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題名 習近平「強軍夢」軍事戰略之研究
A Study On Xi Jinping’s “Strong Army Dream” Military Strategy
作者 韓杰霏
Han, Chieh Fei
貢獻者 王定士
Wang, Ding Shu
Han, Chieh Fei
關鍵詞 強軍夢
Strong Army Dream
Information technology
Party demand
日期 2014
上傳時間 3-Feb-2015 10:34:07 (UTC+8)
摘要 中共戰略思維的形成,主要依據國際情勢、戰略環境、戰爭、科技等客觀情勢變化,以及當時國家領導人對客觀環境的主觀認知,其中包括戰略文化、個人特質、求學背景等因素。檢視中共不同時期的國防軍事戰略考量,自毛澤東「早打、大打、打核子戰」、鄧小平「打贏一場局部戰爭」、江澤民「打贏高技術條件下的局部戰爭」、胡錦濤「信息條件下的局部戰爭」,至習近平的「召之即來、來之能戰、戰之必勝」,展現中共軍事戰略戰法轉變。本文將從比較習近平與毛澤東、鄧小平、江澤民、胡錦濤軍事戰略發展,並納入當前國際環境影響因素,針對習近平「強軍夢」的重要組成進行分析,進而歸納出當前中共國家領導人的軍事戰略思維,作為未來推測其面臨重大轉折與挑戰之決策走向依據。
The formation of the CCP strategic thinking, mainly based on the international situation, the strategic environment, war, science and technology and other objective circumstances change, and then national leaders subjective perception of the objective environment, including strategic culture, personal qualities, education background and other factors. View defense and military strategic considerations Communist different periods, since Mao Zedong`s “early fight, big fight, fight a nuclear war,” Deng Xiaoping “win a local war,” Jiang Zemin “to win local wars under high-tech conditions,” Hu ”to win local wars under information conditions“, Xi Jinping “be ready to fight, win the war“, all these shows Chinese military strategy tactics change. This paper will compare Xi Jinping and Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, military strategy development, and including international factors such as the current environment to further analysis of Xi Jinping’s “Strong Army Dream.” Then, summarize the current military strategic thinking “Strong Army Stream” of the Communist state leader as reference for further prediction of China military development.
參考文獻 References
     吳彩光著,1996 年元月初版,《中共統戰及對策研究》,黎明文化事業股份有限公司(臺北),頁20-22。
     寇健文,2005年01月01日,初版,《中共菁英政治的演變: 制度化與權力轉移, 1978-2004》,五南圖書出版股份有限公司(臺北)。
     2009年10月出版,《強軍之路 親歷中國軍隊重大改革與發展》,解放軍出版社(中國大陸)。
     Clausewitz, Carl Von. September 17, 2010,《A Short Guide To Clausewitz On War》, Catcher Publishing(Taipei).
     B. H. Liddell-Hart, September 14, 2007,《Strategy: The Indirect Approach》, Catcher Publishing(Taipei).
     Gaddis, John Lewis.,《the Soviet Union and the United States. An Interpretative History》,1990, McGraw-Hill(Russia).
     Friedman, Norman., 2007,《The Fifty-Year War: Conflict and Strategy in the Cold War》,Naval Institute Press.
     Blasko, J. Dennis., September-October 2005,《“Chinese Army Modernization: An Overview” Military Review》.
     Lin, Chang-Sheng, 1996,《Modern Weapons and Equipment of People’s Liberation Army》, Mirror Books(Canada)
     II.Thesis, Journals, Academic Report
     莫大華、段復初、鞠德風, 2007年1月13-14日,中共軍事改革的變與常:鄧、江、胡軍事指導理論的分析,《中國改革開放卅年國際學術研討會》,銘傳大學公共事務學系、中國研究學會主辦(臺北)。
     丁樹範,〈中共精簡軍隊內容、性質、未來〉,《中國大陸研究》(中華民國),1992 年9 月,第35 卷第9 期。
     Fisher Jr. Richard D., Foreign Arms Acquisition PLA Modernization, Paper For The PLA Conference In The Washington D.C., Sep. 15, 1997.
     Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), U.S. Department of Defense, Panetta on New U.S. Defense Strategy, Asia-Pacific Policy, June 2, 2012,
     III.Internet Resources
     〈習近平:準確把握世界軍事發展新趨勢 與時俱進大力推進軍事創新〉,2014年08月30日,新華網(中國大陸),
     〈習近平建軍節封六名上將 中國「強軍夢」引發鄰國警惕〉,2014年8月1日,美國之音(美國),
     〈強軍路 三步走 邁向國防現代化〉,2009年09月28日,文匯網(香港),
     端木賜香,〈殘酷事實:鴉片戰爭中英軍事水準差距大 無戰勝可能〉,2013年03月26日,鳳凰網歷史(香港),
     〈習近平在解放軍代表團全體會議上強調 牢牢把握黨在新形勢下的強軍目標〉,2013年03月11日,新華網(中國大陸),
     〈中央“八項規定”、“六項禁令” 〉,2013年11月25日,新華網(中國大陸),
     "The power of Xi Jinping",2014年09月20日, The Economist(U.K.),
     陳家倫,〈最強組長 掌權領軍一把罩〉,2014年08月06日,旺報(臺北),。
     Lim, Joo-Jock, Geo-Strategy and the South China Sea Basin(Singapore: Singapore Univ. Press, 1979).
     曾復生,〈架構新安全觀 應對美國圍堵〉,2014年5月1日,旺報(臺北),C3版,
     〈中美軍機對峙 北京稱美方導致〉,2014年8月28日,聯合新聞網(臺北),
     〈印度大舉軍購 對付強勢中國〉,2014年09月01日,中國時報(臺北),
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 王定士zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wang, Ding Shuen_US (Authors) 韓杰霏zh_TW (Authors) Han, Chieh Feien_US
dc.creator (作者) 韓杰霏zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Han, Chieh Feien_US (日期) 2014en_US 3-Feb-2015 10:34:07 (UTC+8)- 3-Feb-2015 10:34:07 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-Feb-2015 10:34:07 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0102926013en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102926013zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中共戰略思維的形成,主要依據國際情勢、戰略環境、戰爭、科技等客觀情勢變化,以及當時國家領導人對客觀環境的主觀認知,其中包括戰略文化、個人特質、求學背景等因素。檢視中共不同時期的國防軍事戰略考量,自毛澤東「早打、大打、打核子戰」、鄧小平「打贏一場局部戰爭」、江澤民「打贏高技術條件下的局部戰爭」、胡錦濤「信息條件下的局部戰爭」,至習近平的「召之即來、來之能戰、戰之必勝」,展現中共軍事戰略戰法轉變。本文將從比較習近平與毛澤東、鄧小平、江澤民、胡錦濤軍事戰略發展,並納入當前國際環境影響因素,針對習近平「強軍夢」的重要組成進行分析,進而歸納出當前中共國家領導人的軍事戰略思維,作為未來推測其面臨重大轉折與挑戰之決策走向依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The formation of the CCP strategic thinking, mainly based on the international situation, the strategic environment, war, science and technology and other objective circumstances change, and then national leaders subjective perception of the objective environment, including strategic culture, personal qualities, education background and other factors. View defense and military strategic considerations Communist different periods, since Mao Zedong`s “early fight, big fight, fight a nuclear war,” Deng Xiaoping “win a local war,” Jiang Zemin “to win local wars under high-tech conditions,” Hu ”to win local wars under information conditions“, Xi Jinping “be ready to fight, win the war“, all these shows Chinese military strategy tactics change. This paper will compare Xi Jinping and Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, military strategy development, and including international factors such as the current environment to further analysis of Xi Jinping’s “Strong Army Dream.” Then, summarize the current military strategic thinking “Strong Army Stream” of the Communist state leader as reference for further prediction of China military development.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents I.INTRODUCTION
     1.1.Research motivation and research purposes
     1.2.Suppose the proposition and research infrastructure
     1.2.1 Suppose the proposition
     1.2.2 Research Architecture
     1.3.Literature Review and Research Methods
     1.3.1 Literature Review
     1.3.2 Research Methods
     II.Xi Jinping frontier history“ Strong Army Dream” military strategy - Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao `s military strategy
     2.1 Mao Zedong era - “ an early, big fight, a nuclear war(早打、大打、打核子戰)”(1927-1979)
     2.1.1 Early period of the people war (1927-1949)
     2.1.2 The Korean War in the 1950s led to military modernization
     2.1.3 China - Soviet hostility and “ early, big fight, a nuclear war”
     2.2 Deng Xiaoping era - military strategic change and people`s war under modern conditions (1979-1991)
     2.2.1 Military strategic change and military modernization
     2.2.2 People War II under the “ Vietnam War” and modern conditions
     2.3 Jiang Zemin era - local wars under high-tech condition (1991-2003)
     2.3.1 The Gulf War and science and technology military development
     2.3.2 Taiwan Strait crisis and local war under high-tech conditions
     2.4 Hu Jintao era - the scientific concept of development and local war under information condition (1991-2012)
     2.4.1 Army mission - “ three offers, one developing(三個提供、一個發揮)”
     2.4.2 Army guidelines - scientific concept of development
     2.5 Summary
     III. 21 century strategic environment and Xi Jinping“ Strong Army Dream”
     3.1 Definition
     3.1.1 Analysis from Xi Jinping important speech
     3.1.2 PLA senior interpretation
     3.2 Global strategic situation
     3.3 Asia-Pacific strategic situation
     IV. Xi Jinping“ Strong Army Dream”military strategic content
     4.1 Relations with China important policy
     4.1.1“China Dream” and “ Strong Army Dream”
     4.1.2“ Three-step defense” and “ Strong Army Dream”
     4.2 Basic Principles
     4.2.1 Party`s command
     4.2.2 Fully in accordance with the standard to win the war
     4.2.3 Maintain strict style and discipline
     4.3 Main task
     4.4 Practice focus
     4.4.1 Accelerate construction of information technology military systems
     4.4.2 Adjust force structure
     4.4.3 Development of modern weaponry branches
     4.4.4 Change training mode
     4.4.5 Outstanding combat training and scientific examination of training effect
     4.4.6 Cultivate new military personnel
     4.4.7 Development of modern military theory
     4.4.8 Carry out ideological education
     4.5 Summary
     V. Conclusions
     5.1 Research results and findings
     5.1.1 International situation has become the most important factor affecting China military decision-making
     5.1.2 Communist forces continued to undertake the construction of thinking
     5.1.3 Power intensity surpassed pass eras
     5.1.4 Wantonly, remediation determination surpassed former Communist Party leader
     5.1.5 Deterrence by military construction
     5.1.6 Highlighting the concept of Asia security
     5.1.7 Interactive with USA toward equality
     5.1.8 Harm“peaceful rise”image
     5.2 Research Limitations
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 強軍夢zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 信息化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 以黨領軍zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Strong Army Dreamen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Information technologyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Party demanden_US
dc.title (題名) 習近平「強軍夢」軍事戰略之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study On Xi Jinping’s “Strong Army Dream” Military Strategyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) References
     吳彩光著,1996 年元月初版,《中共統戰及對策研究》,黎明文化事業股份有限公司(臺北),頁20-22。
     寇健文,2005年01月01日,初版,《中共菁英政治的演變: 制度化與權力轉移, 1978-2004》,五南圖書出版股份有限公司(臺北)。
     2009年10月出版,《強軍之路 親歷中國軍隊重大改革與發展》,解放軍出版社(中國大陸)。
     Clausewitz, Carl Von. September 17, 2010,《A Short Guide To Clausewitz On War》, Catcher Publishing(Taipei).
     B. H. Liddell-Hart, September 14, 2007,《Strategy: The Indirect Approach》, Catcher Publishing(Taipei).
     Gaddis, John Lewis.,《the Soviet Union and the United States. An Interpretative History》,1990, McGraw-Hill(Russia).
     Friedman, Norman., 2007,《The Fifty-Year War: Conflict and Strategy in the Cold War》,Naval Institute Press.
     Blasko, J. Dennis., September-October 2005,《“Chinese Army Modernization: An Overview” Military Review》.
     Lin, Chang-Sheng, 1996,《Modern Weapons and Equipment of People’s Liberation Army》, Mirror Books(Canada)
     II.Thesis, Journals, Academic Report
     莫大華、段復初、鞠德風, 2007年1月13-14日,中共軍事改革的變與常:鄧、江、胡軍事指導理論的分析,《中國改革開放卅年國際學術研討會》,銘傳大學公共事務學系、中國研究學會主辦(臺北)。
     丁樹範,〈中共精簡軍隊內容、性質、未來〉,《中國大陸研究》(中華民國),1992 年9 月,第35 卷第9 期。
     Fisher Jr. Richard D., Foreign Arms Acquisition PLA Modernization, Paper For The PLA Conference In The Washington D.C., Sep. 15, 1997.
     Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), U.S. Department of Defense, Panetta on New U.S. Defense Strategy, Asia-Pacific Policy, June 2, 2012,
     III.Internet Resources
     〈習近平:準確把握世界軍事發展新趨勢 與時俱進大力推進軍事創新〉,2014年08月30日,新華網(中國大陸),
     〈習近平建軍節封六名上將 中國「強軍夢」引發鄰國警惕〉,2014年8月1日,美國之音(美國),
     〈強軍路 三步走 邁向國防現代化〉,2009年09月28日,文匯網(香港),
     端木賜香,〈殘酷事實:鴉片戰爭中英軍事水準差距大 無戰勝可能〉,2013年03月26日,鳳凰網歷史(香港),
     〈習近平在解放軍代表團全體會議上強調 牢牢把握黨在新形勢下的強軍目標〉,2013年03月11日,新華網(中國大陸),
     〈中央“八項規定”、“六項禁令” 〉,2013年11月25日,新華網(中國大陸),
     "The power of Xi Jinping",2014年09月20日, The Economist(U.K.),
     陳家倫,〈最強組長 掌權領軍一把罩〉,2014年08月06日,旺報(臺北),。
     Lim, Joo-Jock, Geo-Strategy and the South China Sea Basin(Singapore: Singapore Univ. Press, 1979).
     曾復生,〈架構新安全觀 應對美國圍堵〉,2014年5月1日,旺報(臺北),C3版,
     〈中美軍機對峙 北京稱美方導致〉,2014年8月28日,聯合新聞網(臺北),
     〈印度大舉軍購 對付強勢中國〉,2014年09月01日,中國時報(臺北),