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題名 異常,抑或自主?獨身女性瑟克拉故事的社會文化意義
其他題名 Anomaly or Autonomy? The Sociocultural Meaning of the Story of a Celibate Woman Thecla
作者 崔國瑜
Tsui, Kuo-Yu
貢獻者 歷史系
關鍵詞 《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》;獨身;女性自主性
"Apocryphal Acts of Paul and Thecla";Celibacy;Female Autonomy
日期 2014.06
上傳時間 26-Dec-2014 17:30:28 (UTC+8)
摘要 《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》記載了使徒保羅及女主角瑟克拉的傳奇,在第二世紀小亞細亞地區曾廣為流傳。本研究採取同時性的閱讀取向,探索《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》作為一整體所要表達的訊息,特別是瑟克拉的遭遇所傳達的社會文化意義。由希羅文化的社會常觀來看,瑟克拉的獨身負潔溢出了常軌,違逆了父權社會結構為女性設下的常規(亦即,婚姻與生育)。在此種社會常觀之下,獨身女性如瑟克拉實為「異常」。然而,立足於福音的價值觀,一如保羅在《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》中所宣講的「節制」,瑟克拉的獨身理想非但不是異常,反而是追隨基督的芳表以傳揚福音者最佳的生活型態。在希羅世界中,為了福音的緣故而選擇獨身的女性如瑟克拉,史無前例地展現了一種女性的「自主」性,因此無可避免地與希羅的父權社會常規相衝突,甚至導致瑟克拉二度被處死。然而,瑟克拉所信仰的更高力量卻將她轉化成有內在力量的女性,使她能度過審判的煎熬,最後更以奇蹟拯救了她。據此可說,《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》所要傳達的主要訊息之一是:在早期基督宗教中,為了福音的緣故而選擇獨身的女性,即便要遭受社會責罰,但她們所信仰的神終究會勝過一切,拯救她們脫免危難。
Taking a synchronic approach in reading the text "Acts of Paul and Thecla" in its 2nd c. sociocultural context of Asia Minor, the present study explores the significance of the social conflicts that the figure of Thecla encounters. Seen from the perspective of the Greco-Roman social norm, Thecla`s calling of being celibate was deviant from what had been set up for women by the patriarchal society (i.e., marriage and child-bearing). Celibate women like Thecla were "anomaly" in such a social setting. However, rooted in the essential value of the gospel that Paul proclaims (i.e., self-control) in "Acts of Paul and Thecla", Thecla`s embrace of virginity was far from aberrant. In fact, it was the best lifestyle for itinerant preachers like Thecla, who wished to follow the example of Christ to preach the gospel. Unprecedented in the Greco-Roman world, the figure of Thecla manifested a kind of female "autonomy," which inevitably came into conflicts with the patriarchal social norm of the Greco-Roman world that condemned Thecla twice to death penalty. But the higher power, which Thecla invoked in the name of the Father of Jesus Christ, transformed her into a woman with inner strength, sustained her in trial, and saved her through miracles. One of the messages "Acts of Paul and Thecla" tried to convey was that, despite the societal condemnation of women`s embracing celibacy for the sake of the gospel in early Christianity, God will prevail in the end and will deliver them from peril.
關聯 國立成功大學歷史學報, 46, 57-82
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 歷史系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 崔國瑜zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsui, Kuo-Yuen_US (日期) 2014.06en_US 26-Dec-2014 17:30:28 (UTC+8)- 26-Dec-2014 17:30:28 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 26-Dec-2014 17:30:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》記載了使徒保羅及女主角瑟克拉的傳奇,在第二世紀小亞細亞地區曾廣為流傳。本研究採取同時性的閱讀取向,探索《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》作為一整體所要表達的訊息,特別是瑟克拉的遭遇所傳達的社會文化意義。由希羅文化的社會常觀來看,瑟克拉的獨身負潔溢出了常軌,違逆了父權社會結構為女性設下的常規(亦即,婚姻與生育)。在此種社會常觀之下,獨身女性如瑟克拉實為「異常」。然而,立足於福音的價值觀,一如保羅在《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》中所宣講的「節制」,瑟克拉的獨身理想非但不是異常,反而是追隨基督的芳表以傳揚福音者最佳的生活型態。在希羅世界中,為了福音的緣故而選擇獨身的女性如瑟克拉,史無前例地展現了一種女性的「自主」性,因此無可避免地與希羅的父權社會常規相衝突,甚至導致瑟克拉二度被處死。然而,瑟克拉所信仰的更高力量卻將她轉化成有內在力量的女性,使她能度過審判的煎熬,最後更以奇蹟拯救了她。據此可說,《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》所要傳達的主要訊息之一是:在早期基督宗教中,為了福音的緣故而選擇獨身的女性,即便要遭受社會責罰,但她們所信仰的神終究會勝過一切,拯救她們脫免危難。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Taking a synchronic approach in reading the text "Acts of Paul and Thecla" in its 2nd c. sociocultural context of Asia Minor, the present study explores the significance of the social conflicts that the figure of Thecla encounters. Seen from the perspective of the Greco-Roman social norm, Thecla`s calling of being celibate was deviant from what had been set up for women by the patriarchal society (i.e., marriage and child-bearing). Celibate women like Thecla were "anomaly" in such a social setting. However, rooted in the essential value of the gospel that Paul proclaims (i.e., self-control) in "Acts of Paul and Thecla", Thecla`s embrace of virginity was far from aberrant. In fact, it was the best lifestyle for itinerant preachers like Thecla, who wished to follow the example of Christ to preach the gospel. Unprecedented in the Greco-Roman world, the figure of Thecla manifested a kind of female "autonomy," which inevitably came into conflicts with the patriarchal social norm of the Greco-Roman world that condemned Thecla twice to death penalty. But the higher power, which Thecla invoked in the name of the Father of Jesus Christ, transformed her into a woman with inner strength, sustained her in trial, and saved her through miracles. One of the messages "Acts of Paul and Thecla" tried to convey was that, despite the societal condemnation of women`s embracing celibacy for the sake of the gospel in early Christianity, God will prevail in the end and will deliver them from peril.en_US
dc.format.extent 9526757 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 國立成功大學歷史學報, 46, 57-82en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 《保羅與瑟克拉行傳》;獨身;女性自主性en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) "Apocryphal Acts of Paul and Thecla";Celibacy;Female Autonomyen_US
dc.title (題名) 異常,抑或自主?獨身女性瑟克拉故事的社會文化意義zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Anomaly or Autonomy? The Sociocultural Meaning of the Story of a Celibate Woman Theclaen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen