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題名 刑法第32條至第49條之註釋研究
其他題名 A Commentary on the Articles 32-49 of the R.O.C. Criminal Code
作者 段重民
貢獻者 法律學系
關鍵詞 主刑;從刑;死刑;無期徒刑;拘役;罰金;禠奪公權;沒收;累犯;易科罰金;易服勞役;易以訓誡;刑期之起算;羈押折抵;生命刑;自由刑
Principal punishment;Accessory punishment;Death;Imprisonment for life;Detention;Fine;Deprivation of citizen`s rights;Confiscation;Recidivism
日期 1996
上傳時間 6-Aug-2014 17:39:15 (UTC+8)
摘要 本註釋研究分為兩大單元:第一單元研究刑法總則第五章刑,討論刑罰的種類,及其輕重之標準;其中主刑部分就爭議中之死刑存廢問題予以闡述雙方之立場,並就我國刑法實務上死刑之執行作一對比,其基礎法哲學及刑事政策應報主義與特別預防主義及綜合主義的發展,亦予以介紹。死刑若廢除後之代替物---有期徒刑及廢除短期自由刑的爭論,也以歐洲議會各國之發展及世界刑事法學會近年來的努力,以易刑處分(易科罰金、社區服務、週末服刑等措施)代替短期自由刑;此種新而進步的立法例,在德國、法國、義大利等國已陸續實施,作為我國將來修法時之借鏡。並於刑罰之種類,除了傳統的大陸法系生命刑、自由刑之外,英美法尚有為妨害風化犯去勢(注射化學藥物)代替有期徒刑,及羞辱犯罪人(相當我國易以訓誡)等新措施,本研究只稍作介紹,以期將有有更全盤透徹之評估與修法建議。至於其他刑罰種類,如從刑(禠奪公權與沒收)及易刑處分在我國所產生之爭議(大法官第三六六號解釋),本研究也予以分析討論。 第二單元研究累犯之問題,由於我國新入監受刑人中受刑人數比率相當高,但世界犯罪學及刑事政策就累犯之範圍及處遇卻有兩極化之發展---德國新刑法已廢除原刑法第四十八條有關累犯之規定,而日本現行刑法及新刑法草案都保留了累犯制度;而英美卻有擴大累犯之處罰之新趨勢,我國在此分叉路上何去何從。本文就我國學者及實務之看法予以分析比較。 此兩單元都是討論刑罰之基本內容作為刑法犯罪之法律效果,此兩單元都有爭議極大的問題存在。我國刑法在規範時必須兼顧世界潮流與我國國情之特別需要。
This commentary discussed the provisions of Section 32 to 49 of the Chinese Criminal Code, which covered the basic contents of criminal punishment, its kinds and its way of imposition. Firstly, there are five kinds of principal punishment, they are: death penalty, imprisonment for life, imprisonment for a definite period, detention, and fine. Secondly, there are two kinds of accessory punishment, they are deprivation of civil rights and confiscation. This paper endeavored not only to reinstate the current legal practice and legal theories behind each rule, but also to introduce several newly developments which signified modern legal trends in Western Europe, namely, the abolition of death penalty and short term imprisonment, and community service as a substitute alternatives. This commentary farther attempted to evaluate the system of Recidivism, the argument of whether to abolish it or to reinforce and enlarge its scope of application; these opposite sides of legal development had already taken place in Germany, and Japan, and United States of America. Taiwan recently faced a even more serious recidivist problem. This paper wish to serve as guide to the Reformation of criminal system of punishment.
關聯 行政院國家科學委員會
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 法律學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 段重民zh_TW (日期) 1996en_US 6-Aug-2014 17:39:15 (UTC+8)- 6-Aug-2014 17:39:15 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 6-Aug-2014 17:39:15 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本註釋研究分為兩大單元:第一單元研究刑法總則第五章刑,討論刑罰的種類,及其輕重之標準;其中主刑部分就爭議中之死刑存廢問題予以闡述雙方之立場,並就我國刑法實務上死刑之執行作一對比,其基礎法哲學及刑事政策應報主義與特別預防主義及綜合主義的發展,亦予以介紹。死刑若廢除後之代替物---有期徒刑及廢除短期自由刑的爭論,也以歐洲議會各國之發展及世界刑事法學會近年來的努力,以易刑處分(易科罰金、社區服務、週末服刑等措施)代替短期自由刑;此種新而進步的立法例,在德國、法國、義大利等國已陸續實施,作為我國將來修法時之借鏡。並於刑罰之種類,除了傳統的大陸法系生命刑、自由刑之外,英美法尚有為妨害風化犯去勢(注射化學藥物)代替有期徒刑,及羞辱犯罪人(相當我國易以訓誡)等新措施,本研究只稍作介紹,以期將有有更全盤透徹之評估與修法建議。至於其他刑罰種類,如從刑(禠奪公權與沒收)及易刑處分在我國所產生之爭議(大法官第三六六號解釋),本研究也予以分析討論。 第二單元研究累犯之問題,由於我國新入監受刑人中受刑人數比率相當高,但世界犯罪學及刑事政策就累犯之範圍及處遇卻有兩極化之發展---德國新刑法已廢除原刑法第四十八條有關累犯之規定,而日本現行刑法及新刑法草案都保留了累犯制度;而英美卻有擴大累犯之處罰之新趨勢,我國在此分叉路上何去何從。本文就我國學者及實務之看法予以分析比較。 此兩單元都是討論刑罰之基本內容作為刑法犯罪之法律效果,此兩單元都有爭議極大的問題存在。我國刑法在規範時必須兼顧世界潮流與我國國情之特別需要。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This commentary discussed the provisions of Section 32 to 49 of the Chinese Criminal Code, which covered the basic contents of criminal punishment, its kinds and its way of imposition. Firstly, there are five kinds of principal punishment, they are: death penalty, imprisonment for life, imprisonment for a definite period, detention, and fine. Secondly, there are two kinds of accessory punishment, they are deprivation of civil rights and confiscation. This paper endeavored not only to reinstate the current legal practice and legal theories behind each rule, but also to introduce several newly developments which signified modern legal trends in Western Europe, namely, the abolition of death penalty and short term imprisonment, and community service as a substitute alternatives. This commentary farther attempted to evaluate the system of Recidivism, the argument of whether to abolish it or to reinforce and enlarge its scope of application; these opposite sides of legal development had already taken place in Germany, and Japan, and United States of America. Taiwan recently faced a even more serious recidivist problem. This paper wish to serve as guide to the Reformation of criminal system of punishment.en_US
dc.format.extent 414 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號NSC85-2417-H004-005-C4en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 主刑;從刑;死刑;無期徒刑;拘役;罰金;禠奪公權;沒收;累犯;易科罰金;易服勞役;易以訓誡;刑期之起算;羈押折抵;生命刑;自由刑en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Principal punishment;Accessory punishment;Death;Imprisonment for life;Detention;Fine;Deprivation of citizen`s rights;Confiscation;Recidivismen_US
dc.title (題名) 刑法第32條至第49條之註釋研究zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) A Commentary on the Articles 32-49 of the R.O.C. Criminal Codeen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten