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其他題名 The Study of Wu Cho-Liu’s Hu Chih Ming
Kawahara, Isao;Chang, Wen-Hsun
Key Words志願兵制度;皇民奉公運動;正條密植;亞細亞的孤兒;胡志明
The volunteer soldier system;The imperial subject movement;The correct way for rice transplantation;The orphan of Asia;Hu Chih Ming
Date Issued17-Dec-2013 14:53:26 (UTC+8)
Wu Cho-Liu`s epic The Orphan of Asia, the titles of the original and of the initial version are Hu Chih Ming. From the perspectives of the content, the structure and the plot in this narrative, both Hu Chih Ming and The Orphan of Asia sharing most similarity on the main issue is that how the protagonist mentally suffered and struggled from the prejudice as a Taiwanese. However, after comparing the two works, the most obvious differences between them can be found as follows. First, the name of the protagonist has been changed from Hu Chih-Ming to Hu Tai-Ming. Second, in chapter two, the part of Yueh-Ying who is Hu Chih-Ming`s beloved committed suicide and how her death severely shocked Hu Chih-Ming is removed from The Orphan of Asia and the versions after then. Third, the length between Hu Chih Ming and The Orphan of Asia indicates a big gap. The Orphan of Asia is shortened almost to 58% of Hu Chih Ming, particularly chapter four and chapter five as the core of the narrative was even reduced to less than 50%. For this reason, Hu Chih Ming should not be regarded as the same work as The Orphan of Asia. As for the historical stage of this work was set in the period of imperial subject movement, the author Wu Cho-Liu not only criticizes the Governor-General government of Taiwan (the volunteer soldier system, the regulation of rice and grain) and the semiofficial imperial subject public service movement (labor mobilization, fire-fighting drills, excavating shelters , the alternating name movement, abolition of temples, abolition of Taiwanese opera, the distribution of rice and precious metal, the compelling donations and savings), but also demonstrates his antiwar sentiment, his question to the Japanese spirit (for example, demolishing the statue of Goto Shinpei ). In addition, he also criticizes the bureaucrats and intellectuals, the Taiwanese who just blindly follow the trend of the times and divert the money into their own pockets by abusing the policy and the author himself for just being a bystander. In Hu Chih Ming, Wu Cho-Liu attacks much more severely rather than in The Orphan of Asia. We can see that Wu Cho-Liu`s critical spirits has already exceeded the limits of time and space, not just remaining at the level of Taiwan. Therefore, the self-exploration is another serious issue in Hu Chih Ming.
Relation台灣文學學報, 10, 77-110
Bulletin of Taiwanese literature, 10, 77-110
dc.contributor 台文所en_US
dc.creator (作者) 河原功;張文薰zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Kawahara, Isao;Chang, Wen-Hsunen_US (日期) 2007-06en_US 17-Dec-2013 14:53:26 (UTC+8)- 17-Dec-2013 14:53:26 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Dec-2013 14:53:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 吳濁流之長篇小說《亞細亞的孤兒》,其原題與初始版本皆作《胡志明》。在小說內容、作品結構與情節安排上,以身為台灣人而遭受之歧視、精神上的痛楚為主要題材之《胡志明》,可說與《亞細亞的孤兒》並無太大差異。但經比較後可發現,其主要相異處在於:一、主角姓名由「胡志明」改為「胡太明」。二、第二篇中胡志明心儀對象「月英」的自殺,以及其對胡志明的衝擊,在《亞細亞的孤兒》與其後版本皆刪除不見。三、《胡志明》與《亞細亞的孤兒》之字數出入,《亞細亞的孤兒》之份量幾乎僅剩《胡志明》之58%,尤其是做為主要精神所在的第四篇與第五篇,更縮減至50%以下。故《胡志明》實不可與《亞細亞的孤兒》逕以同一作品視之。因為是以皇民化時期的台灣為作品舞台,《胡志明》中隨處可見作者吳濁流對總督府(志願兵制度、米穀管理令)以及皇民奉公運動(勤勞動員、消防訓練、挖掘防空洞、改姓名運動、廢止寺廟、廢止台灣戲曲、稻米與貴金屬之供出、強制獻金及儲蓄)的批判;反戰意識的呈現;對日本精神的質疑(如拆除後藤新平銅像);對官吏與知識分子的批判等。更有對盲從於時勢以及假政策之名中飽私囊之台灣人的批判;以及對於只能以旁觀者自居的作者自身的批判。在《胡志明》中,吳濁流所呈現的批判態度,其激烈程度遠超過《亞細亞的孤兒》。透過《胡志明》,可觀察出吳濁流的批判精神實已超越時空界限,而不僅停留在「平面世界」的台灣。因此《胡志明》之中實蘊含了包括對自我存在意義探求等之深刻問題。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Wu Cho-Liu`s epic The Orphan of Asia, the titles of the original and of the initial version are Hu Chih Ming. From the perspectives of the content, the structure and the plot in this narrative, both Hu Chih Ming and The Orphan of Asia sharing most similarity on the main issue is that how the protagonist mentally suffered and struggled from the prejudice as a Taiwanese. However, after comparing the two works, the most obvious differences between them can be found as follows. First, the name of the protagonist has been changed from Hu Chih-Ming to Hu Tai-Ming. Second, in chapter two, the part of Yueh-Ying who is Hu Chih-Ming`s beloved committed suicide and how her death severely shocked Hu Chih-Ming is removed from The Orphan of Asia and the versions after then. Third, the length between Hu Chih Ming and The Orphan of Asia indicates a big gap. The Orphan of Asia is shortened almost to 58% of Hu Chih Ming, particularly chapter four and chapter five as the core of the narrative was even reduced to less than 50%. For this reason, Hu Chih Ming should not be regarded as the same work as The Orphan of Asia. As for the historical stage of this work was set in the period of imperial subject movement, the author Wu Cho-Liu not only criticizes the Governor-General government of Taiwan (the volunteer soldier system, the regulation of rice and grain) and the semiofficial imperial subject public service movement (labor mobilization, fire-fighting drills, excavating shelters , the alternating name movement, abolition of temples, abolition of Taiwanese opera, the distribution of rice and precious metal, the compelling donations and savings), but also demonstrates his antiwar sentiment, his question to the Japanese spirit (for example, demolishing the statue of Goto Shinpei ). In addition, he also criticizes the bureaucrats and intellectuals, the Taiwanese who just blindly follow the trend of the times and divert the money into their own pockets by abusing the policy and the author himself for just being a bystander. In Hu Chih Ming, Wu Cho-Liu attacks much more severely rather than in The Orphan of Asia. We can see that Wu Cho-Liu`s critical spirits has already exceeded the limits of time and space, not just remaining at the level of Taiwan. Therefore, the self-exploration is another serious issue in Hu Chih Ming.en_US
dc.format.extent 1467448 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 台灣文學學報, 10, 77-110en_US
dc.relation (關聯) Bulletin of Taiwanese literature, 10, 77-110en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 志願兵制度;皇民奉公運動;正條密植;亞細亞的孤兒;胡志明en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The volunteer soldier system;The imperial subject movement;The correct way for rice transplantation;The orphan of Asia;Hu Chih Mingen_US
dc.title (題名) 吳濁流《胡志明》研究zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Study of Wu Cho-Liu’s Hu Chih Mingen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen