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題名 環境經營思維之演進過程-奇異和日立之個案研討
Environment management thinking evolution stage: a case study of Ge and Hitachi作者 溫志中
Wen, Chih Chung貢獻者 管康彥
Wen, Chih Chung關鍵詞 環境經營
environment management
environment strategy
strategic advantage日期 2009 上傳時間 27-Jun-2013 16:58:47 (UTC+8) 摘要 企業必須因應環境的變化而做出適當的策略決策,只有不斷加強自己核心能力,並且提出正確的策略的企業才能夠面對大環境的改變而不被淘汰。如今企業必須面臨的改變,來自環境氣候變遷而延伸出的政府與環保團體更多的要求、綠能科技的進步、消費者對綠色產品的喜好等趨勢。在這樣的外部環境下,企業除了被動地減少污染之外,其實還有更多創新的可能性藏著環境策略的背後,提早準備的企業將可以運用這些策略,建立更長久的競爭優勢。本研究整理環境管理策略的相關研究,從歷史、能力與生態系統三個觀點分析企業環境管理思維的變化,進而提出三階段的論點:第一階段為產品(製程)改善、第二階段為價值共創,最後一階段為模式創新,這是一個由內而外的過程,先從企業內部本身的產品與製程改善做起,再結合外部其他不同產業的公司共創更高的價值,最後經由技術更新或事業再編而達成模式創新改變整個產業的遊戲規則。為了應證三階段的管理思維演進,本研究針對美日各選擇一家領導企業:奇異電器和日立集團,作為討論的個案。美國與日本的領導企業面對的是最競爭的第一線戰場,對於環境管理有許多先進的觀點,但美日企業文化的不同,也造成兩家企業在環境管理上的差異。藉由三階段的觀點分析兩家個案公司在環境管理思維的做法,本研究期望可提供未來產業及後續研究者一個關於環境管理的做法與方向。 參考文獻 一、 中文參考資料1. 卞雲鎮譯(1995),八城政基著,日美企業經營,台北市:遠流。2. 朱瓊珮(2005),企業綠色管理策略與模式研究,大葉大學設計研究所碩士論文。3. 宋雅玲(2009),綠色經營策略之階段性實踐:以精工愛普生公司為例,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。4. 林宜諄著(2008),企業社會責任入門手冊,台北市:天下遠見。5. 林信良(2002),綠色思維下現代企業之策略性再思考,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。6. 張家綺(2007),永續產品服務系統商業模式之研究,成功大學工業設計學系碩博士班碩士論文。7. 陳再明著(1996),跨越日本:日本產業五十年歷史回顧,台北市:遠流。8. 陳再明著(1996),震撼日本:豐田、松下、日立致勝之道,台北市:遠流。9. 管康彥(2010),解決社會需求是未來贏家,天下雜誌,447, pp. 232-233.。10. 鄭益明譯(2006),Ray C. Anderson著,綠色資本家,台北市:新自然主義。11. 劉立著(2003),通用電氣GE,高雄:宏文館圖書。12. 劉宜昀(2009),雙重競爭優勢下環境風險與綠色策略之搭配,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。13. 簡妤儒譯(2005),Paul Hawken著,商業生態學:商業也可以很生態,台北市:新自然主義。二、 英文參考資料1. Ayres, R. U., Ayres, L., & Frankl, P. (1996), Industrial ecology : towards closing the materials cycle, Cheltenham ; Brookfield, Vt.: E. Elgar.2. Berns, M., Townend, A., Khayat, Z., Balagopal, B., Reeves, M., Hopkins, M., et al. (2009), The Business of Sustainability, North Hollywood: MIT Sloan Management Review.3. Berry, M. A., & Rondinelli, D., A. (1998), ”Proactive co,rporate environment management: A new industrial revolution”, The Academy of Management Executive, 12(2), pp.38-50.4. Coddington, W. (1993) Environmental Marketing : Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer, New York: McGraw-Hill.5. Elkington, J. (1994), “Towards the sustainable corporation: Win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development”, California Management Review, 36(2), pp.90-100.6. Erkman, S. (1997), “Industrial ecology: An historical view. Journal of Cleaner Production” , 5(1-2), pp.1-10.7. Fischer, K., & Schot, J. (1993), Environmental strategies for industry : international perspectives on research needs and policy implications, Washington,D.C.: Island Press.8. Frosch, R. A. (1989), “Strategies for Manufacturing”, Scientific American, 261(3), pp.144-152.9. General Electric(2006), 2005 Ecomagination Report. 10. General Electric(2007), 2006 Ecomagination Report. 11. General Electric(2008), 2007 Ecomagination Report.12. General Electric(2009), 2008 Ecomagination Report. 13. General Electric(2010), 2009 Ecomagination Report. 14. Giarini, O., & Stahel, W. R. (1989), The limits to certainty : facing risks in the new service economy, Dordrecht ; Boston ; London: Kluwer Academic.15. Goedkoop, M. J., Halen, C. J. G. v., Riele, H. R. M. t., & Rommens, P. J. M. (1999), Product Service Systems, Ecological and Economic Bsics, Amersfoort, The Netherlands: Pre consultants.16. Goldstein, D. (2002), “Theoretical perspectives on strategic environmental management”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12(5), pp.495-524.17. Graedel, T. E., & Allenby, B. R. (1994), Industrial ecology, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.18. Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (1989), “Strategic Intent. Harvard Business Review” , 67(3), pp.63-76.19. Hart, S. L. (1995), “A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academy of Management”, The Academy of Management Review, 20(4), pp.986-1014.20. Hart, S. L. (1997), “Beyond greening: Strategies for a sustainable world”, Harvard Business Review, 75(1), pp.67-76.21. Hart, S. L., & Milstein, M. B. (2003), “Creating sustainable value”, Academy of Management Executive, 17(2), pp.56-67.22. Hawken, P. (1993), The ecology of commerce : a declaration of sustainability (1st ed.), New York, N.Y.: HarperCollins Publishers.23. Hearn, G., & Pace, C. (2006), “Value-creating ecologies: understanding next generation business systems”, Foresight : the Journal of Futures Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy, 8(1), pp.55-65.24. Hitachi Ltd.(2001), Environment Report 2000.25. Hitachi Ltd.(2002), Environment Report 2001.26. Hitachi Ltd.(2003), Environmental Sustainability Report 2002.27. Hitachi Ltd.(2004), Environmental Sustainability Report 200328. Hitachi Ltd.(2005), Environment Reportal Sustainability Report 200429. Hitachi Ltd.(2006), CSR Report 200530. Hitachi Ltd.(2007), CSR Report 2006.31. Hitachi Ltd.(2008), CSR Report 2007.32. Hitachi Ltd.(2009), CSR Report 2008.33. Hitachi Ltd.(2010), Hitachi Group Environmental Sustainability Report 2009.34. Hitachi Ltd.(2010), 2012 Mid-term Management Plan.35. James, P., & Hopkinson, P. (2002), Service Innovation for Sustainability : A New Option for UK Environmental Policy?, UK: Green Alliance.36. Korhonen, J., von Malmborg, F., Strachan, P. A., & Ehrenfeld, J. R. (2004), “Management and policy aspects of industrial ecology: an emerging research agenda”, Business Strategy & the Environment, 13(5), pp.289-305.37. Lovins, A. B., Lovins, L. H., & Hawken, P. (2007), “A Road Map for Natural Capitalism”, Harvard Business Review, 85(7,8), pp.172-183.38. Madsen, H., & Ulhøi, J. P. (2001), “Integrating environmental and stakeholder management”, Business Strategy & the Environment (John Wiley & Sons, Inc), 10(2), pp.77-88.39. Maxwell, J., Rothenberg, S., Briscoe, F., & Marcus, A. (1997), “Green Schemes: Corporate Environmental Strategies and Their Implementation”, California Management Review, 39(3), pp.118-134.40. Nidumolu, R., Prahalad, C. K., & Rangaswami, M. R. (2009), “Why Sustainability Is Now the Key Driver Of Innovation”, Harvard Business Review, 87(9), pp.56-64.41. Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2006), “Strategy & Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility”, Harvard Business Review, 84(12), pp.78-92.42. Porter, M. E., & van der Linde, C. (1995), “Green and competitive: Ending the stalemate”, Harvard Business Review, 73(5), pp.120-134.43. Pratima, B., & Kendall, R. (2000), “Why companies go green: A model of ecological responsiveness”, Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), pp.717-748.44. Roome, N. (2001), “Conceptualizing and studying the contribution of networks in environmental management and sustainable development”, Business Strategy & the Environment, 10(2), pp.69-76.45. Rugman, A. M., & Verbeke, A. (1998), “Corporate strategy and international environmental policy”, Journal of International Business Studies, 29(4), pp.819-833.46. Senge, P. M. (1992), The fifth discipline : the art and practice of the learning organization, London: Century Business.47. Seuring, S. (2004), “Industrial ecology, life cycles, supply chains: differences and interrelations”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 13(5), pp.306-31948. Sharp, Z., & Zaidman, N. (2010), “Strategization of CSR. Journal of Business Ethics”, 93(1), pp.51-71.49. Sinding, K. (2000), “Environmental management beyond the boundaries of the firm: definitions and constraints”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 9, pp.79-9150. Stead, J. G., & Stead, E. (2000), “Eco-enterprise strategy: Standing for sustainability”, Journal of Business Ethics, 24(4), pp.313-329.51. Unruh, G. C. (2008), “The Biosphere Rules”, Harvard Business Review, 86(2), pp.111-117.52. White, A. L., Stoughton, M., & Feng, L. (1999), Servicizing: The Quiet Transition to Extended Product Responsibility, Boston: Tellus Institute. 描述 碩士
98資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 管康彥 zh_TW (Authors) 溫志中 zh_TW (Authors) Wen, Chih Chung en_US dc.creator (作者) 溫志中 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Wen, Chih Chung en_US (日期) 2009 en_US 27-Jun-2013 16:58:47 (UTC+8) - 27-Jun-2013 16:58:47 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 27-Jun-2013 16:58:47 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0097355003 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 97355003 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 98 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 企業必須因應環境的變化而做出適當的策略決策,只有不斷加強自己核心能力,並且提出正確的策略的企業才能夠面對大環境的改變而不被淘汰。如今企業必須面臨的改變,來自環境氣候變遷而延伸出的政府與環保團體更多的要求、綠能科技的進步、消費者對綠色產品的喜好等趨勢。在這樣的外部環境下,企業除了被動地減少污染之外,其實還有更多創新的可能性藏著環境策略的背後,提早準備的企業將可以運用這些策略,建立更長久的競爭優勢。本研究整理環境管理策略的相關研究,從歷史、能力與生態系統三個觀點分析企業環境管理思維的變化,進而提出三階段的論點:第一階段為產品(製程)改善、第二階段為價值共創,最後一階段為模式創新,這是一個由內而外的過程,先從企業內部本身的產品與製程改善做起,再結合外部其他不同產業的公司共創更高的價值,最後經由技術更新或事業再編而達成模式創新改變整個產業的遊戲規則。為了應證三階段的管理思維演進,本研究針對美日各選擇一家領導企業:奇異電器和日立集團,作為討論的個案。美國與日本的領導企業面對的是最競爭的第一線戰場,對於環境管理有許多先進的觀點,但美日企業文化的不同,也造成兩家企業在環境管理上的差異。藉由三階段的觀點分析兩家個案公司在環境管理思維的做法,本研究期望可提供未來產業及後續研究者一個關於環境管理的做法與方向。 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄 I表目錄 II圖目錄 II第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究目的與問題 5第三節 研究方法與對象 5第四節 研究限制 7第五節 研究流程 8第二章 文獻探討 9第一節 歷史觀點之環境策略 9第二節 能力觀點之環境策略 11第三節 生態系統觀點下之環境策略 16第四節 環境策略思維之轉變 20第三章 個案簡介 25第一節 奇異電器背景介紹 25第二節 奇異的環境經營策略 27第三節 日立集團背景介紹 33第四節 日立的環境經營策略 35第四章 個案分析比較 45第一節 永續經營策略應用於GE之分析 45第二節 永續經營策略應用於日立分析 51第五章 結論 59第一節 研究結論 59第二節 管理意涵 65第三節 後續研究方向建議 68參考文獻 70 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1505241 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 環境經營 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 綠色 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 環境策略 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 永續發展 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創新 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 競爭優勢 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) environment management en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) green en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) environment strategy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) sustainability en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) innovation en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) strategic advantage en_US dc.title (題名) 環境經營思維之演進過程-奇異和日立之個案研討 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Environment management thinking evolution stage: a case study of Ge and Hitachi en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文參考資料1. 卞雲鎮譯(1995),八城政基著,日美企業經營,台北市:遠流。2. 朱瓊珮(2005),企業綠色管理策略與模式研究,大葉大學設計研究所碩士論文。3. 宋雅玲(2009),綠色經營策略之階段性實踐:以精工愛普生公司為例,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。4. 林宜諄著(2008),企業社會責任入門手冊,台北市:天下遠見。5. 林信良(2002),綠色思維下現代企業之策略性再思考,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。6. 張家綺(2007),永續產品服務系統商業模式之研究,成功大學工業設計學系碩博士班碩士論文。7. 陳再明著(1996),跨越日本:日本產業五十年歷史回顧,台北市:遠流。8. 陳再明著(1996),震撼日本:豐田、松下、日立致勝之道,台北市:遠流。9. 管康彥(2010),解決社會需求是未來贏家,天下雜誌,447, pp. 232-233.。10. 鄭益明譯(2006),Ray C. Anderson著,綠色資本家,台北市:新自然主義。11. 劉立著(2003),通用電氣GE,高雄:宏文館圖書。12. 劉宜昀(2009),雙重競爭優勢下環境風險與綠色策略之搭配,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。13. 簡妤儒譯(2005),Paul Hawken著,商業生態學:商業也可以很生態,台北市:新自然主義。二、 英文參考資料1. Ayres, R. U., Ayres, L., & Frankl, P. (1996), Industrial ecology : towards closing the materials cycle, Cheltenham ; Brookfield, Vt.: E. Elgar.2. Berns, M., Townend, A., Khayat, Z., Balagopal, B., Reeves, M., Hopkins, M., et al. (2009), The Business of Sustainability, North Hollywood: MIT Sloan Management Review.3. Berry, M. A., & Rondinelli, D., A. (1998), ”Proactive co,rporate environment management: A new industrial revolution”, The Academy of Management Executive, 12(2), pp.38-50.4. Coddington, W. (1993) Environmental Marketing : Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer, New York: McGraw-Hill.5. Elkington, J. (1994), “Towards the sustainable corporation: Win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development”, California Management Review, 36(2), pp.90-100.6. Erkman, S. (1997), “Industrial ecology: An historical view. Journal of Cleaner Production” , 5(1-2), pp.1-10.7. Fischer, K., & Schot, J. (1993), Environmental strategies for industry : international perspectives on research needs and policy implications, Washington,D.C.: Island Press.8. Frosch, R. A. (1989), “Strategies for Manufacturing”, Scientific American, 261(3), pp.144-152.9. General Electric(2006), 2005 Ecomagination Report. 10. General Electric(2007), 2006 Ecomagination Report. 11. General Electric(2008), 2007 Ecomagination Report.12. General Electric(2009), 2008 Ecomagination Report. 13. General Electric(2010), 2009 Ecomagination Report. 14. Giarini, O., & Stahel, W. R. (1989), The limits to certainty : facing risks in the new service economy, Dordrecht ; Boston ; London: Kluwer Academic.15. Goedkoop, M. J., Halen, C. J. G. v., Riele, H. R. M. t., & Rommens, P. J. M. (1999), Product Service Systems, Ecological and Economic Bsics, Amersfoort, The Netherlands: Pre consultants.16. Goldstein, D. (2002), “Theoretical perspectives on strategic environmental management”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12(5), pp.495-524.17. Graedel, T. E., & Allenby, B. R. (1994), Industrial ecology, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.18. Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (1989), “Strategic Intent. Harvard Business Review” , 67(3), pp.63-76.19. Hart, S. L. (1995), “A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academy of Management”, The Academy of Management Review, 20(4), pp.986-1014.20. Hart, S. L. (1997), “Beyond greening: Strategies for a sustainable world”, Harvard Business Review, 75(1), pp.67-76.21. Hart, S. L., & Milstein, M. B. (2003), “Creating sustainable value”, Academy of Management Executive, 17(2), pp.56-67.22. Hawken, P. (1993), The ecology of commerce : a declaration of sustainability (1st ed.), New York, N.Y.: HarperCollins Publishers.23. Hearn, G., & Pace, C. (2006), “Value-creating ecologies: understanding next generation business systems”, Foresight : the Journal of Futures Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy, 8(1), pp.55-65.24. Hitachi Ltd.(2001), Environment Report 2000.25. Hitachi Ltd.(2002), Environment Report 2001.26. Hitachi Ltd.(2003), Environmental Sustainability Report 2002.27. Hitachi Ltd.(2004), Environmental Sustainability Report 200328. Hitachi Ltd.(2005), Environment Reportal Sustainability Report 200429. Hitachi Ltd.(2006), CSR Report 200530. Hitachi Ltd.(2007), CSR Report 2006.31. Hitachi Ltd.(2008), CSR Report 2007.32. Hitachi Ltd.(2009), CSR Report 2008.33. Hitachi Ltd.(2010), Hitachi Group Environmental Sustainability Report 2009.34. Hitachi Ltd.(2010), 2012 Mid-term Management Plan.35. James, P., & Hopkinson, P. (2002), Service Innovation for Sustainability : A New Option for UK Environmental Policy?, UK: Green Alliance.36. Korhonen, J., von Malmborg, F., Strachan, P. A., & Ehrenfeld, J. R. (2004), “Management and policy aspects of industrial ecology: an emerging research agenda”, Business Strategy & the Environment, 13(5), pp.289-305.37. Lovins, A. B., Lovins, L. H., & Hawken, P. (2007), “A Road Map for Natural Capitalism”, Harvard Business Review, 85(7,8), pp.172-183.38. Madsen, H., & Ulhøi, J. P. (2001), “Integrating environmental and stakeholder management”, Business Strategy & the Environment (John Wiley & Sons, Inc), 10(2), pp.77-88.39. Maxwell, J., Rothenberg, S., Briscoe, F., & Marcus, A. (1997), “Green Schemes: Corporate Environmental Strategies and Their Implementation”, California Management Review, 39(3), pp.118-134.40. Nidumolu, R., Prahalad, C. K., & Rangaswami, M. R. (2009), “Why Sustainability Is Now the Key Driver Of Innovation”, Harvard Business Review, 87(9), pp.56-64.41. Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2006), “Strategy & Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility”, Harvard Business Review, 84(12), pp.78-92.42. Porter, M. E., & van der Linde, C. (1995), “Green and competitive: Ending the stalemate”, Harvard Business Review, 73(5), pp.120-134.43. Pratima, B., & Kendall, R. (2000), “Why companies go green: A model of ecological responsiveness”, Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), pp.717-748.44. Roome, N. (2001), “Conceptualizing and studying the contribution of networks in environmental management and sustainable development”, Business Strategy & the Environment, 10(2), pp.69-76.45. Rugman, A. M., & Verbeke, A. (1998), “Corporate strategy and international environmental policy”, Journal of International Business Studies, 29(4), pp.819-833.46. Senge, P. M. (1992), The fifth discipline : the art and practice of the learning organization, London: Century Business.47. Seuring, S. (2004), “Industrial ecology, life cycles, supply chains: differences and interrelations”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 13(5), pp.306-31948. Sharp, Z., & Zaidman, N. (2010), “Strategization of CSR. Journal of Business Ethics”, 93(1), pp.51-71.49. Sinding, K. (2000), “Environmental management beyond the boundaries of the firm: definitions and constraints”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 9, pp.79-9150. Stead, J. G., & Stead, E. (2000), “Eco-enterprise strategy: Standing for sustainability”, Journal of Business Ethics, 24(4), pp.313-329.51. Unruh, G. C. (2008), “The Biosphere Rules”, Harvard Business Review, 86(2), pp.111-117.52. White, A. L., Stoughton, M., & Feng, L. (1999), Servicizing: The Quiet Transition to Extended Product Responsibility, Boston: Tellus Institute. zh_TW