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題名 抵銷之擔保機能—以民法第340條之解釋為中心
Securing function of offset- about article 340 in the civil code of the R.O.C
作者 林殷正
貢獻者 陳洸岳
Chen, Guang Yueh
關鍵詞 抵銷
日期 2012
上傳時間 2-Sep-2013 16:59:48 (UTC+8)
摘要 抵銷制度所具有之簡易清償機能與公平維持機能已廣受我國學說與實務承認,惟抵銷制度是否具有擔保機能一事,則尚未受到充分之關注與討論而仍存有疑義。
Expediency in satisfying debts and keeping fair treatment among creditors are two major functions well acknowledged by academics and the judiciary in Taiwan. However, a possible third function - securing unpaid loans through claiming an offset (hereinafter referred to as securing function) - has not yet been fully discussed. The purpose of this thesis is to fill this gap in the understanding of the issue.
Securing function of offset means that in the situation that two people are each others’ creditors and one of them is insolvent, the solvent creditor can assert their right of offset. To claim an offset allows a creditor/debtor to have his/her unpaid loans preferentially satisfied before other creditors’ claims. Allowing a creditor to claim offset results in the same effect as the creditors’ loan having been secured.
In the civil code of the R.O.C, Article 340 is most relevant to the question of whether the right of offset includes the securing function. Article 340 stipulates that, “When an obligation has been attached by an order of the court, the third debtor of such obligation shall not take a claim which he has acquired from the creditor after the attachment to offset the obligation attached.” The question in point is:
• whether the limitation on the garnishee’s right of offset is only limited to his counter claim against his creditor generated after the issuance of an attachment order, or
• should it be expanded to all of his counter claims, including those generated before the issuance of an attachment order.
The key to answer the abovementioned question lies in whether securing function is within the intention of the legislator in enacting Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C.
After scrutinizing essays related to the right of offset in the Civil Code of the R.O.C., it is clear that scholars in Taiwan have not discussed the questions enough yet. The lack of academic research results in considerable confusion in judicial practices when applying Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C.
Japanese scholars and legal precedents of the Japanese Supreme Court have been exploring the securing function issue of the right of offset for more than half a century. There is the same question regarding Article 511 of the Japanese Civil Code, and the article is almost identical to Article 340 of the R.O.C Civil Code. We consider it to be helpful to review their research and take it as our reference.
The gist of Japanese academic research and legal precedents regarding the above-mentioned issue, can be summarized as follows. First, acknowledging securing function of the offset right is not necessary in constructing the theory of the right of offset; second, explanations for Article 511 of the Japanese Civil Code in Japan have not yet been unified. There are still controversies in Japanese scholars` research and legal precedents regarding the issue, as Japanese scholars and Japan`s Supreme Court continue to offer various theories regarding the legislative intent of Article 511. Third, whether securing function can be considered as within the legislative intent of Article 511 further relates to the solutions to the following three questions: the scope of attachment orders, the role of the right of offset within the whole of the Japanese civil law system, and the influence of acceleration clauses.
The above-mentioned research on Japanese law concludes that the legislative intent of the Japanese Civil Code is not to confer securing function to the right of offset, but to protect legitimate expectations of the debtors to have the chance of claiming offset. The same conclusion can be derived from observing the design of paragraph 2 of Article 299 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C., which regulates the influence of the right of offset on the third party creditors (hereinafter the “third party effect”). Paragraph 2 of Article 299 stipulates that, “At the time of the debtor being notified, if the debtor had the claim against the transferor [sic], and if such claim matures before or at the same time as the claim transferred does, he/she may claim for offset against the transferee.” To clarify, when a debt is transferred from the original creditor to a new creditor (hereinafter transferee), the debtor can only claim an offset against the transferee with a counter claim that matures before or at the same time as the transferred claim does. The same design in the Japanese law leads to the conclusion that the legislative intent in designing the third party effect of the right of offset is based on protecting the legitimate expectation of the debtor in having the chance to claim the right of offset. We propose that it is helpful to construe Taiwan’s system in the same way.
To clarify the conclusion further, Paragraph 2 of Article 299 and Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C. both regulate the third party effect of the right of offset. The same theory of interpretation should be adopted in order to keep the Taiwanese civil law system coherent. Article 340 provides that a garnishee can only claim the right of offset when his/her counter claim against the creditors originated before the date of issuance of the attachment order. We should construe that the legislative intent is to protect debtors’ expectation of a chance to claim an offset identical to the construction of the paragraph 2 of Article 299. Although the operation of Article 340 allows the debtor/creditor to satisfy his/her claim preferentially before other creditors under some circumstances, the so-called “securing function” of right of offset can only be considered as a collateral effect and is not within the legislative intent of the regulation.
After denying the legislative intent of securing function of the right of offset, the thesis further clarifies the answers to three questions relating to the third party effect of the right of offset: (1) the limitation on the right of offset stipulated in Article 340 shall be construed as an exception in the civil law system of Taiwan; (2) the scope of an attachment order shall not reach the right of offset of the third party (garnishee) in principle; and (3) the acceleration clause shall not influence the rights of third parties.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳洸岳zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Guang Yuehen_US (Authors) 林殷正zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 林殷正zh_TW (日期) 2012en_US 2-Sep-2013 16:59:48 (UTC+8)- 2-Sep-2013 16:59:48 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-Sep-2013 16:59:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0986510182en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法律學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98651018zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 抵銷制度所具有之簡易清償機能與公平維持機能已廣受我國學說與實務承認,惟抵銷制度是否具有擔保機能一事,則尚未受到充分之關注與討論而仍存有疑義。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Expediency in satisfying debts and keeping fair treatment among creditors are two major functions well acknowledged by academics and the judiciary in Taiwan. However, a possible third function - securing unpaid loans through claiming an offset (hereinafter referred to as securing function) - has not yet been fully discussed. The purpose of this thesis is to fill this gap in the understanding of the issue.
Securing function of offset means that in the situation that two people are each others’ creditors and one of them is insolvent, the solvent creditor can assert their right of offset. To claim an offset allows a creditor/debtor to have his/her unpaid loans preferentially satisfied before other creditors’ claims. Allowing a creditor to claim offset results in the same effect as the creditors’ loan having been secured.
In the civil code of the R.O.C, Article 340 is most relevant to the question of whether the right of offset includes the securing function. Article 340 stipulates that, “When an obligation has been attached by an order of the court, the third debtor of such obligation shall not take a claim which he has acquired from the creditor after the attachment to offset the obligation attached.” The question in point is:
• whether the limitation on the garnishee’s right of offset is only limited to his counter claim against his creditor generated after the issuance of an attachment order, or
• should it be expanded to all of his counter claims, including those generated before the issuance of an attachment order.
The key to answer the abovementioned question lies in whether securing function is within the intention of the legislator in enacting Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C.
After scrutinizing essays related to the right of offset in the Civil Code of the R.O.C., it is clear that scholars in Taiwan have not discussed the questions enough yet. The lack of academic research results in considerable confusion in judicial practices when applying Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C.
Japanese scholars and legal precedents of the Japanese Supreme Court have been exploring the securing function issue of the right of offset for more than half a century. There is the same question regarding Article 511 of the Japanese Civil Code, and the article is almost identical to Article 340 of the R.O.C Civil Code. We consider it to be helpful to review their research and take it as our reference.
The gist of Japanese academic research and legal precedents regarding the above-mentioned issue, can be summarized as follows. First, acknowledging securing function of the offset right is not necessary in constructing the theory of the right of offset; second, explanations for Article 511 of the Japanese Civil Code in Japan have not yet been unified. There are still controversies in Japanese scholars` research and legal precedents regarding the issue, as Japanese scholars and Japan`s Supreme Court continue to offer various theories regarding the legislative intent of Article 511. Third, whether securing function can be considered as within the legislative intent of Article 511 further relates to the solutions to the following three questions: the scope of attachment orders, the role of the right of offset within the whole of the Japanese civil law system, and the influence of acceleration clauses.
The above-mentioned research on Japanese law concludes that the legislative intent of the Japanese Civil Code is not to confer securing function to the right of offset, but to protect legitimate expectations of the debtors to have the chance of claiming offset. The same conclusion can be derived from observing the design of paragraph 2 of Article 299 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C., which regulates the influence of the right of offset on the third party creditors (hereinafter the “third party effect”). Paragraph 2 of Article 299 stipulates that, “At the time of the debtor being notified, if the debtor had the claim against the transferor [sic], and if such claim matures before or at the same time as the claim transferred does, he/she may claim for offset against the transferee.” To clarify, when a debt is transferred from the original creditor to a new creditor (hereinafter transferee), the debtor can only claim an offset against the transferee with a counter claim that matures before or at the same time as the transferred claim does. The same design in the Japanese law leads to the conclusion that the legislative intent in designing the third party effect of the right of offset is based on protecting the legitimate expectation of the debtor in having the chance to claim the right of offset. We propose that it is helpful to construe Taiwan’s system in the same way.
To clarify the conclusion further, Paragraph 2 of Article 299 and Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C. both regulate the third party effect of the right of offset. The same theory of interpretation should be adopted in order to keep the Taiwanese civil law system coherent. Article 340 provides that a garnishee can only claim the right of offset when his/her counter claim against the creditors originated before the date of issuance of the attachment order. We should construe that the legislative intent is to protect debtors’ expectation of a chance to claim an offset identical to the construction of the paragraph 2 of Article 299. Although the operation of Article 340 allows the debtor/creditor to satisfy his/her claim preferentially before other creditors under some circumstances, the so-called “securing function” of right of offset can only be considered as a collateral effect and is not within the legislative intent of the regulation.
After denying the legislative intent of securing function of the right of offset, the thesis further clarifies the answers to three questions relating to the third party effect of the right of offset: (1) the limitation on the right of offset stipulated in Article 340 shall be construed as an exception in the civil law system of Taiwan; (2) the scope of an attachment order shall not reach the right of offset of the third party (garnishee) in principle; and (3) the acceleration clause shall not influence the rights of third parties.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第一項 抵銷制度之傳統機能 1
第二項 對擔保機能之意識 2
第三項 擔保機能對於民法第340條之影響 3
第二節 探討課題 5
第一項 法律規範之爭議 5
第一款 抵銷制度擔保機能之有無與民法第340條的解釋 5
第二款 扣押命令效力範圍之解釋與民法第340條之關聯性 6
第三款 抵銷之擔保機能與期限利益喪失約款之對外效力 7
第四款 民法第340條與第299條第2項之理論一貫性 9
第二項 實務爭議 10
第一款 法律見解之分歧 10
第二款 理論基礎之欠缺 10
第三節 研究範圍與研究方法 11
第一項 研究範圍 11
第二項 研究方法 12
第一款 文獻分析 12
第二款 案例研究 12
第三項 章節安排 13
第二章 我國學說與實務見解 15
第一節 我國學說上抵銷機能之現狀 15
第一項 學說對抵銷制度機能之見解 15
第一款 僅言及簡易清償機能 16
第二款 併論簡易清償機能與公平維持機能 16
第三款 簡易清償與公平機能以外,尚具有擔保機能 17
第二項 對我國學說之檢討與分析 17
第二節 我國學說對於民法第340條之見解 19
第一項 民法第340條與抵銷制度之擔保機能間之關係 19
第二項 學說對於民法第340條之解釋適用 22
第一款 抵銷適狀說 22
第二款 參考德國民法解釋—限制說 23
第三款 參考日本學說見解—限制說 24
第四款 無限制說 25
第五款 合理期待說 26
第三項 小結 27
第三節 我國實務現狀 28
第一項 案例一:連雅清薪津債權案 29
第一款 案例事實 29
第二款 各級法院見解 30
第三款 分析與檢討 32
第二項 案例二:醒吾開發公司案 36
第一款 案例事實 36
第二款 各級法院見解 37
第三款 分析與檢討 39
第三項 案例三:楊德雄股金返還請求權案 44
第一款 案例事實 44
第二款 各級法院見解 45
第三款 分析與檢討 46
第四項 案例四:名高公司存款抵銷案 48
第一款、案例事實 48
第二款 各級法院見解 49
第三款 分析與檢討 52
第五項 案例五:張智忠借款債權案 56
第一款 案例事實 56
第二款 各級法院見解:高雄地院89年度訴字第1133號判決與高雄高分院90年度上易字第67號判決 57
第三款 分析與檢討 57
第六項 小結 61
第四節 本章之小結—我國學說實務現狀 63
第三章 日本法上學說實務之研析 65
第一節 我國民法與日本民法之比較 65
第一項 日本民法第505條之「對當額」概念 68
第二項 日本民法第511條與我國民法第340條之差異 68
第一款 用語上之差異 68
第二款 法效果上差異 69
第二節 日本學說對抵銷制度機能之見解 70
第一項 簡易清償 70
第二項 公平維持 71
第三項 擔保機能 72
第一款 擔保機能之意義與由來 72
第二款 承認擔保機能所產生的問題 74
第三款 問題之具體化:民法第511條之解釋與適用 75
第三節 日本實務見解之介紹 78
第一項 昭和39年判例以前 79
第一款 前期:大判昭和8年5月30日判例—以「抵銷與債權讓與」規定為討論中心的抵銷適狀說與修正適狀說 79
第二款 後期:最判昭和32年7月19日判例—「對抵銷之期待及利益」概念之出現 80
第二項 最判昭和39年12月23日判例 —「抵銷與扣押」成為問題之中心及「限制說Ⅰ」的出現 84
第一款 案例事實 84
第二款 實務見解 85
第三款 判例分析 86
第三項 最判昭和45年6月24日判例—明確承認「抵銷之擔保機能」與「無限制說」 88
第一款 案例事實 88
第二款 判例見解 89
第三款 判例分析 90
第四項 最判昭和50年12月8日判例—「抵銷與扣押」對「抵銷債權讓與」的影響 92
第一款 案例事實 93
第二款 判例見解 94
第三款 判例分析 94
第五項 小結 97
第四節 日本學說見解 99
第一項 日本學說介紹 99
第一款 抵銷適狀說 100
第二款 限制說Ⅰ 101
第三款 限制說Ⅱ 103
第四款 無限制說 104
第二項 限制說Ⅰ與無限制說之爭論 105
第一款 判例見解不安定之疑問 106
第二款 援引德國民法第392條之妥當性 106
第三款 比較清償期先後之合理性 108
第四款 債權平等原則之爭議 109
第五款 扣押債權人之地位問題與不誠實債務人之排除必要性 110
第三項 小結 112
第五節 日本債權法修正之討論 112
第一項 法制審議會民法(債權關係)部會提出之修正試案 113
第二項 民法(債權法)改正檢討委員會提出之修正試案 114
第一款 扣押命令效力範圍釐清 115
第二款 禁止以本於妨礙為目的取得之自動債權主張抵銷 116
第三款 對期限利益喪失約款之限制 117
第三項 兩試案之比較與啟發 118
第六節 綜合比較與分析 118
第一項 承認擔保機能之理論基礎探究 118
第一款 昭和8年以前之判例:溯及效理論 119
第二款 昭和32年判例:對抵銷期待利益之保護 122
第三款 昭和39年判例與限制說Ⅰ:對抵銷期待利益之細緻化 125
第四款 昭和45年判例與無限制說:自兩人間的擔保機能延伸到三人間的擔保機能 127
第二項 抵銷權人與第三人間利益衡平之方法 130
第七節 本章之小結 130
第四章 日本法之啟發與我國法應有之解釋方向 133
第一節 日本學說實務之啟發 133
第一項 比較主被動債權清償期的法律意義 133
第一款 對抵銷制度本質上擔保機能之否定 133
第二款 昭和39年判例所設限制之意義—不誠實債務人之排斥 134
第三款 昭和32年判例所設限制之意義—對抵銷期待利益成熟度之判斷 135
第四款 抵銷制度本質僅有事實上擔保效果 135
第二項 承認擔保機能之法律上意義—告別期待利益之判斷 136
第三項 扣押命令效力之主觀範圍之認定 137
第一款 扣押命令效力之主觀範圍之認定問題 137
第二款 扣押命令效力之主觀範圍乃價值判斷 138
第四項 期限利益喪失約款之對外效力問題 138
第一款 限制期限利益喪失約款之對外效力 139
第二款 完全承認期限利益喪失約款之對外效力 140
第三款 日本學說提出之補充論據 141
第四款 不同見解—德國法之處分行為優先性原則 143
第五款 各說見解之整理 145
第五項 抵銷與扣押、抵銷與債權讓與之同一處理 146
第一款 第三人利益狀態不同所衍生的問題 146
第二款 日本實務見解—抵銷與扣押、抵銷與債權讓與之同一處理 147
第三款 少數見解—抵銷與扣押、抵銷與債權讓與之差別處理 147
第四款 小結—抵銷與扣押中的兩套處理模式 149
第二節 我國民法第340條之應有解釋方向 151
第一項 擔保機能非我國法上抵銷制度之本質機能 151
第一款 民法第299條第2項之啟示 151
第二款 抵銷制度欠缺作為擔保制度應有之基本構造 153
第三款 小結 155
第二項 民法第340條之解釋適用 156
第一款 民法第340條之解釋應採無限制說 157
第二款 理論矛盾之疑慮 158
第三款 扣押命令外,其他強制執行方法之處理 159
第四款 小結 161
第三項 期限利益喪失約款與民法第340條 163
第一款 問題意識不足之困境 163
第二款 最高法院50年台上字第1852號判例 163
第三款 日本實務見解之嘗試與問題 166
第四款 援用德國學說見解之嘗試與問題 167
第五款 期限利益喪失約款無對外效力 170
第六款 小結 173
第四項 扣押命令效力與民法第340條 175
第一款 日本學說實務之回顧 175
第二款 我國法上之應有解釋 175
第五項 小結 176
第一款 抵銷制度本質上無擔保機能 177
第二款 民法第340條之反面解釋應採無限制說 178
第三款 期限利益喪失約款無對外效力 178
第四款 扣押命令效力與民法第340條 179
第五章 結論 181
第一節 我國法上之現存問題 181
第一項 不應以破產法第113條為法依據 181
第二項 民法第340條之解釋適用的問題 182
第三項 理論基礎之欠缺 182
第二節 研究日本學說實務所得 183
第一項 各種解釋方法之存在乃肇因於理論基礎之不同 183
第二項 其他問題之提出與處理 186
第三節 我國法上各問題之解答 188
第一項 抵銷制度無擔保機能 189
第二項 民法第340條應採取無限制說 189
第三項 扣押命令效力不及於第三債務人之抵銷權 190
第四項 期限利益喪失約款無對外效力 191
第五項 議題之展望 192
參考文獻 193
dc.format.extent 7910492 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 抵銷zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 擔保機能zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 民法第340條zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日本民法第511條zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 清償期zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 抵銷對第三人效力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 扣押命令效力範圍zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 期限利益喪失約款zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 抵銷之擔保機能—以民法第340條之解釋為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Securing function of offset- about article 340 in the civil code of the R.O.Cen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (一)中文專論(依姓氏筆畫排列)
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