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題名 合作學習教學模式下探討聽力焦慮降低及聽力能力提升
Exploring the Reduction of Listening Anxiety and Promotion of Listening Comprehension Ability under the Teaching Mode of Cooperative Learning
作者 陳俊呂
Chen, Chun Lu
貢獻者 余明忠
Yu, Ming Chung
Chen, Chun Lu
關鍵詞 合作學習
cooperative learning
listening anxiety
listening comprehension ability
日期 2014
上傳時間 3-二月-2015 10:34:24 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究的目的在於探究合作學習的教學模式對於國民中學的學生在降低英語聽力焦慮和提升聽力能力雙方面上是否有效。本研究的研究對象是54位來自台灣北部地區的一所國民中學的學生,學生來自於經S型分班後同質性的2個普通班,2個班分別設定為對照組和實驗組,兩組在數量、性別、背景、聽力焦慮及聽力能力起始程度上皆相似。對照組施以傳統英語聽力教學模式:學生聽寫,教師給答案並講解的方式施教;實驗組則施以合作學習英語聽力教學模式:同學聽完練習後,交互討論練習答案的方式來學習。師生利用每週四堂英語課的前15分鐘來進行英語聽力合作學習,經過了約12週的教學後,兩組皆接受聽力焦慮量表的後測,及南一書局出版的聽力測驗。量表及測驗皆以獨立樣本t檢定來進行統計分析,研究結果顯示:實驗組和對照組相較之下,聽力焦慮降低的程度達到顯著差異;而聽力能力的部分,雖然實驗組比對照組在測驗分數上有進步,但進步幅度有限,未能達到顯著差異。除此之外,訪談問卷中的質性資料亦支持了量化結果。本研究冀希成為對於有意利用合作學習教學模式來教聽力的老師,在降低聽力焦慮和提升聽力能力上,一個教學上的參考。最後,研究者根據實驗的過程及結果,對未來合作學習或是聽力教學的研究,提出需要避免的情形及一些可進行的研究方向。
This study is mainly to explore if the mode of cooperative learning can reduce junior high school students’ listening anxiety and promote their listening comprehension ability. The participants in this study were junior high school students from northern Taiwan. They were chosen from two homogeneous classes formulated by the normal s-style distribution. Two classes, decided as the control group and the experimental group, were the same in number, gender, background, listening anxiety as well as the listening comprehension ability. The control group was treated with the traditional mode of teaching listening: Students listened and wrote down their answers; the teacher gave answers and explanations. The experimental group was treated with the mode of cooperative learning: After students finished their listening practices, they exchanged notes and discussed answers by themselves. The initial fifteen minutes in every English class were employed to process the learning of cooperative learning four times a week. After twelve weeks, students in the two groups took the post-test of Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale and the listening comprehension test issued by Nan I Book Enterprise. Both instruments were measured by an independent-samples t-test. The result showed that the significant differences were attained in the listening anxiety. Nevertheless, the significant differences were not attained in the listening comprehension ability though the average score of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. Besides, the qualitative data from the questionnaire also sustain the quantitative results. Hopefully, this study can serve as a reference for those teachers who would like to teach English listening comprehension by the mode of cooperative learning. Eventually, the researcher provided some directions to follow and some awkward situations to avoid for future studies based on the experimental process and results in this study.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100951007
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 余明忠zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yu, Ming Chungen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳俊呂zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chen, Chun Luen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳俊呂zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Chun Luen_US
dc.date (日期) 2014en_US
dc.date.accessioned 3-二月-2015 10:34:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 3-二月-2015 10:34:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 3-二月-2015 10:34:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0100951007en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/73341-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 英語教學碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100951007zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究的目的在於探究合作學習的教學模式對於國民中學的學生在降低英語聽力焦慮和提升聽力能力雙方面上是否有效。本研究的研究對象是54位來自台灣北部地區的一所國民中學的學生,學生來自於經S型分班後同質性的2個普通班,2個班分別設定為對照組和實驗組,兩組在數量、性別、背景、聽力焦慮及聽力能力起始程度上皆相似。對照組施以傳統英語聽力教學模式:學生聽寫,教師給答案並講解的方式施教;實驗組則施以合作學習英語聽力教學模式:同學聽完練習後,交互討論練習答案的方式來學習。師生利用每週四堂英語課的前15分鐘來進行英語聽力合作學習,經過了約12週的教學後,兩組皆接受聽力焦慮量表的後測,及南一書局出版的聽力測驗。量表及測驗皆以獨立樣本t檢定來進行統計分析,研究結果顯示:實驗組和對照組相較之下,聽力焦慮降低的程度達到顯著差異;而聽力能力的部分,雖然實驗組比對照組在測驗分數上有進步,但進步幅度有限,未能達到顯著差異。除此之外,訪談問卷中的質性資料亦支持了量化結果。本研究冀希成為對於有意利用合作學習教學模式來教聽力的老師,在降低聽力焦慮和提升聽力能力上,一個教學上的參考。最後,研究者根據實驗的過程及結果,對未來合作學習或是聽力教學的研究,提出需要避免的情形及一些可進行的研究方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study is mainly to explore if the mode of cooperative learning can reduce junior high school students’ listening anxiety and promote their listening comprehension ability. The participants in this study were junior high school students from northern Taiwan. They were chosen from two homogeneous classes formulated by the normal s-style distribution. Two classes, decided as the control group and the experimental group, were the same in number, gender, background, listening anxiety as well as the listening comprehension ability. The control group was treated with the traditional mode of teaching listening: Students listened and wrote down their answers; the teacher gave answers and explanations. The experimental group was treated with the mode of cooperative learning: After students finished their listening practices, they exchanged notes and discussed answers by themselves. The initial fifteen minutes in every English class were employed to process the learning of cooperative learning four times a week. After twelve weeks, students in the two groups took the post-test of Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale and the listening comprehension test issued by Nan I Book Enterprise. Both instruments were measured by an independent-samples t-test. The result showed that the significant differences were attained in the listening anxiety. Nevertheless, the significant differences were not attained in the listening comprehension ability though the average score of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. Besides, the qualitative data from the questionnaire also sustain the quantitative results. Hopefully, this study can serve as a reference for those teachers who would like to teach English listening comprehension by the mode of cooperative learning. Eventually, the researcher provided some directions to follow and some awkward situations to avoid for future studies based on the experimental process and results in this study.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents Table of Contents

Chinese Abstract………………………………………………...…….…….……... xi
English Abstract……………………………………………………….………...…xiii
Chapter One: Introduction……………………………………………...…....……1
Background and Motivation……………………………………….…..………..1
Purpose of This Study…………………………………………….....…......…...3
Importance of This Study…………………………………………...…………..3
Organization of This Study…………………………………………….…..…...4
Chapter Two: Literature Review………………………………………..….……...7
The Importance of Listening……………………………….……….…………..7
Studies on Anxiety about Language Learning…………….……………………8
Anxiety Will Ensue from Listening……………………….……..……………..9
The Concepts of Cooperative Learning………………….…………….………13
The Application of Cooperative Learning in Teaching….……………....…….15
Cooperative Learning May Impede Anxiety and Improve Listening Comprehension Ability…...……………………………………….…...………18
The Stages of Teaching Listening by Cooperative Learning………..…………21
Chapter Three: Methodology……………...………………………..……….……25
General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), Elementary Level……….…...27
Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale……………………...………..28
The Listening Textbook for Listening Tasks………………………..…….30
The Lesson Plan Incorporated with Cooperative Learning………….…....31
The Listening Comprehension Test.………………….……….…….…….35
The Questionnaire………….………………………...……….…………...36
The Classroom Observation………………………………………………36
Comparison between the Two Groups in the Listening Comprehension Test of GEPT………………………………………………………….……….………43
Comparison between the Two Groups in the Pre-test of FLLAS........….….….43
Teaching Process……………………………………………………….....……44
Data Analysis…………………………………………………….…………….44
Chapter Four: Results…………….……………...……………….………………47
The Post-test of Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale (FLLAS)……....47
The Listening Comprehension Test………….…………………………….…..55
The Qualitative Data Collection from the Questionnaire……….……....……..55
Chapter Five: Discussion……………………..…...……………......……….…….59
The Effects of Decrease in Listening Anxiety under the Mode of Cooperative Learning…………………..……………………………..…..….……….……..59
The Inadequacy of Promotion in Listening Comprehension Ability under the Mode of Cooperative Learning…………………...……….……..….…………63
Barrier 1: Students Are Possibly Threatened by the New Approach for Learning…..……………………………………………..……….………..64
Barrier 2: Students Can be Hostile to Cooperative Learning Modes..…..66
Barrier 3: Students Lack Social Skills to Survive the Stress in Small-group Learning……..……………………………………………..…………...…67
The First Effect: The Free Rider Effect…………………………..……….71
The Second Effect: The Sucker Effect………………………….…………72
The Third Effect: The Status Differential Effects…….……….…………..72
The Fourth Effect: The Ganging up on the Task…………….…...……….73
The Fifth Effect: The Other Effects…………………………….…....……74
Chapter Six: Conclusion……………….…….…..…….……………….………....81
Summary of Findings…………………………..…………………..……...…...81
Pedagogical Implications………………………..……………..….....……...…82
Limitations of this Study……………………………………….….……...……84
Suggestions for Future Research…………………………….………….......…87
Appendix A: General English Proficiency Test, Elementary Level……………….103
Appendix B: Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale (English Version)……..107
Appendix C: Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale (Chinese Version)…..…111
Appendix D: The Format of the Listening Textbook (Lesson One)………..…..…113
Appendix E: The Listening Comprehension Test………….....…………..….....…117
Appendix F: The Questionnaire (Chinese Version)……….……..……………......119
dc.format.extent 1731681 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100951007en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 合作學習zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聽力焦慮zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聽力能力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) cooperative learningen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) listening anxietyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) listening comprehension abilityen_US
dc.title (題名) 合作學習教學模式下探討聽力焦慮降低及聽力能力提升zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Exploring the Reduction of Listening Anxiety and Promotion of Listening Comprehension Ability under the Teaching Mode of Cooperative Learningen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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