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題名 金融創新個案研究:喬安網路平台股份有限公司
Financial Innovation: A Case Study on JA Intercare INC.作者 林玲儀
Lin, Ling Yi貢獻者 周行一
Chow, Edward
Lin, Ling Yi關鍵詞 互助保險
Mutual Insurance
Stability Fund
Big Data日期 2013 上傳時間 2-Mar-2015 10:09:08 (UTC+8) 摘要 據統計,台灣已正式邁入人口老年化階段,龐大銀髮族相關需求將大幅提升,也是未來社會必須面臨的問題之一。而保險產品對於老年人口似乎能提供保障、降低未來生活負擔,但是即使台灣保險滲透度已高達18.19%,居世界第一,大部分商業保險卻拒絕提供適當的產品給最可能發生風險及最需要保險保障的族群,該族群龐大市場需求仍尚未被滿足。相較之下,能夠幫助該族群滿足保險需求的互助保險,國外之發展成熟且仍持續成長,台灣互助保險市場則處於法令規範模糊、難以和商業保險競爭的情況,故本論文欲研究針對此弱勢客群提供服務的喬安網路平台股份有限公司開發的「安家30專案」互助保險產品進行個案分析。「安家30」互助保險自2009年營運至今五年以來,有超出預期的營運成果,也有與初始構想的落差,未來除了致力改善平台營運模式外,將著重在通路擴張、大數據發展以及專利佈局三大策略,以擴大公司規模為主要目標,屆時簡永松先生將面臨互助保險適法性問題、平台機制穩定度疑慮以及與商業保險競爭等挑戰,本研究期望能藉由分析喬安公司以進一步了解互助保險在台灣為何難以普及、目前互助保險市場的概況以及未來可以發展的方向。
According to a statistic from United Nations, Taiwan has entered into an aging stage. The enormous demand for the aged population will grow vastly, which is going to be one of the domestic challenges. The insurance policy seems to guarantee the elderly against loss and reduce their burdens in the future. However, though the insurance penetration rate in Taiwan has reaches 18.19%, which is ranked the highest in the world, most of the commercial insurance companies refuse to insure those who are disabled, have serious illness, or can’t afford high insurance premium. The demand for the underprivileged has not been met. By contrast, the mutual insurance, which is owned entirely by its policyholders and can provide coverages to the group, has become mature and kept growing in the developed countries. In Taiwan, the regulation of mutual insurance is in an indistinct condition and can’t compete with the commercial insurance. Therefore, we present here a case study on JA Intercare INC, a mutual insurance company in Taiwan, to identify how it performed during the previous 5 business year. The company aims to improve the business model. Besides, it will focus on expanding channel, developing big data, and patent allocation in order to expand its scale. Then, it may face the challenges of regulations, the sustainability of the mutual-aid platform, and the competition with commercial insurance. This paper aims to analyze the mutual insurance company to identify why it has not been widely available, the market profile, and suggestions for its strategies.參考文獻 中文文獻1. 國發會人力發展處(2014/02/21),聯合國世界人口高齡化趨勢分析(The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations: World Population Ageing)2. 行政院主計總處綜合統計處(102 年10月8日),國情統計通報第190 號,65歲以上人口占比統計3. MIC研究報告(2013/10/28),網路購物環境分析,資通訊服務產業年鑑-智慧商務篇4. 喬安公司研究報告「台灣為何需要互助保險」5. 喬安公司研究報告「國外互助保險公司的發展路徑及影響」6. 喬安公司研究報告「互助保險組織型態與立法演進」7. 官有垣、杜承嶸 (民國九十八年十二月),台灣民間社會團體的組織特質、自主性、創導與影響力之研究,第1~38 頁8. 于宗先(95年5月27-28日),台灣金融產業發展之路徑,時報基金9. 中央銀行,消費者貸款及建築貸款餘額統計10. 內政部不動產資訊平台11. 法國巴黎人壽2012 Printemps英文文獻Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, June 17 - 19, 2002. An e-Business Model Ontology for Modeling e-Business, 2. The e-Business Model Ontology: e-business model framework.Fafchamps, M., Lund, S., 2000. Risk sharing networks in rural Philippines. Mimeo, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.Henry W. Chesbrough, Melissa M. Appleyard, 2007. Open Innovation and Strategy. California Management Review, Vol 50, No.1.ICMIF,World Co-operative Monitor report, Dec. 2013. Mutual and cooperative insurers continue to outperform the rest of the insurance marketICMIF, Strategic Insights, April 2014. Member engagement strategies for today’s mutual and cooperative insurers.Jean‐Philippe Platteau, 1997. Mutual insurance as an elusive concept in traditional rural communities. The Journal of Development Studies ,published online 23 Nov 2007.James R. Garven, 2002. On the Implications of the Internet for Insurance Markets and Institutions. Risk Management and Insurance Review, 2002, Vol. 5, No.2, 105~116.Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh, 2014. Corruption as an obstacle for doing business in the Western Balkans: A business sector perspective. International Small Business Journal, Vol. 32(2) 140–157.Jalan, J., Ravallion, M., 1999. Are the poor less well-insured? Evidence on vulnerability to income risk in rural China. Journal of Development Economics 58, 61–81.Larry Bruning, FSA, MAAA, CLU, NAIC International Life Actuary; Shanique Hall, CIPR Manager; and Dimitris Karapiperis, CIPR Research Analyst III, 2012. Low Interest Rates and the Implications on Life Insurers. The center for insurance policy and research, National Association of Insurance CommissionersMark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen, and Henning Kagermann, 2008. Reinventing Your Business Model. Harvard Business Review.Michael R. Carter* and Marco Castillo**, 2004. Morals, Markets and Mutual Insurance: Using Economic Experiments to Study Recovery from Hurricane Mitch. *Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison; **Environmental Policy Program, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia.McKinsey Quarterly, 2011. Competing through data: Three experts offer their game plans. Insights & PublicationsMarc Rysman, 2009. The Economics of Two-Sided Markets. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 125-143James Manyika, Michael Chui, Brad Brown, Jacques Bughin, Richard Dobbs, Charles Roxburgh, and Angela Hung Byers. May 2011. Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. McKinsey Global Institute,Porter, M. E., 2001. Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review. Porter, M. E., 2008. The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review.Roman Hoegg1, Robert Martignoni 1, Miriam Meckel1, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva1. Overview of business models for Web 2.0 communities. Universität St. Gallen, Institute of Media and Communication Management.Rinku Murgai, Paul Winters, Elisabeth Sadoulet c, Alain de Janvry, May 2001. Localized and incomplete mutual insurance. Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 67 (2002) 245–274Smith, B.D. and Stutzer, M., 1995. A Theory of Mutual Formation and Moral Hazard with Evidence from the History of the Insurance Industry. Review of Financial Studies, 8 (2), 545-577.Structuring of the Open Innovation Field, Sep., 2013. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation.Stijn Claessens, Thomas Glaessner, and Daniela Klingebiel, 2000. Electronic Finance: Reshaping the Financial Landscape Around the World. Financial Sector Discussion Paper No. 4. The World Bank.Timothy Besley, Stephen Coate, and Glenn Loury, May. 1990. The Economics of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations. MIT-CEPR 90-014WPThomas Eisenmann, Geoffrey Parker, and Marshall W. Van Alstyne, 2006. Strategies for Two-Sided Markets. Harvard Business ReviewYong H. Kim. E-Finance: Current Developments, Issues, Impacts, and Future. 描述 碩士
102資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 周行一 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chow, Edward en_US (Authors) 林玲儀 zh_TW (Authors) Lin, Ling Yi en_US dc.creator (作者) 林玲儀 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Lin, Ling Yi en_US (日期) 2013 en_US 2-Mar-2015 10:09:08 (UTC+8) - 2-Mar-2015 10:09:08 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Mar-2015 10:09:08 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1013570292 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 財務管理研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101357029 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 102 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 據統計,台灣已正式邁入人口老年化階段,龐大銀髮族相關需求將大幅提升,也是未來社會必須面臨的問題之一。而保險產品對於老年人口似乎能提供保障、降低未來生活負擔,但是即使台灣保險滲透度已高達18.19%,居世界第一,大部分商業保險卻拒絕提供適當的產品給最可能發生風險及最需要保險保障的族群,該族群龐大市場需求仍尚未被滿足。相較之下,能夠幫助該族群滿足保險需求的互助保險,國外之發展成熟且仍持續成長,台灣互助保險市場則處於法令規範模糊、難以和商業保險競爭的情況,故本論文欲研究針對此弱勢客群提供服務的喬安網路平台股份有限公司開發的「安家30專案」互助保險產品進行個案分析。「安家30」互助保險自2009年營運至今五年以來,有超出預期的營運成果,也有與初始構想的落差,未來除了致力改善平台營運模式外,將著重在通路擴張、大數據發展以及專利佈局三大策略,以擴大公司規模為主要目標,屆時簡永松先生將面臨互助保險適法性問題、平台機制穩定度疑慮以及與商業保險競爭等挑戰,本研究期望能藉由分析喬安公司以進一步了解互助保險在台灣為何難以普及、目前互助保險市場的概況以及未來可以發展的方向。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) According to a statistic from United Nations, Taiwan has entered into an aging stage. The enormous demand for the aged population will grow vastly, which is going to be one of the domestic challenges. The insurance policy seems to guarantee the elderly against loss and reduce their burdens in the future. However, though the insurance penetration rate in Taiwan has reaches 18.19%, which is ranked the highest in the world, most of the commercial insurance companies refuse to insure those who are disabled, have serious illness, or can’t afford high insurance premium. The demand for the underprivileged has not been met. By contrast, the mutual insurance, which is owned entirely by its policyholders and can provide coverages to the group, has become mature and kept growing in the developed countries. In Taiwan, the regulation of mutual insurance is in an indistinct condition and can’t compete with the commercial insurance. Therefore, we present here a case study on JA Intercare INC, a mutual insurance company in Taiwan, to identify how it performed during the previous 5 business year. The company aims to improve the business model. Besides, it will focus on expanding channel, developing big data, and patent allocation in order to expand its scale. Then, it may face the challenges of regulations, the sustainability of the mutual-aid platform, and the competition with commercial insurance. This paper aims to analyze the mutual insurance company to identify why it has not been widely available, the market profile, and suggestions for its strategies. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 個案目錄第一章 緒論.....................9第一節 研究背景與動機.....................9第二節 研究方法.....................11第三節 喬安網路平台股份有限公司簡介.....................11一、 創新經營模式:P2P互助保險.....................12二、 企業核心價值.....................12三、 創辦人.....................13第二章 金融服務產業與互助保險市場描述.....................14第一節 全球金融服務產業趨勢與結構轉變.....................14第二節 台灣民間金融活動發展概況及金融市場結構的轉型.....................16第三節 互助保險市場概況.....................17第四節 互助保險公司立法依據及組織型態發展.....................19第三章 「安家30專案」描述.....................21第一節 「安家30」專案介紹.....................21一、 專案背景動機.....................21二、 「安家30」機制簡介.....................22三、 產品現況.....................26第四章 未來發展策略與挑戰.....................33第一節 公司未來發展策略.....................33一、通路擴張.....................33二、數據累積.....................34三、專利佈局.....................35第二節 產品潛在風險.....................36一、產品適法性問題 .....................36二、擴大規模可能遭遇的問題.....................36三、安定基金提撥機制.....................37四、自然葬法興起.....................37個案分析目錄一、 摘要.....................48二、 學習目標.....................48三、 個案分析—學習目標分析之一:了解何謂互助保險.....................49四、 個案分析—學習目標分析之二:了解「安家30」互助商業模式如何提升公司價值.....................52五、 個案分析—學習目標分析之三:了解如何管理互助保險之安定基金機制,以提高互助人的保障。.....................69六、 個案分析—學習目標分析之四:評估開發房貸險的可行性.....................79七、 個案分析—學習目標分析之五:了解「安家30」之策略定位.....................83八、 結論與建議:.....................93九、 參考文獻.....................96 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 互助保險 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 安定基金 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網路銀行 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大數據 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mutual Insurance en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Stability Fund en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Patent en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) I-Banking en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Big Data en_US dc.title (題名) 金融創新個案研究:喬安網路平台股份有限公司 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Financial Innovation: A Case Study on JA Intercare INC. en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻1. 國發會人力發展處(2014/02/21),聯合國世界人口高齡化趨勢分析(The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations: World Population Ageing)2. 行政院主計總處綜合統計處(102 年10月8日),國情統計通報第190 號,65歲以上人口占比統計3. MIC研究報告(2013/10/28),網路購物環境分析,資通訊服務產業年鑑-智慧商務篇4. 喬安公司研究報告「台灣為何需要互助保險」5. 喬安公司研究報告「國外互助保險公司的發展路徑及影響」6. 喬安公司研究報告「互助保險組織型態與立法演進」7. 官有垣、杜承嶸 (民國九十八年十二月),台灣民間社會團體的組織特質、自主性、創導與影響力之研究,第1~38 頁8. 于宗先(95年5月27-28日),台灣金融產業發展之路徑,時報基金9. 中央銀行,消費者貸款及建築貸款餘額統計10. 內政部不動產資訊平台11. 法國巴黎人壽2012 Printemps英文文獻Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, June 17 - 19, 2002. An e-Business Model Ontology for Modeling e-Business, 2. The e-Business Model Ontology: e-business model framework.Fafchamps, M., Lund, S., 2000. Risk sharing networks in rural Philippines. Mimeo, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.Henry W. Chesbrough, Melissa M. Appleyard, 2007. Open Innovation and Strategy. California Management Review, Vol 50, No.1.ICMIF,World Co-operative Monitor report, Dec. 2013. Mutual and cooperative insurers continue to outperform the rest of the insurance marketICMIF, Strategic Insights, April 2014. Member engagement strategies for today’s mutual and cooperative insurers.Jean‐Philippe Platteau, 1997. Mutual insurance as an elusive concept in traditional rural communities. The Journal of Development Studies ,published online 23 Nov 2007.James R. Garven, 2002. On the Implications of the Internet for Insurance Markets and Institutions. Risk Management and Insurance Review, 2002, Vol. 5, No.2, 105~116.Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh, 2014. Corruption as an obstacle for doing business in the Western Balkans: A business sector perspective. International Small Business Journal, Vol. 32(2) 140–157.Jalan, J., Ravallion, M., 1999. Are the poor less well-insured? Evidence on vulnerability to income risk in rural China. Journal of Development Economics 58, 61–81.Larry Bruning, FSA, MAAA, CLU, NAIC International Life Actuary; Shanique Hall, CIPR Manager; and Dimitris Karapiperis, CIPR Research Analyst III, 2012. Low Interest Rates and the Implications on Life Insurers. The center for insurance policy and research, National Association of Insurance CommissionersMark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen, and Henning Kagermann, 2008. Reinventing Your Business Model. Harvard Business Review.Michael R. Carter* and Marco Castillo**, 2004. Morals, Markets and Mutual Insurance: Using Economic Experiments to Study Recovery from Hurricane Mitch. *Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison; **Environmental Policy Program, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia.McKinsey Quarterly, 2011. Competing through data: Three experts offer their game plans. Insights & PublicationsMarc Rysman, 2009. The Economics of Two-Sided Markets. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 125-143James Manyika, Michael Chui, Brad Brown, Jacques Bughin, Richard Dobbs, Charles Roxburgh, and Angela Hung Byers. May 2011. Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. McKinsey Global Institute,Porter, M. E., 2001. Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review. Porter, M. E., 2008. The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review.Roman Hoegg1, Robert Martignoni 1, Miriam Meckel1, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva1. Overview of business models for Web 2.0 communities. Universität St. Gallen, Institute of Media and Communication Management.Rinku Murgai, Paul Winters, Elisabeth Sadoulet c, Alain de Janvry, May 2001. Localized and incomplete mutual insurance. Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 67 (2002) 245–274Smith, B.D. and Stutzer, M., 1995. A Theory of Mutual Formation and Moral Hazard with Evidence from the History of the Insurance Industry. Review of Financial Studies, 8 (2), 545-577.Structuring of the Open Innovation Field, Sep., 2013. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation.Stijn Claessens, Thomas Glaessner, and Daniela Klingebiel, 2000. Electronic Finance: Reshaping the Financial Landscape Around the World. Financial Sector Discussion Paper No. 4. The World Bank.Timothy Besley, Stephen Coate, and Glenn Loury, May. 1990. The Economics of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations. MIT-CEPR 90-014WPThomas Eisenmann, Geoffrey Parker, and Marshall W. Van Alstyne, 2006. Strategies for Two-Sided Markets. Harvard Business ReviewYong H. Kim. E-Finance: Current Developments, Issues, Impacts, and Future. zh_TW