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題名 英語外語課程中,部落格融入『過程寫作』之教學: 個案研究
The integration of weblogs into the instruction of process writing in an efl classroom: a case study
作者 詹惠玲
Chan, Hui Ling
貢獻者 林啟一
Lin, Chi Yee
Chan, Hui Ling
關鍵詞 過程寫作
process writing
multiple revisions
日期 2009
上傳時間 4-九月-2013 14:54:29 (UTC+8)
摘要 幾十年來,過程寫作常因為『重內容輕形式』和『輕忽寫作成品』而導致批評聲浪不斷。 近年來,部落格網誌的四大特色 — 自我表達、自我反省、互動和發布 — 吸引學者和語言學習者的注意。本文旨在探討部落格融入『過程寫作』之教學如何影響四名台灣高三學生的寫作表現。文獻探討涵蓋過程寫作,部落格和三項共通因素 — 回饋、自我反省日誌和電子檔案評量。
本研究的對象是研究者所教授的過程寫作班的四位高三學生。本研究的程序以寫作循環 (writing cycle) 為主軸。資料包括多次校訂 (multiple revisions)、兩篇草稿 (前後測)、學生寫作態度問卷、教師日誌(teacher’s log)和訪談紀錄。首先,以Yagelski’s coding schemes (1995) 和Johnson’s (1994) 內容和組織指標 (indicators of content and organization) 解讀多次校訂,以了解學生的校訂類型 (types of changes in multiple revisions)。接著,分析前後測分數的差距 (score differences)及文章長度 (the length of essay)、探討多次校訂與前後測草稿的關聯性,再找出前後測草稿中的內容與組織指標,以顯示學生在兩篇草稿的進步程度。訪談資料則用於探討部落格的功能、學生遇到的困難和需要何種教師支援。至於學生的寫作態度,則以前後測問卷的分數差距 (score difference) 為主,再以訪談紀錄作為佐證資料或疑點澄清。最後,與教室情境有關的發現,則以教師日誌和訪談資料為主。
1. 生有自己偏好的校訂類型 (types of changes in multiple revisions)。
2. 作班的四位高三學生在內容和組織方面有顯著進步。
3. 級部落格在過程寫作的每個階段都有不同功能。
Over the past decades of practice in process writing, criticism over “the stress on content over form” (Badger & White, 2000) and the neglect of final writing product (Barnes, 1983) has never ceased. Considering that blog has attracted scholars and learners for its unique features — self-expression, self-reflection, interactivity, and publication, this researcher integrated blog into the instruction of process writing to investigate the writing performance of the four 12th graders. The literature review covered studies on process writing, blog and three elements commonly found in both process writing and blog— feedback, self-reflection journals and e-portfolio.
The participants of this study were four 12th graders of Taiwan’s high school in a blog-mediated process writing class taught by the researcher. The procedure revolved around the process writing cycle, in which these four participants repeated the recursive writing process. Data included multiple revisions, two drafts (pre-test and post-test), questionnaires on students’ writing attitude (pre-test and post-test), the teacher’s logs and interviews. First, to obtain what types of changes students made in multiple revisions, the 48 multiple revisions were coded by Yagelski’s coding schemes (1995) and Johnson’s indicators of content and organization (1994). Second, to investigate if the four participants made progress in content and organization, this researcher touched on four aspects of analysis: 1) the score differences between the pre-test and post-test drafts, 2) the length of essay, 3) a connection analysis between the multiple revisions and the two drafts and 4) a draft analysis using Johnson’s indicators of content and organization (1994). Third, the interview data helped to explore how the blog functioned in each step of process writing model, and to present the challenges students encountered and the teacher support they needed. Fourth, to discover if these students experienced any attitude changes, she also calculated the score differences between the pre-test and post-test questionnaires in students’ writing attitude and verified the questionnaire results or clarified the unclear points with interview data. Finally, some other classroom-context-related findings were also revealed in the analysis of the teachers’ logs and the interview data.
The major findings were listed as below: 1) students showed preference for making some types of changes in multiple revisions; 2) the four students in the blog-mediated process writing class gained significant progress in content and organization; 3) the class blog functioned differently in each step of process writing model; 4) the boredom of doing multiple revisions and the teacher-student mini conference were the challenges encountered and the teacher support recommended; 5) there were writing attitude changes in the four categories — confidence, anxiety, usefulness and preference; and 6) several findings were also revealed in the context of classroom.
Some pedagogical implications and recommendations for future research on process writing were presented at the end of the thesis.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096951006
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林啟一zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lin, Chi Yeeen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 詹惠玲zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chan, Hui Lingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 詹惠玲zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chan, Hui Lingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-九月-2013 14:54:29 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-九月-2013 14:54:29 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-九月-2013 14:54:29 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0096951006en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/60020-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 英語教學碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96951006zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 幾十年來,過程寫作常因為『重內容輕形式』和『輕忽寫作成品』而導致批評聲浪不斷。 近年來,部落格網誌的四大特色 — 自我表達、自我反省、互動和發布 — 吸引學者和語言學習者的注意。本文旨在探討部落格融入『過程寫作』之教學如何影響四名台灣高三學生的寫作表現。文獻探討涵蓋過程寫作,部落格和三項共通因素 — 回饋、自我反省日誌和電子檔案評量。
本研究的對象是研究者所教授的過程寫作班的四位高三學生。本研究的程序以寫作循環 (writing cycle) 為主軸。資料包括多次校訂 (multiple revisions)、兩篇草稿 (前後測)、學生寫作態度問卷、教師日誌(teacher’s log)和訪談紀錄。首先,以Yagelski’s coding schemes (1995) 和Johnson’s (1994) 內容和組織指標 (indicators of content and organization) 解讀多次校訂,以了解學生的校訂類型 (types of changes in multiple revisions)。接著,分析前後測分數的差距 (score differences)及文章長度 (the length of essay)、探討多次校訂與前後測草稿的關聯性,再找出前後測草稿中的內容與組織指標,以顯示學生在兩篇草稿的進步程度。訪談資料則用於探討部落格的功能、學生遇到的困難和需要何種教師支援。至於學生的寫作態度,則以前後測問卷的分數差距 (score difference) 為主,再以訪談紀錄作為佐證資料或疑點澄清。最後,與教室情境有關的發現,則以教師日誌和訪談資料為主。
1. 生有自己偏好的校訂類型 (types of changes in multiple revisions)。
2. 作班的四位高三學生在內容和組織方面有顯著進步。
3. 級部落格在過程寫作的每個階段都有不同功能。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Over the past decades of practice in process writing, criticism over “the stress on content over form” (Badger & White, 2000) and the neglect of final writing product (Barnes, 1983) has never ceased. Considering that blog has attracted scholars and learners for its unique features — self-expression, self-reflection, interactivity, and publication, this researcher integrated blog into the instruction of process writing to investigate the writing performance of the four 12th graders. The literature review covered studies on process writing, blog and three elements commonly found in both process writing and blog— feedback, self-reflection journals and e-portfolio.
The participants of this study were four 12th graders of Taiwan’s high school in a blog-mediated process writing class taught by the researcher. The procedure revolved around the process writing cycle, in which these four participants repeated the recursive writing process. Data included multiple revisions, two drafts (pre-test and post-test), questionnaires on students’ writing attitude (pre-test and post-test), the teacher’s logs and interviews. First, to obtain what types of changes students made in multiple revisions, the 48 multiple revisions were coded by Yagelski’s coding schemes (1995) and Johnson’s indicators of content and organization (1994). Second, to investigate if the four participants made progress in content and organization, this researcher touched on four aspects of analysis: 1) the score differences between the pre-test and post-test drafts, 2) the length of essay, 3) a connection analysis between the multiple revisions and the two drafts and 4) a draft analysis using Johnson’s indicators of content and organization (1994). Third, the interview data helped to explore how the blog functioned in each step of process writing model, and to present the challenges students encountered and the teacher support they needed. Fourth, to discover if these students experienced any attitude changes, she also calculated the score differences between the pre-test and post-test questionnaires in students’ writing attitude and verified the questionnaire results or clarified the unclear points with interview data. Finally, some other classroom-context-related findings were also revealed in the analysis of the teachers’ logs and the interview data.
The major findings were listed as below: 1) students showed preference for making some types of changes in multiple revisions; 2) the four students in the blog-mediated process writing class gained significant progress in content and organization; 3) the class blog functioned differently in each step of process writing model; 4) the boredom of doing multiple revisions and the teacher-student mini conference were the challenges encountered and the teacher support recommended; 5) there were writing attitude changes in the four categories — confidence, anxiety, usefulness and preference; and 6) several findings were also revealed in the context of classroom.
Some pedagogical implications and recommendations for future research on process writing were presented at the end of the thesis.
dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledgments...................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents....................................................................................................iv
List of Tables .......................................................................................................viii
Chinese Abstract.....................................................................................................ix
English Abstract.....................................................................................................xi
1. Introduction................................................................................................1
1.1 Background & Motivation....................................................................1
1.2 Purpose of the Study.............................................................................6
1.3 Significance of the Study......................................................................6
2. Literature Review.......................................................................................8
2.1 Process Writing...................................................................................8
2.1.1 Process Writing Model............................................................8
2. 2 Previous Studies on Process Writing.................................................9
2.2.1 Studies in L1 Context..............................................................9
2.2.2 Studies in L2 Context............................................................10
2.2.3 Studies in EFL Context..........................................................11
2.3 Previous Studies on Writing through Weblogs.................................12
2.3.1 Weblogs in Education............................................................12
2.3.2 Previous Studies on Writing through Blog............................13
2.4 Common Elements ..........................................................................15
2.4.1 Feedback (Peer Review and Teacher’s Feedback)…...…….15 Peer Review........................................................15 Teacher’s Feedback............................................18 Computer-mediated Peer Review (CMPR) .......19
2.4.2 Self-reflection Journal...........................................................21
2.4.3 E-portfolio.............................................................................21
2.5 Research Questions..........................................................................23
3. Methodology............................................................................................25
3.1 Participants........................................ ..............................................25
3.2 Instruments.......................................................................................26
3.2.1 Drafts on Topics 1 and 5........................................................26
3.2.2 Questionnaires on Students’ Writing Attitude.......................27
3.2.3 The Class Blog......................................................................27
3.2.4 Students’ Self-reflection Journals..........................................28
3.2.5 The Teacher’s Logs...............................................................29
3.2.6 Students’ Portfolios...............................................................29
3.2.7 Self-evaluation Form on Portfolio and Questionnaire on the Writing Class............................................................................30
3.2.8 CEEC Scoring Criteria..........................................................30
3.2.9 Yagelski’s Coding Schemes for Revision Analysis…….......30
3.2.10 Johnson’s Indicators of Content and Organization………..31
3.2.11 Semi-structured Paired Interviews………………..………32
3.3 Procedures........................................................................................32
3.3.1 Writing Cycles.......................................................................33
3.3.2 Timetable of Teaching Activities and Data Collection….….36
3.4 Data Analysis....................................................................................37
4. Results......................................................................................................40
4.1 Research Question One………........................................................40
4. 2. Research Question Two..................................................................51
Connie’s Case.................................................................................53
Tina’s Case.....................................................................................57
Ice’s Case.......................................................................................61
Sherry’s Case..................................................................................64
4.3 Research Question Three..................................................................69
4.4. Research Question Four...................................................................71
4.5 Research Question Five....................................................................74
4.6 Research Question Six…...................................................................78
4.6.1 The Comparison of Usefulness among Peer Editing Sheets, Checklists and Journals..................................................................78
4.6.2 Commenting Function of the Blog........................................79
4.6.3 Attitude toward Errors...........................................................80
4.6.4 The Nature of Blog-mediated Writing Class – Workshop Format............................................................................................81
4.6.5 The Learner Types.................................................................83
4.6.6 The Writing Process..............................................................85
5. Discussion................................................................................................87
5. 1 Summary of the Findings and Discussion.......................................87
5.1.1 Research Question One…………………………………….87
5.1.2 Research Question Two…………………………………….89
5.1.3 Research Question Three…………………………………..90
5.1.4 Research Question Four…………………………...……….91
5.1.5 Research Question Five…………………………………….92
5.1.6 Research Question Six….......................................................92
5.2 Pedagogical Implications.................................................................96
5.3 Limitations of the Study...................................................................98
5.4 Recommendations for Further Studies…………………………...100
A. Questionnaire on Writing Attitude...........................................................116
B. Questionnaire on Writing Attitude (English version) .............................119
C. Class Blog................................................................................................121
D. Guideline to Self-reflection Journal........................................................122
E. Revised Guideline to Self-reflection Journal...........................................123
F. Self-evaluation Form on Portfolio & Questionnaire on the Writing
G. A Modified CEEC Scoring Criteria (大學聯考作文評分標準) ............128
H. Yagelski’s Coding Schemes for Revision Analysis (1995) ....................130
I. Interview Items.........................................................................................132
J. UCI (University of California, Irvine) Correction Symbols.....................134
K. Peer Editing Sheet...................................................................................136
L. Checklist on Process Writing & Essay ……............................................138
dc.format.extent 1734223 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096951006en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 過程寫作zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 部落格zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 多次校訂zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) process writingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) blogen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) multiple revisionsen_US
dc.title (題名) 英語外語課程中,部落格融入『過程寫作』之教學: 個案研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The integration of weblogs into the instruction of process writing in an efl classroom: a case studyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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