題名 人力資源管理活動與員工創新及生涯成就(2/3) 其他題名 Human Resource Management Practice and Employee Creativity and Career Attainment 作者 黃家齊 貢獻者 企管系 日期 2012.07 上傳時間 28-一月-2014 14:31:41 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究計畫包含兩個子研究計畫。第一個計畫探討台灣與美國間文化差異對於導師關係(mentoring relationship)與生涯成就間關聯性的影響。在導師關係的研究領域中,文化價值觀造成的影響是少被探討的議題,此計畫將蒐集台灣與美國各一至二所大學畢業系友的資料進行比較研究,以探討權力距離價值觀與性別對於導師關係與生涯成就間關聯性共同的調節效果,亦即導師關係、權力距離價值觀與性別間的三維交互作用效果。研究結果一方面填補了導師關係研究中文化價值觀扮演角色的研究缺口,另一方面則將有助於了解源自西方的導師關係安排在亞洲文化系絡中的適用性與局限性。 第二個研究計畫則將嘗試界定出較為完整的人力資源管理活動,並探討人力資源管理活動對於員工創新的影響,同時依據Amabile(1983, 1988)的創新要素模型,研究中亦將探討員工內在動機與領域知識技能在人力資源管理活動與員工創新關係間的可能中介角色。研究對象將針對組織中知識核心員工,並將採取序時性的研究設計,自變項(人力資源管理活動)、中介變項(員工內在動機與領域知識技能)以及因變項(員工創新)將分別在三個時點進行資料蒐集。此研究同時也將採行跨層次研究取向,自變項是設定在知識核心員工的群體層次(或組織層次),中介變項及因變項則屬知識核心員工個人層次。而分析方法則可能使用層級線性模式(HLM)為之。
This proposal combines two projects. About the first project, no study, to our knowledge, has examined the relationship between mentoring and protégé outcomes, let alone the moderating effects of cultural values such as power-distance together with gender, among Taiwanese or U.S. professionals (or samples from other countries.) Since Taiwan and the U.S. are also cultural contrasts, comparing them was believed to provide insights into potential cultural differences in mentoring-outcome relationships. Contextualizing mentoring, power-distance, gender, and their interaction on salary in contrasting cultures (Taiwan vs. U.S.) will fill a literature gap by investigating whether mentoring results found in the U.S. replicates in Asian samples, and will hopefully initiate additional tests of the usefulness of Western mentoring hypotheses in Asian contexts. In the second project, a relatively comprehensive set of HR practices will be identified and examine their effects on employee creativity in the workplace. Drawing upon the componential model of creativity (Amabile, 1983, 1988), the present study examines employee intrinsic motivation as well as knowledge and skills as potential mediators between HR practices and employee creativity. The empirical setting involves core knowledge employees in high technology firms. The study uses a longitudinal design by measuring HR practices (independent variables), employee intrinsic motivation and knowledge and skills (mediators), and creative performance (the dependent variable) at three different times. The design is cross-level in that the independent variables are specified and measured at the core knowledge employee group level, and the mediators and dependent variable at the individual core knowledge employee level. The present study will use Random Coefficient Modeling (RCM; also called Hierarchical Linear Modeling) in data analyses to account for the nested nature of the data (i.e., core knowledge employees are nested within firms).關聯 行政院國家科學委員會
計畫編號: NSC99-2410-H004-009-MY3資料類型 report dc.contributor 企管系 en_US dc.creator (作者) 黃家齊 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 2012.07 en_US dc.date.accessioned 28-一月-2014 14:31:41 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 28-一月-2014 14:31:41 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 28-一月-2014 14:31:41 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/63620 - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究計畫包含兩個子研究計畫。第一個計畫探討台灣與美國間文化差異對於導師關係(mentoring relationship)與生涯成就間關聯性的影響。在導師關係的研究領域中,文化價值觀造成的影響是少被探討的議題,此計畫將蒐集台灣與美國各一至二所大學畢業系友的資料進行比較研究,以探討權力距離價值觀與性別對於導師關係與生涯成就間關聯性共同的調節效果,亦即導師關係、權力距離價值觀與性別間的三維交互作用效果。研究結果一方面填補了導師關係研究中文化價值觀扮演角色的研究缺口,另一方面則將有助於了解源自西方的導師關係安排在亞洲文化系絡中的適用性與局限性。 第二個研究計畫則將嘗試界定出較為完整的人力資源管理活動,並探討人力資源管理活動對於員工創新的影響,同時依據Amabile(1983, 1988)的創新要素模型,研究中亦將探討員工內在動機與領域知識技能在人力資源管理活動與員工創新關係間的可能中介角色。研究對象將針對組織中知識核心員工,並將採取序時性的研究設計,自變項(人力資源管理活動)、中介變項(員工內在動機與領域知識技能)以及因變項(員工創新)將分別在三個時點進行資料蒐集。此研究同時也將採行跨層次研究取向,自變項是設定在知識核心員工的群體層次(或組織層次),中介變項及因變項則屬知識核心員工個人層次。而分析方法則可能使用層級線性模式(HLM)為之。 en_US dc.description.abstract (摘要) This proposal combines two projects. About the first project, no study, to our knowledge, has examined the relationship between mentoring and protégé outcomes, let alone the moderating effects of cultural values such as power-distance together with gender, among Taiwanese or U.S. professionals (or samples from other countries.) Since Taiwan and the U.S. are also cultural contrasts, comparing them was believed to provide insights into potential cultural differences in mentoring-outcome relationships. Contextualizing mentoring, power-distance, gender, and their interaction on salary in contrasting cultures (Taiwan vs. U.S.) will fill a literature gap by investigating whether mentoring results found in the U.S. replicates in Asian samples, and will hopefully initiate additional tests of the usefulness of Western mentoring hypotheses in Asian contexts. In the second project, a relatively comprehensive set of HR practices will be identified and examine their effects on employee creativity in the workplace. Drawing upon the componential model of creativity (Amabile, 1983, 1988), the present study examines employee intrinsic motivation as well as knowledge and skills as potential mediators between HR practices and employee creativity. The empirical setting involves core knowledge employees in high technology firms. The study uses a longitudinal design by measuring HR practices (independent variables), employee intrinsic motivation and knowledge and skills (mediators), and creative performance (the dependent variable) at three different times. The design is cross-level in that the independent variables are specified and measured at the core knowledge employee group level, and the mediators and dependent variable at the individual core knowledge employee level. The present study will use Random Coefficient Modeling (RCM; also called Hierarchical Linear Modeling) in data analyses to account for the nested nature of the data (i.e., core knowledge employees are nested within firms). en_US dc.format.extent 136 bytes - dc.format.mimetype text/html - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.relation (關聯) 行政院國家科學委員會 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號: NSC99-2410-H004-009-MY3 en_US dc.title (題名) 人力資源管理活動與員工創新及生涯成就(2/3) zh_TW dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Human Resource Management Practice and Employee Creativity and Career Attainment en_US dc.type (資料類型) report en