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題名 中國出口結構變化對中國與歐盟經濟關係的影響
The Impact of the Change in China’s Export Structure on the EU-China Economic Relations作者 杜若琳
Dorsy, Marlene貢獻者 姜家雄
Chiang, Alex
Dorsy, Marlene關鍵詞 中國
Export structure
Economic relations日期 2013 上傳時間 7-Jul-2014 11:08:18 (UTC+8) 摘要 自2000年開始,中國和歐洲之間的經濟關係有顯著提升。在這期間儘管貿易緩慢地發展,對於中國來說,歐盟從2004年起取代了美國和日本的領先成為中國第一大的貿易夥伴,而中國對於歐洲來說目前是僅次於美國的第二大貿易對象。而夥伴關係的是基於兩方之間的貿易互補性,進而不斷地持續擴大。然而最近幾年,中國的出口結構已朝向技術密集的層面發展,事實證明中國的出口結構和歐洲已有相當程度的類似,例如一些資本貨物和運輸設備。儘管部分的研究是針對歐洲和中國的貿易競爭性,此篇文章針對了歐洲和中國之間因出口結構改變所造成的影響。為了分析出口結構所帶來的影響,首先透過線性回歸模型分析。再配合定性分析和文獻的輔助了解這些變化是如何影響到兩方之間的經濟合作和糾紛。經過分析發現,中國出口結構的變化並不會對兩方的經濟貿易關係有任何直接的不良影響,但卻導致了保護主義的開始、引發了部分爭端,進而影響到兩方之間的經濟關係惡化。
The economic relations between China and Europe have increased dramatically, especially since the 2000’s. Although trade started slowly, the European Union has become China’s number one trading partner, ahead of Japan and the US, since 2004 and China is now the EU’s second largest trading partner after the US. This status of “partnership” is based on a great complementarity between the two sides, which enabled them to expand their trade continuously.However, in the recent years, China’s export structure has started to evolve and become increasingly technology-intensive. Indeed, its export structure is becoming quite similar to that of Europe, exporting traditionally Western EU products, such as capital goods and transportation equipment.While some focused on the competition China represents for Europe, entering Europe’s traditional export markets, this paper analyzes the impact of the change in China’s export structure on the EU-China economic relations.To do so, I first used a linear regression model to analyze the impact of the change in China’s export structure on the EU-China economic relations and then performed a qualitative analysis, as well as, literature review to understand how these changes affect disputes and cooperation between the EU and China. I found that the change in China’s export structure did not have any direct bad impact on the EU-China economic relations. However, it led to protectionism and disputes which were in part responsible for the deterioration of the EU-China economic relations.參考文獻 Altman, R. C. (1994). Why pressure tokyo? Foreign Affairs, 73(3), 2.Amiti, M., & Freund, C. (2010). The Anatomy of China`s Export Growth. In C. R. Feenstra, & S. J. Wei, China`s Growing Role in World Trade (pp. 35-56). University of Chicago Press.An overview of the sectoral dialogues between China and the EU. (n.d.). Retrieved from Europa:, J., & Chaffin, J. (2010, February 04). China takes EU shoe complaint to WTO. Retrieved from Financial Times:, J. E. (1979). A Theoritical Foundation for the Gravity Equation. The American Economic Review, 69(1), 106-116.Andreosso - O` Callaghan, B., & Nicolas, F. (2007). Complementarity and Rivalry in EU? China Economic Relations in the Twenty-First Century. European Foreign Affairs Review, 12(1), 13–38.Ash, R. (2008). Europe’s Commercial Relations with China. In D. Shambaugh, E. Sandscheinder, & Z. Hong, China-Europe Relations: Perceptions, Policies and Prospects (pp. 189-230). Oxon, England: Routledg.Bahagwati, J. (1994). Samurai No More. Foreign Affairs, 73(3), 7.Balassa, B. (1966). Tariff Reductions and Trade in Manufacturers among the Industrial Countries. The American Economic Review, 56(3), 466-473.Balme, R. (2008). A European Strategy Towards China? The Limits of Integration in Foreign Policy Making. In R. Balme, & B. Bridges, Europe-Asia Relations: Building Multilateralisms (pp. 125-144). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Benkovskis, K., Silgoner, M., Steiner, K., & Wörz, J. (2013). Crowding-Out or Co-Existence? The Competitive Position of EU Members and China in Global Merchandise Trade. European Central Bank Working Paper Series.Berger, B., & Martin, R. F. (2011). The Growth of Chinese Exports: An Examination of the Detailed Trade Data. Finance Discussion Papers, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System International.Bergsten, C. F. (1982). What to do about the US-Japan Economic Conflict. Foreign Affairs, 60(5), 1059.Bergstrand, J. H. (1989). The Generalized Gravity Equation, Monopolistic Competition, and the Factor-Proportions Theory in International Trade. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 71(1), 143-153.Brown, K., & Crossick, S. (2009). The EU and China: Time for a Change? Asia Programme Paper(ASP PP 2009/03).Byron, C., Bolte, G., & Reingold, E. M. (1982). Tempers Rising Over Trade. Time, 119(5), 62.China. (n.d.). Retrieved from European Council on Foreign Relations: Appeals WTO Auto Parts Decision. (2008, September 18). Retrieved from International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development: slaps final anti-dumping duties on EU steel fasteners. (2010, June 28). Retrieved from Asia One News: to properly handle steel tube dispute with EU. (2013, June 14). Retrieved from CCTV: 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation released at 16th. (2013, November 23). Retrieved from Europa:`s anti-dumping measures on EU X-ray scanner inconsistent with rules: WTO panel. (2013, February 27). Retrieved from 新华网: of the European Union. (2008, November 26). Postponement of the EU/China Summit. Retrieved from Europa: of the European Union. (2011, October 21). EU-China Summit Postponed. Retrieved from Europa:, B., Erixon, F., Freytag, A., & Legault Tremblay, P. O. (2011). The dynamics of structural change – The European Union’s trade with China. The Chinese Economy, 44(4), 42-74.Disputes Roundup: Trade Remedies in the Spotlight in Geneva, Brussels. (2013, February 27). Retrieved from International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development:, I., & Erixon, F. (2008). An EU-China trade dialogue: a new policy framework to contain deteriorating trade relations. ECIPE Policy Brief, 3/2008.EEC-China Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement. (2007, May 3). Retrieved from Europa: duties on Chinese industrial fasteners ruled illegal by WTO, but damage already done. (2012, July 25). Retrieved from Asia Trade Watch:, US, Japan request WTO panel over China rare earth dispute. (2012, June 28). Retrieved from China Daily: relations in times of crisis. (2011, October 28). Retrieved from Euractiv: Summits. (n.d.). Retrieved from Europa: Commission. (2013, August 16). EU requests WTO Panel on Chinese Anti-Dumping duties on Steel Tubes. Retrieved from Europa: sheet: U.S.-Japan relations. (1993). U.S. Department of State Dispatch, 4(28), 496.Filippini, C. (2009). Trade and Investment in the Relations Between the European Union and the People’s Republic of China. European Studies, 27, 225-240.Finance And Economics: When partners attack; Settling trade disputes. (2010). The Economist, 394(8669), 77.Fraser, C. (2009). The Development of EU-China Relations. European Studies, 27, 47-64.Freedman, J. M. (2009, July 31). China Complains at WTO Against EU Duties on Fasteners. Retrieved from Bloomberg:, D. (2006). China`s Rise and the Global Economy. In M. Zabarowski, Facing China’s Rise: Guidelines for an EU Strategy. (Chaillot Paper, no 94) (pp. 15-26). 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102資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 姜家雄 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chiang, Alex en_US (Authors) 杜若琳 zh_TW (Authors) Dorsy, Marlene en_US dc.creator (作者) 杜若琳 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Dorsy, Marlene en_US (日期) 2013 en_US 7-Jul-2014 11:08:18 (UTC+8) - 7-Jul-2014 11:08:18 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 7-Jul-2014 11:08:18 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0101926028 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101926028 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 102 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自2000年開始,中國和歐洲之間的經濟關係有顯著提升。在這期間儘管貿易緩慢地發展,對於中國來說,歐盟從2004年起取代了美國和日本的領先成為中國第一大的貿易夥伴,而中國對於歐洲來說目前是僅次於美國的第二大貿易對象。而夥伴關係的是基於兩方之間的貿易互補性,進而不斷地持續擴大。然而最近幾年,中國的出口結構已朝向技術密集的層面發展,事實證明中國的出口結構和歐洲已有相當程度的類似,例如一些資本貨物和運輸設備。儘管部分的研究是針對歐洲和中國的貿易競爭性,此篇文章針對了歐洲和中國之間因出口結構改變所造成的影響。為了分析出口結構所帶來的影響,首先透過線性回歸模型分析。再配合定性分析和文獻的輔助了解這些變化是如何影響到兩方之間的經濟合作和糾紛。經過分析發現,中國出口結構的變化並不會對兩方的經濟貿易關係有任何直接的不良影響,但卻導致了保護主義的開始、引發了部分爭端,進而影響到兩方之間的經濟關係惡化。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The economic relations between China and Europe have increased dramatically, especially since the 2000’s. Although trade started slowly, the European Union has become China’s number one trading partner, ahead of Japan and the US, since 2004 and China is now the EU’s second largest trading partner after the US. This status of “partnership” is based on a great complementarity between the two sides, which enabled them to expand their trade continuously.However, in the recent years, China’s export structure has started to evolve and become increasingly technology-intensive. Indeed, its export structure is becoming quite similar to that of Europe, exporting traditionally Western EU products, such as capital goods and transportation equipment.While some focused on the competition China represents for Europe, entering Europe’s traditional export markets, this paper analyzes the impact of the change in China’s export structure on the EU-China economic relations.To do so, I first used a linear regression model to analyze the impact of the change in China’s export structure on the EU-China economic relations and then performed a qualitative analysis, as well as, literature review to understand how these changes affect disputes and cooperation between the EU and China. I found that the change in China’s export structure did not have any direct bad impact on the EU-China economic relations. However, it led to protectionism and disputes which were in part responsible for the deterioration of the EU-China economic relations. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Introduction 11.1 Background 11.2 Motivations and Objectives 21.3 Research Question 31.4 Methodology 41.5 Chapters and Framework 62. Literature Review 72.1 Trade Theories 72.2 Trade and Investments between the EU and China 82.3 Economic Cooperation between the EU and China 122.4 Disputes between the EU and China 162.5 Other factors affecting the EU-China Economic Relations 193. Impact on Trade and Investments 213.1 Impact on Trade 213.1.1 Impact on Chinese Exports to the EU 213.1.2 Impact on Chinese Imports from the EU 253.1.3 Complementarity between the EU’s and China’s exports General trade structure 303.1.3.2 Complementarity in Sectors 0 and 1: Food, live animals, beverage, tobacco 323.1.3.3 Complementarity in Sector 2: Crude materials, inedible, and related materials 343.1.3.4 Complementarity in Sector 5: Chemicals and related products 353.1.3.5 Complementarity in Sector 6: Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 363.1.3.6 Complementarity in Sector 7: Machinery and transport equipment 373.1.3.7 Complementarity in Sector 8: Manufactured articles 393.1.3.8 Complementarity by technology and skill level 403.1.3.9 Processing trade 453.2 Impact on investments 464. Impact on Disputes and Cooperation 504.1 Impact on Disputes 504.1.1 WTO dispute cases between the EU and China 504.1.2 Dumping and Anti-Dumping 544.1.3 People’s Opinion 584.2 Impact on Cooperation 604.2.1 EU-China Cooperation Structure 604.2.2 Evolution of the EU-China Relations through Summit Joint Communiqués 644.2.3 Agreements and Cooperation 674.2.4 Signs of improvements in the EU-China Cooperation 695. Concluding Remarks 735.1 The Experience of the US-Japan Economic Relations 745.2 Policy Recommendations 78Bibliography 79Appendix 85 zh_TW dc.format.extent 4334891 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中國 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 歐盟 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 出口結構 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經濟關係 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) China en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) EU en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Export structure en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Economic relations en_US dc.title (題名) 中國出口結構變化對中國與歐盟經濟關係的影響 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Impact of the Change in China’s Export Structure on the EU-China Economic Relations en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Altman, R. C. (1994). Why pressure tokyo? Foreign Affairs, 73(3), 2.Amiti, M., & Freund, C. (2010). The Anatomy of China`s Export Growth. In C. R. Feenstra, & S. J. Wei, China`s Growing Role in World Trade (pp. 35-56). University of Chicago Press.An overview of the sectoral dialogues between China and the EU. (n.d.). Retrieved from Europa:, J., & Chaffin, J. (2010, February 04). China takes EU shoe complaint to WTO. Retrieved from Financial Times:, J. E. (1979). A Theoritical Foundation for the Gravity Equation. The American Economic Review, 69(1), 106-116.Andreosso - O` Callaghan, B., & Nicolas, F. (2007). Complementarity and Rivalry in EU? China Economic Relations in the Twenty-First Century. European Foreign Affairs Review, 12(1), 13–38.Ash, R. (2008). Europe’s Commercial Relations with China. In D. Shambaugh, E. Sandscheinder, & Z. Hong, China-Europe Relations: Perceptions, Policies and Prospects (pp. 189-230). Oxon, England: Routledg.Bahagwati, J. (1994). Samurai No More. Foreign Affairs, 73(3), 7.Balassa, B. (1966). Tariff Reductions and Trade in Manufacturers among the Industrial Countries. The American Economic Review, 56(3), 466-473.Balme, R. (2008). A European Strategy Towards China? 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The dynamics of structural change – The European Union’s trade with China. The Chinese Economy, 44(4), 42-74.Disputes Roundup: Trade Remedies in the Spotlight in Geneva, Brussels. (2013, February 27). Retrieved from International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development:, I., & Erixon, F. (2008). An EU-China trade dialogue: a new policy framework to contain deteriorating trade relations. ECIPE Policy Brief, 3/2008.EEC-China Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement. (2007, May 3). Retrieved from Europa: duties on Chinese industrial fasteners ruled illegal by WTO, but damage already done. (2012, July 25). Retrieved from Asia Trade Watch:, US, Japan request WTO panel over China rare earth dispute. (2012, June 28). Retrieved from China Daily: relations in times of crisis. (2011, October 28). Retrieved from Euractiv: Summits. (n.d.). Retrieved from Europa: Commission. (2013, August 16). EU requests WTO Panel on Chinese Anti-Dumping duties on Steel Tubes. Retrieved from Europa: sheet: U.S.-Japan relations. (1993). U.S. Department of State Dispatch, 4(28), 496.Filippini, C. (2009). Trade and Investment in the Relations Between the European Union and the People’s Republic of China. European Studies, 27, 225-240.Finance And Economics: When partners attack; Settling trade disputes. (2010). The Economist, 394(8669), 77.Fraser, C. (2009). The Development of EU-China Relations. European Studies, 27, 47-64.Freedman, J. M. (2009, July 31). China Complains at WTO Against EU Duties on Fasteners. Retrieved from Bloomberg:, D. (2006). China`s Rise and the Global Economy. In M. Zabarowski, Facing China’s Rise: Guidelines for an EU Strategy. (Chaillot Paper, no 94) (pp. 15-26). Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies.Grubel, H. G. (1967). Intra-Industry Specialization and the Pattern of Trade. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 33(3), 374-388.Hollerman, L. (1982). Japan`s Economic Impact on the United States. 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