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題名 威權體制下的國民黨黨營企業
其他題名 The Party-owned Enterprises Under the Authoritarianism of Kuomintang
作者 李福鐘
Li, Fu-chung
貢獻者 臺灣史研究所
關鍵詞 國民黨; 黨營企業; 日產; 中廣; 中影; 復華證金
Kuomintag(KMT) party-owned enterprise; Japanese colonial assets; BBC (Broadcasting Corporation of China); CMPC (Centeral Motion Picture Corporation); FHSF(Fuh-Hwa Securities Finance Corporation)
日期 2008-02
上傳時間 26-Nov-2014 09:03:09 (UTC+8)
摘要 中國國民黨擁有數量龐大的黨營企業,其規模甚至曾經富可敵國。何以號稱民主政黨的國民黨,需要保有如此龐大的營利事業體?國民黨高層對此亦供認不諱,是為了籌措政黨之運作經費。經營企業所得利潤,遠比黨員繳交之黨費,或是募款所得,要豐厚穩定得多。然而政黨之原始目的,在於以組織力量參與國家之政治活動,尤其國民黨又曾長達半個世紀執政,組織力量不僅涉及政治活動,同時又經營工商企業,其間難以拿捏的藉由權力換取金錢的「尋租」(rent-seeking)行為,成為國民黨黨營企業最令人詬病的結構性現象。本文的目的,在於透過歷史文獻的整理,逐一呈現至少在西元 2000年政黨輪替以前,國民黨如何藉由所掌握的政府資源,為其黨營企業大開牟利之門的過程。而所涉及的類型,則包括侵占日產、以政府預算補貼黨營企業、特權營利事業等。
The Kuomintang (KMT) had a huge amount of party-owned enterprises since the late 1940s, its scale even up to several billion US dollars. Why a democratic party needed so many enterprises to gather a lot of money? Even the top leaders of the KMT didn’t deny they need such a fortune to maintain the operation of the KMT party. The wealth of the KMT was greatly coming from the profit of their enterprises rather than the party membership dues or donations. As we know that the purpose of a political party is to participate in politics, but the KMT was at the helm of the state more than half a century, how couldn’t it be involved in no“rent-seeking”by its ruling power? The most notorious defect of the KMT party-owned enterprises was the tramsfer of the national property to become its own party assets.The purpose of this article is to present the truth how the KMT used its ruling power to profit its own enterprises. And the manipulations of the KMT included embezzling the Japanese colonial assets, subsidization, and monopolizing
關聯 國史館館刊, 18, 189-220
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 臺灣史研究所en_US
dc.creator (作者) 李福鐘zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Li, Fu-chungen_US (日期) 2008-02en_US 26-Nov-2014 09:03:09 (UTC+8)- 26-Nov-2014 09:03:09 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 26-Nov-2014 09:03:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中國國民黨擁有數量龐大的黨營企業,其規模甚至曾經富可敵國。何以號稱民主政黨的國民黨,需要保有如此龐大的營利事業體?國民黨高層對此亦供認不諱,是為了籌措政黨之運作經費。經營企業所得利潤,遠比黨員繳交之黨費,或是募款所得,要豐厚穩定得多。然而政黨之原始目的,在於以組織力量參與國家之政治活動,尤其國民黨又曾長達半個世紀執政,組織力量不僅涉及政治活動,同時又經營工商企業,其間難以拿捏的藉由權力換取金錢的「尋租」(rent-seeking)行為,成為國民黨黨營企業最令人詬病的結構性現象。本文的目的,在於透過歷史文獻的整理,逐一呈現至少在西元 2000年政黨輪替以前,國民黨如何藉由所掌握的政府資源,為其黨營企業大開牟利之門的過程。而所涉及的類型,則包括侵占日產、以政府預算補貼黨營企業、特權營利事業等。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The Kuomintang (KMT) had a huge amount of party-owned enterprises since the late 1940s, its scale even up to several billion US dollars. Why a democratic party needed so many enterprises to gather a lot of money? Even the top leaders of the KMT didn’t deny they need such a fortune to maintain the operation of the KMT party. The wealth of the KMT was greatly coming from the profit of their enterprises rather than the party membership dues or donations. As we know that the purpose of a political party is to participate in politics, but the KMT was at the helm of the state more than half a century, how couldn’t it be involved in no“rent-seeking”by its ruling power? The most notorious defect of the KMT party-owned enterprises was the tramsfer of the national property to become its own party assets.The purpose of this article is to present the truth how the KMT used its ruling power to profit its own enterprises. And the manipulations of the KMT included embezzling the Japanese colonial assets, subsidization, and monopolizingen_US
dc.format.extent 1951791 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 國史館館刊, 18, 189-220en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國民黨; 黨營企業; 日產; 中廣; 中影; 復華證金en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Kuomintag(KMT) party-owned enterprise; Japanese colonial assets; BBC (Broadcasting Corporation of China); CMPC (Centeral Motion Picture Corporation); FHSF(Fuh-Hwa Securities Finance Corporation)en_US
dc.title (題名) 威權體制下的國民黨黨營企業zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Party-owned Enterprises Under the Authoritarianism of Kuomintangen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen