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題名 XBRL分類標準延伸建置 —以TIFRS分類標準為例
The Development of XBRL Taxonomy Extension- A Case Study of TIFRS Taxonomy
作者 藍慧雯
Lan, Hui Wen
貢獻者 周濟群
Chou, Chi Chun
Lan, Hui Wen
關鍵詞 XBRL
TIFRS Taxonomy
Taxonomy Extension
日期 2012
上傳時間 22-Jul-2013 10:19:34 (UTC+8)
摘要 基於XBRL格式在企業報告資訊上的優勢,全球各重要經濟體近年來陸續應用XBRL技術進行財報格式的轉換與標準化,而在推動XBRL實務發展的過程中,XBRL分類標準的建置為核心關鍵因素。各國於制訂分類標準基於成本效益考量,分類標準內容通常僅涵蓋企業報告之通用元素,企業若僅按分類標準編製報告,可能導致有用訊息之喪失。以XBRL格式作為申報工具時,企業若基於自願性揭露及報告之完整性,則必須對分類標準自行進行延伸。本研究藉由美國分類標準延伸情況作為借鏡,探討台灣未來開放分類標準延伸時,如何進行分類標準之延伸及其規則和方法。
Considering the advantages of XBRL-formatted information in business reports, many major global economic leagues have adopted XBRL technology in financial reports’ transformation or standardization. XBRL Taxonomy development is the core factor in promoting XBRL into practice. Taking cost-benefit analysis into account, competent authorities usually design their taxonomy with only basic elements used in business reports. If enterprises prepare their reports just based on the taxonomy, they may lose some useful information. Therefore, they must extend taxonomy to make a voluntary disclosure when enterprises file their reports in XBRL-formatted. This research explores the rules and methods of taxonomy extensions for TIFRS Taxonomy by referring to how companies in the U.S. make taxonomy extensions.
參考文獻 王化鵬,2005,可延伸企業報導語言於非財務報表資訊之應用:以年報內部人資訊為例,台灣大學會計研究所碩士論文。
王堅權,2012,XBRL的新面貌—Inline XBRL,證交資料月刊,第606期(10月):8-13。
周國華老師XBRL教學網站,2005,FRTA 1.0完整解析。網址:。
迪皮耶薩與艾克斯(DiPiazza, S. A., and R. G. Eccles),2003,財務報表革命—公司治理的徹底解決方案,馬嘉應譯,臺北:商周。
Alles, M., and M. Piechocki. 2012 Will XBRL improve corporate governance? A framework for enhancing governance decision making using interactive data. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13 (2): 91-108.
Arnold, V., J. C. Bedard, J. R. Phillips, and S. G. Sutton. 2012. The impact of tagging qualitative financial information on investor decision making: Implications for XBRL. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13 (March): 2-20.
Ball, R. 2006. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and cons for investors. Accounting and Business Research 36 (December): 5-27.
Bonson, E., V. Cortijo, and T. Escobar. 2009. Towards the global adoption of XBRL using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 10 (March): 46-60.
Bovee, M., M. L. Ettredge, R. P. Strivastava, and M. A.Vasarhelyi. 2002. Does the year 2000 XBRL taxonomy accommodate current business financial-reporting practice? Journal of Information Systems 16 (Fall): 165-182.
Brennan, N., and S. Kelly. 2002. Use of the Internet by Irish companies for investor relations purposes. Irish Business and Administrative Research 21 (2): 107-135.
Chakraborty, V., and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2010. Automating the process of taxonomy creation and comparison of taxonomy structures. 19th Annual Research Workshop on Strategic and Emerging Technologies American Accounting Association. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Chen, S., M. L. Defond, and C. W. Park. 2002. Voluntary disclosure of balance sheet information in quarterly earnings announcements. Journal of Accounting and Economics 33 (December): 229-252.
Cohen, E. E. Compromise or customize: XBRL’s paradoxical power. Canadian Accounting Perspectives 3 (November): 187-206.
Cunningham, C. S. 2005. XBRL: A multitalented tool XBRL can save time and money and facilitate information analysis. Journal of Accountancy 199 (April): 70-71.
Debreceny, R. S., S. M. Farewell, M. Piechocki, C. Felden, A. Graning, and A. d`Eri. 2011. Flex or break? Extensions in XBRL disclosures to the SEC. Accounting Horizons 25 (December): 631-657.
Debreceny, R., C. Felden, B. Ochocki, M. Piechocki, and M. Piechocki. 2009. XBRL for interactive data: Engineering the Information Value Chain. Heidelberg: Springer.
Hodge, F. D., J. J. Kennedy, and L. A. Maines. 2004. Does search‐facilitating technology improve the transparency of financial reporting? The Accounting Review 79 (July): 687-703.
Hoffman, C. 2006. Financial Reporting Using XBRL-IFRS and US GAAP Edition. Available at
Hoffman, C., and C. Strand. 2001. XBRL ESSENTIALS. New York, NY: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Hunton, J. E., A. M. Wright, and S. Wright. 2003. The supply and demand for continuous reporting. In Trust and Data Assurances in Capital Markets: The Role of Technology Solutions, edited by S. J. Roohani, 7-16. New York, NY: Research Monograph funded by PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Lara, R., I. Cantador, and P. Castells. 2006. XBRL taxonomies and OWL ontologies for investment funds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4231: 271-280.
Matherne, L., and Z. Coffin. 2001. XBRL: A technology standard to reduce time, cut costs, and enable better analysis for tax preparers. Tax Executive 53 (January): 68-70.
Plumlee, R. D., and M. A. Plumlee. 2008. Assurance on XBRL for financial reporting. Accounting Horizons 22 (September): 353-368.
Useem, M. 1998. Corporate leadership in a globalizing equity market. Academy Management Executive 12 (4): 43-59.
Wagenhofer, A. 2003. Economic consequences of internet financial reporting. Schmalenbach Business Review 55 (October): 262-279.
Yoon, H., H. Zo, and A. P. Ciganek. 2010. Does XBRL adoption reduce information asymmetry? Journal of Business Research 64 (February): 157-163.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 周濟群zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chou, Chi Chunen_US (Authors) 藍慧雯zh_TW (Authors) Lan, Hui Wenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 藍慧雯zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lan, Hui Wenen_US (日期) 2012en_US 22-Jul-2013 10:19:34 (UTC+8)- 22-Jul-2013 10:19:34 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 22-Jul-2013 10:19:34 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0100353027en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 會計研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100353027zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 基於XBRL格式在企業報告資訊上的優勢,全球各重要經濟體近年來陸續應用XBRL技術進行財報格式的轉換與標準化,而在推動XBRL實務發展的過程中,XBRL分類標準的建置為核心關鍵因素。各國於制訂分類標準基於成本效益考量,分類標準內容通常僅涵蓋企業報告之通用元素,企業若僅按分類標準編製報告,可能導致有用訊息之喪失。以XBRL格式作為申報工具時,企業若基於自願性揭露及報告之完整性,則必須對分類標準自行進行延伸。本研究藉由美國分類標準延伸情況作為借鏡,探討台灣未來開放分類標準延伸時,如何進行分類標準之延伸及其規則和方法。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Considering the advantages of XBRL-formatted information in business reports, many major global economic leagues have adopted XBRL technology in financial reports’ transformation or standardization. XBRL Taxonomy development is the core factor in promoting XBRL into practice. Taking cost-benefit analysis into account, competent authorities usually design their taxonomy with only basic elements used in business reports. If enterprises prepare their reports just based on the taxonomy, they may lose some useful information. Therefore, they must extend taxonomy to make a voluntary disclosure when enterprises file their reports in XBRL-formatted. This research explores the rules and methods of taxonomy extensions for TIFRS Taxonomy by referring to how companies in the U.S. make taxonomy extensions.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 壹、 緒論 1
一、 研究背景與動機 1
二、 研究目的 3
三、 論文架構 4
貳、 XBRL技術介紹及文獻探討 5
一、 XBRL技術架構及介紹 5
二、 TIFRS分類標準架構介紹 12
三、 分類標準之延伸概念 15
四、 Inline XBRL技術 19
五、 XBRL相關文獻探討 22
參、 研究方法與設計 28
肆、 研究成果與實作 30
一、 美國分類標準延伸模式及情形 30
二、 我國未來分類標準延伸可採行之模式、規則及方法 35
三、 案例實作 42
伍、 結論與建議 59
一、 研究結論 59
二、 未來研究建議 60
陸、 附錄 61
柒、 參考文獻 69
dc.format.extent 2131010 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) XBRLzh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) TIFRS分類標準zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 分類標準延伸zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) XBRLen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) TIFRS Taxonomyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taxonomy Extensionen_US
dc.title (題名) XBRL分類標準延伸建置 —以TIFRS分類標準為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Development of XBRL Taxonomy Extension- A Case Study of TIFRS Taxonomyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王化鵬,2005,可延伸企業報導語言於非財務報表資訊之應用:以年報內部人資訊為例,台灣大學會計研究所碩士論文。
王堅權,2012,XBRL的新面貌—Inline XBRL,證交資料月刊,第606期(10月):8-13。
周國華老師XBRL教學網站,2005,FRTA 1.0完整解析。網址:。
迪皮耶薩與艾克斯(DiPiazza, S. A., and R. G. Eccles),2003,財務報表革命—公司治理的徹底解決方案,馬嘉應譯,臺北:商周。
Alles, M., and M. Piechocki. 2012 Will XBRL improve corporate governance? A framework for enhancing governance decision making using interactive data. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13 (2): 91-108.
Arnold, V., J. C. Bedard, J. R. Phillips, and S. G. Sutton. 2012. The impact of tagging qualitative financial information on investor decision making: Implications for XBRL. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13 (March): 2-20.
Ball, R. 2006. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and cons for investors. Accounting and Business Research 36 (December): 5-27.
Bonson, E., V. Cortijo, and T. Escobar. 2009. Towards the global adoption of XBRL using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 10 (March): 46-60.
Bovee, M., M. L. Ettredge, R. P. Strivastava, and M. A.Vasarhelyi. 2002. Does the year 2000 XBRL taxonomy accommodate current business financial-reporting practice? Journal of Information Systems 16 (Fall): 165-182.
Brennan, N., and S. Kelly. 2002. Use of the Internet by Irish companies for investor relations purposes. Irish Business and Administrative Research 21 (2): 107-135.
Chakraborty, V., and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2010. Automating the process of taxonomy creation and comparison of taxonomy structures. 19th Annual Research Workshop on Strategic and Emerging Technologies American Accounting Association. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Chen, S., M. L. Defond, and C. W. Park. 2002. Voluntary disclosure of balance sheet information in quarterly earnings announcements. Journal of Accounting and Economics 33 (December): 229-252.
Cohen, E. E. Compromise or customize: XBRL’s paradoxical power. Canadian Accounting Perspectives 3 (November): 187-206.
Cunningham, C. S. 2005. XBRL: A multitalented tool XBRL can save time and money and facilitate information analysis. Journal of Accountancy 199 (April): 70-71.
Debreceny, R. S., S. M. Farewell, M. Piechocki, C. Felden, A. Graning, and A. d`Eri. 2011. Flex or break? Extensions in XBRL disclosures to the SEC. Accounting Horizons 25 (December): 631-657.
Debreceny, R., C. Felden, B. Ochocki, M. Piechocki, and M. Piechocki. 2009. XBRL for interactive data: Engineering the Information Value Chain. Heidelberg: Springer.
Hodge, F. D., J. J. Kennedy, and L. A. Maines. 2004. Does search‐facilitating technology improve the transparency of financial reporting? The Accounting Review 79 (July): 687-703.
Hoffman, C. 2006. Financial Reporting Using XBRL-IFRS and US GAAP Edition. Available at
Hoffman, C., and C. Strand. 2001. XBRL ESSENTIALS. New York, NY: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Hunton, J. E., A. M. Wright, and S. Wright. 2003. The supply and demand for continuous reporting. In Trust and Data Assurances in Capital Markets: The Role of Technology Solutions, edited by S. J. Roohani, 7-16. New York, NY: Research Monograph funded by PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Lara, R., I. Cantador, and P. Castells. 2006. XBRL taxonomies and OWL ontologies for investment funds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4231: 271-280.
Matherne, L., and Z. Coffin. 2001. XBRL: A technology standard to reduce time, cut costs, and enable better analysis for tax preparers. Tax Executive 53 (January): 68-70.
Plumlee, R. D., and M. A. Plumlee. 2008. Assurance on XBRL for financial reporting. Accounting Horizons 22 (September): 353-368.
Useem, M. 1998. Corporate leadership in a globalizing equity market. Academy Management Executive 12 (4): 43-59.
Wagenhofer, A. 2003. Economic consequences of internet financial reporting. Schmalenbach Business Review 55 (October): 262-279.
Yoon, H., H. Zo, and A. P. Ciganek. 2010. Does XBRL adoption reduce information asymmetry? Journal of Business Research 64 (February): 157-163.