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題名 以夥伴關係管理探討觸控面板產業-以A公司為例
The partner relationship management for A company in the touch panel industry
作者 董芷吟
貢獻者 李易諭
關鍵詞 觸控面板產業
日期 2013
上傳時間 4-Jun-2014 14:40:53 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究將以個案公司-A公司為主,以產業概況及分析以及個案公司內、外部分析和供應鏈管理及策略相關的文獻,整合成本文的主要架構,希望針對在競爭激烈及變化快速的面板產業中的個案公司提出上游、中游、下游的策略,其為本論文的主要研究動機.本文藉由供應鏈管理為基礎,分析外部市場的變動,推測未來產業發展趨勢,並且分析個案公司上中下游所面臨的困境及機會,提出相對應的策略建議.
參考文獻 一、 中文部份
1. 方至民(2000),企業競爭優勢,台北,前程。
2. 吳思華(2000),策略九說(三版),台北,臉譜文化出版。
3. 李行賢(2013),觸控面板產業之供應鏈整合策略-以A公司為例,台北,政治大學全球企業家組經營管理碩士學位論文。
4. 拓璞產業研究所(2011),觸控技術正在悄悄地改變人們生活方式,台北,拓墣科技。
5. 陳俞君, 楊素貞, and Lewis, J. D. (1997),透視策略聯盟,摩托羅拉, 飛利浦等跨國企業致勝謀略, 台北,遠流。
6. 黃銘章, 邱秋燕, and 洪俊欽. (2006), 中心廠商的供應鏈管理能力對供應鏈整合之影響. 東吳經濟商學學報, (53), 1-31。

二、 英文部份
1. Aulakh, P. S., M. Kotabe and A. Sahay (1996), Trust and Performance in Cross-Border Marketing Partnerships: A Behavioral Approach, Journal of International Business Studies, Special Issue, 1005-1032.
2. Bensaou, M (1999), Portfolios of Buyer-supplier relationships, Sloan Management Review, summer ,35-44
3. Brouthers, D.K., L.E. Brouthers and T.J. Wilkinson (1995), Strategic alliances:Choose your partners, Long Range Planning, 28(3), 18-25.
4. Chopra, S., and Meindl, P. (2001), Supply Chain Management: Strategy. Planning and Operation, New Jerseys: Prentice Hall.
5. Chung S., H. Singh, K. Lee (2000), Complementarity , status similarity and social capital as drivers of alliance formation, Strategic Management Journal, 21, 1-22.
6. Cooper, A. C. (2001), Networks, alliances and entrepreneurship, in Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., Camp, S. M. and D. L. Sexton(eds.), Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating a New Integrated Mindset. Oxford: Blackwell.
7. Cooper, M. C., and Ellram, L. M. (1993), Characteristics of supply chain management and the implications for purchasing and logistics strategy. International Journal of Logistics Management , 4(2), 13-24.
8. Cooper, M. C.,and M. E. Lisa (1993), Characteristics of Supply Chain Management and Implication for Implementing Supply Chain Partnerships, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 7(2):1-17.
9. Cooper, M.C., Lambert, D.M. and Pagh, J.D.(1997), Supply Chain Managememt: More than a New Name for Logistics ,The international Journal of Logistics Management, 8, 1-13
10. Dwyer, F. R. (1993), Soft and hard features of interim relationships: an empiricalstudy of bilateral governance in industrial distribution. Institute for the Study of Business Markets, the Pennsylvania State University.
11. Dwyer, F. R., Schurr, P. H., and Oh, S. (1987), Developing Buyer-seller Relationship. Journal of Marketing, 51(4), 11-27.
12. Ellarm, L.M. (1991), Life Cycle Patterns in Industrial Buyer-Seller Partnerships, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 21, 12-21.
13. Ellram, L. M. (1990), The Supplier Selection Decision in Strategic. Journal of Purchasing and materials Management,8,23-44
14. Farmer, L. S. J. (2003), Partnerships for lifelong learning. Worthington: Linworth.
15. Fisher, M. L. (1997), What is the right supply chain you’re your product. Harvard business review, 75, 105-117.
16. Gentry and Vellenga (1996), Using Logistics Alliances to Gain a Strategic Advantage in the Marketplace, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice,.4(2), 37-43.
17. Handfield, R.B. and Nichols, E.L.(1999), Introduction to Supply Chain management, New Jerseys: Prentice Hall.
18. Hill, C.W. and G.R. Jones (1998), Strategic Management Theory, 4nd ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
19. La Londe, B. J., and Masters, J. M. (1994), Emerging logistics strategies: blueprintsfor the next century. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 24(7), 35-47.
20. Lambert, D.M., M.A. Emmelhainz, and J.T. Gardner.(1996), Developing and Purchasing and Logistics Strategy”, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 4(2),16-26.
21. Leavy, B. (1994), Two strategic perspective on the buyer-supplier relationship, Production and Inventory management Journal , 35(2),49
22. Lee, H. L. (2002), Aligning supply chain strategies with production uncertainties. California management review, 44(3), 105-119.
23. Lehmann,Cart.(2000), Eletronic Business Strategices. META Group
24. McCormack, K. (2003), B2B collaboration: what is it?. Supply Chain Practice,5, 18-29.
25. Mentzer, J. T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J. S., Min, S., Nix, N. W., Smith, C. D., and Zacharia, Z. G. (2001), Defining supply chain management. Journal of Business logistics, 22(2), 1-25.
26. Napolitano, L. (1997), Customer-supplier partnering: a strategy whose time has come. The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 1-8.
27. Noel Capon (2001), Key Account Management and Planning, New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc.
28. Oliver, R. K., and Webber, M. D. (1982), Supply-chain management: logistics catches up with strategy. Outlook, 5(1), 42-47.
29. Rackham, N., Friedman, L. G., and Ruff, R. (1996), Getting partnering right: How market leaders are creating long-term competitive advantage. New York: McGraw-Hill. Enterprises.
30. Rigby, DK.and Buchanan, WT. (1994), Putting more strategy into strategic alliances, Directors and Boards, 18(2), 14-19.
31. Ring, P. S. and A. H. Van De Ven (1994), Developmental process of cooperative inter organizational relationships, Academy of Management Review, 19, 90-118.
32. Sako, M.(1992), Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-firm Relations in Britain and Japan, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
33. Scannell, T. V., Vickery, S. K., and Droge, C. L. (2000), Upstream supply chain management and competitive performance in the automotive supply industry. Journal of Business Logistics, 21(1).
34. Sheth, J. N., and Sharma, A. (1997), Supplier relationships: emerging issues and challenges. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(2), 91-100.
35. Simchi-Levi, E., and Kaminsky, P. (1999), Designing and managing the supply chain: Concepts, strategies, and cases. United-States: McGraw-Hill.
36. Sobrero, M., and Roberts, E. B. (2002), Strategic management of supplier–manufacturer relations in new product development. Research policy, 31(1), 159-182.
37. Tompkins, J. A., and Tompkins, J. (1995), The Genesis Enterprise: CreatingPeak-to-peak Performance. New York: McGraw-Hill.
38. Venkatraman, N., and Ramanujam, V. (1986), Measurement of business performance in strategy research: a comparison of approaches. Academy of management review, 11(4), 801-814.
39. Vickery, S., Calantone, R. and Droge, C. (1999), Supply Chain Flexibility: An Empirical Study, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 35(3),16-24.
40. Wilson, D.T. (1995), An integrated model of buyer-seller relationship, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,23(4), 335-34

三、 網站部份
1. IHS iSuppli(2013),IHS Announces Global Touch-Screen Panel Shipments to Double by 2016,登錄時間:2013/05/14,取自網站:

2. NPD DisplaySearch(2012),Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report,登錄時間:2013/05/05,取自網站:
3. 司徒達賢 (2007),如何管理供應商關係,登錄時間:2013/06/20,取自網站:

4. 李筱豫(2012),可攜式裝置保護玻璃產業趨勢分析,登錄時間:2013/05/29,取自網站:
5. 林明輝(2008),觸控面板商機引爆,ITO導電薄膜乘勢而起,登錄時間:2013/07/05,取自網站:
6. 科技產業資訊室(2013),2013年平板電腦出貨量將超越筆記型電腦,登錄時間:2013/06/23,取自網站:
7. 科技產業資訊室(2013),2013年第二季智慧型手機超越功能手機銷售量,登錄時間:2013/08/23,取自網站:
8. 科技產業資訊室(2013),2014年全球智慧連網裝置出貨量將達17億台,登錄時間:2013/07/20,取自網站:
9. 科技產業資訊室(2013),2017年智慧型手機出貨量達15億支,登錄時間:2013/08/01,取自網站:
10. 科技產業資訊室(2013),平板電腦將於2016年超越筆記型電腦出貨量,登錄時間:2013/07/19,取自網站:
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李易諭zh_TW (Authors) 董芷吟zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 董芷吟zh_TW (日期) 2013en_US 4-Jun-2014 14:40:53 (UTC+8)- 4-Jun-2014 14:40:53 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Jun-2014 14:40:53 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1003550321en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100355032zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究將以個案公司-A公司為主,以產業概況及分析以及個案公司內、外部分析和供應鏈管理及策略相關的文獻,整合成本文的主要架構,希望針對在競爭激烈及變化快速的面板產業中的個案公司提出上游、中游、下游的策略,其為本論文的主要研究動機.本文藉由供應鏈管理為基礎,分析外部市場的變動,推測未來產業發展趨勢,並且分析個案公司上中下游所面臨的困境及機會,提出相對應的策略建議.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究對象與範圍 2
第四節 研究流程 3
第五節 論文結構 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 供應鏈管理 8
第二節 供應商管理 15
第三節 夥伴關係管理 19
第三章 研究設計 33
第一節 研究架構 33
第二節 研究方法 34
第四章 觸控面板產業 36
第一節 觸控面板產業概況 36
第二節 觸控面板技術 45
第三節 觸控面板應用與未來趨勢 51
第五章 個案分析 58
第一節 個案公司介紹 58
第二節 個案公司分析 63
第三節 策略建議 73
第六章 結論與建議 78
第一節 結論 78
第二節 建議 81
第三節 研究限制 83
文獻參考 84
附錄 89
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 觸控面板產業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 供應鏈管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 夥伴關係管理zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 以夥伴關係管理探討觸控面板產業-以A公司為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The partner relationship management for A company in the touch panel industryen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文部份
1. 方至民(2000),企業競爭優勢,台北,前程。
2. 吳思華(2000),策略九說(三版),台北,臉譜文化出版。
3. 李行賢(2013),觸控面板產業之供應鏈整合策略-以A公司為例,台北,政治大學全球企業家組經營管理碩士學位論文。
4. 拓璞產業研究所(2011),觸控技術正在悄悄地改變人們生活方式,台北,拓墣科技。
5. 陳俞君, 楊素貞, and Lewis, J. D. (1997),透視策略聯盟,摩托羅拉, 飛利浦等跨國企業致勝謀略, 台北,遠流。
6. 黃銘章, 邱秋燕, and 洪俊欽. (2006), 中心廠商的供應鏈管理能力對供應鏈整合之影響. 東吳經濟商學學報, (53), 1-31。

二、 英文部份
1. Aulakh, P. S., M. Kotabe and A. Sahay (1996), Trust and Performance in Cross-Border Marketing Partnerships: A Behavioral Approach, Journal of International Business Studies, Special Issue, 1005-1032.
2. Bensaou, M (1999), Portfolios of Buyer-supplier relationships, Sloan Management Review, summer ,35-44
3. Brouthers, D.K., L.E. Brouthers and T.J. Wilkinson (1995), Strategic alliances:Choose your partners, Long Range Planning, 28(3), 18-25.
4. Chopra, S., and Meindl, P. (2001), Supply Chain Management: Strategy. Planning and Operation, New Jerseys: Prentice Hall.
5. Chung S., H. Singh, K. Lee (2000), Complementarity , status similarity and social capital as drivers of alliance formation, Strategic Management Journal, 21, 1-22.
6. Cooper, A. C. (2001), Networks, alliances and entrepreneurship, in Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., Camp, S. M. and D. L. Sexton(eds.), Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating a New Integrated Mindset. Oxford: Blackwell.
7. Cooper, M. C., and Ellram, L. M. (1993), Characteristics of supply chain management and the implications for purchasing and logistics strategy. International Journal of Logistics Management , 4(2), 13-24.
8. Cooper, M. C.,and M. E. Lisa (1993), Characteristics of Supply Chain Management and Implication for Implementing Supply Chain Partnerships, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 7(2):1-17.
9. Cooper, M.C., Lambert, D.M. and Pagh, J.D.(1997), Supply Chain Managememt: More than a New Name for Logistics ,The international Journal of Logistics Management, 8, 1-13
10. Dwyer, F. R. (1993), Soft and hard features of interim relationships: an empiricalstudy of bilateral governance in industrial distribution. Institute for the Study of Business Markets, the Pennsylvania State University.
11. Dwyer, F. R., Schurr, P. H., and Oh, S. (1987), Developing Buyer-seller Relationship. Journal of Marketing, 51(4), 11-27.
12. Ellarm, L.M. (1991), Life Cycle Patterns in Industrial Buyer-Seller Partnerships, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 21, 12-21.
13. Ellram, L. M. (1990), The Supplier Selection Decision in Strategic. Journal of Purchasing and materials Management,8,23-44
14. Farmer, L. S. J. (2003), Partnerships for lifelong learning. Worthington: Linworth.
15. Fisher, M. L. (1997), What is the right supply chain you’re your product. Harvard business review, 75, 105-117.
16. Gentry and Vellenga (1996), Using Logistics Alliances to Gain a Strategic Advantage in the Marketplace, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice,.4(2), 37-43.
17. Handfield, R.B. and Nichols, E.L.(1999), Introduction to Supply Chain management, New Jerseys: Prentice Hall.
18. Hill, C.W. and G.R. Jones (1998), Strategic Management Theory, 4nd ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
19. La Londe, B. J., and Masters, J. M. (1994), Emerging logistics strategies: blueprintsfor the next century. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 24(7), 35-47.
20. Lambert, D.M., M.A. Emmelhainz, and J.T. Gardner.(1996), Developing and Purchasing and Logistics Strategy”, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 4(2),16-26.
21. Leavy, B. (1994), Two strategic perspective on the buyer-supplier relationship, Production and Inventory management Journal , 35(2),49
22. Lee, H. L. (2002), Aligning supply chain strategies with production uncertainties. California management review, 44(3), 105-119.
23. Lehmann,Cart.(2000), Eletronic Business Strategices. META Group
24. McCormack, K. (2003), B2B collaboration: what is it?. Supply Chain Practice,5, 18-29.
25. Mentzer, J. T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J. S., Min, S., Nix, N. W., Smith, C. D., and Zacharia, Z. G. (2001), Defining supply chain management. Journal of Business logistics, 22(2), 1-25.
26. Napolitano, L. (1997), Customer-supplier partnering: a strategy whose time has come. The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 1-8.
27. Noel Capon (2001), Key Account Management and Planning, New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc.
28. Oliver, R. K., and Webber, M. D. (1982), Supply-chain management: logistics catches up with strategy. Outlook, 5(1), 42-47.
29. Rackham, N., Friedman, L. G., and Ruff, R. (1996), Getting partnering right: How market leaders are creating long-term competitive advantage. New York: McGraw-Hill. Enterprises.
30. Rigby, DK.and Buchanan, WT. (1994), Putting more strategy into strategic alliances, Directors and Boards, 18(2), 14-19.
31. Ring, P. S. and A. H. Van De Ven (1994), Developmental process of cooperative inter organizational relationships, Academy of Management Review, 19, 90-118.
32. Sako, M.(1992), Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-firm Relations in Britain and Japan, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
33. Scannell, T. V., Vickery, S. K., and Droge, C. L. (2000), Upstream supply chain management and competitive performance in the automotive supply industry. Journal of Business Logistics, 21(1).
34. Sheth, J. N., and Sharma, A. (1997), Supplier relationships: emerging issues and challenges. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(2), 91-100.
35. Simchi-Levi, E., and Kaminsky, P. (1999), Designing and managing the supply chain: Concepts, strategies, and cases. United-States: McGraw-Hill.
36. Sobrero, M., and Roberts, E. B. (2002), Strategic management of supplier–manufacturer relations in new product development. Research policy, 31(1), 159-182.
37. Tompkins, J. A., and Tompkins, J. (1995), The Genesis Enterprise: CreatingPeak-to-peak Performance. New York: McGraw-Hill.
38. Venkatraman, N., and Ramanujam, V. (1986), Measurement of business performance in strategy research: a comparison of approaches. Academy of management review, 11(4), 801-814.
39. Vickery, S., Calantone, R. and Droge, C. (1999), Supply Chain Flexibility: An Empirical Study, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 35(3),16-24.
40. Wilson, D.T. (1995), An integrated model of buyer-seller relationship, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,23(4), 335-34

三、 網站部份
1. IHS iSuppli(2013),IHS Announces Global Touch-Screen Panel Shipments to Double by 2016,登錄時間:2013/05/14,取自網站:

2. NPD DisplaySearch(2012),Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report,登錄時間:2013/05/05,取自網站:
3. 司徒達賢 (2007),如何管理供應商關係,登錄時間:2013/06/20,取自網站:

4. 李筱豫(2012),可攜式裝置保護玻璃產業趨勢分析,登錄時間:2013/05/29,取自網站:
5. 林明輝(2008),觸控面板商機引爆,ITO導電薄膜乘勢而起,登錄時間:2013/07/05,取自網站:
6. 科技產業資訊室(2013),2013年平板電腦出貨量將超越筆記型電腦,登錄時間:2013/06/23,取自網站:
7. 科技產業資訊室(2013),2013年第二季智慧型手機超越功能手機銷售量,登錄時間:2013/08/23,取自網站:
8. 科技產業資訊室(2013),2014年全球智慧連網裝置出貨量將達17億台,登錄時間:2013/07/20,取自網站:
9. 科技產業資訊室(2013),2017年智慧型手機出貨量達15億支,登錄時間:2013/08/01,取自網站:
10. 科技產業資訊室(2013),平板電腦將於2016年超越筆記型電腦出貨量,登錄時間:2013/07/19,取自網站: