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題名 同儕提名法在圍體活動中評鑑初中階主管之應用
其他題名 Managerial Assessment by Peer Nomination in Group Exercises
作者 李俊明 ; 張裕隆
Lee, Chun-Ming ; Chang, Yue-Loong
貢獻者 心理系
關鍵詞 同儕提名 ; 核心才能 ; 主管評鑑 ; 團體活動 ; peer nomination ; competency ; managerial assessment ; group exercise
日期 2001.06
上傳時間 27-Jun-2014 14:18:48 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究的主要目的在於針對主管發展一套同儕提名評鑑工具,並進一步探討其信度與效度以及內部機制與影響因素。研究者首先針對某證券公司之初階與中階主管進行工作分析,並根據重要管理能力設計活動與評鑑工具。研究者並藉由自編考核表、該公司現有的主管考核資料、部屬滿意度調查結果、以及追蹤活動後兩年內晉升次數等來代表受評主管的工作績效,並據以探討同儕提名評鑑工具與主管人員工作績效之問的關係。結果顯示:同儕提名法評鑑工具的評分者間信度甚高,肯德爾和諧係數為.28-.62,均達.01以上顯著水準,評分者內信度的中位數亦達.81;至於效度方面,以考核表總分、優於部門同仁、晉升潛力、領導能力、忠誠度、過去三年考績、部屬滿意度、兩年內晉升次數等為效標變項,針對初階與中階主管進行迴歸分析,效度係數中位數分別為.67與.56。此外,為進一步瞭解同儕提名法之內部機制與影響因素,研究者綜合調查結果與追蹤晤談資料,嘗試提出一個模式來加以說明。最後,研究者提出本研究之限制、後續研究方向、及全業實務應用等之建議。
The purpose of this study is to develop a managerial assessment system of peer nomination, to investigate the system`s reliability and validity, and to clarify the influencial factors and psychological mechanism. After gathering the job-analysis information by questionnaire (N=86) and interview (N=16), the researchers developed managerial competencies, peer nomination form, group exercises, and criteria questionnaire. Seventy-five supervisors participated the group exercises, twenty-six of those samples joined the follow-up interviews, and forty-eight supervisors were analyzed for the follow-up validation after two years. The results showed that: (l) the interrater reliability (Kandll coeffient) was .28-.62, and the median of intrarater reliability reached .81; (2) the median of validity was .67 for 1st level managers and .56 for middle level managers. The researchers combined the results of feedback questionnaire and follow-up in-depth interview, then developed a hypothetical model to clarify the mechanism of peer nomination.
關聯 應用心理研究,10,97-133
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 心理系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 李俊明 ; 張裕隆zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Chun-Ming ; Chang, Yue-Loong- (日期) 2001.06en_US 27-Jun-2014 14:18:48 (UTC+8)- 27-Jun-2014 14:18:48 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 27-Jun-2014 14:18:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究的主要目的在於針對主管發展一套同儕提名評鑑工具,並進一步探討其信度與效度以及內部機制與影響因素。研究者首先針對某證券公司之初階與中階主管進行工作分析,並根據重要管理能力設計活動與評鑑工具。研究者並藉由自編考核表、該公司現有的主管考核資料、部屬滿意度調查結果、以及追蹤活動後兩年內晉升次數等來代表受評主管的工作績效,並據以探討同儕提名評鑑工具與主管人員工作績效之問的關係。結果顯示:同儕提名法評鑑工具的評分者間信度甚高,肯德爾和諧係數為.28-.62,均達.01以上顯著水準,評分者內信度的中位數亦達.81;至於效度方面,以考核表總分、優於部門同仁、晉升潛力、領導能力、忠誠度、過去三年考績、部屬滿意度、兩年內晉升次數等為效標變項,針對初階與中階主管進行迴歸分析,效度係數中位數分別為.67與.56。此外,為進一步瞭解同儕提名法之內部機制與影響因素,研究者綜合調查結果與追蹤晤談資料,嘗試提出一個模式來加以說明。最後,研究者提出本研究之限制、後續研究方向、及全業實務應用等之建議。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The purpose of this study is to develop a managerial assessment system of peer nomination, to investigate the system`s reliability and validity, and to clarify the influencial factors and psychological mechanism. After gathering the job-analysis information by questionnaire (N=86) and interview (N=16), the researchers developed managerial competencies, peer nomination form, group exercises, and criteria questionnaire. Seventy-five supervisors participated the group exercises, twenty-six of those samples joined the follow-up interviews, and forty-eight supervisors were analyzed for the follow-up validation after two years. The results showed that: (l) the interrater reliability (Kandll coeffient) was .28-.62, and the median of intrarater reliability reached .81; (2) the median of validity was .67 for 1st level managers and .56 for middle level managers. The researchers combined the results of feedback questionnaire and follow-up in-depth interview, then developed a hypothetical model to clarify the mechanism of peer nomination.en_US
dc.format.extent 704626 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 應用心理研究,10,97-133en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 同儕提名 ; 核心才能 ; 主管評鑑 ; 團體活動 ; peer nomination ; competency ; managerial assessment ; group exerciseen_US
dc.title (題名) 同儕提名法在圍體活動中評鑑初中階主管之應用zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Managerial Assessment by Peer Nomination in Group Exercisesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen