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題名 藏鏡人的心內話─同性戀公務人員的職場處境
The secrets hiding behind mirror ─ the situation of gay and lesbian government employees in public sector
作者 陳禹函
貢獻者 朱斌妤
關鍵詞 同性戀
public sector
government employee
日期 2010
上傳時間 3-Sep-2013 12:02:07 (UTC+8)
摘要 自1995年聯合國世界婦女大會提倡性別主流化行動綱領開始,多元性別意識逐漸為各國所意識,這股潮流隨著同志運動的興起,也將同性戀權益透過民間或政府的力量納入到法律或政策當中。而許多針對同性戀者職場處境的文獻也反映出,多數職場仍充斥著異性戀霸權的規範,因此,對同性戀者工作權的保障成為多元性別議題中重要的一環。和多數針對私人企業員工的研究調查相較,本文的研究對象係服務於公部門中的公務人員。透過對同性戀公務人員、和職場相關異性戀公務人員的深度訪談,本研究發現,由於不同的影響因素,同性戀公務人員之間存在性傾向處理策略的差異,且除了自身的影響因素外,公部門亦存在若干特質讓同性戀公務人員難以改變目前的處理策略。最後本文根據訪談結果提出建立友善同志職場的幾點建議。
參考文獻 Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice. MA: Addison-Wesley.
Altman, D. (1982). The homosexualization of America: the Americanization of the homosexual. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Bauer, M. & Kleiner, B. H. (2001). New developments concerning sexual orientation issues in the workplace. Equal Opportunities International, 20(5/6/7): 27-31.
Bearfield, D. A. (2009). Equity at the Intersection: Public Administration and the Study of Gender. Public Administration Review, 69(3): 383-386.
Bell, A. P. & Weinberg, M. S. (1978). Homosexualities: a study of diversity among men and women. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Black, D. A., Makar, H. R., Sanders, S. G., & Taylor, L. J. (2003). The earnings effects of sexual orientation. Industrial and Labor Review, 5: 449–469.
Blandford, J. M. (2003). The nexus of sexual orientation and gender in the determination of earnings. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 54(4): 622-642.
Chafetz, J. S. et al. (1974). A study of homosexual women. Social Work, 19(6): 714-723.
Croteau, J. M. (1996). Research on the work experiences of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people: an Integrative review of methodology and findings. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 48: 195-209.
DeJordy, R. (2008). Just passing through: stigma, passing and identity decoupling in the work place. Group Organization Management, 33(5): 504-531.
Embrick, D. G., Waltther, C. S. & Wickens, C. M. (2007). Working class masculinity: keeping gay men and lesbians out of the workplace. Sex Roles, 56(11/12): 757-766.
Ernulf, K. E. & Immala, S. M. (1987). The relationship between affective and cognitive components of homophobic reaction. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 16: 501-509.
England, D. (2009). The essential guide to handling workplace harassment & discrimination. Berkeley, Calif.: Nolo.
Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: youth and crisis. New York: W. W Norton and Company.
Goffman, E. (1963). Behavior in public places: notes on the social organization of gatherings. New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
Griffith, K. H. & Hebl, M. R. (2002). The disclosure dilemma for gay men and lesbians: coming out at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(6): 1191-1199.
Gusmano, B. (2008). Coming out or not? How nonheterosexual people manage their sexual identity at work. Journal of Workplace Rights, 13(4): 473-496.
Haaga, D. A. F. (1991). “Homophobia”? Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6(1), pp: 171-174.
Helfer, L. R. (1999). European Community-human rights-discrimination against lesbians and gay men in the workplace-interpretation of Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome and Equal Pay Direction of the European Community-meaning of “discrimination based on sex”. The American Journal of International Law, 93: 200-205.
Herek, G. M. (1984). Beyond “homophobia”: A social psychological perspective on attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Journal of Homosexuality, 10(1/2): 1-21.
Herek, G. M. (1991). Stigma, prejudice, and violence against lesbians and gay men. In John C. Gonsiorek & James D. Weinrich (Eds.). Homosexuality: research implication for public policy (pp. 60-80). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Herek, G. M. (1992). The social context of hate crimes: notes on cultural heterosexism In G. M. Herek and K. T. Berrill (Eds.), Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men (pp89-104). California: Sage.
Herek, G. M. (2004). Beyond “homophobia”: thinking about sexual prejudice and stigma in the twenty-first century. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 1(2): 6-20.
Katz, M. & LaVan, H. (2004). Legal protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation: Findings from litigation. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 16(4): 195-209.
Kite, M. E. (1984). Sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuals: a meta-analytic review. Journal of Homosexuality, 10(1/2): 69-81.
King, E. B., Reilly, C. & Hebl, M. (2008). The best of times, the worst of times: exploring dual perspectives of “coming out” in the workplace. Group Organization Management, 33(5): 566-601.
Lambda Legal (2010). Employment and Rights in the Workplace. Retrieved November 4, 2010, from:
Landau, D. A. (1994). Employment discrimination against lesbians and gays: the incomplete legal responses of the united states and the European Union. Duke Journal of Comparable & International Law, 4: 335-361.
Lee Badgett, M. V. (1995). The wage effects of sexual orientation discrimination. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 48: 726-739.
Levine, M. P. & Leonard, R. (1984). Discrimination against lesbians in the work force. Sign: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 9(4): 700-710.
LexisNexis. (2010). State statutes, codes and regulations. Available at:
Ogbonna, E. & Harris, L. C. (1998). Organizational culture: it’s not what you think. Journal of General Management, 23(3): 35-48.
Player, M. A. (2004). Federal law of employment discrimination in a nutshell. St. Paul, Minn.: Thomson/West.
Powers, B. (1996). The impact of gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual workplace issues in productivity. In Ellis, A. L. & Riggle, E. D. B. (Eds.), Sexual identity on the job: issues and services. New York: Haworth Press.
Ragins, B. R., Singh, R. & Cornwell, J. M. (2007). Making the invisible visible: fear and disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1103-08.
Riccucci, N. M. & Gossett, C. W.. (1996). Employment Discrimination in State and Local Government: The Lesbian and Gay Male Experience. American Review of Public Administration, 26(2): 175–200.
Rose, B., Singh, R. & Cornwell, J. M. (2007). Making the invisible visible: fear and disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1103-1108.
Schneider, B. E. (1981). Coming our at work: detriments and consequences of lesbians’ openness at their workplaces. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society foe the Study of Social Problems, Toronto, August, 1981.
Schneider, B. E. (1986). Coming out at work: bridging the private/public gap. Work and Occupations, 13(4): 463-487.
Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Simon, H. A., & Daly, E. (1992). Sexual orientation and workplace rights: A potential land mine for employers? Employee Relations Law Journal, 18(1): 29-60.
Troung, F. T. & Kleiner, B. H. (2001). New developments concerning homosexual harassment in the workplace. Equal Opportunities International, 20(5/6/7): 32-36.
UN (2010). Beijing Platform for Action. Retrieved September 9, 2010, from:
Woodward, A. (2003). European Gender Mainstreaming: Promises and Pitfalls of Transformative Policy. Review of Policy Research, 20(1): 65-88.
台北市政府勞工局(2003)。職場平等與就業岐視 : 她=他 的新思維蔓延在隔板間。台北:台北市政府。
江明親(譯)(2003)。性別多樣化:彩繪性別光譜(Vanessa Baird 原著)。台北:書林。
吳萬益、林文寶(2002)。職場相關行為特性、組織文化、組織學習 方式與經營績效關係之研究。輔仁管理評論,第9卷第1期,頁71-94。
胡瑋珊(譯)(2005)。人力資源管理(Luis R. G., David B. B. & Robert L. C.原著)。台北:台灣培生教育。
劉慧卿、楊明敏(譯)(2004)。論女性─女同性戀案例的心理成因及其他(Sigmund Freud原著)。台北:心靈工坊。
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 朱斌妤zh_TW (Authors) 陳禹函zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳禹函zh_TW (日期) 2010en_US 3-Sep-2013 12:02:07 (UTC+8)- 3-Sep-2013 12:02:07 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-Sep-2013 12:02:07 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0972560141en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 公共行政研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97256014zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自1995年聯合國世界婦女大會提倡性別主流化行動綱領開始,多元性別意識逐漸為各國所意識,這股潮流隨著同志運動的興起,也將同性戀權益透過民間或政府的力量納入到法律或政策當中。而許多針對同性戀者職場處境的文獻也反映出,多數職場仍充斥著異性戀霸權的規範,因此,對同性戀者工作權的保障成為多元性別議題中重要的一環。和多數針對私人企業員工的研究調查相較,本文的研究對象係服務於公部門中的公務人員。透過對同性戀公務人員、和職場相關異性戀公務人員的深度訪談,本研究發現,由於不同的影響因素,同性戀公務人員之間存在性傾向處理策略的差異,且除了自身的影響因素外,公部門亦存在若干特質讓同性戀公務人員難以改變目前的處理策略。最後本文根據訪談結果提出建立友善同志職場的幾點建議。zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
一、 同性戀人權成為世界趨勢 1
二、 多元性別與工作權 2
第二節 研究動機 4
第三節 研究問題與研究目的 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 國內外關於職場性傾向議題之研究 7
一、 現身與否的兩難 7
二、 職場中的歧視 10
三、 友善就業環境機制的建立 11
第二節 國內外對性傾向就業歧視之規定 13
一、 台灣 14
二、 美國 14
三、 歐盟 16
第三節 影響公部門中異性戀者對同性戀態度的相關因素 21
一、 異性戀霸權 22
二、 影響異性戀公務人員對同性戀態度的因素 26
第四節 小結 29
第三章 研究設計 30
第一節 研究方法 30
一、 研究對象 30
二、 研究場域 31
第二節 研究架構 31
第三節 訪談大綱設計 34
一、 同性戀公務人員 34
二、 職場相關機關人員 37
第四節 研究流程 39
第四章 寫在研究前 42
第一節 受訪者基本資料 42
第二節 同性戀公務人員受訪者尋找過程 43
第三節 研究限制 44
第五章 性傾向處理策略及其因素 46
第一節 個人性傾向處理策略 46
一、 偽裝與隱藏 47
二、 選擇性現身 53
三、 不掩飾但也不主動說明 56
四、 被迫現身 59
第二節 影響策略選擇之因素 63
一、 選擇「偽裝與隱藏」策略之影響因素 63
二、 選擇「選擇性現身」策略之影響因素 70
第三節 同性戀者的職場處境比較 73
第四節 小結 76
第六章 職場相關機關人員怎麼說 77
第一節 所謂友善同志的職場─制度面 77
第二節 所謂友善同志的職場─人際面 81
第三節 他們覺得同性戀… 84
第四節 所謂友善同志的職場… 88
第五節 小結 93
第七章 結論與建議 95
第一節 研究發現 95
一、 同性戀公務人員之間存在著性傾向處理策略的差異 95
二、 公部門的若干特質讓同性戀公務人員難以扭轉現況 96
三、 建立公部門「友善同志職場」,同性戀異性戀兩樣情 97
第二節 研究建議 98
一、 同性戀者集結力量,並循適當管道發聲 99
二、 公部門內的積極作為:從消極漠視到多元化管理 101
三、 政府部門跳脫既存的性別框架,施展多元性別相關作為 103
第三節 省思 108
參考文獻 110
dc.format.extent 1469168 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 同性戀zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公部門zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公務人員zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職場zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) homosexualen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) public sectoren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) government employeeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) workplaceen_US
dc.title (題名) 藏鏡人的心內話─同性戀公務人員的職場處境zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The secrets hiding behind mirror ─ the situation of gay and lesbian government employees in public sectoren_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice. MA: Addison-Wesley.
Altman, D. (1982). The homosexualization of America: the Americanization of the homosexual. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Bauer, M. & Kleiner, B. H. (2001). New developments concerning sexual orientation issues in the workplace. Equal Opportunities International, 20(5/6/7): 27-31.
Bearfield, D. A. (2009). Equity at the Intersection: Public Administration and the Study of Gender. Public Administration Review, 69(3): 383-386.
Bell, A. P. & Weinberg, M. S. (1978). Homosexualities: a study of diversity among men and women. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Black, D. A., Makar, H. R., Sanders, S. G., & Taylor, L. J. (2003). The earnings effects of sexual orientation. Industrial and Labor Review, 5: 449–469.
Blandford, J. M. (2003). The nexus of sexual orientation and gender in the determination of earnings. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 54(4): 622-642.
Chafetz, J. S. et al. (1974). A study of homosexual women. Social Work, 19(6): 714-723.
Croteau, J. M. (1996). Research on the work experiences of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people: an Integrative review of methodology and findings. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 48: 195-209.
DeJordy, R. (2008). Just passing through: stigma, passing and identity decoupling in the work place. Group Organization Management, 33(5): 504-531.
Embrick, D. G., Waltther, C. S. & Wickens, C. M. (2007). Working class masculinity: keeping gay men and lesbians out of the workplace. Sex Roles, 56(11/12): 757-766.
Ernulf, K. E. & Immala, S. M. (1987). The relationship between affective and cognitive components of homophobic reaction. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 16: 501-509.
England, D. (2009). The essential guide to handling workplace harassment & discrimination. Berkeley, Calif.: Nolo.
Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: youth and crisis. New York: W. W Norton and Company.
Goffman, E. (1963). Behavior in public places: notes on the social organization of gatherings. New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
Griffith, K. H. & Hebl, M. R. (2002). The disclosure dilemma for gay men and lesbians: coming out at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(6): 1191-1199.
Gusmano, B. (2008). Coming out or not? How nonheterosexual people manage their sexual identity at work. Journal of Workplace Rights, 13(4): 473-496.
Haaga, D. A. F. (1991). “Homophobia”? Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6(1), pp: 171-174.
Helfer, L. R. (1999). European Community-human rights-discrimination against lesbians and gay men in the workplace-interpretation of Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome and Equal Pay Direction of the European Community-meaning of “discrimination based on sex”. The American Journal of International Law, 93: 200-205.
Herek, G. M. (1984). Beyond “homophobia”: A social psychological perspective on attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Journal of Homosexuality, 10(1/2): 1-21.
Herek, G. M. (1991). Stigma, prejudice, and violence against lesbians and gay men. In John C. Gonsiorek & James D. Weinrich (Eds.). Homosexuality: research implication for public policy (pp. 60-80). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Herek, G. M. (1992). The social context of hate crimes: notes on cultural heterosexism In G. M. Herek and K. T. Berrill (Eds.), Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men (pp89-104). California: Sage.
Herek, G. M. (2004). Beyond “homophobia”: thinking about sexual prejudice and stigma in the twenty-first century. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 1(2): 6-20.
Katz, M. & LaVan, H. (2004). Legal protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation: Findings from litigation. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 16(4): 195-209.
Kite, M. E. (1984). Sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuals: a meta-analytic review. Journal of Homosexuality, 10(1/2): 69-81.
King, E. B., Reilly, C. & Hebl, M. (2008). The best of times, the worst of times: exploring dual perspectives of “coming out” in the workplace. Group Organization Management, 33(5): 566-601.
Lambda Legal (2010). Employment and Rights in the Workplace. Retrieved November 4, 2010, from:
Landau, D. A. (1994). Employment discrimination against lesbians and gays: the incomplete legal responses of the united states and the European Union. Duke Journal of Comparable & International Law, 4: 335-361.
Lee Badgett, M. V. (1995). The wage effects of sexual orientation discrimination. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 48: 726-739.
Levine, M. P. & Leonard, R. (1984). Discrimination against lesbians in the work force. Sign: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 9(4): 700-710.
LexisNexis. (2010). State statutes, codes and regulations. Available at:
Ogbonna, E. & Harris, L. C. (1998). Organizational culture: it’s not what you think. Journal of General Management, 23(3): 35-48.
Player, M. A. (2004). Federal law of employment discrimination in a nutshell. St. Paul, Minn.: Thomson/West.
Powers, B. (1996). The impact of gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual workplace issues in productivity. In Ellis, A. L. & Riggle, E. D. B. (Eds.), Sexual identity on the job: issues and services. New York: Haworth Press.
Ragins, B. R., Singh, R. & Cornwell, J. M. (2007). Making the invisible visible: fear and disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1103-08.
Riccucci, N. M. & Gossett, C. W.. (1996). Employment Discrimination in State and Local Government: The Lesbian and Gay Male Experience. American Review of Public Administration, 26(2): 175–200.
Rose, B., Singh, R. & Cornwell, J. M. (2007). Making the invisible visible: fear and disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1103-1108.
Schneider, B. E. (1981). Coming our at work: detriments and consequences of lesbians’ openness at their workplaces. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society foe the Study of Social Problems, Toronto, August, 1981.
Schneider, B. E. (1986). Coming out at work: bridging the private/public gap. Work and Occupations, 13(4): 463-487.
Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Simon, H. A., & Daly, E. (1992). Sexual orientation and workplace rights: A potential land mine for employers? Employee Relations Law Journal, 18(1): 29-60.
Troung, F. T. & Kleiner, B. H. (2001). New developments concerning homosexual harassment in the workplace. Equal Opportunities International, 20(5/6/7): 32-36.
UN (2010). Beijing Platform for Action. Retrieved September 9, 2010, from:
Woodward, A. (2003). European Gender Mainstreaming: Promises and Pitfalls of Transformative Policy. Review of Policy Research, 20(1): 65-88.
台北市政府勞工局(2003)。職場平等與就業岐視 : 她=他 的新思維蔓延在隔板間。台北:台北市政府。
江明親(譯)(2003)。性別多樣化:彩繪性別光譜(Vanessa Baird 原著)。台北:書林。
吳萬益、林文寶(2002)。職場相關行為特性、組織文化、組織學習 方式與經營績效關係之研究。輔仁管理評論,第9卷第1期,頁71-94。
胡瑋珊(譯)(2005)。人力資源管理(Luis R. G., David B. B. & Robert L. C.原著)。台北:台灣培生教育。
劉慧卿、楊明敏(譯)(2004)。論女性─女同性戀案例的心理成因及其他(Sigmund Freud原著)。台北:心靈工坊。