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題名 LED 導線架經營策略之探討
A Business Strategy of LED Lead frame
作者 李忠義
Lee, Chung Yi
貢獻者 周宣光
Lee, Chung Yi
關鍵詞 發光二極體
日期 2013
上傳時間 1-Jul-2014 12:08:51 (UTC+8)
摘要 發光二極體也就是俗稱的LED(Light-Emitting Diode以下簡稱LED),而LED具有省電、使用壽命長、反應速度快等優勢,因此在全球環保意識高漲下,逐漸成為發展主流的綠色能源。台灣在發展LED產業已長達30餘年,從最早期的封裝產業開始,慢慢逐漸向上游藍寶石基板、LED導線架等產品以及下游端的消費性產品的應用,發展至今已經形成相當完整的LED供應鏈且累積一定的技術水平及研發能力,不論是上游或中游供應廠商皆能夠向世界一流大廠相互競爭;但從2010年開始大陸政府投入相當大量的資金與節能政策,使得大陸地區成立許多的LED廠商,此舉讓台灣的LED廠商受到相當大的威脅。也因為供給的增加再加上全球景氣持續低迷情況下,造成供需失衡的問題持續惡化,直到2011年開始韓系廠商推出低價應用的直下式電視搭配大陸家電下鄉政策,一舉提升了LED的需求量,但預期從2014年開始由於背光市場的LED滲透率已經趨近於99%,因此成長動能會逐漸趨於緩和。使得LED應用的終極產品照明市場開始浮出檯面,在LED產業快速的變動下以及大陸地區廠商的競爭下,台灣LED供應商必須提早佈局因應未來的市場變動。因此本研究目的透過分析LED市場的需求發展趨勢以及LED導線架與產業的特性,找出最適當的經營發展策略。
Light-Emitting Diode, commonly known as LED, contains the strengths of power saving, longer life time, fast reaction ability as well as other advantages. Following the global trend of eco conscious, LED has become the main stream of green energy development. In Taiwan, LED industry has been developed for over 30 years.
     From the early packaging industry gradually extend to the upstream industries includes sapphire substrate and LED lead frame; followed with downstream industry such as the applications of consuming products. Up to date, mature LED supply chain system has been formed and the technical skills as well as develop ability are all compatible to those pioneers of the world in this field.
     However since 2010, China government started to have huge investment on power saving policy. Many LED factories were established with the support of China government and it has become huge threats to Taiwan’s LED industry. At the same time, with the increase of supply plus the downturn of global economy, the imbalance of supply and demand kept exaggerates until 2011 Korean factory promoted the low price LED TV and China government carried out the “Home appliance going country side” policy, led to the dramatic increase of LED demand. However as of 2014, the LED backlight will already have the penetration close to 99%, low growth of this market can be expected.
     Thus, the ultimate application of LED in lightning market starts to show on the stage. With the fast moving of LED industry and the competition from China factories, LED suppliers in Taiwan must be prepared in advance in order to react to the market change. The main goal of this research is to analyze the demand and trends of LED market with the characteristic of the LED lead frame industry to finally find the best appropriate tactic for management.
     This study will mainly base on LED lead frame factory, first through the “Four competition” analyze to understand the current environment of LED lead frame market followed with SWOT analyze of the lead frame factory for a basis of future developing strategy. This research targets on the leading lead frame factory in Taiwan- I company, and the results are as follow:
     1.To react to the growth of lead frame factory in China and the increasing demand of lower level lighting application, setting strict cost control and improve research and develop abilities to contain the market share is a must. In addition to firm the market share, in alliance with leading factories in China, through sharing resource and integration of customers should be taking into serious consideration.
     2.To form research and develop lab for high level products, through cooperation with leading factories from globe to integrate resources and extend business to the high level LED lead frame market.
致謝 i
     摘要 ii
     Abstract iii
     目錄 v
     圖目錄 vi
     表目錄 vii
     第一章 序論 1
     第一節 研究背景與動機 1
     第二節 研究目的 3
     第三節 研究限制 3
     第四節 研究步驟 4
     第五節 預期貢獻 4
     第二章 文獻回顧 6
     第一節 導線架定義 6
     第二節 策略定義 12
     第三節 四競技場 15
     第四節 SWOT分析定義 20
     第五節 個案公司簡介 24
     第六節 個案公司沿革 25
     第七節 個案公司產品及業務範圍 26
     第三章 LED產業現況與分析 30
     第一節 LED產業結構 30
     第二節 四競技場分析台灣LED導線架產業 46
     第四章 個案公司分析 50
     第一節 競爭者介紹與SWOT分析 50
     第二節 經營策略與未來規劃 54
     第五章 結論與未來研究建議 60
     第一節 研究結論 60
     第二節 後續研究之建議 61
     參考文獻 62
參考文獻 壹、英文部分:
     1.Aaker D. A., Strategic market management. Wiley. com, 2008.
     2.Ansoff, I. H., “The New Corporate Strategy, 3rd ed.”, New York : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1988.
     3.Barney J., “Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage,” Journal of management, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 99–120, 1991.
     4.Boseman G., “Policy Formulation and Strategy Management,” John Wiley& Sons, Inc, 1978.
     5.Bracker J., “The historical development of the strategic management concept,” Academy of Management Review, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 219–224, 1980.
     6.Byars L. and Rue L., Management: skills and application. Bertram Books Limited, 1999.
     7.Chandler A. D., Strategy and structure, vol. 4. MIT press Cambridge, MA, 1962.
     8.Fan Y., “The globalisation of Chinese brands,” Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 365–379, 2006.
     9.Gadiesh O. and Gilbert J. L., “Profit pools: a fresh look at strategy.,” Harvard Business Review, vol. 76, no. 3, p. 139, 1998.
     10.Hill C. W. and Jones G. R., Strategic Management: An Intergrated Approach. CengageBrain. com, 2007.
     11.Hofer C. W. and Schendel D., Strategic management: A new view of business policy and planning. Little, Brown, 1979.
     12.Kotler P., Marketing management: Analysis, planning, implementation, and control, vol. 8. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs, 1988.
     13.Kotler, P. and Bloom, H, “Strategies for High Market Share Company”, Harvard Business Review, Nov., pp.63-72., 1975.
     14.Liu F.-H., Liu H.-Y., and Lin T.-L., “The competence and constraints of brand building for contract manufacturers,” Journal of Brand Management, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 412–432, 2008.
     15.Miles R. E., Snow C. C., Meyer A. D., and Coleman H. J., “Organizational strategy, structure, and process,” Academy of management review, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 546–562, 1978.
     16.Murray J. A., “A concept of entrepreneurial strategy,” Strategic Management Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 1984.
     17.Porter M. E., “Competitive strategies: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors,” The Free Pres, New York, 1980.
     18.Porter M. E., “Understanding Industry Structure,” nota de curso, no. 9, pp. 707–493, 2006.
     19.Porter M. E., “What is strategy?,” Published November, 1996.
     20.Yoffie, D.B. and R. Kim (2009), “HTC Corp. in 2009,” Harvard Business School Note 709-466.
     1.Clayton M.Christensen,「創新的兩難」,第二版,吳凱琳譯,商周出版,2007。
     13.陳省男,「台灣 LED 照明產業的發展趨勢與策略分析」,國立清華大學,碩士論文,2009年。
     15.黃惠鈞「發光二極體導線架經營策略之探討-以S公司為例」,東 海大學管理碩士在職專班,碩士論文,2009年。
     18.劉世昌,「薄型電視機代工與自有品牌策略研究-以台資LCD TV 產業為例」,國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程(EMBA),碩士論文,2010年。
     1.Cree, Inc.存取時間:2013年11月07日.
     2.Light is OSRAM | OSRAM.
     3.Philips Lumileds LED Lighting.「LUXEON LEDs LED Lighting Solutions」.存取時間:2013年11月10日.
     4.NICHIA CORPORATION.存取時間:2013年11月11日.
     5.Panasonic Global Home.存取時間:2013年11月15日.
     6.Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd.存取時間:2013年11月20日.
     7.Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation.存取時間:2013年12月06日.
     8.Solvay, asking more from chemistry.
     9.KURARAY CO., LTD.存取時間:2013年12月15日
     1.LEDinside.「中功率LED需求強勁 EMC支架需求躍升 侵略陶瓷材質與PPA支架市場」,,存取時間:2013年10月12日。
     4.長華電材,「EMC LED 導線架 (產品與服務)」,存取時間:2013年10月25日。
     5.「核心產品」, Jentech Precision Industrial Co., LTD. - Offshore Manufacturing & Core Products,,存取時間:2013年10月26日。
     8.TRI 拓墣產業研究所,,存取時間:2013年11月16日.
     10. 佳穎精密股份有限公司 存取時間:2013年12月23日.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 周宣光zh_TW (Authors) 李忠義zh_TW (Authors) Lee, Chung Yien_US
dc.creator (作者) 李忠義zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Chung Yien_US (日期) 2013en_US 1-Jul-2014 12:08:51 (UTC+8)- 1-Jul-2014 12:08:51 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Jul-2014 12:08:51 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0101932003en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101932003zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 發光二極體也就是俗稱的LED(Light-Emitting Diode以下簡稱LED),而LED具有省電、使用壽命長、反應速度快等優勢,因此在全球環保意識高漲下,逐漸成為發展主流的綠色能源。台灣在發展LED產業已長達30餘年,從最早期的封裝產業開始,慢慢逐漸向上游藍寶石基板、LED導線架等產品以及下游端的消費性產品的應用,發展至今已經形成相當完整的LED供應鏈且累積一定的技術水平及研發能力,不論是上游或中游供應廠商皆能夠向世界一流大廠相互競爭;但從2010年開始大陸政府投入相當大量的資金與節能政策,使得大陸地區成立許多的LED廠商,此舉讓台灣的LED廠商受到相當大的威脅。也因為供給的增加再加上全球景氣持續低迷情況下,造成供需失衡的問題持續惡化,直到2011年開始韓系廠商推出低價應用的直下式電視搭配大陸家電下鄉政策,一舉提升了LED的需求量,但預期從2014年開始由於背光市場的LED滲透率已經趨近於99%,因此成長動能會逐漸趨於緩和。使得LED應用的終極產品照明市場開始浮出檯面,在LED產業快速的變動下以及大陸地區廠商的競爭下,台灣LED供應商必須提早佈局因應未來的市場變動。因此本研究目的透過分析LED市場的需求發展趨勢以及LED導線架與產業的特性,找出最適當的經營發展策略。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Light-Emitting Diode, commonly known as LED, contains the strengths of power saving, longer life time, fast reaction ability as well as other advantages. Following the global trend of eco conscious, LED has become the main stream of green energy development. In Taiwan, LED industry has been developed for over 30 years.
     From the early packaging industry gradually extend to the upstream industries includes sapphire substrate and LED lead frame; followed with downstream industry such as the applications of consuming products. Up to date, mature LED supply chain system has been formed and the technical skills as well as develop ability are all compatible to those pioneers of the world in this field.
     However since 2010, China government started to have huge investment on power saving policy. Many LED factories were established with the support of China government and it has become huge threats to Taiwan’s LED industry. At the same time, with the increase of supply plus the downturn of global economy, the imbalance of supply and demand kept exaggerates until 2011 Korean factory promoted the low price LED TV and China government carried out the “Home appliance going country side” policy, led to the dramatic increase of LED demand. However as of 2014, the LED backlight will already have the penetration close to 99%, low growth of this market can be expected.
     Thus, the ultimate application of LED in lightning market starts to show on the stage. With the fast moving of LED industry and the competition from China factories, LED suppliers in Taiwan must be prepared in advance in order to react to the market change. The main goal of this research is to analyze the demand and trends of LED market with the characteristic of the LED lead frame industry to finally find the best appropriate tactic for management.
     This study will mainly base on LED lead frame factory, first through the “Four competition” analyze to understand the current environment of LED lead frame market followed with SWOT analyze of the lead frame factory for a basis of future developing strategy. This research targets on the leading lead frame factory in Taiwan- I company, and the results are as follow:
     1.To react to the growth of lead frame factory in China and the increasing demand of lower level lighting application, setting strict cost control and improve research and develop abilities to contain the market share is a must. In addition to firm the market share, in alliance with leading factories in China, through sharing resource and integration of customers should be taking into serious consideration.
     2.To form research and develop lab for high level products, through cooperation with leading factories from globe to integrate resources and extend business to the high level LED lead frame market.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 致謝 i
     摘要 ii
     Abstract iii
     目錄 v
     圖目錄 vi
     表目錄 vii
     第一章 序論 1
     第一節 研究背景與動機 1
     第二節 研究目的 3
     第三節 研究限制 3
     第四節 研究步驟 4
     第五節 預期貢獻 4
     第二章 文獻回顧 6
     第一節 導線架定義 6
     第二節 策略定義 12
     第三節 四競技場 15
     第四節 SWOT分析定義 20
     第五節 個案公司簡介 24
     第六節 個案公司沿革 25
     第七節 個案公司產品及業務範圍 26
     第三章 LED產業現況與分析 30
     第一節 LED產業結構 30
     第二節 四競技場分析台灣LED導線架產業 46
     第四章 個案公司分析 50
     第一節 競爭者介紹與SWOT分析 50
     第二節 經營策略與未來規劃 54
     第五章 結論與未來研究建議 60
     第一節 研究結論 60
     第二節 後續研究之建議 61
     參考文獻 62
dc.description.tableofcontents 致謝 i
     摘要 ii
     Abstract iii
     目錄 v
     圖目錄 vi
     表目錄 vii
     第一章 序論 1
     第一節 研究背景與動機 1
     第二節 研究目的 3
     第三節 研究限制 3
     第四節 研究步驟 4
     第五節 預期貢獻 4
     第二章 文獻回顧 6
     第一節 導線架定義 6
     第二節 策略定義 12
     第三節 四競技場 15
     第四節 SWOT分析定義 20
     第五節 個案公司簡介 24
     第六節 個案公司沿革 25
     第七節 個案公司產品及業務範圍 26
     第三章 LED產業現況與分析 30
     第一節 LED產業結構 30
     第二節 四競技場分析台灣LED導線架產業 46
     第四章 個案公司分析 50
     第一節 競爭者介紹與SWOT分析 50
     第二節 經營策略與未來規劃 54
     第五章 結論與未來研究建議 60
     第一節 研究結論 60
     第二節 後續研究之建議 61
     參考文獻 62
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 發光二極體zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經營策略zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 導線架zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) LEDen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Leadframeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Strategyen_US
dc.title (題名) LED 導線架經營策略之探討zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Business Strategy of LED Lead frameen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、英文部分:
     1.Aaker D. A., Strategic market management. Wiley. com, 2008.
     2.Ansoff, I. H., “The New Corporate Strategy, 3rd ed.”, New York : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1988.
     3.Barney J., “Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage,” Journal of management, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 99–120, 1991.
     4.Boseman G., “Policy Formulation and Strategy Management,” John Wiley& Sons, Inc, 1978.
     5.Bracker J., “The historical development of the strategic management concept,” Academy of Management Review, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 219–224, 1980.
     6.Byars L. and Rue L., Management: skills and application. Bertram Books Limited, 1999.
     7.Chandler A. D., Strategy and structure, vol. 4. MIT press Cambridge, MA, 1962.
     8.Fan Y., “The globalisation of Chinese brands,” Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 365–379, 2006.
     9.Gadiesh O. and Gilbert J. L., “Profit pools: a fresh look at strategy.,” Harvard Business Review, vol. 76, no. 3, p. 139, 1998.
     10.Hill C. W. and Jones G. R., Strategic Management: An Intergrated Approach. CengageBrain. com, 2007.
     11.Hofer C. W. and Schendel D., Strategic management: A new view of business policy and planning. Little, Brown, 1979.
     12.Kotler P., Marketing management: Analysis, planning, implementation, and control, vol. 8. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs, 1988.
     13.Kotler, P. and Bloom, H, “Strategies for High Market Share Company”, Harvard Business Review, Nov., pp.63-72., 1975.
     14.Liu F.-H., Liu H.-Y., and Lin T.-L., “The competence and constraints of brand building for contract manufacturers,” Journal of Brand Management, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 412–432, 2008.
     15.Miles R. E., Snow C. C., Meyer A. D., and Coleman H. J., “Organizational strategy, structure, and process,” Academy of management review, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 546–562, 1978.
     16.Murray J. A., “A concept of entrepreneurial strategy,” Strategic Management Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 1984.
     17.Porter M. E., “Competitive strategies: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors,” The Free Pres, New York, 1980.
     18.Porter M. E., “Understanding Industry Structure,” nota de curso, no. 9, pp. 707–493, 2006.
     19.Porter M. E., “What is strategy?,” Published November, 1996.
     20.Yoffie, D.B. and R. Kim (2009), “HTC Corp. in 2009,” Harvard Business School Note 709-466.
     1.Clayton M.Christensen,「創新的兩難」,第二版,吳凱琳譯,商周出版,2007。
     13.陳省男,「台灣 LED 照明產業的發展趨勢與策略分析」,國立清華大學,碩士論文,2009年。
     15.黃惠鈞「發光二極體導線架經營策略之探討-以S公司為例」,東 海大學管理碩士在職專班,碩士論文,2009年。
     18.劉世昌,「薄型電視機代工與自有品牌策略研究-以台資LCD TV 產業為例」,國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程(EMBA),碩士論文,2010年。
     1.Cree, Inc.存取時間:2013年11月07日.
     2.Light is OSRAM | OSRAM.
     3.Philips Lumileds LED Lighting.「LUXEON LEDs LED Lighting Solutions」.存取時間:2013年11月10日.
     4.NICHIA CORPORATION.存取時間:2013年11月11日.
     5.Panasonic Global Home.存取時間:2013年11月15日.
     6.Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd.存取時間:2013年11月20日.
     7.Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation.存取時間:2013年12月06日.
     8.Solvay, asking more from chemistry.
     9.KURARAY CO., LTD.存取時間:2013年12月15日
     1.LEDinside.「中功率LED需求強勁 EMC支架需求躍升 侵略陶瓷材質與PPA支架市場」,,存取時間:2013年10月12日。
     4.長華電材,「EMC LED 導線架 (產品與服務)」,存取時間:2013年10月25日。
     5.「核心產品」, Jentech Precision Industrial Co., LTD. - Offshore Manufacturing & Core Products,,存取時間:2013年10月26日。
     8.TRI 拓墣產業研究所,,存取時間:2013年11月16日.
     10. 佳穎精密股份有限公司 存取時間:2013年12月23日.