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題名 企業因應競爭環境變動之下的敏捷策略應用之案例分析
A Case Study on Agile Strategy used by Enterprises in Response to the Competitive Environment作者 謝旻諺
Shay, Jason S.貢獻者 管康彥
Kuan, Wellington K.
Shay, Jason S.關鍵詞 敏捷策略
Agile Strategy
Agile Management
Agile Enterprise
Competitive Environment日期 2014 上傳時間 25-Aug-2014 15:12:58 (UTC+8) 摘要 面對日趨活躍的跨領域互動潮流與日益縮短的產品生命週期及市場反應時間等三項因素,全球產業普遍面臨越來越嚴峻的競爭環境,企業因應變化和不確定性的挑戰越來越大。在這種情況下,企業為了能夠持續存活及維繫本身的競生優勢,他們必須要用一種更為敏捷的方式來回應環境中的變化和不確定性。敏捷策略代表的就是一種將「從市場上取得的訊息回饋並融入到公司的價值鏈內」的策略,它的目的是讓企業能夠更迅速調整自身的資源來回應市場的狀況。儘管目前對敏捷策略有許多不同的看法,但實際上「敏捷」所代表的意義仍然找不到一個如同「精實生產」一樣具體而明確的說法。本研究建立於個案研究的基礎之上,來找出企業在面對不同的競爭條件以及產業條件之下所會採用的敏捷策略的模式及作法。研究發現,即便是被認為敏捷範例的企業,它們仍然不一定全方位的採行敏捷策略。公司根據企業在管理上的複雜度,選擇專注於商業環境中的特定面向來導入敏捷作為。本研究發現,所有個案公司在四個敏捷面向中至少採行其中兩個面向。首先,內部組織和文化面向皆調整為允許並提升靈活性和適應性。接著,公司透過調整經營和生產面向來相增加企業的靈活性和適應性。除了調整內部的運作之外,這些公司會依據公司的核心優勢或是在其他面向管理的複雜度來決定應該處理哪一個外部運作面向。本研究發現當企業面臨複雜的供應網絡時,他們會嘗試將資源分配來跟合作夥伴建立敏捷關係;另外,只有企業只有在必須直接及快速面對並回應快速變化的客戶或市場的需求時,他們才會將資源分配以便能夠敏捷地將客戶的聲音和市場的訊息融入產品或服務。
As global business environment is experiencing much fiercer competitions from the increased interactions across country and industry boundaries, shorter product life cycle, shorter respond time, more variation and uncertainties are becoming major challenges to corporations nowadays. The increased competition forces companies to react to changes and uncertainties in an agile way, in terms of connecting resources internally and externally, in order to survive and to sustain their competitive advantages. Agility represents a strategy for companies to integrate information on the market into their value chain, making it easier and faster for the companies to leverage their resources and capabilities to respond to market situations in a quick manner. Despite the evolvement of different agility viewpoints, the concept of agility has yet to be solidly defines as it has been done on such concepts as lean manufacturing. On the basis of a multiple case study, this paper aims to identify the ways companies could adapt the agility strategy under different competitive circumstances based on the companies’ and their corresponding industries’ situation.The study finds that even companies recognized as agile examples are not performing all-around comprehensive across all aspects of agility. Companies choose to concentrate on specific agility dimensions based on the companies’ actual complications managing the business environment. However, commonalities exist when all case companies are found to perform practice agilely in two of the four dimensions. The internal organization and culture dimension is adjusted to allow flexibility and adaptability. Furthermore, the companies increase the companies’ versatility and adjustability by adjusting the operations and manufacturing dimension. On top of the adjusted internal operation, the companies should then decide to focus on the external environment that is complicated to manage or is fatally related to the companies’ core competencies. It is found only companies with complicated supply network would attempt to allocate resources into establishing agile relationship with their partners; and only companies with direct pressure to react to fast changing customer or market demand would allocate resources into agilely adapting customers’ voices and/or market information into their products or services.參考文獻 Axelsson, R., Blomqvist, B., 2012. Business Agility. Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Industrial Engineering and Management.Azevedo, S.G., Govindan, K., Carvalho, H., Cruz-Machado, C., 2012. An integrated model to assess the leanness and agility of the automotive industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 66, 85-94BCG , 2011. Adaptability: The New Competitive Advantage. The Boston Consulting Group.Blackbum, J.D., 1991. The Time Factor. In The Time-Based Competition, ed. Joseph D. Blackbum:3-23. Homewood, IL Business One Irwin.Burns, T., Stalker, G.M., 1961. The Management of Innovation. Tavistock Publications, London, UK.Bloomberg, 2012. Kodak Files for Bankruptcy as Digital Era Spells End to Film. Bloomberg.Chinnaiah, P.S.S., Kamarthi, S.V., 2000. Agile Manufacturing. Innovations in Competitive Manufacturing, 145-154.Davenport, T. 1993. Process Innovation: Reengineering Work Through Information Technology. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.Dove, R., 1993. Lean and agile: synergy, contrast, and emerging structure. In: Proceedings of the Defense Manufacturing Conference 1993, San Francisco, CA.Dove, R., 1994. The Meaning of Life & The Meaning of Agile. Production 106 (11), 14-15.Dove, R., 1994a. Plumbing The Agile Organization. Production 106 (12), 14-15.Eisenhardt, K.M., 1989. Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review 14, 532–550.FM Global, 2011. The Tangled Webs We Weave. Reason Magazine (4).Gartner, 2013. The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2013. Gartner Inc.GM Heritage Center, 2014. Opel, Adam. General Motor.Goldman, S.L., Nagel, R.N., 1993. Management, technology and agility: the emergence of a new era in manufacturing. International Journal of Technology Management 8, 18-38.Goldman, S.L., Nagel, R.N., Preiss, K., 1995. Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations: StrategiesGunasekaran, A., 1999. Agile manufacturing: a framework for research and development. International Journal of Production Economics 62, 87-105.Gunasekaran, A., Tirtiroglu, E., Wolstencroft, V., 2002. An investigation into the application of agile manufacturing in an aerospace company. Technovation 22, 405-415.HBSP, 2014. Case Study Method. Harvard Business Publishing.Hugos, M.H., 2009 Business Agility: Sustainable Prosperity in a Relentlessly Competitive World (Microsoft Executive Leadership Series). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.IBM, 2011. Cutting through Complexity with Business Agility (Thought Leadership White Paper). IBM Global Business Services.Jackson, M., Johansson, C., 2003. Agility analysis from a production system perspective. Integrated Manufacturing Systems 14, 482-488.Kidd, P.T., 1994. Agile Manufacturing: Forging New Frontiers. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.Lin, C. T., Chiu, H., Tseng, Y., 2005. Agility evaluation using fuzzy logic. International Journal of Production Economics, 101, 353-368.Lin, C. T., Chiu, H., Chu, P.-Y., 2006. Agility index in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics 100, 285-299.Meade, L.M.; Rogers, K.J., 1997. "Enhancing a manufacturing business process for agility," Innovation in Technology Management - The Key to Global Leadership. PICMET `97: Portland International Conference on Management and Technology , vol., no., pp.638,641, 27-31.Meade, L.M., Sarkis, J., 1999. Analyzing organizational project alternatives for agile manufacturing processes: an analytical network approach. International Journal of Production Research 37, 241-261.Mintzberg, H., Quinn, J.B., Voyer, J., 1995. The Strategy Process. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Rentice-Hall, Inc.Moore, R., Reff, K., Graham, J., Hackerson, B., 2007. Scrum at a Fortune 500 Manufacturing Company. Agile Conference (AGILE), 2007 , 175-180.Mothersell, W.M., Moore, M.L., Strolle, M., 2008. A Brownfield Lean Conversion: A Case Study of Opel Belgium. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 161-182.Mthupha, B., 2012. A Framework for the Development and Measurement of Agile Enterprise Architecture. Rhodes Island: Rhodes University.Reed, K., Blunsdon, B., 1998. Organizational flexibility in Australia. International Journal of Human Resource Management 9, 457-477.Ross, A., 2004. Creating Agile Supply Chain. IEEE Manufacturing Engineer 82 (6), 18-21.Rummler, G.A., Brache, A.P., 1990. Improving Peformance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart. Edited by Leonard Nadler. The Jossey-Bass Management Series. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.Senge, P.M., 1990. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday.Sharifi, H., Zhang, Z., 1999. A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organizations: an introduction. International Journal of Production Economics 62, 7-22.Sharifi, H., Zhang, Z., 2001. Agile manufacturing in practice-application of a methodology. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 21, 772-794.Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W., Layer, J.K., 2007. A review of enterprise agility: Concepts, frameworks, and attributes. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 37, 445-460.Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W., 2014. The relationship between work organization and workforce agility in small manufacturing enterprises. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 44, 466-473.Sidky, A., 2007. A Structured Approach to Adopting Agilt Practices: The Agile Adopaion Framework. Blacksburg, Virginia: Virginia Tech.The McKinsey Quarterly, 2006. Building a nimble organization: A McKinsey Global Survey. McKinsey & Company.Toni, D.A., Tonchia, S., 1998. Manufacturing—flexibility: a literature review. International Journal of Production Research 36, 1587-1617.Tseng, Y.H., Lin, C.T., 2011. Enhancing enterprise agility by developing agile drivers, capabilities, and providers. Information Science 181, 3693-3708.Tsourveloudis, N.C., Valavanis, K.P., 2002. On the measurement of enterprise agility. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 33, 329-342.Vazquez-Bustelo, D., Avella, L., 2006. Agile manufacturing: Industrial case studies in Spain. Technovation 26, 1147-1161.Volberda, H.W., 1996. Toward the flexible form: how to remain vital in hypercompetitive environments. Organization Science 7, 359-374.Watson, G.H., 1994. Business Systems Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Yin, R.K., 1989. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Sage, London.Yusuf, Y., Sarhadi, M., Gunasekaran, A., 1999. Agile manufacturing: the drivers, concepts and attributes. International Journal of Production Economics 62, 33-43.Yusuf, Y.Y., Adeleye, E.O., 2002. A comparative study of lean and agile manufacturing with related survey of current practices in the UK. International Journal of Production Research 40, 4545-4562. 描述 碩士
103資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 管康彥 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Kuan, Wellington K. en_US (Authors) 謝旻諺 zh_TW (Authors) Shay, Jason S. en_US dc.creator (作者) 謝旻諺 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Shay, Jason S. en_US (日期) 2014 en_US 25-Aug-2014 15:12:58 (UTC+8) - 25-Aug-2014 15:12:58 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 25-Aug-2014 15:12:58 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0101355008 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101355008 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 103 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 面對日趨活躍的跨領域互動潮流與日益縮短的產品生命週期及市場反應時間等三項因素,全球產業普遍面臨越來越嚴峻的競爭環境,企業因應變化和不確定性的挑戰越來越大。在這種情況下,企業為了能夠持續存活及維繫本身的競生優勢,他們必須要用一種更為敏捷的方式來回應環境中的變化和不確定性。敏捷策略代表的就是一種將「從市場上取得的訊息回饋並融入到公司的價值鏈內」的策略,它的目的是讓企業能夠更迅速調整自身的資源來回應市場的狀況。儘管目前對敏捷策略有許多不同的看法,但實際上「敏捷」所代表的意義仍然找不到一個如同「精實生產」一樣具體而明確的說法。本研究建立於個案研究的基礎之上,來找出企業在面對不同的競爭條件以及產業條件之下所會採用的敏捷策略的模式及作法。研究發現,即便是被認為敏捷範例的企業,它們仍然不一定全方位的採行敏捷策略。公司根據企業在管理上的複雜度,選擇專注於商業環境中的特定面向來導入敏捷作為。本研究發現,所有個案公司在四個敏捷面向中至少採行其中兩個面向。首先,內部組織和文化面向皆調整為允許並提升靈活性和適應性。接著,公司透過調整經營和生產面向來相增加企業的靈活性和適應性。除了調整內部的運作之外,這些公司會依據公司的核心優勢或是在其他面向管理的複雜度來決定應該處理哪一個外部運作面向。本研究發現當企業面臨複雜的供應網絡時,他們會嘗試將資源分配來跟合作夥伴建立敏捷關係;另外,只有企業只有在必須直接及快速面對並回應快速變化的客戶或市場的需求時,他們才會將資源分配以便能夠敏捷地將客戶的聲音和市場的訊息融入產品或服務。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) As global business environment is experiencing much fiercer competitions from the increased interactions across country and industry boundaries, shorter product life cycle, shorter respond time, more variation and uncertainties are becoming major challenges to corporations nowadays. The increased competition forces companies to react to changes and uncertainties in an agile way, in terms of connecting resources internally and externally, in order to survive and to sustain their competitive advantages. Agility represents a strategy for companies to integrate information on the market into their value chain, making it easier and faster for the companies to leverage their resources and capabilities to respond to market situations in a quick manner. Despite the evolvement of different agility viewpoints, the concept of agility has yet to be solidly defines as it has been done on such concepts as lean manufacturing. On the basis of a multiple case study, this paper aims to identify the ways companies could adapt the agility strategy under different competitive circumstances based on the companies’ and their corresponding industries’ situation.The study finds that even companies recognized as agile examples are not performing all-around comprehensive across all aspects of agility. Companies choose to concentrate on specific agility dimensions based on the companies’ actual complications managing the business environment. However, commonalities exist when all case companies are found to perform practice agilely in two of the four dimensions. The internal organization and culture dimension is adjusted to allow flexibility and adaptability. Furthermore, the companies increase the companies’ versatility and adjustability by adjusting the operations and manufacturing dimension. On top of the adjusted internal operation, the companies should then decide to focus on the external environment that is complicated to manage or is fatally related to the companies’ core competencies. It is found only companies with complicated supply network would attempt to allocate resources into establishing agile relationship with their partners; and only companies with direct pressure to react to fast changing customer or market demand would allocate resources into agilely adapting customers’ voices and/or market information into their products or services. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要 3Abstract 4List of Tables 7List of Figures 8Chapter 1 Introduction 91.1 Background and Motivation 91.2 Problem Description, Research Purpose, and Research Questions 121.3 Research Methodology 131.3.1 Case Study 131.3.2 Case Selection 141.3.3 Research Procedure 17Chapter 2 Literature Reviews 182.1 Concepts of Enterprise Agility 182.2 Business Processes of Enterprise Agility 222.3 Frameworks and Attributes of Enterprise Agility 242.3.1 Frameworks 242.3.2 Attributes 262.5 Models of Enterprise Agility 292.5.1 Review of Agility Models 292.5.2 Proposed Agility Model 30Chapter 3 Case Overview 323.1 Adam Opel AG (Opel) 323.1.1 Overview 323.1.2 History and Significant Developments 343.1.3 Agile Conducts Under Agility Strategy and Framework 363.2 Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M) 393.2.1 Overview 393.2.2 History and Significant Developments 403.2.3 Agile Conducts Under Agility Strategy and Framework 413.3 Deere and Company (John Deere) 433.3.1 Overview 433.3.2 History and Significant Developments 443.3.3 Agile Conducts Under Agility Strategy and Framework 453.4 Airbus SAS (Airbus) 463.4.1 Overview 463.4.2 History and Significant Developments 473.4.3 Agile Conducts Under Agility Strategy and Framework 48 zh_TW dc.format.extent 846971 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 敏捷策略 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 敏捷管理 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 敏捷企業 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 競爭環境 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Agile Strategy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Agile Management en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Agile Enterprise en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Competitive Environment en_US dc.title (題名) 企業因應競爭環境變動之下的敏捷策略應用之案例分析 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A Case Study on Agile Strategy used by Enterprises in Response to the Competitive Environment en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Axelsson, R., Blomqvist, B., 2012. Business Agility. Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Industrial Engineering and Management.Azevedo, S.G., Govindan, K., Carvalho, H., Cruz-Machado, C., 2012. An integrated model to assess the leanness and agility of the automotive industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 66, 85-94BCG , 2011. Adaptability: The New Competitive Advantage. The Boston Consulting Group.Blackbum, J.D., 1991. The Time Factor. In The Time-Based Competition, ed. Joseph D. Blackbum:3-23. Homewood, IL Business One Irwin.Burns, T., Stalker, G.M., 1961. The Management of Innovation. Tavistock Publications, London, UK.Bloomberg, 2012. Kodak Files for Bankruptcy as Digital Era Spells End to Film. Bloomberg.Chinnaiah, P.S.S., Kamarthi, S.V., 2000. Agile Manufacturing. Innovations in Competitive Manufacturing, 145-154.Davenport, T. 1993. Process Innovation: Reengineering Work Through Information Technology. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.Dove, R., 1993. Lean and agile: synergy, contrast, and emerging structure. In: Proceedings of the Defense Manufacturing Conference 1993, San Francisco, CA.Dove, R., 1994. The Meaning of Life & The Meaning of Agile. Production 106 (11), 14-15.Dove, R., 1994a. Plumbing The Agile Organization. Production 106 (12), 14-15.Eisenhardt, K.M., 1989. Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review 14, 532–550.FM Global, 2011. The Tangled Webs We Weave. Reason Magazine (4).Gartner, 2013. The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2013. Gartner Inc.GM Heritage Center, 2014. Opel, Adam. General Motor.Goldman, S.L., Nagel, R.N., 1993. Management, technology and agility: the emergence of a new era in manufacturing. International Journal of Technology Management 8, 18-38.Goldman, S.L., Nagel, R.N., Preiss, K., 1995. Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations: StrategiesGunasekaran, A., 1999. Agile manufacturing: a framework for research and development. International Journal of Production Economics 62, 87-105.Gunasekaran, A., Tirtiroglu, E., Wolstencroft, V., 2002. An investigation into the application of agile manufacturing in an aerospace company. Technovation 22, 405-415.HBSP, 2014. Case Study Method. Harvard Business Publishing.Hugos, M.H., 2009 Business Agility: Sustainable Prosperity in a Relentlessly Competitive World (Microsoft Executive Leadership Series). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.IBM, 2011. Cutting through Complexity with Business Agility (Thought Leadership White Paper). IBM Global Business Services.Jackson, M., Johansson, C., 2003. Agility analysis from a production system perspective. Integrated Manufacturing Systems 14, 482-488.Kidd, P.T., 1994. Agile Manufacturing: Forging New Frontiers. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.Lin, C. T., Chiu, H., Tseng, Y., 2005. Agility evaluation using fuzzy logic. International Journal of Production Economics, 101, 353-368.Lin, C. T., Chiu, H., Chu, P.-Y., 2006. Agility index in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics 100, 285-299.Meade, L.M.; Rogers, K.J., 1997. "Enhancing a manufacturing business process for agility," Innovation in Technology Management - The Key to Global Leadership. PICMET `97: Portland International Conference on Management and Technology , vol., no., pp.638,641, 27-31.Meade, L.M., Sarkis, J., 1999. Analyzing organizational project alternatives for agile manufacturing processes: an analytical network approach. International Journal of Production Research 37, 241-261.Mintzberg, H., Quinn, J.B., Voyer, J., 1995. The Strategy Process. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Rentice-Hall, Inc.Moore, R., Reff, K., Graham, J., Hackerson, B., 2007. Scrum at a Fortune 500 Manufacturing Company. Agile Conference (AGILE), 2007 , 175-180.Mothersell, W.M., Moore, M.L., Strolle, M., 2008. A Brownfield Lean Conversion: A Case Study of Opel Belgium. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 161-182.Mthupha, B., 2012. A Framework for the Development and Measurement of Agile Enterprise Architecture. Rhodes Island: Rhodes University.Reed, K., Blunsdon, B., 1998. Organizational flexibility in Australia. International Journal of Human Resource Management 9, 457-477.Ross, A., 2004. Creating Agile Supply Chain. IEEE Manufacturing Engineer 82 (6), 18-21.Rummler, G.A., Brache, A.P., 1990. Improving Peformance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart. Edited by Leonard Nadler. The Jossey-Bass Management Series. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.Senge, P.M., 1990. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday.Sharifi, H., Zhang, Z., 1999. A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organizations: an introduction. International Journal of Production Economics 62, 7-22.Sharifi, H., Zhang, Z., 2001. Agile manufacturing in practice-application of a methodology. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 21, 772-794.Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W., Layer, J.K., 2007. A review of enterprise agility: Concepts, frameworks, and attributes. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 37, 445-460.Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W., 2014. The relationship between work organization and workforce agility in small manufacturing enterprises. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 44, 466-473.Sidky, A., 2007. A Structured Approach to Adopting Agilt Practices: The Agile Adopaion Framework. Blacksburg, Virginia: Virginia Tech.The McKinsey Quarterly, 2006. Building a nimble organization: A McKinsey Global Survey. McKinsey & Company.Toni, D.A., Tonchia, S., 1998. Manufacturing—flexibility: a literature review. International Journal of Production Research 36, 1587-1617.Tseng, Y.H., Lin, C.T., 2011. Enhancing enterprise agility by developing agile drivers, capabilities, and providers. Information Science 181, 3693-3708.Tsourveloudis, N.C., Valavanis, K.P., 2002. On the measurement of enterprise agility. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 33, 329-342.Vazquez-Bustelo, D., Avella, L., 2006. Agile manufacturing: Industrial case studies in Spain. Technovation 26, 1147-1161.Volberda, H.W., 1996. Toward the flexible form: how to remain vital in hypercompetitive environments. Organization Science 7, 359-374.Watson, G.H., 1994. Business Systems Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Yin, R.K., 1989. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Sage, London.Yusuf, Y., Sarhadi, M., Gunasekaran, A., 1999. Agile manufacturing: the drivers, concepts and attributes. International Journal of Production Economics 62, 33-43.Yusuf, Y.Y., Adeleye, E.O., 2002. A comparative study of lean and agile manufacturing with related survey of current practices in the UK. International Journal of Production Research 40, 4545-4562. zh_TW