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題名 高明先生論四書
作者 陳逢源
Chen, Feng-Yuan
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 高明 ; 四書學 ; 考據學 ; 朱學 ; 孔學
Gao Ming ; Study of Four Books ; textology ; Study of Zhu Xi ; Study of Confucius
日期 2013.12
上傳時間 11-Feb-2014 17:29:33 (UTC+8)
摘要 高明先生,學有淵源,志以救國,近承章、黃學脈,遠紹清初經世學風,學術融攝義理與辭章,思想兼括傳統與現代,一方面延續清代陳確《大學辨》路徑,擴而及於《中庸》,從考據之中,建立研究史觀;另一方面由經學入於子學,回歸於儒學思考,以《論語》建立孔子學說的了解。先生不僅總結清儒考據成果,也回應現代學術需求,於四書當中,闡發幽微,剔除《大學》、《中庸》疑義,回歸於原本之宗旨,彰顯儒學體系與宏規;發揮《論語》、《孟子》要旨,期以會通諸經,以應世用,希望發揚儒學精神於年輕的一代,薪傳文化,接引後學,為一生之信念。回應學術史發展的思考,宋學作為「他者」(other)的存在,延續清代考據學風,先生裂解朱熹以理學「道統」思想建立的四書體系,建立以應於世,垂範於後的文化典型,儒學遂有全新的樣貌,饒富學術推展意義。
Gao Ming research combined meaning and rhetoric argumentation, while his thought incorporated tradition as well as modern ideas. On one hand, he stretched Chen Que`s thinking path in the "Discrimination of Great Learning" ("Daxue bian") and built a new historical thought through extending his research to the "Doctrine of the Mean". On the other hand, going from the Philosophy of Classic ("jingxue") into the Philosophy of mentors ("zixue"), he focused on Confucianism and reverted to Confucius` teaching itself by explicating the "Analects of Confucius". Gao not only summarized the scholars` achievements in the Qing Dynasty, but also observed modern academic rules. Therefore, he culled out doubtful points about the "Great Learning and Doctrine of the Mean" and revealed the original system and doctrine of Confucianism. Moreover, he tried to comprehend all classics in order to clarify the main point of the "Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius". Enhancing the spirit of Confucianism and spreading the culture to younger generation is his lifetime faith. Although the academics in the Song Dynasty is regarded as the "other" in the history of Chinese philosophy, Gao explicated the academic system of "Four Books" built up by Zhu Xi`s Philosophy of Principle ("lixue") and Succession to the Way ("daotong"). As a result, there is a totally new face of Confucianism which is a feasible cultural model and worth looking into by the following scholars.
關聯 國文學報, 54 , 57 - 77
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 中文系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳逢源zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Feng-Yuanen_US (日期) 2013.12en_US 11-Feb-2014 17:29:33 (UTC+8)- 11-Feb-2014 17:29:33 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-Feb-2014 17:29:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 高明先生,學有淵源,志以救國,近承章、黃學脈,遠紹清初經世學風,學術融攝義理與辭章,思想兼括傳統與現代,一方面延續清代陳確《大學辨》路徑,擴而及於《中庸》,從考據之中,建立研究史觀;另一方面由經學入於子學,回歸於儒學思考,以《論語》建立孔子學說的了解。先生不僅總結清儒考據成果,也回應現代學術需求,於四書當中,闡發幽微,剔除《大學》、《中庸》疑義,回歸於原本之宗旨,彰顯儒學體系與宏規;發揮《論語》、《孟子》要旨,期以會通諸經,以應世用,希望發揚儒學精神於年輕的一代,薪傳文化,接引後學,為一生之信念。回應學術史發展的思考,宋學作為「他者」(other)的存在,延續清代考據學風,先生裂解朱熹以理學「道統」思想建立的四書體系,建立以應於世,垂範於後的文化典型,儒學遂有全新的樣貌,饒富學術推展意義。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Gao Ming research combined meaning and rhetoric argumentation, while his thought incorporated tradition as well as modern ideas. On one hand, he stretched Chen Que`s thinking path in the "Discrimination of Great Learning" ("Daxue bian") and built a new historical thought through extending his research to the "Doctrine of the Mean". On the other hand, going from the Philosophy of Classic ("jingxue") into the Philosophy of mentors ("zixue"), he focused on Confucianism and reverted to Confucius` teaching itself by explicating the "Analects of Confucius". Gao not only summarized the scholars` achievements in the Qing Dynasty, but also observed modern academic rules. Therefore, he culled out doubtful points about the "Great Learning and Doctrine of the Mean" and revealed the original system and doctrine of Confucianism. Moreover, he tried to comprehend all classics in order to clarify the main point of the "Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius". Enhancing the spirit of Confucianism and spreading the culture to younger generation is his lifetime faith. Although the academics in the Song Dynasty is regarded as the "other" in the history of Chinese philosophy, Gao explicated the academic system of "Four Books" built up by Zhu Xi`s Philosophy of Principle ("lixue") and Succession to the Way ("daotong"). As a result, there is a totally new face of Confucianism which is a feasible cultural model and worth looking into by the following scholars.en_US
dc.format.extent 3050978 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 國文學報, 54 , 57 - 77en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 高明 ; 四書學 ; 考據學 ; 朱學 ; 孔學en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Gao Ming ; Study of Four Books ; textology ; Study of Zhu Xi ; Study of Confuciusen_US
dc.title (題名) 高明先生論四書zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) articleen