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題名 從復原力觀點建構青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為影響因素模式之研究
Constructing a factor model of drug abuse and delinquency among adolescent: A resilience perspective
作者 葉怡伶
Yeh, Yi Ling
貢獻者 王鍾和<br>林健陽
Wang, Chung Ho<br>Lin, Chien Yang
Yeh, Yi Ling
關鍵詞 青少年
drug abuse
structural equation modeling
日期 2013
上傳時間 7-Jul-2014 14:05:58 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在建構青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為之影響因素模式,並瞭解復原力如何對青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為產生影響。本研究共分為兩組,在一般組青少年的部份,以台灣地區11所國、高中職(含進修學校)1711 位青少年為研究對象;藥物濫用組則是以台灣地區13所矯治機構中,555位藥物濫用青少年為研究對象。研究工具包括衝動性人格量表、父母依附關係量表、師生互動關係量表、同儕關係量表、偏差同儕量表、青少年復原力量表、青少年偏差行為量表與藥物濫用程度量表。本研究採用描述性統計分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、Pearson積差相關與結構方程模式進行資料分析。研究主要發現如下:
     (一) 藥物濫用組青少年之衝動性人格、與父母之間的疏離感、所接觸的偏差同儕及其行為偏差程度顯著高於一般組。
     (二) 兩組青少年和父母、教師以及同儕之間均有良好的依附與互動關係。但一般組青少年之師生互動與同儕關係顯著高於藥物濫用組。
     (三) 兩組青少年皆有良好的復原力。然一般組青少年在「同理心與人際互動」及「情緒調節」的得分上較高。而藥物濫用組則是在「希望與樂觀」的面向上得分較高。
     (四) 整體而言,藥物濫用組青少年之藥物渴求與藥物依賴程度並不高。
     (五) 衝動性人格與偏差同儕是直接影響青少年偏差行為的關鍵危險因子,而父母依附關係則是使得青少年偏差行為下降的保護因子。衝動性人格、師生互動關係、同儕關係以及偏差同儕會透過復原力,提高個體行為偏差的程度。僅有父母依附關係會透過復原力降低青少年的偏差行為。
     (六) 藥物濫用雙模式驗證結果皆顯示復原力是直接影響青少年藥物濫用的關鍵保護因子;而偏差行為則是對青少年藥物濫用有直接影響的關鍵危險因子。衝動性人格、師生互動關係與偏差同儕都會透過復原力與偏差行為,而提高青少年藥物濫用的程度。而父母依附關係與同儕關係則是會透過復原力及偏差行為降低青少年的藥物濫用。
The aim of this study was to construct the factor model of drug abuse and delinquency among adolescent and to explore the influence of resilience on the factor model. The participants in this study were 1711 middle school students and 555 youth drug offenders in prisons in Taiwan. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Impulsive Personality, the Inventory of Mentoring Function, the Inventory of Meaning Making, the Inventory of Parent Attachment, the Inventory of Teacher-student Interaction, the Peer Subscale of TRICA, the Inventory of peer delinquency, the Inventory of Adolescent Resilience, Juvenile delinquency Questionnaire, and the Inventory of Drug Abuse. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, one-way MANOVA, Pearson correlation, and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows:
     (1) Youth drug offenders had high levels impulsivity and engaged in more delinquent behavior than the normal group; they also felt more alienated by their parents; youth drug offenders’ peers engage in more delinquent behaviors than the normal subjects.
     (2) Both normal subjects and youth drug offenders were perceived high levels of teacher-students interaction, parental attachment, and good peer relationship. Nevertheless, normal subjects had stronger perceived teacher’s influence and better peer relationship than the youth drug offenders.
     (3) Both normal subjects and youth drug offenders had high levels of resilience; nevertheless, normal subjects outperformed the youth drug offenders on the “empathy and interpersonal interaction” and “emotional regulation”. Youth drug offenders outperformed the normal subjects on the “hope and optimism”.
     (4) Youth drug offenders didn’t have high levels of drug craving, dependence, and drug abuse.
     (5) Adolescent impulsive personality and peer delinquency as the risk factors had direct effects on juvenile delinquency; conversely, parental attachment was the protective factors. Moreover, adolescent impulsive personality, teacher-student interaction, peer relationship, and peer delinquency had indirect effect on their delinquent behavior via resilience.
     (6) According to these two factor models of drug abuse, teacher-student interaction and peer delinquency had direct effect on drug abuse for model 1; and only teacher-student interaction had direct effect on drug abuse for Model 2. Moreover, the results of these two factor models, resilience were the important protective factor against drug abuse; conversely, juvenile delinquency as the risk factor had the direct effect on drug abuse. As the result, impulsive personality, teacher-student interaction, and peer delinquency had indirect positive effect on drug abuse via resilience and juvenile delinquency; moreover, parental attachment and peer relationship had indirect negative effect on drug abuse via resilience and juvenile delinquency.
     Recommendations for family, school, correctional institution, and future study are discussed.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098152514
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 王鍾和<br>林健陽zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wang, Chung Ho<br>Lin, Chien Yangen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 葉怡伶zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Yeh, Yi Lingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 葉怡伶zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yeh, Yi Lingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2013en_US
dc.date.accessioned 7-Jul-2014 14:05:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 7-Jul-2014 14:05:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 7-Jul-2014 14:05:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0098152514en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/67351-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98152514zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在建構青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為之影響因素模式,並瞭解復原力如何對青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為產生影響。本研究共分為兩組,在一般組青少年的部份,以台灣地區11所國、高中職(含進修學校)1711 位青少年為研究對象;藥物濫用組則是以台灣地區13所矯治機構中,555位藥物濫用青少年為研究對象。研究工具包括衝動性人格量表、父母依附關係量表、師生互動關係量表、同儕關係量表、偏差同儕量表、青少年復原力量表、青少年偏差行為量表與藥物濫用程度量表。本研究採用描述性統計分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、Pearson積差相關與結構方程模式進行資料分析。研究主要發現如下:
     (一) 藥物濫用組青少年之衝動性人格、與父母之間的疏離感、所接觸的偏差同儕及其行為偏差程度顯著高於一般組。
     (二) 兩組青少年和父母、教師以及同儕之間均有良好的依附與互動關係。但一般組青少年之師生互動與同儕關係顯著高於藥物濫用組。
     (三) 兩組青少年皆有良好的復原力。然一般組青少年在「同理心與人際互動」及「情緒調節」的得分上較高。而藥物濫用組則是在「希望與樂觀」的面向上得分較高。
     (四) 整體而言,藥物濫用組青少年之藥物渴求與藥物依賴程度並不高。
     (五) 衝動性人格與偏差同儕是直接影響青少年偏差行為的關鍵危險因子,而父母依附關係則是使得青少年偏差行為下降的保護因子。衝動性人格、師生互動關係、同儕關係以及偏差同儕會透過復原力,提高個體行為偏差的程度。僅有父母依附關係會透過復原力降低青少年的偏差行為。
     (六) 藥物濫用雙模式驗證結果皆顯示復原力是直接影響青少年藥物濫用的關鍵保護因子;而偏差行為則是對青少年藥物濫用有直接影響的關鍵危險因子。衝動性人格、師生互動關係與偏差同儕都會透過復原力與偏差行為,而提高青少年藥物濫用的程度。而父母依附關係與同儕關係則是會透過復原力及偏差行為降低青少年的藥物濫用。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The aim of this study was to construct the factor model of drug abuse and delinquency among adolescent and to explore the influence of resilience on the factor model. The participants in this study were 1711 middle school students and 555 youth drug offenders in prisons in Taiwan. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Impulsive Personality, the Inventory of Mentoring Function, the Inventory of Meaning Making, the Inventory of Parent Attachment, the Inventory of Teacher-student Interaction, the Peer Subscale of TRICA, the Inventory of peer delinquency, the Inventory of Adolescent Resilience, Juvenile delinquency Questionnaire, and the Inventory of Drug Abuse. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, one-way MANOVA, Pearson correlation, and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows:
     (1) Youth drug offenders had high levels impulsivity and engaged in more delinquent behavior than the normal group; they also felt more alienated by their parents; youth drug offenders’ peers engage in more delinquent behaviors than the normal subjects.
     (2) Both normal subjects and youth drug offenders were perceived high levels of teacher-students interaction, parental attachment, and good peer relationship. Nevertheless, normal subjects had stronger perceived teacher’s influence and better peer relationship than the youth drug offenders.
     (3) Both normal subjects and youth drug offenders had high levels of resilience; nevertheless, normal subjects outperformed the youth drug offenders on the “empathy and interpersonal interaction” and “emotional regulation”. Youth drug offenders outperformed the normal subjects on the “hope and optimism”.
     (4) Youth drug offenders didn’t have high levels of drug craving, dependence, and drug abuse.
     (5) Adolescent impulsive personality and peer delinquency as the risk factors had direct effects on juvenile delinquency; conversely, parental attachment was the protective factors. Moreover, adolescent impulsive personality, teacher-student interaction, peer relationship, and peer delinquency had indirect effect on their delinquent behavior via resilience.
     (6) According to these two factor models of drug abuse, teacher-student interaction and peer delinquency had direct effect on drug abuse for model 1; and only teacher-student interaction had direct effect on drug abuse for Model 2. Moreover, the results of these two factor models, resilience were the important protective factor against drug abuse; conversely, juvenile delinquency as the risk factor had the direct effect on drug abuse. As the result, impulsive personality, teacher-student interaction, and peer delinquency had indirect positive effect on drug abuse via resilience and juvenile delinquency; moreover, parental attachment and peer relationship had indirect negative effect on drug abuse via resilience and juvenile delinquency.
     Recommendations for family, school, correctional institution, and future study are discussed.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒 論
     第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………….…………..1
     第二節 研究假設…………………………………………….………..8
     第三節 名詞解釋……..…………………………………….………....11
     第二章 文獻探討
     第一節 青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為……………….……………… ..15
     第二節 一般化犯罪暨偏差行為理論…………………………………20
     第三節 影響青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為之相關因素………………31
     第四節 復原力與青少年藥物濫用及偏差行為………………………45
     第三章 研究方法
     第一節 研究架構………………………………………….……….…52
     第二節  研究對象………………………………………….……….…55
     第三節 研究工具…………………………………………….……….58
     第四節 實施程序……….………………….…………………………90
     第五節 資料分析…………………………………………….……….93
     第六節 研究限制……….………..………….………………………..98
     第四章 研究結果
     第一節 青少年偏差行為與藥物濫用及其影響因素之現況…......…100
     第二節 不同組別青少年偏差行為及其影響因素模式之差異……………………………………………….…….…..…104
     第三節 濫用毒品等級不同之青少年在藥物濫及其影響因素之差異…………………………………………………….…..….109
     第四節 青少年偏差行為及其影響因素模式之驗證…….….………116
     第五節 青少年藥物濫用及其影響因素模式之驗證:以復原力為中介…………………………………………..……….……….127
     第六節 青少年藥物濫用及其影響因素模式之驗證:以復原力與偏差行為為中介……….………….…..…………………………138
     第五章 討論
     第一節 青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為及其影響因素之現況…......…150
     第二節 不同組別青少年在偏差行為及其影響因素之差異……………………………………………….…….…..…157
     第三節 濫用毒品等級不同之青少年在藥物濫用及其影響因素之差異…………………………………………………….…..….160
     第四節 青少年偏差行為及其影響因素模式………...…………..….162
     第五節 青少年藥物濫用及其影響因素模式一:以復原力為中介…………………………………………..……….……….167
     第六節 青少年藥物濫用及其影響因素模式二:以復原力及偏差行為為中介……….……………….…..…………………………171
     第六章 結論與建議
     第一節 結論……………………………………………………......…176
     第二節 建議……………………………………………………......…179
     附錄A:有效樣本分配一覽表 ………….……….………………..…211
     附錄B:預試問卷(一般組) ……………..……….…………….…..…215
     附錄D:正式問卷(一般組) ……………..…….….………………..…234
     表 次
     表1-1-1 2007年至2013年台灣地區學生藥物濫用各學制統計表..2
     表1-1-2 2007年至2013年台灣地區學生藥物濫用品項分級統計
     表1-2-1 我國毒品分級一覽摘要表…………………………….……13
     表3-3-1 衝動性人格量表因素負荷摘要表………………….………60
     表3-3-2 衝動性人格量表驗證性因素分析模式適配度指標摘
     表3-3-3 衝動性人格特質量表組合信度和變異數平均解釋量分析摘
     表3-3-4 父母依附關係量表因素負荷摘要表…………….…………65
     表3-3-5 師生互動關係量表因素負荷摘要表……………….………67
     表3-3-6 師生互動關係驗證性因素分析模式適配度指標摘要
     表3-3-7 師生互動關係量表組合信度和變異數平均解釋量分析摘要
     表3-3-8 同儕關係量表因素負荷摘要表……………………………72
     表3-3-9 偏差同儕量表因素負荷摘要表……………………………74
     表3-3-10 青少年復原力量表因素負荷摘要表………………………76
     表3-3-11 青少年復原力量表驗證性因素分析模式適配度指標摘
     表3-3-12 青少年復原力量表組合信度和變異數平均解釋量分析摘要
     表3-3-13 青少年偏差行為量表因素負荷摘要表……………………83
     表3-3-14 藥物濫用程度量表因素負荷摘要表………………………85
     表3-3-15 藥物濫用程度量表驗證性因素分析模式適配度指標摘
     表3-3-16 藥物濫用程度量表組合信度和變異數平均解釋量分析摘要
     表4-1-1 青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為及其影響因素之得分平均數與
     表4-2-1 不同組別青少年之偏差行為及其影響因素之變異數分析摘
     表4-2-2 不同組別青少年偏差行為及其影響因素之差異摘要表..107
     表4-3-1 濫用毒品等級不同之青少年在藥物濫用及其影響因素之變
     表4-3-2 濫用毒品等級不同之青少年在藥物濫用及其影響因素之差
     表4-4-1 青少年偏差行為影響因素模式各觀察指標相關係數
     表4-4-2 青少年偏差行為影響因素模式之參數估計表….………..118
     表4-4-3 青少年偏差行為影響因素模式適配度指標摘要表……...120
     表4-4-4 青少年偏差行為影響因素模式潛在變項組合信度與變異數
     表4-4-5 青少年偏差行為影響因素模式之直接、間接與整體效果顯
     表4-5-1 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式一各觀察指標相關係數
     表4-5-2 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式一之參數估計表…….…..129
     表4-5-3 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式一適配度指標摘要表.…..131
     表4-5-4 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式一潛在變項組合信度與變異
     表4-5-5 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式之直接、間接與整體效果顯
     表4-6-1 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式二各觀察指標相關係數
     表4-6-2 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式二之參數估計表….……..140
     表4-6-3 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式二適配度指標摘要表…..142
     表4-6-4 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式二潛在變項組合信度/變異數
     表4-6-5 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式二之直接、間接與整體效果
     圖 次
     圖1-1-1 2001年至2012年八月我國青少年一、二級毒品犯罪嫌疑
     圖2-1-1 犯罪動機與犯罪抑制關係圖……………………………… 22
     圖2-1-2 兒童期生活領域影響因素與犯罪之關係………..….….…27
     圖2-1-3 青少年期生活領域影響因素與犯罪之關係………...….…28
     圖2-1-4 成年期生活領域影響因素與犯罪之關係…………...….…29
     圖3-1-1 本研究之研究架構圖………………………….……...….…52
     圖3-3-1 衝動性人格量表驗證性因素分析模式………….…...….…61
     圖3-3-2 師生互動關係驗證性因素分析模式………….……...….…69
     圖3-3-3 青少年復原力量表驗證性因素分析模式…….……...….…79
     圖3-3-4 藥物濫用程度量表驗證性因素分析模式……………….…88
     圖3-5-1 青少年偏差行為影響因素模式……………….……......…..95
     圖3-5-2 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式一…………….……........…96
     圖3-5-3 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式二…………….……........…97
     圖4-4-1 青少年偏差行為影響因素模式……………….……......…122
     圖4-5-1 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式一:以復原力為中介...…133
     圖4-6-1 青少年藥物濫用影響因素模式二:以復原力及偏差行為為
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098152514en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 青少年zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 復原力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 偏差行為zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 藥物濫用zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 結構方程模式zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) adolescenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) resilienceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) delinquencyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) drug abuseen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) structural equation modelingen_US
dc.title (題名) 從復原力觀點建構青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為影響因素模式之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Constructing a factor model of drug abuse and delinquency among adolescent: A resilience perspectiveen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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