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題名 行動應用軟體隱私保護標準研究
Study on Mobile Application Privacy Protection Standards作者 郭淑儀
Kuo, Shu Yi貢獻者 陳起行
Chen, Chi Shing
Kuo, Shu Yi關鍵詞 資訊隱私
Information Privacy
Mobile Applications
Mobile Apps
Privacy Standards日期 2012 上傳時間 1-Nov-2013 11:41:47 (UTC+8) 摘要 行動應用軟體具備適地性、即時性、主動性,可以提供個人化的便利服務。智慧手機普及率上升,亦將帶動行動電子商務風潮,但是消費者對於隱私安全方面的顧慮,卻是推動之阻力。行動應用軟體暗藏隱私隱憂,可能輕易截取隱私資料,包括行動裝置代碼、帳號密碼、文字訊息、照片、影音、連絡資料、行事曆資料、歷史接聽紀錄、網路使用習慣、地理定位資料等。這些隱私資料是屬於我國個資法第二條「其他得以直接或間接方式識別該個人之資料」,為個資法保護之範圍。手機用戶隱私資訊外洩問題層出不窮,歐盟和美國之爭議案例頻仍,遂於近年陸續提出相關法案和隱私保護措施。歐盟為全方位式立法,著重政府主導功能;美國是部門式規範模式,尊重產業自律。為解決各國或國際組織之個資隱私保護規範不一致問題,透過信賴標章的產業自律規範,發展成為具有效力之民間保護標準,甚至是國家標準,進而與國際標準接軌,至少可為企業降低遵守法規所投入之成本。標準是可以用來捍衛國內產業競爭力,在國際市場競爭具有相當之重要性。國際標準組織的運作通常採共識決,強調嚴謹和透明化;需要在產業和政府支持下,累積國際標準制定經驗,長期堅持投入,始得取得領先主導標準之先機。最受到矚目的行動軟體隱私標準「不被追蹤」,因與廣告商利益衝突,W3C遲遲不能通過標準定案。在各國行動應用軟體隱私保護規範尚未完備之際,透過國際標準組織、區域組織和產業組織等自律發展,形成隱私保護標準,可彌補相關法令規範未及之處。建議自法規、隱私標準和隱私標章認證方面推動個資與隱私保護,朝向政府管制和產業自律併進之模式發展。國際行動應用軟體標準發展雖尚在萌芽階段,相關產業仍須密切關注。在科技推陳出新的時代中,個資和隱私保護法制總是趕不上科技變遷,為避免問題反覆發生,標準制定推動者、立法者和執法者皆需與時俱進。
Mobile applications featured with localization, instant responsiveness and proactivenss can provide convenient and personalized services. The widespread adoption of smart phones may drive the next wave of m-commerce(mobile e-commerce), and however, consumer privacy fears limit the growth of m-commerce.There are concerns over privacy leaks that mobile applications can easily access to privacy-sensitive data, such as UDID, ID/password, text messages, photos, videos, address book, calendar, historical phone records, on-line behavior, geolocation, etc. The privacy information mentioned above should have been covered under Article 2 of Taiwan Personal Information Protection Act “other information which may be used to identify a natural person, both directly and indirectly”.In response to the increasing privacy leaks in mobile devices and law disputes, privacy protection measures and regulations have been proposed or enforced these years in European Union countries and the United States. European Union establishes a comprehensive legislation focused on government-centric functions, while the United States uses a sectoral approach that relies on industry self-regulation. In order to solve the inconsistent privacy regulations within countries and international organizations, one effective way is to promote privacy seals certified through industry self-regulation, and furthermore, develop to be industry standards, and national standards in line with international standards, and that can at least help enterprises reduce costs for responses to the mandatory regulations.Standards can be a means to safeguard industrial competitiveness, and are considered to be critically important to outcompete international trade markets. International standard bodies normally use consensus-building process, highlighted with impartiality and transparency. With supports from industry and government on accumulating experiences in international standard setting, and long-term inputs in participation, aim at competing for market dominance. The catching debate over digital advertisers interests to nail down the long overdue Do Not Track standard continues at W3C. While awaiting privacy regulations for mobile applications, self-regulation can be developed within international standard bodies, regional organizations, industry consortia, and privacy protection standards can help patch up the inadequacy of existing regulations.It is recommended to promote protection of personal data and privacy from aspects of regulations, privacy standards, and privacy seal certification, toward a model combined with government regulation and industry self-regulation. Mobile apps standards are still at the initiative stage, and therefore, the related industries should watch closely. Following by the advancement of technology with each passing day, personal data regulations and privacy laws are in danger of lagging behind technological change. In order to prevent recurring problems, standard setters, regulators, and executors should keep pace with the times.參考文獻 英文文獻1.Abdelmounaam Rezgui, Mourad Ouzzani, Athman Bouguettaya, Brahim Medjahed, Preserving Privacy in Web Services, Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Web information and data management, November 20022.Adrienne Porter Felt, Elizabeth Ha, Serge Egelman, Ariel Haney, Erika Chin, David Wagner, Android Permissions:User Attention, Comprehension, and Behavior, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, July 20123.Ali Grami and Bernadette H. 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101資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳起行 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Chi Shing en_US (Authors) 郭淑儀 zh_TW (Authors) Kuo, Shu Yi en_US dc.creator (作者) 郭淑儀 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Kuo, Shu Yi en_US (日期) 2012 en_US 1-Nov-2013 11:41:47 (UTC+8) - 1-Nov-2013 11:41:47 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Nov-2013 11:41:47 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0099961011 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 法學院碩士在職專班 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 99961011 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 行動應用軟體具備適地性、即時性、主動性,可以提供個人化的便利服務。智慧手機普及率上升,亦將帶動行動電子商務風潮,但是消費者對於隱私安全方面的顧慮,卻是推動之阻力。行動應用軟體暗藏隱私隱憂,可能輕易截取隱私資料,包括行動裝置代碼、帳號密碼、文字訊息、照片、影音、連絡資料、行事曆資料、歷史接聽紀錄、網路使用習慣、地理定位資料等。這些隱私資料是屬於我國個資法第二條「其他得以直接或間接方式識別該個人之資料」,為個資法保護之範圍。手機用戶隱私資訊外洩問題層出不窮,歐盟和美國之爭議案例頻仍,遂於近年陸續提出相關法案和隱私保護措施。歐盟為全方位式立法,著重政府主導功能;美國是部門式規範模式,尊重產業自律。為解決各國或國際組織之個資隱私保護規範不一致問題,透過信賴標章的產業自律規範,發展成為具有效力之民間保護標準,甚至是國家標準,進而與國際標準接軌,至少可為企業降低遵守法規所投入之成本。標準是可以用來捍衛國內產業競爭力,在國際市場競爭具有相當之重要性。國際標準組織的運作通常採共識決,強調嚴謹和透明化;需要在產業和政府支持下,累積國際標準制定經驗,長期堅持投入,始得取得領先主導標準之先機。最受到矚目的行動軟體隱私標準「不被追蹤」,因與廣告商利益衝突,W3C遲遲不能通過標準定案。在各國行動應用軟體隱私保護規範尚未完備之際,透過國際標準組織、區域組織和產業組織等自律發展,形成隱私保護標準,可彌補相關法令規範未及之處。建議自法規、隱私標準和隱私標章認證方面推動個資與隱私保護,朝向政府管制和產業自律併進之模式發展。國際行動應用軟體標準發展雖尚在萌芽階段,相關產業仍須密切關注。在科技推陳出新的時代中,個資和隱私保護法制總是趕不上科技變遷,為避免問題反覆發生,標準制定推動者、立法者和執法者皆需與時俱進。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Mobile applications featured with localization, instant responsiveness and proactivenss can provide convenient and personalized services. The widespread adoption of smart phones may drive the next wave of m-commerce(mobile e-commerce), and however, consumer privacy fears limit the growth of m-commerce.There are concerns over privacy leaks that mobile applications can easily access to privacy-sensitive data, such as UDID, ID/password, text messages, photos, videos, address book, calendar, historical phone records, on-line behavior, geolocation, etc. The privacy information mentioned above should have been covered under Article 2 of Taiwan Personal Information Protection Act “other information which may be used to identify a natural person, both directly and indirectly”.In response to the increasing privacy leaks in mobile devices and law disputes, privacy protection measures and regulations have been proposed or enforced these years in European Union countries and the United States. European Union establishes a comprehensive legislation focused on government-centric functions, while the United States uses a sectoral approach that relies on industry self-regulation. In order to solve the inconsistent privacy regulations within countries and international organizations, one effective way is to promote privacy seals certified through industry self-regulation, and furthermore, develop to be industry standards, and national standards in line with international standards, and that can at least help enterprises reduce costs for responses to the mandatory regulations.Standards can be a means to safeguard industrial competitiveness, and are considered to be critically important to outcompete international trade markets. International standard bodies normally use consensus-building process, highlighted with impartiality and transparency. With supports from industry and government on accumulating experiences in international standard setting, and long-term inputs in participation, aim at competing for market dominance. The catching debate over digital advertisers interests to nail down the long overdue Do Not Track standard continues at W3C. While awaiting privacy regulations for mobile applications, self-regulation can be developed within international standard bodies, regional organizations, industry consortia, and privacy protection standards can help patch up the inadequacy of existing regulations.It is recommended to promote protection of personal data and privacy from aspects of regulations, privacy standards, and privacy seal certification, toward a model combined with government regulation and industry self-regulation. Mobile apps standards are still at the initiative stage, and therefore, the related industries should watch closely. Following by the advancement of technology with each passing day, personal data regulations and privacy laws are in danger of lagging behind technological change. In order to prevent recurring problems, standard setters, regulators, and executors should keep pace with the times. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究範圍與架構 1 第一項 研究範圍 1 第二項 研究架構 2 第二節 研究方法 2第二章 行動應用軟體與資訊隱私 4 第一節 資訊隱私 4 第二節 行動應用軟體與隱私保護 6 第三節 行動軟體侵犯隱私問題 9 第一項 不當取得隱私資料問題 9 第二項 行動上網行為追蹤問題 11 第三項 行動應用軟體侵犯隱私案例 13第三章 隱私保護標準組織發展與挑戰 16 第一節 產業自律、標準與法規 16 第二節 隱私保護相關標準組織 21 第一項 BSI 21 第二項 IETF 23 第三項 ISO 27 第四項 ITU-T 34 第五項 PCI SSC 37 第六項 OASIS 38 第七項 W3C 41 第八項 TCG 46 第九項 GSMA 47 第十項 MEF 48 第三節 隱私保護標準發展之挑戰 49 第一項 標準制定之複雜性 49 第二項 標準發展生命循環 51 第三項 標準發展之鴻溝 52 第四節 隱私保護標準爭議案例 52第四章 隱私保護標準 55 第一節 個人資料保護標準 55 第一項 個資管理系統標準 55 第二項 隱私架構標準 57 第三項 身分隱私保護標準 58 第四項 生物辨識資料保護標準 59 第二節 網際網路隱私保護標準 60 第三節 資訊系統隱私保護標準 61 第一項 智慧交通系統隱私保護標準 61 第二項 ICT學習系統隱私保護標準 61 第四節 金融隱私保護標準 62 第五節 醫療隱私保護標準 64 第一項 ISO 22857:2004 65 第二項 ISO/TS 25237:2008 65 第三項 ISO/TS 21547:2010 66 第四項 ISO/TS 13582:2013 67 第五項 OASIS醫療隱私標準 67 第六項 蘇格蘭國民保健服務行動資料保護標準 67 第六節 Web隱私保護標準 68 第七節 雲端隱私保護標準 69 第八節 行動RFID服務隱私保護標準 70 第九節 行動隱私保護標準 71第五章 行動應用軟體隱私保護標準 73 第一節 不被追蹤隱私標準 73 第一項 FTC不被追蹤隱私標準建議 73 第二項 W3C不被追蹤隱私標準 74 第三項 Google和Apple不被追蹤隱私標準 77 第二節 地理定位隱私保護標準 78 第一項 W3C地理定位隱私標準 80 第二項 IETF地理位置隱私和展現架構隱私標準 80 第三節 行動金融隱私標準 81 第四節 行動應用軟體隱私標準倡議 83 第一項 W3C行動Web倡議 83 第二項 GSMA行動應用發展隱私設計指南 84 第三項 MEF行動應用軟體隱私倡議 85第六章 結論與建議 87 第一節 行動應用軟體隱私標準發展趨勢 87 第一項 國際隱私標準發展趨勢 87 第二項 隱私保護標準之全球化發展 88 第三項 行動應用軟體隱私保護標準之折衝發展 90 第四項 行動應用軟體隱私保護標準有助因應法規 92 第二節 我國發展個資管理標準與國際接軌 93 第三節 對我國行動軟體隱私保護法制之建議 96參考文獻 99 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1220246 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資訊隱私 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行動應用軟體 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 隱私標準 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Information Privacy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mobile Applications en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mobile Apps en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Privacy Standards en_US dc.title (題名) 行動應用軟體隱私保護標準研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Study on Mobile Application Privacy Protection Standards en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 英文文獻1.Abdelmounaam Rezgui, Mourad Ouzzani, Athman Bouguettaya, Brahim Medjahed, Preserving Privacy in Web Services, Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Web information and data management, November 20022.Adrienne Porter Felt, Elizabeth Ha, Serge Egelman, Ariel Haney, Erika Chin, David Wagner, Android Permissions:User Attention, Comprehension, and Behavior, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, July 20123.Ali Grami and Bernadette H. 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