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題名 從心理角度探討療癒系商品消費行為研究
Research on the Consumer Behavior of Healing Products from Psychological View作者 林慧玲 貢獻者 郭貞
Kuo, Chen
林慧玲關鍵詞 療癒系商品
healing product
negative emotion
purchase motive of healing product
consumer behavior日期 2013 上傳時間 1-Jul-2014 12:02:03 (UTC+8) 摘要 近年來療癒系商品市場擁有龐大商機,其商品種類或造型也不斷推陳出新,大致可分為帶來幸福、溫暖與陪伴感且具紓壓功能之「可愛型療癒系商品」,以及釋放內心不安、憤怒能量具紓壓功能之「發洩型療癒系商品」。在經濟不景氣的背景下,療癒系商品便應運而生,也因此本研究想探究消費者心理變項與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為的關係為何。本研究使用相關心理學理論如下,以「焦慮與寂寞的負面情緒觀點」探討消費者負面情緒(包含焦慮與寂寞)與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為關係,以「五大因素模式」探討消費者人格特質(包含情緒敏感性與外向性)與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為關係。此外,因為可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品購買動機關係介於消費者心理變項和療癒系商品消費行為之間,因而將可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品購買動機列為中介變項,去更綜觀討論心理特質與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為的關係。而本研究將可愛型療癒系商品購買動機分為增加樂趣(空間美感或樂趣)、療癒心靈(情緒性需求)、和社交性需求(我想和你做朋友)三大面向;將發洩型療癒系商品購買動機分為只有療癒心靈(情緒性需求)一個面向。因而,本研究目的為試圖從消費者心理角度出發探討消費者與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為(包括療癒系商品的認知度、喜好度與購買意願)之間的關係。 本研究藉問卷調查法回收306份有效樣本。實證結果顯示:在可愛型療癒系商品認知度迴歸模型方面,性別對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度有顯著正向影響,「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度有高度顯著正向影響,「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響並不顯著,「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響不顯著。而焦慮對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響不顯著,寂寞對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響也不顯著。另外,情緒敏感性對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響並不顯著,而外向性對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響不顯著。在可愛型療癒系商品喜好度迴歸模型方面,性別對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響不顯著,「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度有高度顯著正向影響,「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度有高度顯著正向影響,「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響則不顯著。而焦慮對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響不顯著,寂寞對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度有顯著負向影響。另外,情緒敏感性對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響並不顯著,外向性對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響也不顯著。在可愛型療癒系商品購買意願迴歸模型方面,性別對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願有顯著正向影響,「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願有高度顯著正向影響,「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願有高度顯著正向影響,「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願也有高度顯著正向影響。而焦慮對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願影響並不顯著,寂寞對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願影響不顯著。另外,情緒敏感性對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願影響不顯著,外向性對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願影響也不顯著。在發洩型療癒系商品認知度迴歸模型方面,性別對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度有顯著正向影響,「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度有高度顯著正向影響。而焦慮對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度有顯著負向影響,寂寞對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度並不顯著。另外,情緒敏感性對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度有顯著正向影響,外向性對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度影響則不顯著。在發洩型療癒系商品喜好度迴歸模型方面,性別對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度影響並不顯著,「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度有高度顯著正向影響。而焦慮對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度影響不顯著,寂寞對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度有顯著負向影響。另外,情緒敏感性對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度影響不顯著,外向性對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度影響也不顯著。在發洩型療癒系商品購買意願迴歸模型方面,性別對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願影響並不顯著,「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願有高度顯著正向影響。而焦慮對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願有顯著正向影響,寂寞對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願則有顯著負向影響。另外,情緒敏感性對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願影響不顯著,外向性對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願影響也不顯著。 另一方面,在「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機迴歸模型方面,外向性對於「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機有高度顯著正向影響。在「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機迴歸模型方面,焦慮對於「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機影響並不顯著,寂寞對於「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機有顯著正向影響。而情緒敏感性對於「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機影響不顯著,外向性對於「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機則有高度顯著正向影響。在「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機迴歸模型方面,外向性對於「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機有顯著正向影響。最後,「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機迴歸模型方面,因為模型本身不具有顯著解釋力,因而焦慮對於「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機假設沒有得到支持;寂寞對於「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機假設沒有得到支持;情緒敏感性對於「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機假設沒有得到支持;而外向性對於「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機假設也沒有得到支持。 由上述可知,消費者心理變項與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為有影響,也因此對於實務建議為應瞄準高焦慮感及高情緒敏感性的消費者進行更多發洩型療癒系商品行銷;也應瞄準高外向性的消費者進行更多可愛型療癒系商品行銷。而女性不只喜愛可愛型療癒系商品,對於發洩型療癒系商品也很感興趣,行銷人員應針對女性在發洩型療癒系商品上做更多行銷溝通。最後,未來行銷可愛型療癒系商品時應不只注重宣傳「療癒需求」,也應加入或考慮「外型可愛溫馨」、「增進社交、人際關係」之主題訴求。而對於發洩型療癒系商品行銷應較以「療癒、紓壓」需求為主要訴求重點。
The market of healing products has had great business opportunities in recent years, and more and more types and shapes of healing products are continuously coming out. The healing products can be divided into two kinds, including: one is “cute healing products” which bring consumers a sense of happiness, warmth, companionship and stress-relieving; the other is “emotion-releasing healing products” which help consumers release a sense of uncertainty, anger and pressure. Under the background of economic recession, here come healing products. Therefore, the study is aimed at exploring the relationship between consumers’ psychological variables and the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products. The study adopts related psychological theories as follows: exploring the relationship between consumers’ negative emotions( including anxiety and loneliness) and the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products from the negative emotions views of anxiety and loneliness; exploring the relationship between consumers’ personalities (including neuroticism and extraversion) and the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products from the view of The Big Five Model. Moreover, because the purchase motives of cute and emotion-releasing healing products are between consumers’ psychological variables and the consumer behavior of healing products, the study categorizes the purchase motives of cute and emotion-releasing healing products as mediators. Consequently, the study can explore the relationship between consumers’ psychological variables and the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products much broadly. The study divides the purchase motives of cute healing products into three dimensions, including: fun-increasing (aesthetic feelings or fun of space), soul-healing (emotional needs), and social needs (I want to be your friend) dimensions; and divides the purchase motives of emotion-releasing healing products into only one dimension called soul-healing (emotional needs) dimension. Therefore, the study’s goal is to try to exploring the relationship between consumers and the consumer behavior (including the cognition, affection and purchase intention of healing products) of cute and emotion-releasing healing products from consumers’ psychological view. The study uses surveys to collect 306 valid samples, and the empirical results show: from the aspect of the regression model of the cognition of cute healing products, gender has a significant positive influence on the cognition of cute healing products, the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the cognition of cute healing products, the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products, and the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products. Anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products, and loneliness doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products, either. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products. From the aspect of the regression model of the affection of cute healing products, gender doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products, the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the affection of cute healing products, the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the affection of cute healing products, and the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products. Anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products, but loneliness has a significant negative influence on the affection of cute healing products. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products, either. From the aspect of the regression model of the purchase intention of cute healing products, gender has a significant positive influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, and the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products also has a highly significant positive influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products. Anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, and loneliness doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products as well. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, either. From the aspect of the regression model of the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products, gender has a significant positive influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products, and the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products. Anxiety has a significant negative influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products, but loneliness doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products. Besides, neuroticism has a significant positive influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products, but extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products. From the aspect of the regression model of the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, gender doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, and the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products. Anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, but loneliness has a significant negative influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, either. From the aspect of the regression model of the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, gender doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, and the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products. Anxiety has a significant positive influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, and loneliness has a significant negative influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, either. On the other hand, from the aspect of the regression model of the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, extraversion has a highly significant positive influence on the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products. From the aspect of the regression model of the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, but loneliness has a significant positive influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products. Moreover, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, but extraversion has a highly significant positive influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products. From the aspect of the regression model of the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, extraversion has a significant positive influence on the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products. Finally, from the aspect of the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products, because the regression model itself doesn’t have significant explanatory power, whether anxiety has a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products doesn’t be supported; whether loneliness has a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products doesn’t be supported; whether neuroticism has a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products doesn’t be supported; and whether extraversion has a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products doesn’t be supported, either. From mentioned above, consumers’ psychological variables really have influences on the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products. Therefore, the study inspires some practice suggestions as follows: marketing practitioners should target at consumers with high-degree anxiety and neuroticism to undergo more marketing of emotion-releasing healing products; should target at consumers with high-degree extraversion to undergo more marketing of cute healing products. Women not only like cute healing products, but also are interested in emotion-releasing healing products, so practitioners should do more marketing communication of emotion-releasing healing products to women. Finally, in the future when promoting cute healing products, practitioners should not only to lay stress on “healing souls” appeal, but also to focus on “cute and warm shapes” and “incrementing social and interpersonal relationships” appeals; when promoting emotion-releasing healing products, practitioners should focus on “healing souls and relieving stresses” appeal.參考文獻 中文部份Yahoo!奇摩(民101年12月10日)。網拍流行達人!必買~拍賣十大爆紅商品【Yahoo!奇摩新聞】。取自王千逸(民96)。實習教師求職壓力與因應策略之研究(國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文)。取自王明堂、宋係潔(2008年05月)。療傷系玩具的產品設計及研究。「中華民國設計學會第 13 屆設計學術研究成果研討會[光碟版]」發表之論文,桃園長庚大學。方雅青(民95年4月)。生活救生艇:心靈汪洋中的療癒商機。管理雜誌,382, 140-142。江品儀(民98)。漢文字造形應用於療癒系商品之創作研究(樹德科技大學應用設計研究所未出版之碩士論文)。樹德科技大學,高雄市。李雯娣(民89)。國小兒童性格特質之研究(國立屏東教育大學國民教育研究所碩士論文)。取自李靜如(民96)。大學生的成人依附、社交能力、社會支持、寂寞與憂鬱之關係(國立政治大學教育研究所博士論文)。取自吳俊儒(2008年10月)。大朋友的小玩具:成年人「療傷系」玩具消費之需求動機探討。「2008年圖書資訊暨傳播學進行中論文發表會」發表之論文,臺北市世新大學。林欣靜(民98年1月)。讓你出氣,給你關懷:大朋友的小玩具。Taiwan Panorama台灣光華雜誌。取自林欣靜(民98年2月)。五感療癒打敗不景氣。Taiwan Panorama台灣光華雜誌,6。取自柯永河(民82)。心理治療與衛生。台北:張老師。許哲嘉(民98)。療傷系玩具之意象認知研究(大同大學工業設計學系所碩士論文)。取自郭貞(民83)。台灣地區民眾之消費動機與習性。廣告學研究,3,93-113。陳書梅(民98年9月1日)。書目療法與閱讀革命—從「知性閱讀」到「療癒閱讀」【臺大校友雙月刊】。取自陳惠君(民97)。療癒商品設計之研究(國立成功大學工業設計學系碩博士班碩士論文)。取自陳美瑛(譯)(民96)。女性顧客購物心理學-讓女人開新買單的50則銷售技巧(原作者:鈴木丈織)。臺北:商周。(原著出版年:2007)陳宥臻(民101年12月16日)。布偶、巧克力逆勢熱賣 療癒商機旺【中時電子報】。取自陳鶴元(民100年11月)。療癒系設計—感性與自我探求歷程。MOT/TIMES 線上誌。取自張秀霞(民95)。人格特質、團隊互動過程與創新行為之相關性研究(朝陽科技大學企業管理系碩士班碩士論文)。取自崔斐韻(民93)。大學生資訊焦慮與因應方式之研究—以南部地區為例(國立高雄師範大學教育學系所碩士論文)。取自梁靜純(民99)。療癒空間特質研究─以禪學思維為導向(中原大學室內設計研究所碩士論文)。取自源臻芳香照護學院出版團隊(譯)(民94)。情緒與芳香治療(原作者:雪俐‧布萊)。新北市:世茂。(原著出版年:2000)曾錦泉(民92)。國民中學組織變革與校長工作壓力及因應策略之研究(彰化師範大學教育研究所碩士論文)。取自游恆山、李素卿(譯)(民89)。心理學(原作者:P. 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102資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 郭貞 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Kuo, Chen en_US (Authors) 林慧玲 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 林慧玲 zh_TW (日期) 2013 en_US 1-Jul-2014 12:02:03 (UTC+8) - 1-Jul-2014 12:02:03 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Jul-2014 12:02:03 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1014520021 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 廣告研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101452002 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 102 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來療癒系商品市場擁有龐大商機,其商品種類或造型也不斷推陳出新,大致可分為帶來幸福、溫暖與陪伴感且具紓壓功能之「可愛型療癒系商品」,以及釋放內心不安、憤怒能量具紓壓功能之「發洩型療癒系商品」。在經濟不景氣的背景下,療癒系商品便應運而生,也因此本研究想探究消費者心理變項與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為的關係為何。本研究使用相關心理學理論如下,以「焦慮與寂寞的負面情緒觀點」探討消費者負面情緒(包含焦慮與寂寞)與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為關係,以「五大因素模式」探討消費者人格特質(包含情緒敏感性與外向性)與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為關係。此外,因為可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品購買動機關係介於消費者心理變項和療癒系商品消費行為之間,因而將可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品購買動機列為中介變項,去更綜觀討論心理特質與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為的關係。而本研究將可愛型療癒系商品購買動機分為增加樂趣(空間美感或樂趣)、療癒心靈(情緒性需求)、和社交性需求(我想和你做朋友)三大面向;將發洩型療癒系商品購買動機分為只有療癒心靈(情緒性需求)一個面向。因而,本研究目的為試圖從消費者心理角度出發探討消費者與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為(包括療癒系商品的認知度、喜好度與購買意願)之間的關係。 本研究藉問卷調查法回收306份有效樣本。實證結果顯示:在可愛型療癒系商品認知度迴歸模型方面,性別對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度有顯著正向影響,「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度有高度顯著正向影響,「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響並不顯著,「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響不顯著。而焦慮對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響不顯著,寂寞對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響也不顯著。另外,情緒敏感性對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響並不顯著,而外向性對於可愛型療癒系商品認知度影響不顯著。在可愛型療癒系商品喜好度迴歸模型方面,性別對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響不顯著,「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度有高度顯著正向影響,「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度有高度顯著正向影響,「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響則不顯著。而焦慮對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響不顯著,寂寞對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度有顯著負向影響。另外,情緒敏感性對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響並不顯著,外向性對於可愛型療癒系商品喜好度影響也不顯著。在可愛型療癒系商品購買意願迴歸模型方面,性別對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願有顯著正向影響,「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願有高度顯著正向影響,「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願有高度顯著正向影響,「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願也有高度顯著正向影響。而焦慮對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願影響並不顯著,寂寞對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願影響不顯著。另外,情緒敏感性對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願影響不顯著,外向性對於可愛型療癒系商品購買意願影響也不顯著。在發洩型療癒系商品認知度迴歸模型方面,性別對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度有顯著正向影響,「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度有高度顯著正向影響。而焦慮對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度有顯著負向影響,寂寞對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度並不顯著。另外,情緒敏感性對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度有顯著正向影響,外向性對於發洩型療癒系商品認知度影響則不顯著。在發洩型療癒系商品喜好度迴歸模型方面,性別對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度影響並不顯著,「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度有高度顯著正向影響。而焦慮對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度影響不顯著,寂寞對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度有顯著負向影響。另外,情緒敏感性對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度影響不顯著,外向性對於發洩型療癒系商品喜好度影響也不顯著。在發洩型療癒系商品購買意願迴歸模型方面,性別對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願影響並不顯著,「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願有高度顯著正向影響。而焦慮對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願有顯著正向影響,寂寞對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願則有顯著負向影響。另外,情緒敏感性對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願影響不顯著,外向性對於發洩型療癒系商品購買意願影響也不顯著。 另一方面,在「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機迴歸模型方面,外向性對於「增加樂趣」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機有高度顯著正向影響。在「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機迴歸模型方面,焦慮對於「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機影響並不顯著,寂寞對於「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機有顯著正向影響。而情緒敏感性對於「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機影響不顯著,外向性對於「療癒心靈」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機則有高度顯著正向影響。在「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機迴歸模型方面,外向性對於「社交性需求」面向之可愛型療癒系商品購買動機有顯著正向影響。最後,「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機迴歸模型方面,因為模型本身不具有顯著解釋力,因而焦慮對於「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機假設沒有得到支持;寂寞對於「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機假設沒有得到支持;情緒敏感性對於「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機假設沒有得到支持;而外向性對於「療癒心靈」面向之發洩型療癒系商品購買動機假設也沒有得到支持。 由上述可知,消費者心理變項與可愛型和發洩型療癒系商品消費行為有影響,也因此對於實務建議為應瞄準高焦慮感及高情緒敏感性的消費者進行更多發洩型療癒系商品行銷;也應瞄準高外向性的消費者進行更多可愛型療癒系商品行銷。而女性不只喜愛可愛型療癒系商品,對於發洩型療癒系商品也很感興趣,行銷人員應針對女性在發洩型療癒系商品上做更多行銷溝通。最後,未來行銷可愛型療癒系商品時應不只注重宣傳「療癒需求」,也應加入或考慮「外型可愛溫馨」、「增進社交、人際關係」之主題訴求。而對於發洩型療癒系商品行銷應較以「療癒、紓壓」需求為主要訴求重點。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The market of healing products has had great business opportunities in recent years, and more and more types and shapes of healing products are continuously coming out. The healing products can be divided into two kinds, including: one is “cute healing products” which bring consumers a sense of happiness, warmth, companionship and stress-relieving; the other is “emotion-releasing healing products” which help consumers release a sense of uncertainty, anger and pressure. Under the background of economic recession, here come healing products. Therefore, the study is aimed at exploring the relationship between consumers’ psychological variables and the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products. The study adopts related psychological theories as follows: exploring the relationship between consumers’ negative emotions( including anxiety and loneliness) and the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products from the negative emotions views of anxiety and loneliness; exploring the relationship between consumers’ personalities (including neuroticism and extraversion) and the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products from the view of The Big Five Model. Moreover, because the purchase motives of cute and emotion-releasing healing products are between consumers’ psychological variables and the consumer behavior of healing products, the study categorizes the purchase motives of cute and emotion-releasing healing products as mediators. Consequently, the study can explore the relationship between consumers’ psychological variables and the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products much broadly. The study divides the purchase motives of cute healing products into three dimensions, including: fun-increasing (aesthetic feelings or fun of space), soul-healing (emotional needs), and social needs (I want to be your friend) dimensions; and divides the purchase motives of emotion-releasing healing products into only one dimension called soul-healing (emotional needs) dimension. Therefore, the study’s goal is to try to exploring the relationship between consumers and the consumer behavior (including the cognition, affection and purchase intention of healing products) of cute and emotion-releasing healing products from consumers’ psychological view. The study uses surveys to collect 306 valid samples, and the empirical results show: from the aspect of the regression model of the cognition of cute healing products, gender has a significant positive influence on the cognition of cute healing products, the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the cognition of cute healing products, the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products, and the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products. Anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products, and loneliness doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products, either. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of cute healing products. From the aspect of the regression model of the affection of cute healing products, gender doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products, the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the affection of cute healing products, the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the affection of cute healing products, and the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products. Anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products, but loneliness has a significant negative influence on the affection of cute healing products. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of cute healing products, either. From the aspect of the regression model of the purchase intention of cute healing products, gender has a significant positive influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, and the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products also has a highly significant positive influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products. Anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, and loneliness doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products as well. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of cute healing products, either. From the aspect of the regression model of the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products, gender has a significant positive influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products, and the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products. Anxiety has a significant negative influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products, but loneliness doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products. Besides, neuroticism has a significant positive influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products, but extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the cognition of emotion-releasing healing products. From the aspect of the regression model of the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, gender doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, and the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products. Anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, but loneliness has a significant negative influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the affection of emotion-releasing healing products, either. From the aspect of the regression model of the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, gender doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, and the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products has a highly significant positive influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products. Anxiety has a significant positive influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, and loneliness has a significant negative influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products. Besides, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, and extraversion doesn’t have a significant influence on the purchase intention of emotion-releasing healing products, either. On the other hand, from the aspect of the regression model of the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, extraversion has a highly significant positive influence on the fun-increasing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products. From the aspect of the regression model of the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, anxiety doesn’t have a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, but loneliness has a significant positive influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products. Moreover, neuroticism doesn’t have a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, but extraversion has a highly significant positive influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products. From the aspect of the regression model of the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products, extraversion has a significant positive influence on the social needs dimension of the purchase motive of cute healing products. Finally, from the aspect of the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products, because the regression model itself doesn’t have significant explanatory power, whether anxiety has a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products doesn’t be supported; whether loneliness has a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products doesn’t be supported; whether neuroticism has a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products doesn’t be supported; and whether extraversion has a significant influence on the soul-healing dimension of the purchase motive of emotion-releasing healing products doesn’t be supported, either. From mentioned above, consumers’ psychological variables really have influences on the consumer behavior of cute and emotion-releasing healing products. Therefore, the study inspires some practice suggestions as follows: marketing practitioners should target at consumers with high-degree anxiety and neuroticism to undergo more marketing of emotion-releasing healing products; should target at consumers with high-degree extraversion to undergo more marketing of cute healing products. Women not only like cute healing products, but also are interested in emotion-releasing healing products, so practitioners should do more marketing communication of emotion-releasing healing products to women. Finally, in the future when promoting cute healing products, practitioners should not only to lay stress on “healing souls” appeal, but also to focus on “cute and warm shapes” and “incrementing social and interpersonal relationships” appeals; when promoting emotion-releasing healing products, practitioners should focus on “healing souls and relieving stresses” appeal. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 謝辭……………………………………………………………………………………i中文摘要……………………………………………………………………………iii英文摘要…………………………………………………………………………vii目錄………………………………………………………………………………xiii表目錄……………………………………………………………………………xv圖目錄……………………………………………………………………………xvi第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………………………1第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………………3 第一節 療癒系商品定義及分類………………………………………………3 第二節 性別與療癒系商品消費行為…………………………………………5 第三節 療癒系商品購買動機與療癒系商品消費行為………………………7 第四節 負面情緒與療癒系商品消費行為……………………………………10 第五節 人格特質與療癒系商品消費行為……………………………………21第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………………………26 第一節 研究架構與問題/假設………………………………………………26 第二節 研究設計………………………………………………………………28第四章 研究結果…………………………………………………………………36 第一節 敘述統計……………………………………………………………36 第二節 假設驗證………………………………………………………………37 第三節 小結……………………………………………………………………48第五章 結論…………………………………………………………………………51 第一節 討論……………………………………………………………………51 第二節 未來研究………………………………………………………………55 第三節 研究限制………………………………………………………………56 第四節 實務建議………………………………………………………………57參考文獻…………………………………………………………………………58附錄一 五定義及其典型特徵………………………………………………………68附錄二 五大因素中六構面………………………………………………………69附錄三 研究問卷(前測)……………………………………………………………70附錄四 正式研究問卷……………………………………………………………75附錄五 正式研究問卷各研究變項量表之因素載荷值及信度……………………80 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1308465 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 療癒系商品 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 負面情緒 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人格特質 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 療癒系商品購買動機 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 消費行為 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) healing product en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) negative emotion en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) personality en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) purchase motive of healing product en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) consumer behavior en_US dc.title (題名) 從心理角度探討療癒系商品消費行為研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Research on the Consumer Behavior of Healing Products from Psychological View en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部份Yahoo!奇摩(民101年12月10日)。網拍流行達人!必買~拍賣十大爆紅商品【Yahoo!奇摩新聞】。取自王千逸(民96)。實習教師求職壓力與因應策略之研究(國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文)。取自王明堂、宋係潔(2008年05月)。療傷系玩具的產品設計及研究。「中華民國設計學會第 13 屆設計學術研究成果研討會[光碟版]」發表之論文,桃園長庚大學。方雅青(民95年4月)。生活救生艇:心靈汪洋中的療癒商機。管理雜誌,382, 140-142。江品儀(民98)。漢文字造形應用於療癒系商品之創作研究(樹德科技大學應用設計研究所未出版之碩士論文)。樹德科技大學,高雄市。李雯娣(民89)。國小兒童性格特質之研究(國立屏東教育大學國民教育研究所碩士論文)。取自李靜如(民96)。大學生的成人依附、社交能力、社會支持、寂寞與憂鬱之關係(國立政治大學教育研究所博士論文)。取自吳俊儒(2008年10月)。大朋友的小玩具:成年人「療傷系」玩具消費之需求動機探討。「2008年圖書資訊暨傳播學進行中論文發表會」發表之論文,臺北市世新大學。林欣靜(民98年1月)。讓你出氣,給你關懷:大朋友的小玩具。Taiwan Panorama台灣光華雜誌。取自林欣靜(民98年2月)。五感療癒打敗不景氣。Taiwan Panorama台灣光華雜誌,6。取自柯永河(民82)。心理治療與衛生。台北:張老師。許哲嘉(民98)。療傷系玩具之意象認知研究(大同大學工業設計學系所碩士論文)。取自郭貞(民83)。台灣地區民眾之消費動機與習性。廣告學研究,3,93-113。陳書梅(民98年9月1日)。書目療法與閱讀革命—從「知性閱讀」到「療癒閱讀」【臺大校友雙月刊】。取自陳惠君(民97)。療癒商品設計之研究(國立成功大學工業設計學系碩博士班碩士論文)。取自陳美瑛(譯)(民96)。女性顧客購物心理學-讓女人開新買單的50則銷售技巧(原作者:鈴木丈織)。臺北:商周。(原著出版年:2007)陳宥臻(民101年12月16日)。布偶、巧克力逆勢熱賣 療癒商機旺【中時電子報】。取自陳鶴元(民100年11月)。療癒系設計—感性與自我探求歷程。MOT/TIMES 線上誌。取自張秀霞(民95)。人格特質、團隊互動過程與創新行為之相關性研究(朝陽科技大學企業管理系碩士班碩士論文)。取自崔斐韻(民93)。大學生資訊焦慮與因應方式之研究—以南部地區為例(國立高雄師範大學教育學系所碩士論文)。取自梁靜純(民99)。療癒空間特質研究─以禪學思維為導向(中原大學室內設計研究所碩士論文)。取自源臻芳香照護學院出版團隊(譯)(民94)。情緒與芳香治療(原作者:雪俐‧布萊)。新北市:世茂。(原著出版年:2000)曾錦泉(民92)。國民中學組織變革與校長工作壓力及因應策略之研究(彰化師範大學教育研究所碩士論文)。取自游恆山、李素卿(譯)(民89)。心理學(原作者:P. 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