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題名 新加坡、香港及臺灣外國勞動力移民政策之分析
An Analysis of Foreign Labor Migration Policies: Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan作者 邱曉蘋
Chiu, Hsiao Ping貢獻者 冷則剛
Leng, Tse Kang
Chiu, Hsiao Ping關鍵詞 外國勞工
foreign labor
foreign worker
immigration policy
migration policy
foreign talent
mainland Chinese日期 2012 上傳時間 23-Jul-2013 14:04:45 (UTC+8) 摘要 全球化的趨勢已使跨國移民變成普遍現象。台灣的移民政策長久以來對於引進經濟移民方面設有許多限制,以防外國人會排擠國內的就業市場,然而,為了解決人才外流的問題並且吸引更多的優秀外國人才來台,政府已經開始調整相關移民政策且放寬相關規定。另一方面,隨著兩岸關係的改善,政府也放寬規定准許更多的大陸人士來台。本研究採用案例比較分析法、類型學及深度訪談等研究方法探討新加坡、香港及台灣的外國勞動力政策,並且進一步分析這三個國家的政策、移民法規、社會問題及政府因應的措施。本研究同時也探討引進大陸人工作的相關政策和問題。希望本研究對於亞洲國家的移民政策研究能有一些實質貢獻,並能提供台灣政府相關政策參考。
Under the trend of globalization, transnational migration has already become a common phenomenon. For fear that foreigners would pressure Taiwan’s labor market, the Taiwanese immigration policy has set up many restrictions on introducing economic migrants. However, in order to resolve the problem of brain drain and to attract more foreign talents to Taiwan, the government has started to review its immigration policies and has undertaken to loosen related regulations. On the other hand, with the improvement on the cross-strait relationship, the government has also released regulations to allow more mainland Chinese coming to Taiwan. This study adopts qualitative method, comparative case study analysis, typology and in-depth interviews to explore the foreign labor policies of Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, in terms of analyzing their government policies, immigration regulations, social problems, and the consequent feedbacks on government’s policy-making. Meanwhile, this study intends to focus on related policies and problems involved with mainland Chinese workers as well. The researcher hope that this study can make practical contribution for immigration policy studies in the less explored Asian labor receiving nations, especially in Taiwan, and provide important policy implication for Taiwan’s foreign labor migration policies.參考文獻 Allan Cochrane and Kathy Pain (2000). “Chapter 1: A Globalizing Society”. A Globalizing World? Culture, Economics, Politics, edited by David Held, Bath: Routledge. Ananta, Aris and Evi Nurvidya Arifin (eds) (2004). International Migration in Southeast Asia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Singapore.Borjas, G.J. (1989). “Economic Theory and International Migration”. International Migration Review, XXIII(3): 457-485.Borjas, George J. (1994). “The Economics of Immigration”. Journal of Economic Literature, 32, 1667-1717.Borjas, George, J. (1995). “The Economic Benefits from Immigration”. 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101資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 冷則剛 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Leng, Tse Kang en_US (Authors) 邱曉蘋 zh_TW (Authors) Chiu, Hsiao Ping en_US dc.creator (作者) 邱曉蘋 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chiu, Hsiao Ping en_US (日期) 2012 en_US 23-Jul-2013 14:04:45 (UTC+8) - 23-Jul-2013 14:04:45 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 23-Jul-2013 14:04:45 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0098926010 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 98926010 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 全球化的趨勢已使跨國移民變成普遍現象。台灣的移民政策長久以來對於引進經濟移民方面設有許多限制,以防外國人會排擠國內的就業市場,然而,為了解決人才外流的問題並且吸引更多的優秀外國人才來台,政府已經開始調整相關移民政策且放寬相關規定。另一方面,隨著兩岸關係的改善,政府也放寬規定准許更多的大陸人士來台。本研究採用案例比較分析法、類型學及深度訪談等研究方法探討新加坡、香港及台灣的外國勞動力政策,並且進一步分析這三個國家的政策、移民法規、社會問題及政府因應的措施。本研究同時也探討引進大陸人工作的相關政策和問題。希望本研究對於亞洲國家的移民政策研究能有一些實質貢獻,並能提供台灣政府相關政策參考。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Under the trend of globalization, transnational migration has already become a common phenomenon. For fear that foreigners would pressure Taiwan’s labor market, the Taiwanese immigration policy has set up many restrictions on introducing economic migrants. However, in order to resolve the problem of brain drain and to attract more foreign talents to Taiwan, the government has started to review its immigration policies and has undertaken to loosen related regulations. On the other hand, with the improvement on the cross-strait relationship, the government has also released regulations to allow more mainland Chinese coming to Taiwan. This study adopts qualitative method, comparative case study analysis, typology and in-depth interviews to explore the foreign labor policies of Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, in terms of analyzing their government policies, immigration regulations, social problems, and the consequent feedbacks on government’s policy-making. Meanwhile, this study intends to focus on related policies and problems involved with mainland Chinese workers as well. The researcher hope that this study can make practical contribution for immigration policy studies in the less explored Asian labor receiving nations, especially in Taiwan, and provide important policy implication for Taiwan’s foreign labor migration policies. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents CHAPTER ONE1. Introduction 11.1 Motivation and Purpose 11.2 Methodology 31.3 Research Framework 61.4 Literature Review 7CHAPTER TWO2. A Case Study on Singapore 192.1 A City-State with Multi-racial Composition 192.2 The Main Types of Work Passes 242.3 An Open Policy Is Only Applied to Foreign Talents? 292.4 Who Are Eligible for Permanent Residence or Citizenship? 322.5 Better Integration with or More Xenophobic towards Immigrants? 342.6 Slow the Pace of Introducing Foreign Workforce? 372.7 Summary 42CHAPTER THREE3. A Case Study on Hong Kong 433.1 A Continuous Population Inflow from Mainland China 433.2 The Main Types of Work Visas 493.3 A Set of More Liberal Immigration Policies? 523.4 Who Are Eligible for the Permanent Residence or Citizenship? 593.5 Increasing Hostile Sentiment towards Mainland Chinese? 603.6 A Continuous Open Policy on Attracting Foreign Talents? 633.7 Summary 64CHAPTER FOUR4. A Case Study on Taiwan 664.1 Formosa with A Strict Control on the Inflow of Immigrants 664.2 Who Needs A Work Visa? 704.3 Strict Policies Are Transformed into More Open Ones? 714.4 Who Are Eligible for the Permanent Residence or Citizenship? 754.5 Discrimination against Specific Group of Immigrants? 764.6 Loosening Restrictions on the Influx of Foreign Workers? 784.7 Comparing Immigration Policies among Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan 814.7.1 Similarities to Immigration Policies among Singapore, Hong Kong andTaiwan 824.7.2 Differences in Immigration Policies among Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan 854.8 Summary 91CHAPTER FIVE5. Conclusion and Suggestion 925.1 Ensure A Balance between Local Talents and Highly-skilled Foreign Workers 935.2 Adjust the Immigration Policies for Brain-gain 935.3 Make Use of the Potential Foreign Workforce within Taiwan 945.4 Promote Multiculturalism for Better Social Integration 955.5 Control the Inflow of Mainland Chinese Workers 95References 99Appendixes 111 zh_TW dc.format.extent 2063669 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外國勞工 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 移民政策 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大陸人 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) foreign labor en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) foreign worker en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) immigration policy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) migration policy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) foreign talent en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) mainland Chinese en_US dc.title (題名) 新加坡、香港及臺灣外國勞動力移民政策之分析 zh_TW dc.title (題名) An Analysis of Foreign Labor Migration Policies: Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Allan Cochrane and Kathy Pain (2000). “Chapter 1: A Globalizing Society”. 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