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題名 來臺後曾虛白的宣傳工作與理念(1949-1994)
其他題名 The Work and View of the KMT`s Propaganda Staff after 1949: A Focus on Hsu-Pai Tseng (1949-1994)
作者 林果顯
Lin, Guo-Sian
貢獻者 臺灣史研究所
關鍵詞 曾虛白 ; 國民黨 ; 宣傳人員 ; 宣傳 ; 中央社
Hsu-pai Tseng ; KMT ; Propaganda Staff ; Propaganda ; The Central News Agency
日期 2014-03
上傳時間 12-Jan-2015 10:58:02 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文主要處理兩個問題:國民黨在歷經重大挫敗後,在臺灣重建宣傳體系時,身處其中的宣傳人員其具體工作內容為何?支撐他們行事的背後理念又是什麼?過去對於宣傳的研究,多半集中於管制異議聲音的消極性面向,較少著墨於如何布置宣傳的積極性作為,特別是執行人員的行事面貌更顯模糊。本文聚焦於曾虛白,身為1950年代初期身兼數個重要宣傳部門的主管,又有豐富的傳記資料與撰述,透過近年開放的政府檔案,或可拼湊國民黨政府來臺後重整宣傳體系的部分具體過程。本文發現,曾虛白始終身處宣傳部門,忠誠地執行黨的政策,其工作上的發揮也顯示了國民黨在臺灣逐漸穩固的宣傳體系。來臺初期的情報工作計畫及第四組主任任內,致力於溝通上下,協助黨理解臺灣,也鼓動人民理解黨的政策;於中央社社長時重建國內外通訊網,並在吳國禎案中積極協助政府進行宣傳戰;於中廣時參與對中國大陸心理作戰的節目規劃,並製播節目評論國內外時事,型塑臺灣人的國際觀。在理念上,基於三民主義,他堅持記者身為後知後覺者的社會責任,務求蒐集民意以供政府參考,致力使民眾樂於接受政府政策。而其理想中的媒體公營,在面臨時代變動時,顯示出以國民黨為中心的思考。整體而言,曾虛白在工作與理念上的作為,展現了宣傳體系逐漸完備的過程,但現實狀況始終未臻其理想境地,所憂心的問題也確實浮現,顯示了該體系發展上的部分限制。
This article asks two closely-related questions: when the KMT lost its control of mainland China and attempted to rebuild its system of propaganda in Taiwan, what was the work and view of its propaganda staff after 1949? Some researches have focused on the negative dimension of the KMT`s propaganda policy in Taiwan, but few researches paid attention to the positive dimension through which the KMT produced the information for building up its propaganda hegemony. This article focuses on Hsu-Pai Tseng because he was the leader of the KMT`s propaganda system in early 1950s, and he provided us with full of papers and memoirs about the work of propaganda. Moreover, we can now use the newly released archives about Tseng to check his real work and to understand the process in the rebuilding of the KMT`s propaganda system in Taiwan.This article shows that Tseng could not enter the core of policy-making circles, but he tried hard to make the KMT`s policy possible. In carrying out the plan of investigation about Taiwan and during his period as the chief of the Forth Section, be helped the KMT to understand the people on the one hand and helped the people to accept the government`s policy on the other. When he was the chief of the Central News Agency, he rebuilt the network of news, and helped the government to win the propaganda war in the Wu Kuo-cheng Incident. When he was the vice general manager of the BBC, he designed the programs for psychological war and the program commenting on topical news which molded Taiwanese`s world view. On the other hand, he viewed the journalist as the intermediary helping the government to rule. He also wanted mass media to be public-owned, but when the other party might become the ruling party, he insisted on the media`s connection with the KMT. As a whole, Tseng`s work and idea reflect the development of the KMT`s propaganda system, but his unrealized idea of mass media being public-owned may be regarded as showing the limitation of this system he helped running.
關聯 國史館館刊, 34, 117-157
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 臺灣史研究所
dc.creator (作者) 林果顯zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Guo-Sian (日期) 2014-03 12-Jan-2015 10:58:02 (UTC+8)- 12-Jan-2015 10:58:02 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 12-Jan-2015 10:58:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文主要處理兩個問題:國民黨在歷經重大挫敗後,在臺灣重建宣傳體系時,身處其中的宣傳人員其具體工作內容為何?支撐他們行事的背後理念又是什麼?過去對於宣傳的研究,多半集中於管制異議聲音的消極性面向,較少著墨於如何布置宣傳的積極性作為,特別是執行人員的行事面貌更顯模糊。本文聚焦於曾虛白,身為1950年代初期身兼數個重要宣傳部門的主管,又有豐富的傳記資料與撰述,透過近年開放的政府檔案,或可拼湊國民黨政府來臺後重整宣傳體系的部分具體過程。本文發現,曾虛白始終身處宣傳部門,忠誠地執行黨的政策,其工作上的發揮也顯示了國民黨在臺灣逐漸穩固的宣傳體系。來臺初期的情報工作計畫及第四組主任任內,致力於溝通上下,協助黨理解臺灣,也鼓動人民理解黨的政策;於中央社社長時重建國內外通訊網,並在吳國禎案中積極協助政府進行宣傳戰;於中廣時參與對中國大陸心理作戰的節目規劃,並製播節目評論國內外時事,型塑臺灣人的國際觀。在理念上,基於三民主義,他堅持記者身為後知後覺者的社會責任,務求蒐集民意以供政府參考,致力使民眾樂於接受政府政策。而其理想中的媒體公營,在面臨時代變動時,顯示出以國民黨為中心的思考。整體而言,曾虛白在工作與理念上的作為,展現了宣傳體系逐漸完備的過程,但現實狀況始終未臻其理想境地,所憂心的問題也確實浮現,顯示了該體系發展上的部分限制。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This article asks two closely-related questions: when the KMT lost its control of mainland China and attempted to rebuild its system of propaganda in Taiwan, what was the work and view of its propaganda staff after 1949? Some researches have focused on the negative dimension of the KMT`s propaganda policy in Taiwan, but few researches paid attention to the positive dimension through which the KMT produced the information for building up its propaganda hegemony. This article focuses on Hsu-Pai Tseng because he was the leader of the KMT`s propaganda system in early 1950s, and he provided us with full of papers and memoirs about the work of propaganda. Moreover, we can now use the newly released archives about Tseng to check his real work and to understand the process in the rebuilding of the KMT`s propaganda system in Taiwan.This article shows that Tseng could not enter the core of policy-making circles, but he tried hard to make the KMT`s policy possible. In carrying out the plan of investigation about Taiwan and during his period as the chief of the Forth Section, be helped the KMT to understand the people on the one hand and helped the people to accept the government`s policy on the other. When he was the chief of the Central News Agency, he rebuilt the network of news, and helped the government to win the propaganda war in the Wu Kuo-cheng Incident. When he was the vice general manager of the BBC, he designed the programs for psychological war and the program commenting on topical news which molded Taiwanese`s world view. On the other hand, he viewed the journalist as the intermediary helping the government to rule. He also wanted mass media to be public-owned, but when the other party might become the ruling party, he insisted on the media`s connection with the KMT. As a whole, Tseng`s work and idea reflect the development of the KMT`s propaganda system, but his unrealized idea of mass media being public-owned may be regarded as showing the limitation of this system he helped running.
dc.format.extent 1190686 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 國史館館刊, 34, 117-157
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 曾虛白 ; 國民黨 ; 宣傳人員 ; 宣傳 ; 中央社
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hsu-pai Tseng ; KMT ; Propaganda Staff ; Propaganda ; The Central News Agency
dc.title (題名) 來臺後曾虛白的宣傳工作與理念(1949-1994)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Work and View of the KMT`s Propaganda Staff after 1949: A Focus on Hsu-Pai Tseng (1949-1994)
dc.type (資料類型) articleen