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其他題名 Jailed “Newspaper Boy”:Yang Kui against the censorship
Kawahara, Isao;Chang, Wen-Hsun
Key Words楊逵;送報伕;文學評論;檢閱制度;德永直
Yang Kui;Newspaper Boy;Bungaku Hyouron;Censorship;Sunao Tokunaga
Date Issued17-Dec-2013 14:50:08 (UTC+8)
For the strong resistance spirits between the lines, Yang Kui’s “Newspaper Boy” has nowadays become one of the most famous works among Taiwanese literary works under Japanese rule. In October 1934, “Newspaper Boy” was awarded the second prize by “Bungaku Hyouron” and published in the very volume. Thus, Yang Kui became the first Taiwanese writer who won the recognition from Japanese literary arena and leaped to fame. However, in contrast with Yang Kui’s original manuscript, the “Newspaper Boy” text in “Bungaku Hyouron” was a revision after the first half of this work was banned by Taiwan Governor’s Office. In the original version, the indictment of political and social unfairness was clearly expressed. As Yang Kui converted the complaint into specific subject matter like Taiwan Cane Industry’s problem, Taiwan Governor’s Office was certainly unwilling to allow this work to appear in the newspapers. So, Taiwan Governor’s Office banned Taiwan Hsin Minpao from carrying the later half of “Newspaper Boy”, and then banned “Bungaku Hyouron” (which published the whole “Newspaper Boy”) from Taiwan market. Even “Newspaper Boy” won the recognition from Japanese literary arena, it was not permitted to present the whole text to the Taiwanese public. Yang Kui could only write criticism under pseudonyms and quote the commentary and appreciation from “Bungaku Hyouron” to propagate the contents and success of “Newspaper Boy”. By surveying the issues caused from the creation and publication of the novel “Newspaper Boy”, this thesis discuss the deep and immense influences of the censorship from Taiwan Governor’s Office on the development of Taiwanese Literature.
Relation台灣文學學報, 7, 129-148
Bulletin of Taiwanese literature, 7, 129-148
dc.contributor 台文所en_US
dc.creator (作者) 河原功;張文薰zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Kawahara, Isao;Chang, Wen-Hsunen_US (日期) 2005-12en_US 17-Dec-2013 14:50:08 (UTC+8)- 17-Dec-2013 14:50:08 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Dec-2013 14:50:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 楊逵的〈送報伕〉在今日,因其內容中所呈現之強烈反抗色彩,而成為日治時期台灣文學作品中知名度最高的作品之一。〈送報伕〉於1934年10月獲得日本《文學評論》雜誌徵文第二名並獲刊載,楊逵本人以此為契機,成為首先在日本中央文壇獲得肯定的台灣人作家,於台灣文藝界一舉成名。然而比較楊逵所遺留之手稿可發現《文學評論》所刊出之〈送報伕〉,原是楊逵在作品前半部遭台灣總督府禁刊後所修正加筆後的版本。本來楊逵〈送報伕〉中,即可見控訴政治、社會不公之日本普羅文學運動影響之痕跡;楊逵將其轉化為台灣糖業等特殊題材後自無法見容於台灣總督府。台灣總督府先是禁止〈送報伕〉後半刊登於《台灣新民報》,繼之又禁止刊載〈送報伕〉全篇之《文學評論》移入台灣。而發現〈送報伕〉即使獲得日本中央文壇的肯定,卻仍無法以完整面貌為台灣讀者所閱讀的楊逵,只好以使用筆名、藉發表評論插入〈送報伕〉片段、援引《文學評論》徵文評審意見等手段,為〈送報伕〉之內容及成就從事宣傳。本稿嘗試藉由考察〈送報伕〉創作及發表後之相關問題,論述台灣總督府之檢閱政策對台灣文學發展所造成之巨大影響。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) For the strong resistance spirits between the lines, Yang Kui’s “Newspaper Boy” has nowadays become one of the most famous works among Taiwanese literary works under Japanese rule. In October 1934, “Newspaper Boy” was awarded the second prize by “Bungaku Hyouron” and published in the very volume. Thus, Yang Kui became the first Taiwanese writer who won the recognition from Japanese literary arena and leaped to fame. However, in contrast with Yang Kui’s original manuscript, the “Newspaper Boy” text in “Bungaku Hyouron” was a revision after the first half of this work was banned by Taiwan Governor’s Office. In the original version, the indictment of political and social unfairness was clearly expressed. As Yang Kui converted the complaint into specific subject matter like Taiwan Cane Industry’s problem, Taiwan Governor’s Office was certainly unwilling to allow this work to appear in the newspapers. So, Taiwan Governor’s Office banned Taiwan Hsin Minpao from carrying the later half of “Newspaper Boy”, and then banned “Bungaku Hyouron” (which published the whole “Newspaper Boy”) from Taiwan market. Even “Newspaper Boy” won the recognition from Japanese literary arena, it was not permitted to present the whole text to the Taiwanese public. Yang Kui could only write criticism under pseudonyms and quote the commentary and appreciation from “Bungaku Hyouron” to propagate the contents and success of “Newspaper Boy”. By surveying the issues caused from the creation and publication of the novel “Newspaper Boy”, this thesis discuss the deep and immense influences of the censorship from Taiwan Governor’s Office on the development of Taiwanese Literature.en_US
dc.format.extent 1122977 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 台灣文學學報, 7, 129-148en_US
dc.relation (關聯) Bulletin of Taiwanese literature, 7, 129-148en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 楊逵;送報伕;文學評論;檢閱制度;德永直en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Yang Kui;Newspaper Boy;Bungaku Hyouron;Censorship;Sunao Tokunagaen_US
dc.title (題名) 不見天日十二年的〈送報伕〉-力搏台灣總督府言論統制之楊逵-zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Jailed “Newspaper Boy”:Yang Kui against the censorshipen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen