦予新價值,如Backer & Nelson(2005)等;也有一派學者主張以中介(brokering)的角色,取得網絡的優勢位置,橫跨並聯合不同的領域知識來取得資源,Burt(1992)、Hargadon & Sutton (1997)等。然而,在創業的過程中,創業者除了得處理內部資源不足的問題外,同時也得面對外部的的情境制約。過去研究中,多為研究創業者如何從拼湊和中介不同資源達成創新,缺乏探討跨界時除了拼湊資源外,更需要面對跨界時遭遇之阻力,例如法令規範、社會體制、認知等等,這些嵌藏於社會中的慣性,難以短期改變,而容易形成阻力,以至創新的理念、創業的價值不容易推廣而被社會所接納,我們無法理解創業者究竟是以什麼方式回應了那些隱藏在跨界背後的制約。 故本研究欲從此理論缺乏的角度切入:於此,本研究選擇一位於大稻埕進行文化創業的個案公司,觀察創業者在資源缺乏的創業過程中,如何回應制約,而我們可以從這個制約--回應的過程中,更能清楚地瞭解創業者是如何辨識適當時機、結合資源、進而形成一個平台,透過網絡運作的來中介各方所需資源。本研究歸納文化創業中介者會藉由「辨識時機」、「老歌新唱」以及「互利共生」三種方式進行拼湊作為,藉此文化事業的經營,讓藝文或是不同領域文創工作者的專業知識與技術,得以將大稻埕過往豐富的文化意義重新創造新的價值。關鍵字:中介、拼湊、創業、大稻埕、文化創意
The entrepreneurial process is to innovate something from nothing ,the enterprises usually need to face the constraints when they seek the new resources. One school demonstrates the concept of "bricolage", which examines innovation within disadvantage situation and how they recombine the resources at hand for new purpose to create new value. The other school referred to "brokerage", which brokers combine resources outside the organizations and create new value through diverse resources.However, in the entrepreneurial process, the innovators may face not only the scant resources but also the constraints embedded in the environment, such as rule of laws, social regime, and social cognition, etc. Previous studies have examined how innovation cope with constraints by recombining or connecting various resources, but these studies neglect the effective of bricolage and brokerage, which means the innovation achieved not only by recombination of resources but also the different ways of responding constrains.This research investigates the entrepreneurial process of an new culture enterprise, how may an innovator respond to constraints which are situated in limited resources. The findings show an new culture enterprise may create new value through indentifying the window of opportunities, reframing the limited resources, and designing a platform which benefits for stakeholders and enhances more interaction between them.Keyword: bricolage, brokering, entrepreneurship, Dadaocheng, cultural and creative industry參考文獻 一、中文部分1. 期刊論文中原大學建築研究所(1990),《大稻埕特定專用區初步發展構想及都市設計之研究》,台北市政府工務局都市計畫處。台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所(1989),《迪化街特定專用區現況調查與發展可行性研究》,台北市政府公務局都市計畫處委託計畫。林崇熙(2009),<博物館經營區域型文化資產保存的積極性>,日本區域性文化資產環境保存及活化機制之評估報告暨考察成果實錄,行政院文化鍵社會文化資產總管理處籌備處,台中市。許惇純(1999),<城市古建築資產的保存與再利用政策-法國Dijon的保存區案例>,西洋史集刊第九期。楊政樺(2006),<大稻埕歷史街區保存之省思研究-以背離國際保存理念為論點> 國立臺北大學,新北市。劉乃瑄(2006),<大稻埕歷史街區復甦研究-對公共空間經營之省思>,國立臺北大學,新北市。劉常勇、謝如梅、陳韋廷 (2007),<建構創業經驗與機會確認之關係架構>,創業管理研究,第二卷第三期,51-72頁。謝榮峰(2009),<試探文化創意產業的中介體系>,台灣工藝,第三十五卷,18-23頁。陳美雲(2002),<台北市大稻埕地區都市景觀自明性之研究>,台灣師範大學地理學研究所。顏亮一(2006),<市民認同、地區發展與都市保存:迪化街個案分析>,都市與計畫。2. 書籍Cresswell Tim,徐苔玲、王志弘譯(2004),《地方:記憶、想像與認同》,台北:群學。Daniel A. Bell、Avner de-Shalit,吳萬偉譯(2012),《城市的精神:為什麼城市特質在全球化時代這麼重要?》,財信出版。Jürgen Habermas,曹東衛等合譯(2002),《公共領域的結構轉型》,台北:聯經出版。吳密察,陳順昌(1984),《迪化街傳奇》,台北:時報文化出版。莊永明(2007),《大稻埕逍遙遊--台北文化搖籃地采風》,台北市:台北霞海城隍廟,頁24。《台北歷史深度旅遊》,遠流台灣館編著,2000年10月3. 新聞雜誌報導何榮幸(2012年2月),「第三次文化運動」號角響:大稻埕的消失與重生,中國時報。二、西文部分Baker, T., Miner, A. S., & Eesley, D. T. (2003),"Improvising firms: Bricolage, account giving and improvisational competencies in the founding process", Research Policy, 32, 255-276.Baker, T., & Nelson, R. E. (2005) "Creating something from nothing: Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage." Administrative Science Quarterly, 50: 329 –366.Burt, Ronald S. (1992) “Structural holes: The social structure of competition.” Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.Cunha, M. P. (2005),"Bricolage in organization ‘ FUENL Working Paper Series, No 474, Uninversidad Nova de Lisboam, Faculdada de Economia. Dougherty, D. (2008) ,"Bridging social constraint and social action to design organizations for innovation.", Organization Studies, 29(3), 415-434Burt, Ronald S. (1992), “Structural holes: The social structure of competition.” Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.Granovetter, M. (1973). The Strength of Weak Tie. American Journal of Sociology, 78, 1360-1380.Granvovetter, M. S., . (2004) “The strength of weak ties: A network theory Revisited.”, Social structure and network analysis, 105-130.Garud, R. & Karnøe, P., (2003) "Bricolage versus Breakthrough: Distributed and Embedded Agency in Technology Entrepreneurship," Research Policy, Vol.21, No.2, 277-300.Hargadon, A., & Sutton, R. I. (1997), “Technology brokering and innovation in a product development firm.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 42(4), 716-750Hargadon, A. (1998), “Firms as knowledge brokers: Lessons in pursuing continuous innovation.” California Management Review, 40(3), 209-227.Hargadon, A., & Sutton, R. I. (2000), “Building an innovation factory.” Harvard Business Review May-June, 157-166Klein, H. K. and M. D. Myers (1999). "A Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems." MIS Quarterly 23(1): 67-93. Levi-Strauss,C.,1968," The Savage Mind (and Nature of Human Society)" University of Chicago PressMitchell, J. C. (1969). Social Networks in urban situations: Analyses of personal relationships in central African towns. England Manchester University Press 描述 碩士
101資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 李仁芳 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Lee, Jen Fang en_US (Authors) 蔡佩錞 zh_TW (Authors) Tsai, Pei Chun en_US dc.creator (作者) 蔡佩錞 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Pei Chun en_US (日期) 2012 en_US 3-Jun-2013 11:06:49 (UTC+8) - 3-Jun-2013 11:06:49 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 3-Jun-2013 11:06:49 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0993590261 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 科技管理研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 99359026 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 創業的過程從無到有,往往是在資源有限的情況下,因此,創業者無不致力於尋求資源。有一派學者主張運用拼湊(bricolage),隨地取材為既有資源賦予新價值,如Backer & Nelson(2005)等;也有一派學者主張以中介(brokering)的角色,取得網絡的優勢位置,橫跨並聯合不同的領域知識來取得資源,Burt(1992)、Hargadon & Sutton (1997)等。然而,在創業的過程中,創業者除了得處理內部資源不足的問題外,同時也得面對外部的的情境制約。過去研究中,多為研究創業者如何從拼湊和中介不同資源達成創新,缺乏探討跨界時除了拼湊資源外,更需要面對跨界時遭遇之阻力,例如法令規範、社會體制、認知等等,這些嵌藏於社會中的慣性,難以短期改變,而容易形成阻力,以至創新的理念、創業的價值不容易推廣而被社會所接納,我們無法理解創業者究竟是以什麼方式回應了那些隱藏在跨界背後的制約。 故本研究欲從此理論缺乏的角度切入:於此,本研究選擇一位於大稻埕進行文化創業的個案公司,觀察創業者在資源缺乏的創業過程中,如何回應制約,而我們可以從這個制約--回應的過程中,更能清楚地瞭解創業者是如何辨識適當時機、結合資源、進而形成一個平台,透過網絡運作的來中介各方所需資源。本研究歸納文化創業中介者會藉由「辨識時機」、「老歌新唱」以及「互利共生」三種方式進行拼湊作為,藉此文化事業的經營,讓藝文或是不同領域文創工作者的專業知識與技術,得以將大稻埕過往豐富的文化意義重新創造新的價值。關鍵字:中介、拼湊、創業、大稻埕、文化創意 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The entrepreneurial process is to innovate something from nothing ,the enterprises usually need to face the constraints when they seek the new resources. One school demonstrates the concept of "bricolage", which examines innovation within disadvantage situation and how they recombine the resources at hand for new purpose to create new value. The other school referred to "brokerage", which brokers combine resources outside the organizations and create new value through diverse resources.However, in the entrepreneurial process, the innovators may face not only the scant resources but also the constraints embedded in the environment, such as rule of laws, social regime, and social cognition, etc. Previous studies have examined how innovation cope with constraints by recombining or connecting various resources, but these studies neglect the effective of bricolage and brokerage, which means the innovation achieved not only by recombination of resources but also the different ways of responding constrains.This research investigates the entrepreneurial process of an new culture enterprise, how may an innovator respond to constraints which are situated in limited resources. The findings show an new culture enterprise may create new value through indentifying the window of opportunities, reframing the limited resources, and designing a platform which benefits for stakeholders and enhances more interaction between them.Keyword: bricolage, brokering, entrepreneurship, Dadaocheng, cultural and creative industry en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第二章 文獻探討 4第三章 研究設計 14第一節 研究方法 14第二節 個案選擇 18第三節 資料蒐集 19第四章 個案研究 21第一節 大稻埕發展史:台灣現代性的濫觴 22第二節 迪化街建築特色 29第三節 小藝埕創業歷程 33第四節 另一棟文化街屋:民藝埕 53第五節 未來計畫 61第五章 研究發現 64第六章 研究討論與建議 80第一節 理論貢獻 80第二節 實務啟示 81第三節 研究限制與後續研究方向 84參考文獻 86 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3667648 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中介 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 拼湊 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創業 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大稻埕 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 文化創意 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) brokering en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) bricolage en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) entrepreneurship en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Dadaocheng en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) cultural and creative industry en_US dc.title (題名) 大稻埕變大藝埕:文化創業者的中介與拼湊作為 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Tending the Cultural Landscape in Dadaocheng: The Brokering and Bricolage in Cultural Entrepreneurship en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分1. 期刊論文中原大學建築研究所(1990),《大稻埕特定專用區初步發展構想及都市設計之研究》,台北市政府工務局都市計畫處。台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所(1989),《迪化街特定專用區現況調查與發展可行性研究》,台北市政府公務局都市計畫處委託計畫。林崇熙(2009),<博物館經營區域型文化資產保存的積極性>,日本區域性文化資產環境保存及活化機制之評估報告暨考察成果實錄,行政院文化鍵社會文化資產總管理處籌備處,台中市。許惇純(1999),<城市古建築資產的保存與再利用政策-法國Dijon的保存區案例>,西洋史集刊第九期。楊政樺(2006),<大稻埕歷史街區保存之省思研究-以背離國際保存理念為論點> 國立臺北大學,新北市。劉乃瑄(2006),<大稻埕歷史街區復甦研究-對公共空間經營之省思>,國立臺北大學,新北市。劉常勇、謝如梅、陳韋廷 (2007),<建構創業經驗與機會確認之關係架構>,創業管理研究,第二卷第三期,51-72頁。謝榮峰(2009),<試探文化創意產業的中介體系>,台灣工藝,第三十五卷,18-23頁。陳美雲(2002),<台北市大稻埕地區都市景觀自明性之研究>,台灣師範大學地理學研究所。顏亮一(2006),<市民認同、地區發展與都市保存:迪化街個案分析>,都市與計畫。2. 書籍Cresswell Tim,徐苔玲、王志弘譯(2004),《地方:記憶、想像與認同》,台北:群學。Daniel A. Bell、Avner de-Shalit,吳萬偉譯(2012),《城市的精神:為什麼城市特質在全球化時代這麼重要?》,財信出版。Jürgen Habermas,曹東衛等合譯(2002),《公共領域的結構轉型》,台北:聯經出版。吳密察,陳順昌(1984),《迪化街傳奇》,台北:時報文化出版。莊永明(2007),《大稻埕逍遙遊--台北文化搖籃地采風》,台北市:台北霞海城隍廟,頁24。《台北歷史深度旅遊》,遠流台灣館編著,2000年10月3. 新聞雜誌報導何榮幸(2012年2月),「第三次文化運動」號角響:大稻埕的消失與重生,中國時報。二、西文部分Baker, T., Miner, A. S., & Eesley, D. T. (2003),"Improvising firms: Bricolage, account giving and improvisational competencies in the founding process", Research Policy, 32, 255-276.Baker, T., & Nelson, R. E. (2005) "Creating something from nothing: Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage." Administrative Science Quarterly, 50: 329 –366.Burt, Ronald S. (1992) “Structural holes: The social structure of competition.” Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.Cunha, M. P. (2005),"Bricolage in organization ‘ FUENL Working Paper Series, No 474, Uninversidad Nova de Lisboam, Faculdada de Economia. Dougherty, D. (2008) ,"Bridging social constraint and social action to design organizations for innovation.", Organization Studies, 29(3), 415-434Burt, Ronald S. (1992), “Structural holes: The social structure of competition.” Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.Granovetter, M. (1973). The Strength of Weak Tie. American Journal of Sociology, 78, 1360-1380.Granvovetter, M. S., . (2004) “The strength of weak ties: A network theory Revisited.”, Social structure and network analysis, 105-130.Garud, R. & Karnøe, P., (2003) "Bricolage versus Breakthrough: Distributed and Embedded Agency in Technology Entrepreneurship," Research Policy, Vol.21, No.2, 277-300.Hargadon, A., & Sutton, R. I. (1997), “Technology brokering and innovation in a product development firm.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 42(4), 716-750Hargadon, A. (1998), “Firms as knowledge brokers: Lessons in pursuing continuous innovation.” California Management Review, 40(3), 209-227.Hargadon, A., & Sutton, R. I. (2000), “Building an innovation factory.” Harvard Business Review May-June, 157-166Klein, H. K. and M. D. Myers (1999). "A Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems." MIS Quarterly 23(1): 67-93. Levi-Strauss,C.,1968," The Savage Mind (and Nature of Human Society)" University of Chicago PressMitchell, J. C. (1969). Social Networks in urban situations: Analyses of personal relationships in central African towns. England Manchester University Press zh_TW