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題名 環境變遷與原住民族部落發展—從民族科學角度出發之土地資源與災害管理-原住民保留地、永續農業、土地使用管制與部落發展之困境與契機-以新竹縣尖石鄉泰雅族為例(I∼III)
其他題名 The Distress and Chance on Indigenous Reserved Land, Sustainable Agriculture, Land Use Control and Indigenous Community Development-A Case of Tayal Indigens in Jianshih Township, Hsinchu County(I~III)
作者 顏愛靜
貢獻者 地政學系
關鍵詞 原住民保留地;複合農林業;永續農業;土地管理制度;超限利用;減災
indigenous reserved land;agro-forestry;sustainable agriculture;land management institutions;overuse;disaster reduction
日期 2013
上傳時間 21-Aug-2014 09:26:51 (UTC+8)
摘要 近年來,氣候變遷極為劇烈,全球各地天災不斷,不僅造成生命和財產慘重的損失, 更要面對災後長期重建的困難,使得國土減災成為各國需要審慎面對的課題。而台灣更 是如此,每逢颱風,屢在山區降下豪大雨,造成土石流、山崩落石災害,尤其在原住民 地區造成重創。社會輿論往往指稱高山地區原住民保留地的開發、農墾是造成上游崩塌 的主因,應即退耕還林。 然而,在災害頻生地區就該與之共生,並尋求更好的抒解環境災害的方式,而從 Kandji and Verchot(2006)及Nair(2008)對複合農林業研究,得知其對水土保持、對氣候 變遷的調適和減災,具有一定的正向功能;而在我國原住民地區的高山農業經營,是否 亦能採取這種栽植方式,俾有助於國土減災,值得深入探討。倘若複合農林業果真可行, 則在當前的土地使用管制體制應如何配合改進,以便促進原住民地區產業發展,並保障 原住民族的生存權,亦需加以研析。 因此,本研究擬考察複合農林業、永續農業、使用管制相關理論,並參酌國外施行 多年的經驗,藉由文獻收集、深度訪談、問卷調查、政策分析等研究方法,從環境面、 法制面、執行面評估其於國內推行之可行性,並進一步研擬於原住民地區推行複合農林 業、永續農業以及土地使用管制之策略建議或改進措施,俾有助於部落發展。
In recent years, since the extreme climate change and global continuous disasters have occurred, not only caused lose of life and property, but also faced the difficulty of recovery, so that disaster reduction became one of the serious concerns. Taiwan is no exception but each time when heavy rain, debris flow, landslide and rock falls caused by typhoons, especially in indigenous communities, suffered from serious damage. Social opinion usually account that the development and cultivation on indigenous reserved land in high mountain area are the main reasons of upstream landslide. Thus, such activity should stop immediately and return the land into forestry. In such place where disasters frequently happened; however, people have to co-exist with them and ask for better ways to resolve environmental disasters. Kandji and Verchot(2006) and Nair (2008), considered that agro-forestry have positive function to water and land conservation, and adapt to climate change. On the aspect of operation of high mountain agriculture in indigenous area, it is worthy to discuss if such cultivation method can help disaster reduction. If agro-forestry were possible, it would be necessary to explore how the current land use management institution be improved for indigenous agricultural development and securing indigenous existence rights. Therefore, this study attempts to explore agro-forestry, sustainable agriculture and land use control theories and practices, assess the possibility of adopting foreign experience in the aspect of environment, legislation, and execution by literature collection, and in-depth interview, questionnaire investigation methods. Furthermore, this study would like to promote and to give policy implication or improvement measures of agro-forestry, sustainable agriculture, and land use control, so as to secure indigenous communities development.
關聯 行政院國家科學委員會
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 地政學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 顏愛靜zh_TW (日期) 2013en_US 21-Aug-2014 09:26:51 (UTC+8)- 21-Aug-2014 09:26:51 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 21-Aug-2014 09:26:51 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來,氣候變遷極為劇烈,全球各地天災不斷,不僅造成生命和財產慘重的損失, 更要面對災後長期重建的困難,使得國土減災成為各國需要審慎面對的課題。而台灣更 是如此,每逢颱風,屢在山區降下豪大雨,造成土石流、山崩落石災害,尤其在原住民 地區造成重創。社會輿論往往指稱高山地區原住民保留地的開發、農墾是造成上游崩塌 的主因,應即退耕還林。 然而,在災害頻生地區就該與之共生,並尋求更好的抒解環境災害的方式,而從 Kandji and Verchot(2006)及Nair(2008)對複合農林業研究,得知其對水土保持、對氣候 變遷的調適和減災,具有一定的正向功能;而在我國原住民地區的高山農業經營,是否 亦能採取這種栽植方式,俾有助於國土減災,值得深入探討。倘若複合農林業果真可行, 則在當前的土地使用管制體制應如何配合改進,以便促進原住民地區產業發展,並保障 原住民族的生存權,亦需加以研析。 因此,本研究擬考察複合農林業、永續農業、使用管制相關理論,並參酌國外施行 多年的經驗,藉由文獻收集、深度訪談、問卷調查、政策分析等研究方法,從環境面、 法制面、執行面評估其於國內推行之可行性,並進一步研擬於原住民地區推行複合農林 業、永續農業以及土地使用管制之策略建議或改進措施,俾有助於部落發展。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, since the extreme climate change and global continuous disasters have occurred, not only caused lose of life and property, but also faced the difficulty of recovery, so that disaster reduction became one of the serious concerns. Taiwan is no exception but each time when heavy rain, debris flow, landslide and rock falls caused by typhoons, especially in indigenous communities, suffered from serious damage. Social opinion usually account that the development and cultivation on indigenous reserved land in high mountain area are the main reasons of upstream landslide. Thus, such activity should stop immediately and return the land into forestry. In such place where disasters frequently happened; however, people have to co-exist with them and ask for better ways to resolve environmental disasters. Kandji and Verchot(2006) and Nair (2008), considered that agro-forestry have positive function to water and land conservation, and adapt to climate change. On the aspect of operation of high mountain agriculture in indigenous area, it is worthy to discuss if such cultivation method can help disaster reduction. If agro-forestry were possible, it would be necessary to explore how the current land use management institution be improved for indigenous agricultural development and securing indigenous existence rights. Therefore, this study attempts to explore agro-forestry, sustainable agriculture and land use control theories and practices, assess the possibility of adopting foreign experience in the aspect of environment, legislation, and execution by literature collection, and in-depth interview, questionnaire investigation methods. Furthermore, this study would like to promote and to give policy implication or improvement measures of agro-forestry, sustainable agriculture, and land use control, so as to secure indigenous communities development.en_US
dc.format.extent 5936449 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號NSC102-2420-H004-002en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 原住民保留地;複合農林業;永續農業;土地管理制度;超限利用;減災en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) indigenous reserved land;agro-forestry;sustainable agriculture;land management institutions;overuse;disaster reductionen_US
dc.title (題名) 環境變遷與原住民族部落發展—從民族科學角度出發之土地資源與災害管理-原住民保留地、永續農業、土地使用管制與部落發展之困境與契機-以新竹縣尖石鄉泰雅族為例(I∼III)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Distress and Chance on Indigenous Reserved Land, Sustainable Agriculture, Land Use Control and Indigenous Community Development-A Case of Tayal Indigens in Jianshih Township, Hsinchu County(I~III)en_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten