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題名 論孔子與蘇格拉底之德行思辯方法-以勇德為例
A study of Confucian and Socratic virtues and methods-focusing on courage
作者 蔡立亭
Tsai, Li Ting
貢獻者 陳起行
Chen, Chi Shing
Tsai, Li Ting
關鍵詞 德行法理學
Virtue Jurisprudence
日期 2012
上傳時間 11-Jul-2013 17:55:36 (UTC+8)
摘要 臺灣繼受西方的法律,亦同時移植潛藏於條文中的思想;西方初萌芽的德行法理學乃溯源自古希臘哲學,探尋法律中人的意涵。孔子與蘇格拉底分別為中西哲學之源頭,本論文將論述此二位哲學家的思辯方法,並探究德行法理學之「德行」在中西方將如何思考、詮釋。
Taiwan transplanted the western law system, including the thinking behind its words. In the west world, virtue jurisprudence is on the preliminary stage, tracing back to ancient Greek philosophy and exploring the meaning of human in law. In order to research how the “virtue” in virtue jurisprudence would be interpreted by Confucius and Socrates, who are the head of Chinese and western philosophy, the thesis is going to study the two philosophers’ thinking methods.
      For comparing the two philosophies, the thesis bases on “human”. Socrates communicated with Laches and Nicias about what courage is in “Laches”, which is recorded in Socratic dialogues; in addition, Confucius and his students Tz-Lu(子路) and Ran-Iou(冉有) presented courage in The Analects(論語), Tsuen-Chiou(春秋), Tzuo-Juan(左傳), Shi-Ji(史記), Shuo-Iuan(說苑) and the relative texts. According to those classic books, the thesis analyses what Confucian and Socratic virtue methods are, and what is the present of courage through their methods.
      Socrates used elenchus to help interlocutors saying what they believed. He leaded the dialogue from learning the skill of warfare to elevating the soul of virtue. The two Generals- Laches and Nicias continued to annotate the meaning of courage; however, Socrates and interlocutors did not give the final definition of courage. Tz-Lu(子路) and Ran-Iou(冉有) majored in politics, Tz-Lu(子路) was rash, so Confucius directed him in Yi(義); moreover, Ran-Iou(冉有) was cowardly, so Confucius guided him in Li(禮). Socrates challenged the interlocutors’ definitions, which were the interlocutors’ ideology. The revision of the definitions can display the change of cognition. Confucius inspired his students depending on cases, his students changed their cognition and behavior through the learning process. I think Confucian and Socratic thinking method have different proportion in ignorance and self-knowledge, cognition and behavior, critique and inspiration. In “Laches”, Socrates inferred virtue of courage as knowledge, and in The Analects(論語), Confucius connected courage with Li(禮) and Yi(義), both of them wanted to lead their interlocutors into good and Ren(仁).
     第一章 緒 論(1)
     第一節 前 言(1)
     第二節 研究動機與問題意識(2)
     第三節 研究目的與研究範圍(7)
     第四節 研究方法與論文結構(10)
     第二章 文獻關聯與分析(15)
     第一節 與《論語》相關聯的文獻(15)
     第二節 蘇格拉底《對話錄》的文獻(20)
     第三節 結語(24)
     第三章 蘇格拉底的辯證術(25)
     第一節 《拉凱斯篇》論勇(25)
     第二節 《拉凱斯篇》的辯證術(41)
     第三節 結語:辯證術與德行的形塑(49)
     第四章 孔子的德行思辯法(51)
     第一節 《論語》及關聯文獻中的「勇德」(51)
     第二節 「勇德」的思辯法(77)
     第三節 結語:人與勇德的調和(85)
     第五章 孔子與蘇格拉底論勇(86)
     第一節 思辯方法的比較(86)
     第二節 詮釋勇德的比較(101)
     第六章 結 論(111)
參考文獻 壹、中文文獻
     一、史 料
     ﹝漢﹞班固撰,顔師古注,楊家駱主編,《新校漢書藝文志》,《中國目錄學名著第三集 第一冊》(臺北市:世界書局,1963年4月,初版)。
     ﹝唐﹞長孫無忌等撰,楊家駱主編,《新校隋書經籍志》,《中國目錄學名著第三集 第一冊》(臺北市:世界書局,1963年4月,初版)。
     二、書 籍
     王鈞林,《中國儒學史 先秦卷》(廣州:廣東教育出版社,1998年6月,初版)。
     李劍農,《中國古代經濟史稿:第一卷 先秦兩漢部分》(武漢:武漢大學出版社,2005年5月,第1版)。
     徐復觀,《中國人性論史 先秦篇》(臺中市:私立東海大學,中央書局總經銷, 1963年4月,初版)。
     徐復觀,《兩漢思想史 第三卷》(上海:華東師範大學出版社,2001年12月,第1版)。
     唐君毅,《唐君毅全集卷十一 中西哲學思想之比較論文集》(臺北市:臺灣學生書局,1988年7月)。
     潘小慧,<第九章 儒家哲學中的「勇德」思想>,《四德行論-以多瑪斯哲學與儒家哲學為對比的探究》(臺北市:哲學與文化月刊雜誌社,2007年2月,初版)。
     錢穆,《錢賓四先生全集 26周公》(臺北市:聯經出版社,1998年,初版)。
     Cornford, Francis Macdonald著,孫艷萍、石冬梅譯,《蘇格拉底前後》(上海:格致出版社,上海人民出版社,2009年8月,第1版)。
     ﹝美﹞杜威(John Dewey)原著,姜文閔譯,賈馥茗主編,《我們如何思維》(臺北市:五南圖書,2000年3月,初版)。
     ﹝美﹞郝大維(David L. Hall)、﹝美﹞安樂哲(Roger T. Ames)著,施忠連譯,《漢哲學思維的文化探源》(南京:江蘇人民出版,新華經銷,1999年,第1版)。
     泰勒(A. E.Taylor)、龔珀茨(Theodor Gomperz)著,趙繼銓、李真譯,《蘇格拉底傳、希臘思想家》(北京:商務印書館, 1999年11月,第1版)。
     桑塔斯(Santas, Gerasimos Xenophon)著,蔡坤鴻譯,《蘇格拉底》(臺北市:聯經出版事業公司,1990年,初版)。
     史敦普夫 (Stumpf, Samuel Enoch)、詹姆斯.菲澤(James Fieser)著,匡宏等譯:《西方哲學史:從蘇格拉底到薩特及其後》(北京市:世界圖書,2009年,修訂第8版)。
     三、期 刊
     楊祖漢,<忠恕與中庸>,《鵝湖》,9卷12期總號108 (1984年),頁28-33。
     一、書 籍
     Burnyeat, Myles F., “Socratic Midwifery, Platonic Inspiration ”, Essays on the philosophy of Socrates, edited by Hugh H. Benson (New York : Oxford University Press, 1992).
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     Cornford, Francis Macdonald, Before and after Socrates ( Cambridge, U.K. ; New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, 1932).
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     Gulley, Norman, The philosophy of Socrates (London, Melbourne [etc.] : Macmillan; New York : St. Martin`s Press, 1968).
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     Plato, Early Socratic dialogues, edited with a general introduction by Trevor J. Saunders (London ; New York : Penguin, 2005).
     Plato, Complete works, edited, with introduction and notes, by John M. Cooper ; associate editor, D.S. Hutchinson (Indianapolis, Ind. : Hackett Pub., c1997).
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     Santas, Gerasimos Xenonphon, Socrates (London ; New York : Routledge, 1999).
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     Zeller, Eduard, Socrates and the Socratic schools, newly translated from the 3d German ed. of E. Zeller by Oswald J. Reichel (New York : Russell & Russell, 1962).
     二、期 刊
     Anscombe, G..E.M., “Modern Moral Philosophy”, Philosophy, Vol.33, No.124 (Jan., 1958), pp.1-19.
     Benson, Hugh H., “A Note on Eristic and the Socratic Elenchus”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol.27, No.4, Published by The Johns Hopkins University Press (Oct., 1989), pp.591-599.
     Devereux, Daniel T., “Courage and Wisdom in Plato’s Laches”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 15:2 ( Apr., 1977), pp.129-141.
     Morris, T. F., ”Manliness in Plato’s Laches”, Dialogue, Vol.48, Issue 03 (Sep., 2009), pp.619-642.
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     Schmid, W. Thomas, “Socratic Moderation and Self-Knowledge”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 21:3 (July, 1983), pp.339-348.
     Sigler, Mary, “Review of Colin Farrelly, and Larry B. Solum `Virtue Jurisprudence`”, The Journal of Politics, Cambridge University Press, Vol.71, Issue 01 (Jan., 2009), pp.356-358.
     Vlastos, Gregory, ”The Socratic Elenchus”, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol.79, No.11, Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division (Nov., 1982), pp.711-714.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳起行zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Chi Shingen_US (Authors) 蔡立亭zh_TW (Authors) Tsai, Li Tingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡立亭zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Li Tingen_US (日期) 2012en_US 11-Jul-2013 17:55:36 (UTC+8)- 11-Jul-2013 17:55:36 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-Jul-2013 17:55:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0100651021en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法律學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100651021zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 臺灣繼受西方的法律,亦同時移植潛藏於條文中的思想;西方初萌芽的德行法理學乃溯源自古希臘哲學,探尋法律中人的意涵。孔子與蘇格拉底分別為中西哲學之源頭,本論文將論述此二位哲學家的思辯方法,並探究德行法理學之「德行」在中西方將如何思考、詮釋。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Taiwan transplanted the western law system, including the thinking behind its words. In the west world, virtue jurisprudence is on the preliminary stage, tracing back to ancient Greek philosophy and exploring the meaning of human in law. In order to research how the “virtue” in virtue jurisprudence would be interpreted by Confucius and Socrates, who are the head of Chinese and western philosophy, the thesis is going to study the two philosophers’ thinking methods.
      For comparing the two philosophies, the thesis bases on “human”. Socrates communicated with Laches and Nicias about what courage is in “Laches”, which is recorded in Socratic dialogues; in addition, Confucius and his students Tz-Lu(子路) and Ran-Iou(冉有) presented courage in The Analects(論語), Tsuen-Chiou(春秋), Tzuo-Juan(左傳), Shi-Ji(史記), Shuo-Iuan(說苑) and the relative texts. According to those classic books, the thesis analyses what Confucian and Socratic virtue methods are, and what is the present of courage through their methods.
      Socrates used elenchus to help interlocutors saying what they believed. He leaded the dialogue from learning the skill of warfare to elevating the soul of virtue. The two Generals- Laches and Nicias continued to annotate the meaning of courage; however, Socrates and interlocutors did not give the final definition of courage. Tz-Lu(子路) and Ran-Iou(冉有) majored in politics, Tz-Lu(子路) was rash, so Confucius directed him in Yi(義); moreover, Ran-Iou(冉有) was cowardly, so Confucius guided him in Li(禮). Socrates challenged the interlocutors’ definitions, which were the interlocutors’ ideology. The revision of the definitions can display the change of cognition. Confucius inspired his students depending on cases, his students changed their cognition and behavior through the learning process. I think Confucian and Socratic thinking method have different proportion in ignorance and self-knowledge, cognition and behavior, critique and inspiration. In “Laches”, Socrates inferred virtue of courage as knowledge, and in The Analects(論語), Confucius connected courage with Li(禮) and Yi(義), both of them wanted to lead their interlocutors into good and Ren(仁).
dc.description.abstract (摘要) "中文摘要(i)
     第一章 緒 論(1)
     第一節 前 言(1)
     第二節 研究動機與問題意識(2)
     第三節 研究目的與研究範圍(7)
     第四節 研究方法與論文結構(10)
     第二章 文獻關聯與分析(15)
     第一節 與《論語》相關聯的文獻(15)
     第二節 蘇格拉底《對話錄》的文獻(20)
     第三節 結語(24)
     第三章 蘇格拉底的辯證術(25)
     第一節 《拉凱斯篇》論勇(25)
     第二節 《拉凱斯篇》的辯證術(41)
     第三節 結語:辯證術與德行的形塑(49)
     第四章 孔子的德行思辯法(51)
     第一節 《論語》及關聯文獻中的「勇德」(51)
     第二節 「勇德」的思辯法(77)
     第三節 結語:人與勇德的調和(85)
     第五章 孔子與蘇格拉底論勇(86)
     第一節 思辯方法的比較(86)
     第二節 詮釋勇德的比較(101)
     第六章 結 論(111)
dc.description.tableofcontents 中文摘要(i)
     第一章 緒 論(1)
     第一節 前 言(1)
     第二節 研究動機與問題意識(2)
     第三節 研究目的與研究範圍(7)
     第四節 研究方法與論文結構(10)
     第二章 文獻關聯與分析(15)
     第一節 與《論語》相關聯的文獻(15)
     第二節 蘇格拉底《對話錄》的文獻(20)
     第三節 結語(24)
     第三章 蘇格拉底的辯證術(25)
     第一節 《拉凱斯篇》論勇(25)
     第二節 《拉凱斯篇》的辯證術(41)
     第三節 結語:辯證術與德行的形塑(49)
     第四章 孔子的德行思辯法(51)
     第一節 《論語》及關聯文獻中的「勇德」(51)
     第二節 「勇德」的思辯法(77)
     第三節 結語:人與勇德的調和(85)
     第五章 孔子與蘇格拉底論勇(86)
     第一節 思辯方法的比較(86)
     第二節 詮釋勇德的比較(101)
     第六章 結 論(111)
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 德行法理學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 孔子zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 蘇格拉底zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 勇德zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Virtue Jurisprudenceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Confuciusen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Socratesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Courageen_US
dc.title (題名) 論孔子與蘇格拉底之德行思辯方法-以勇德為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study of Confucian and Socratic virtues and methods-focusing on courageen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文文獻
     一、史 料
     ﹝漢﹞班固撰,顔師古注,楊家駱主編,《新校漢書藝文志》,《中國目錄學名著第三集 第一冊》(臺北市:世界書局,1963年4月,初版)。
     ﹝唐﹞長孫無忌等撰,楊家駱主編,《新校隋書經籍志》,《中國目錄學名著第三集 第一冊》(臺北市:世界書局,1963年4月,初版)。
     二、書 籍
     王鈞林,《中國儒學史 先秦卷》(廣州:廣東教育出版社,1998年6月,初版)。
     李劍農,《中國古代經濟史稿:第一卷 先秦兩漢部分》(武漢:武漢大學出版社,2005年5月,第1版)。
     徐復觀,《中國人性論史 先秦篇》(臺中市:私立東海大學,中央書局總經銷, 1963年4月,初版)。
     徐復觀,《兩漢思想史 第三卷》(上海:華東師範大學出版社,2001年12月,第1版)。
     唐君毅,《唐君毅全集卷十一 中西哲學思想之比較論文集》(臺北市:臺灣學生書局,1988年7月)。
     潘小慧,<第九章 儒家哲學中的「勇德」思想>,《四德行論-以多瑪斯哲學與儒家哲學為對比的探究》(臺北市:哲學與文化月刊雜誌社,2007年2月,初版)。
     錢穆,《錢賓四先生全集 26周公》(臺北市:聯經出版社,1998年,初版)。
     Cornford, Francis Macdonald著,孫艷萍、石冬梅譯,《蘇格拉底前後》(上海:格致出版社,上海人民出版社,2009年8月,第1版)。
     ﹝美﹞杜威(John Dewey)原著,姜文閔譯,賈馥茗主編,《我們如何思維》(臺北市:五南圖書,2000年3月,初版)。
     ﹝美﹞郝大維(David L. Hall)、﹝美﹞安樂哲(Roger T. Ames)著,施忠連譯,《漢哲學思維的文化探源》(南京:江蘇人民出版,新華經銷,1999年,第1版)。
     泰勒(A. E.Taylor)、龔珀茨(Theodor Gomperz)著,趙繼銓、李真譯,《蘇格拉底傳、希臘思想家》(北京:商務印書館, 1999年11月,第1版)。
     桑塔斯(Santas, Gerasimos Xenophon)著,蔡坤鴻譯,《蘇格拉底》(臺北市:聯經出版事業公司,1990年,初版)。
     史敦普夫 (Stumpf, Samuel Enoch)、詹姆斯.菲澤(James Fieser)著,匡宏等譯:《西方哲學史:從蘇格拉底到薩特及其後》(北京市:世界圖書,2009年,修訂第8版)。
     三、期 刊
     楊祖漢,<忠恕與中庸>,《鵝湖》,9卷12期總號108 (1984年),頁28-33。
     一、書 籍
     Burnyeat, Myles F., “Socratic Midwifery, Platonic Inspiration ”, Essays on the philosophy of Socrates, edited by Hugh H. Benson (New York : Oxford University Press, 1992).
     Blondell, Ruby, The play of character in Plato`s Dialogues (Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002).
     Cornford, Francis Macdonald, Before and after Socrates ( Cambridge, U.K. ; New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, 1932).
     Carpenter, Michelle and Polansky, Ronald M., “5 Variety of Socratic Elenchi”, Does Socrates Have a Method?Rethinking the Elenchus in Platos Dialogues and Beyond, edited by Gary Alan Scott (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002) .
     Farrelly, Colin and Solum, Lawrence B. (edited), Virtue jurisprudence (Basingstoke, Hampshire [England] ; New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
     Fine, Gail ed.,The Oxford handbook of Plato (Oxford [England] ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008).
     Gulley, Norman, The philosophy of Socrates (London, Melbourne [etc.] : Macmillan; New York : St. Martin`s Press, 1968).
     Guthrie, W.H.K., “III Philosophical Significance”, Socrates (London: Cambridge University Press, 1971).
     Hall, David L. and Ames, Roger T., Thinking from the Han : self, truth, and transcendence in Chinese and Western culture (Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, 1998).
     Kahn, Charles H., “Chapter 6 The priority of definition: from Laches to Meno ”, Plato and the Socratic dialogue (Cambridge, U.K. ; New York, Cambridge University Press, 1998).
     Nicholas White, ” Chapter 2 Definition and Elenchus”, Socratic, Platonic and Aristotelian Studies: Essays in Honor of Gerasimos Santas, Philosophical Studies Series 117, G. Anagnostopoulos (ed.) (Springer Science+Business Media B.V.2011).
     Plato, Early Socratic dialogues, edited with a general introduction by Trevor J. Saunders (London ; New York : Penguin, 2005).
     Plato, Complete works, edited, with introduction and notes, by John M. Cooper ; associate editor, D.S. Hutchinson (Indianapolis, Ind. : Hackett Pub., c1997).
     Robinson, Richard, Plato`s earlier dialectic, 2nd ed. (Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, [1984], c1953).
     Robinson, Richard, Definition (Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1954).
     Stevenson, Charles Leslie, Ethics and Language (New Haven:Yale University Press, c1944).
     Santas, Gerasimos Xenonphon, Socrates (London ; New York : Routledge, 1999).
     Taylor, A. E., Socrates : the man and his thought (Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1953).
     Teloh, Henry, Socratic education in Plato`s early dialogues (Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c1986).
     Tejera, Victorino, Plato`s dialogues one by one : a dialogical interpretation (Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c1999).
     Vlastos, Gregory, “Chapter 2 Socrates’ disavowal of knowledge”, Socratic studies, edited by Myles Burnyeat (Cambridge, [England] ; New York:Cambridge University Press, 1994).
     Vlastos, Gregory, Socrates: ironist and moral philosopher (Cambridge, [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1991).
     Zeller, Eduard, Socrates and the Socratic schools, newly translated from the 3d German ed. of E. Zeller by Oswald J. Reichel (New York : Russell & Russell, 1962).
     二、期 刊
     Anscombe, G..E.M., “Modern Moral Philosophy”, Philosophy, Vol.33, No.124 (Jan., 1958), pp.1-19.
     Benson, Hugh H., “A Note on Eristic and the Socratic Elenchus”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol.27, No.4, Published by The Johns Hopkins University Press (Oct., 1989), pp.591-599.
     Devereux, Daniel T., “Courage and Wisdom in Plato’s Laches”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 15:2 ( Apr., 1977), pp.129-141.
     Morris, T. F., ”Manliness in Plato’s Laches”, Dialogue, Vol.48, Issue 03 (Sep., 2009), pp.619-642.
     Penner, Terry, “The Unity of Virtue”, The Philosophical Review, Vol. 82, No.1 (Jan., 1973), pp.35-68.
     Santas, Gerasimos, ”Socrates at Work on Virtue and Knowledge in Plato`s Laches”, Review of Metaphysics, 22:3(Mar., 1969), pp.433-460.
     Schmid, W. Thomas, “Socratic Moderation and Self-Knowledge”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 21:3 (July, 1983), pp.339-348.
     Sigler, Mary, “Review of Colin Farrelly, and Larry B. Solum `Virtue Jurisprudence`”, The Journal of Politics, Cambridge University Press, Vol.71, Issue 01 (Jan., 2009), pp.356-358.
     Vlastos, Gregory, ”The Socratic Elenchus”, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol.79, No.11, Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division (Nov., 1982), pp.711-714.