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題名 社群隨境遊戲運用於觀光景點-以淡水為例
Multi-player Pervasive Social Game(MPSG) in Tamsui
作者 陳正和
Chen ,Cheng Ho
貢獻者 廖文宏<br>吳岳剛
Chen ,Cheng Ho
關鍵詞 隨境遊戲
日期 2010
上傳時間 4-Sep-2013 16:09:59 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文運用隨境遊戲(Pervasive Game)其具備空間,時間,社交延展的特性,透過遊戲機制以及故事設計,將兩個遊戲空間的玩家-街頭手機玩家以及線上3D社群遊戲串聯在一起,並且為了讓遊戲內容與真實世界產生關連以及應用,本研究以一具備古蹟導覽以及觀光消費的景點-淡水為例,以便於更清楚的呈現設計概念,並在過程中探討加入其他應用,如廣告行銷應用的可能性。

在設計方法上,分為概念發想設計以及雛型實作及探討兩部分。首先透過文獻探討,找出1.隨境遊戲定義、實作架構、評估方法及案例分析 2.現今社群平台提供的互動機制、社群應用行動化趨勢、及遊戲與廣告行銷社群化的原則與案例 3.電腦遊戲中如何處理冒險類型遊戲的設計,及當中的重要元素為何?。從文獻探討中歸納出設計原則後,接著進行故事與遊戲機制設計,並透過影片模擬應用情境,呈現設計概念。最後進行架構規劃與可操作之系統雛形實作。創作過後,也針對初期玩家體驗的心得進行討論。

參考文獻 1. FRAP- a framework for pervasive games, in ACE "092009.

2. Nieuwdorp, E., The Pervasive Interface: Tracing the Magic Circle, in Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference2005.

3. Montola, M., Exploring the edge of the magic circle: Defining pervasive games, in Proceedings of DAC 2005 Conference2005.

4. Matthias Jarke, M.K.a.W.P., Serious Gaming: The Impact of Pervasive Gaming in Business and Engineering. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ERGONOMICS, 2009.

5. Hong Guo, H.T., Alf Inge Wang,Meng Zhu, TeMPS: A Conceptual Framework for Pervasive and Social Games, in 2010 Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning2010: Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

6. McGonigal, J. Saving the world through game design: Stories from the near future. in 2008 New Yorker Conference, at, accessed 25 February 2009. 2008.

7. Akribopoulos, O., et al., Developing multiplayer pervasive games and networked interactive installations using ad hoc mobile sensor nets, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Enterntainment Technology2009, ACM: Athens, Greece. p. 174-181.

8. Katsiaryna Naliuka, T.C., Roisin Cotton, Soren K. Jensen, Natasa Paterson, Mads Haahr, Supporting Immersive Location-Based Games on Resource-Constrained Platforms, in ACE 102010.

9. Riku Suomela, E.R., Ari Koivisto and Jouka Mattila, Open-Source Game Development with the Multi-user Publishing Environment (MUPE) Application Platform. Vol. p. 308-320. 2004: ICEC Bd.3166, Springer, 2004.

10. Sweetser, P. and P. Wyeth, GameFlow: a model for evaluating player enjoyment in games. Comput. Entertain., 2005. 3(3): p. 3-3.

11. Carrigy, T., et al., Design and evaluation of player experience of a location-based mobile game, in Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries2010, ACM: Reykjavik, Iceland. p. 92-101.

12. Waern, A., Z. Ahmet, and D. Sundstr\\, An in-game reporting tool for pervasive games, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Enterntainment Technology2009, ACM: Athens, Greece. p. 240-248.

13. Lankoski, P., et al., A Case Study in Pervasive Game Design: The Songs of North, in Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction2004, ACM: Tampere, Finland. p. 413-416.

14. Ballagas, R.A., REXplorer: a mobile, pervasive spell-casting game for tourists, in CHI `07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems2007, ACM: San Jose, CA, USA.

15. Gonzalez, N. 2011 [cited 2011 2011/1/11]; Available from:

16. Swartz, J. Facebook says membership has grown to 750 million. 2011/07/06; Available from:

17. Moo Nam Ko , G.P.C., Mohamed Shehab , Ravi Sandhu, Social-Networks Connect Services, in Computer 2010. p. 37-43.

18. Consalvo, M. Using Your Friends: Social Mechanics in Social Games. in An international conference covering the spectrum of digital games research. 2011. Bordeaux, France: Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games.

19. Jie Zhang, Y.S., Wei-Na Lee, To Play or Not to Play: An Exploratory Content Analysis of Branded Entertainment in Facebook. American Journal of Business, 2010.

20. David Edery, E.M., 電玩正在改變世界(Changing the Game)2010: 商周出版.

21. Priebatsch, S. The game layer on top of the world. 2010 [cited 2010; Available from:

22. Buckley, S. Sony`s SmartAR demoed live, raises the bar for augmented reality (video). 2011; Available from:

23. Andrew Rollings, E.A., 大師談遊戲設計2003, 台北市: 上奇科技.

24. ARviewer: a FLOSS mobile augmented reality browser and editor. 2010; Available from:

25. Warren, C. PayPal on Android To Start Hassle-Free NFC Payments. 2011/07/13; Available from:

26. Yu, F. Vuzix Star 1200 頭戴顯示器擴增的是我們的實境,而不是荷包. 2010/06/12; Available from:
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 廖文宏<br>吳岳剛zh_TW (Authors) 陳正和zh_TW (Authors) Chen ,Cheng Hoen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳正和zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen ,Cheng Hoen_US (日期) 2010en_US 4-Sep-2013 16:09:59 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2013 16:09:59 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2013 16:09:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0098462010en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 數位內容碩士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98462010zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文運用隨境遊戲(Pervasive Game)其具備空間,時間,社交延展的特性,透過遊戲機制以及故事設計,將兩個遊戲空間的玩家-街頭手機玩家以及線上3D社群遊戲串聯在一起,並且為了讓遊戲內容與真實世界產生關連以及應用,本研究以一具備古蹟導覽以及觀光消費的景點-淡水為例,以便於更清楚的呈現設計概念,並在過程中探討加入其他應用,如廣告行銷應用的可能性。

在設計方法上,分為概念發想設計以及雛型實作及探討兩部分。首先透過文獻探討,找出1.隨境遊戲定義、實作架構、評估方法及案例分析 2.現今社群平台提供的互動機制、社群應用行動化趨勢、及遊戲與廣告行銷社群化的原則與案例 3.電腦遊戲中如何處理冒險類型遊戲的設計,及當中的重要元素為何?。從文獻探討中歸納出設計原則後,接著進行故事與遊戲機制設計,並透過影片模擬應用情境,呈現設計概念。最後進行架構規劃與可操作之系統雛形實作。創作過後,也針對初期玩家體驗的心得進行討論。

dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章. 緒論 1
1.1. 研究的背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目標設定 2
1.3. 研究範圍說明 3
1.4. 設計方法與步驟-隨境遊戲設計 3
2. 第二章. 文獻探討與案例研究 6
2.1. 隨境遊戲(PERVASIVE GAME) 6
2.1.1. 隨境遊戲的定義,以及與傳統遊戲的比較 6
2.1.2. 以智慧型手機為載體的隨境遊戲實作技術/架構探討 9
2.1.3. 隨境遊戲的研究與評估方法 14
2.1.4. 隨境遊戲的案例 19
2.1.5. 案例的討論與比較: 25
2.2. 社群媒體,以及在上面的遊戲與廣告應用 27
2.2.1. 社群媒體平台 簡述以及其行動化趨勢 27
2.2.2. 社群媒體的應用-遊戲與廣告 29
2.2.3. 相關案例介紹-遊戲以及廣告的社群應用案例 34
2.3. 遊戲設計原則 39
2.3.1. 冒險遊戲的故事設計 39
2.3.2. 冒險遊戲與動作遊戲的結合-冒險動作類遊戲 39
2.3.3. 冒險遊戲的挑戰元素設計 40
2.3.4. 冒險遊戲的其他設計考量-NPC,地圖,日誌系統 40
2.4. 總結與討論 40
3. 第三章. 遊戲設計 42
3.1. 設計前提說明 42
3.2. 故事創作 44
3.3. 遊戲機制 46
3.4. 導覽遊戲情境劇本 53
4. 第四章. 遊戲雛型實作與概念評估 66
4.1. 遊戲系統架構雛形規劃 66
4.1.1. 平台與開發工具的選擇: 66
4.2. 玩家意見探訪: 70
5. 第五章. 反思與未來展望 73
5.1. 未採用之構想討論 73
5.1.1. 故事素材類型: 73
5.1.2. 遊戲類型以及其核心玩法: 74
5.1.3. 兩個遊戲世界的相依性以及互動性: 74
5.1.4. 社交媒體互動機制: 75
5.2. 創作呈現總結 75
5.3. 創作限制 76
5.4. 未來可能的衍伸 77
參考文獻: 79
dc.format.extent 4939131 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 隨境遊戲zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 擴增實境zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 虛擬實境zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行動導覽zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 社群隨境遊戲運用於觀光景點-以淡水為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Multi-player Pervasive Social Game(MPSG) in Tamsuien_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1. FRAP- a framework for pervasive games, in ACE "092009.

2. Nieuwdorp, E., The Pervasive Interface: Tracing the Magic Circle, in Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference2005.

3. Montola, M., Exploring the edge of the magic circle: Defining pervasive games, in Proceedings of DAC 2005 Conference2005.

4. Matthias Jarke, M.K.a.W.P., Serious Gaming: The Impact of Pervasive Gaming in Business and Engineering. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ERGONOMICS, 2009.

5. Hong Guo, H.T., Alf Inge Wang,Meng Zhu, TeMPS: A Conceptual Framework for Pervasive and Social Games, in 2010 Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning2010: Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

6. McGonigal, J. Saving the world through game design: Stories from the near future. in 2008 New Yorker Conference, at, accessed 25 February 2009. 2008.

7. Akribopoulos, O., et al., Developing multiplayer pervasive games and networked interactive installations using ad hoc mobile sensor nets, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Enterntainment Technology2009, ACM: Athens, Greece. p. 174-181.

8. Katsiaryna Naliuka, T.C., Roisin Cotton, Soren K. Jensen, Natasa Paterson, Mads Haahr, Supporting Immersive Location-Based Games on Resource-Constrained Platforms, in ACE 102010.

9. Riku Suomela, E.R., Ari Koivisto and Jouka Mattila, Open-Source Game Development with the Multi-user Publishing Environment (MUPE) Application Platform. Vol. p. 308-320. 2004: ICEC Bd.3166, Springer, 2004.

10. Sweetser, P. and P. Wyeth, GameFlow: a model for evaluating player enjoyment in games. Comput. Entertain., 2005. 3(3): p. 3-3.

11. Carrigy, T., et al., Design and evaluation of player experience of a location-based mobile game, in Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries2010, ACM: Reykjavik, Iceland. p. 92-101.

12. Waern, A., Z. Ahmet, and D. Sundstr\\, An in-game reporting tool for pervasive games, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Enterntainment Technology2009, ACM: Athens, Greece. p. 240-248.

13. Lankoski, P., et al., A Case Study in Pervasive Game Design: The Songs of North, in Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction2004, ACM: Tampere, Finland. p. 413-416.

14. Ballagas, R.A., REXplorer: a mobile, pervasive spell-casting game for tourists, in CHI `07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems2007, ACM: San Jose, CA, USA.

15. Gonzalez, N. 2011 [cited 2011 2011/1/11]; Available from:

16. Swartz, J. Facebook says membership has grown to 750 million. 2011/07/06; Available from:

17. Moo Nam Ko , G.P.C., Mohamed Shehab , Ravi Sandhu, Social-Networks Connect Services, in Computer 2010. p. 37-43.

18. Consalvo, M. Using Your Friends: Social Mechanics in Social Games. in An international conference covering the spectrum of digital games research. 2011. Bordeaux, France: Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games.

19. Jie Zhang, Y.S., Wei-Na Lee, To Play or Not to Play: An Exploratory Content Analysis of Branded Entertainment in Facebook. American Journal of Business, 2010.

20. David Edery, E.M., 電玩正在改變世界(Changing the Game)2010: 商周出版.

21. Priebatsch, S. The game layer on top of the world. 2010 [cited 2010; Available from:

22. Buckley, S. Sony`s SmartAR demoed live, raises the bar for augmented reality (video). 2011; Available from:

23. Andrew Rollings, E.A., 大師談遊戲設計2003, 台北市: 上奇科技.

24. ARviewer: a FLOSS mobile augmented reality browser and editor. 2010; Available from:

25. Warren, C. PayPal on Android To Start Hassle-Free NFC Payments. 2011/07/13; Available from:

26. Yu, F. Vuzix Star 1200 頭戴顯示器擴增的是我們的實境,而不是荷包. 2010/06/12; Available from: