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題名 新藥臨床試驗制度在生技產業政策推動過程中變遷之探討
The study on the institutional change of new drug clinical trials in biotechnology industry promotion policies
作者 鄭居元
Cheng, Chu Yuan
貢獻者 溫肇東
Wen, Chao Tung
Cheng, Chu Yuan
關鍵詞 科技政策
science and technology policy
institutional change
clinical trials
biotechnology industry
日期 2009
上傳時間 4-Sep-2013 11:56:19 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究之目的在探討台灣生技產業科技政策推動過程中所引發之爭議:臨床試驗(clinical trials)產業化,並以台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年臨床試驗發展的制度變遷為研究標的,尤其是其中之生技產業政策推動及臨床試驗制度變遷,以說明該爭議如何發生及為何發生。

為發展台灣生物技術產業,行政院於2005年起推動生醫科技島(biomedical technology island)計畫,將原先為生物技術產業發展基礎設施的臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。一般認為,此爭議是來自於促進產業發展與維護國民健康之間的利益衝突。

本研究經由制度變遷(institutional change)的觀點,探索台灣地區臨床試驗發展的歷程,認為上述臨床試驗產業化的爭議不只是產業推動與國民健康間的衝突,而是與台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年生技產業政策推動與臨床試驗制度變遷有關。

台灣地區推動生物技術的科技政策始於1982年行政院修訂「科學技術發展方案(science technology development program」,明訂生物技術為八大重點科技之一,而後有1995年的行政院「加強生物技術產業推動方案(biotechnology industry promotion program」,2005年的行政院「生醫科技島計畫」等科技政策,本研究發現不同時期的科技政策賦予臨床試驗不同的意義,而不同時期臨床試驗的發展,其不同時期的行動者【產、官、學、研、醫】-- 包含政策決策者與政策參與者 -- 在臨床試驗制度變遷的過程中產生行動的差異;而在不同時期臨床試驗的發展階段,不同的官方行動者 -- 治理機構(governance agency)【衛生署、國科會、經濟部、科技顧問組等】,對於臨床試驗議題有不同程度的涉入。

台灣地區臨床試驗的發展在生技產業政策的型塑下,由原先之學術研究,階段性轉向協助產業發展。2005年行政院生醫科技島計畫,將臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,擴大醫界參與生物技術產業發展,而醫界主要以醫療服務為主的制度邏輯(institutional logics)與科技政策形塑下產業發展的制度邏輯不一致(contradictions),因而引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。

The study is intended to explore a controversy derived from the Taiwan biotechnology industry promotion by government policies, industrialization of clinical trials. The study targets the institutional change of the clinical trials and the policies for biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan from the late 1960’s through 2010 to explain why and how the controversy was incurred.

In order to develop the Taiwan biotechnology industry, the Executive Yuan implemented a Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 to focus on clinical trials -- supposedly the infrastructure of biotechnology technology development -- but resulted in the controversy about the initiative of industrialization of clinical trials. It is reputedly because there is a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare.

From the perspective of institutional change, the study explores the evolution of clinical trials in Taiwan, holding that the aforementioned controversy is not only a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare but also a consequence of the institutional change of the clinical trials and biotechnology promotion by government policies from the late 1960’s through 2010.

The biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan began with the Executive Yuan’s revision of its Science Technology Development program in 1982, designating the biotechnology as one of the eight strategic industries. The Executive Yuan followed through with a Biotechnology Industry Promotion program in 1995 and the Biomedical Technology Island program in 2005. The study finds that science and technology policies in different periods of time endowed clinical trials with different meanings while discrepant actions on clinical trials were taken by both policy makers and policy executors including the industry, government organizations, academia, research institutes and the medical community in different periods of time. The study also finds that different governance agencies, such as the Department of Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Science Council as well as Science and Technology Advisory Group of the Executive Yuan, had different levels of involvement with the development of clinical trials in different periods of time.

Molded by the government’s biotechnology policies, clinical trials in Taiwan have evolved from the nature of academic research to assistance to industry development. The Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 focuses on clinical trials and strengthens the medical community’s participation in biotechnology development, but the institutional logics of the medical community is primarily about medical service and its contradictions with the institutional logics of biotechnology industry development have resulted in the controversy about industrialization of clinical trials.

A science and technology policy implication identified by the study is that unexpected outcomes, such as the controversy dealt with herein, can only be avoided by understanding the historical context of an industry when the government develops and promotes the relevant policies for the industry. Moreover, the study will explore possible research directions in the future.
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3,1: 2-13
描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 溫肇東zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wen, Chao Tungen_US (Authors) 鄭居元zh_TW (Authors) Cheng, Chu Yuanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 鄭居元zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Cheng, Chu Yuanen_US (日期) 2009en_US 4-Sep-2013 11:56:19 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2013 11:56:19 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2013 11:56:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0893595022en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 893595022zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究之目的在探討台灣生技產業科技政策推動過程中所引發之爭議:臨床試驗(clinical trials)產業化,並以台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年臨床試驗發展的制度變遷為研究標的,尤其是其中之生技產業政策推動及臨床試驗制度變遷,以說明該爭議如何發生及為何發生。

為發展台灣生物技術產業,行政院於2005年起推動生醫科技島(biomedical technology island)計畫,將原先為生物技術產業發展基礎設施的臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。一般認為,此爭議是來自於促進產業發展與維護國民健康之間的利益衝突。

本研究經由制度變遷(institutional change)的觀點,探索台灣地區臨床試驗發展的歷程,認為上述臨床試驗產業化的爭議不只是產業推動與國民健康間的衝突,而是與台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年生技產業政策推動與臨床試驗制度變遷有關。

台灣地區推動生物技術的科技政策始於1982年行政院修訂「科學技術發展方案(science technology development program」,明訂生物技術為八大重點科技之一,而後有1995年的行政院「加強生物技術產業推動方案(biotechnology industry promotion program」,2005年的行政院「生醫科技島計畫」等科技政策,本研究發現不同時期的科技政策賦予臨床試驗不同的意義,而不同時期臨床試驗的發展,其不同時期的行動者【產、官、學、研、醫】-- 包含政策決策者與政策參與者 -- 在臨床試驗制度變遷的過程中產生行動的差異;而在不同時期臨床試驗的發展階段,不同的官方行動者 -- 治理機構(governance agency)【衛生署、國科會、經濟部、科技顧問組等】,對於臨床試驗議題有不同程度的涉入。

台灣地區臨床試驗的發展在生技產業政策的型塑下,由原先之學術研究,階段性轉向協助產業發展。2005年行政院生醫科技島計畫,將臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,擴大醫界參與生物技術產業發展,而醫界主要以醫療服務為主的制度邏輯(institutional logics)與科技政策形塑下產業發展的制度邏輯不一致(contradictions),因而引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) The study is intended to explore a controversy derived from the Taiwan biotechnology industry promotion by government policies, industrialization of clinical trials. The study targets the institutional change of the clinical trials and the policies for biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan from the late 1960’s through 2010 to explain why and how the controversy was incurred.

In order to develop the Taiwan biotechnology industry, the Executive Yuan implemented a Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 to focus on clinical trials -- supposedly the infrastructure of biotechnology technology development -- but resulted in the controversy about the initiative of industrialization of clinical trials. It is reputedly because there is a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare.

From the perspective of institutional change, the study explores the evolution of clinical trials in Taiwan, holding that the aforementioned controversy is not only a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare but also a consequence of the institutional change of the clinical trials and biotechnology promotion by government policies from the late 1960’s through 2010.

The biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan began with the Executive Yuan’s revision of its Science Technology Development program in 1982, designating the biotechnology as one of the eight strategic industries. The Executive Yuan followed through with a Biotechnology Industry Promotion program in 1995 and the Biomedical Technology Island program in 2005. The study finds that science and technology policies in different periods of time endowed clinical trials with different meanings while discrepant actions on clinical trials were taken by both policy makers and policy executors including the industry, government organizations, academia, research institutes and the medical community in different periods of time. The study also finds that different governance agencies, such as the Department of Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Science Council as well as Science and Technology Advisory Group of the Executive Yuan, had different levels of involvement with the development of clinical trials in different periods of time.

Molded by the government’s biotechnology policies, clinical trials in Taiwan have evolved from the nature of academic research to assistance to industry development. The Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 focuses on clinical trials and strengthens the medical community’s participation in biotechnology development, but the institutional logics of the medical community is primarily about medical service and its contradictions with the institutional logics of biotechnology industry development have resulted in the controversy about industrialization of clinical trials.

A science and technology policy implication identified by the study is that unexpected outcomes, such as the controversy dealt with herein, can only be avoided by understanding the historical context of an industry when the government develops and promotes the relevant policies for the industry. Moreover, the study will explore possible research directions in the future.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 ..................................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 ........................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的及問題 ........................................................................... 19
第三節 章節安排 ....................................................................................... 22
第二章 文獻探討 ............................................................................................. 24
第一節 組織場域 ......................................................................................... 24
第二節 制度環境 ......................................................................................... 26
第三節 制度變遷的實證研究案例............................................................... 34
第四節對制度理論的評論.............................................................................. 36
第三章 研究方法 .............................................................................................. 38
第一節 研究設計 .......................................................................................... 38
第二節 研究方法 .......................................................................................... 39
第三節 資料蒐集與分析 .............................................................................. 40
第四節 研究效度 .......................................................................................... 42
第四章 臨床試驗的初始制度-藥品查驗登記 (1980-1994) ............................ 44
第一節 行政院科技發展方案將「生物技術」列為八大重點科技 ........ 44
第二節 肝炎疫苗臨床試驗與醫療法頒佈 ................................................ 47
第三節 小結-產品開發與臨床試驗 (臨床試驗作為新藥查驗登記) ..... 55
第五章 臨床試驗制度功能性調整-生技產業基礎建設 (1995-2004) ............. 57
第一節 行政院「加強生物技術產業推動方案」健全法規體系 ............. 57
第二節 新藥臨床試驗制度建立之濫觴-七七公告 ................................. 61
第三節 新藥臨床試驗體系建立 ............................................................... 63
第四節 小結-產業發展與臨床試驗 (臨床試驗作為生技產業基礎建設) 78
第六章 臨床試驗制度的轉變-生技產業價值鏈 (2005-2010) .......................... 81
第一節 行政院「生醫科技島」計畫-建立卓越臨床試驗與研究體系... 81
第二節 行政院「生技起飛鑽石行動方案」-成立台灣食品藥物管理局 90
第三節「臨床試驗產業化」爭議與醫療法部分條文修正 ....................... 94
第四節 小結-臨床試驗與產業價值鏈(臨床試驗為發展生技產業) ........ 106
第七章 研究發現與討論 ....................................................................................... 109
第一節 研究發現 ........................................................................................... 109
第二節 討論..................................................................................................... 113
第八章 結論 ........................................................................................................... 122
第一節 研究結論及對理論與實務的意涵 ................................................... 122
第二節 研究限制及後續研究議題之建議 ................................................... 125
附錄.......................................................................................................................... 126
圖一、臨床試驗與人體試驗之區隔 .............................................................. 3
圖二、臨床試驗分期階段 .............................................................................. 5
圖三、行政院衛生署與臨床試驗業務相關之單位 ...................................... 6
案件之比例......................................................................................... 15
圖五、制度環境 vs. 生醫組織 .................................................................... 28
圖六、研究概念架構圖 .................................................................................. 28
圖七、臨床試驗組織場域-主要行動者及其功能 ...................................... 31
圖八、台灣生技產業推動之相關政府部門 .................................................. 58
圖九、加強生物技術產業推動方案推動架構 ............................................... 60
圖十、台灣生醫科技島計畫推動架構 ............................................................ 82
圖十一、台灣生技起飛鑽石行動方案概念架構 ............................................ 91
圖十二、一個組織、兩個組織場域 ............................................................... 118
表一、台灣IND及NDA現況 2004-2009 .................................................... 13
表二、Scott美國醫療照護體系制度變遷的三階段研究(1945-1995)........... 34
表三、研究設計 .............................................................................................. 42
表四、1980-1994年間治理結構、制度邏輯與制度行動者 ........................ 56
表五、1995-2004年間治理結構、制度邏輯與制度行動者 ........................ 80
表六、2005-2015年間治理結構、制度邏輯與制度行動者 ........................ 108
表七、研究結果 ............................................................................................. 112
參、參考文獻 ......................................................................................................... 127
肆、章節附註 ......................................................................................................... 134
伍、附件 ................................................................................................................. 142
附件一:台灣臨床試驗「體系」發展大事紀 ......................................... 142
附件二:台灣生技產業政策與推動歷程 ................................................... 145
附件三:台灣生物技術40年發展歷程 ................................................... 149
附件四:政府相關單位行動者(歷任部會主管) ......................................... 150
附件五:臨床試驗相關法規一覽表 ........................................................... 152
附件六:藥品優良臨床試驗準則(附修正第106條) ................................. 153
附件七:醫療法部分條文修正 ................................................................... 170
附件八:人體試驗管理辦法 ....................................................................... 172
附件九:人體生物資料庫管理條例 ............................................................ 175
附件十:生技新藥產業發展條例 ................................................................ 182
dc.format.extent 2476919 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 科技政策zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 制度變遷zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 臨床試驗zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生技產業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 爭議zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) science and technology policyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) institutional changeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) clinical trialsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) biotechnology industryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) controversyen_US
dc.title (題名) 新藥臨床試驗制度在生技產業政策推動過程中變遷之探討zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The study on the institutional change of new drug clinical trials in biotechnology industry promotion policiesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 英文期刊與參考書目
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