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題名 台灣的道德教育: 小學修身與公民教科書之比較研究 (1920-1960)
Taiwan`s Moral Education: Comparative Analysis of Elementary School Ethics and Civics Textbooks (1920-1960)作者 龍偉
McNeil, Drew貢獻者 李福鐘
Li, Jerome
Drew McNeil關鍵詞 台灣
moral education
textbook analysis日期 2014 上傳時間 2-Mar-2015 10:18:50 (UTC+8) 摘要 在西方傳統上,宗教對個人道德修養扮演重要角色。相反地,由於受到中國儒教傳統的影響,許多亞洲國家認為道德教育列為正規教育重要的一環。自十九世紀末至今,台灣經歷五十年日本政府的殖民階段,後續接受中國國民黨統治,其學童在不同政權下所接受的道德教育為一值得研究的主題。台灣近代的教育系統建立於日本政府殖民時期,之後經過國民黨政府修正。兩個政府都壟斷了教科書的編修與發行,並提供學生免費或價廉的教科書,更透過統一、嚴格的教育系統使得政府發行的教科書變成老師與學生最主要的學習資源,確保執政者之信念在民眾間可獲得推廣。本論文的目的是探討1920年至1960年期間台灣兒童所接受的道德教育。研究的方法是檢視及評估此段期間內,分別由日本殖民政府與國民黨政府所出版的小學修身與公民教科書,我們將對教科書內傳達的道德價值觀進行分析與比較。
In the Western world religion has long played an important role in moral education and self-cultivation. Conversely, in many Asian countries which have been influenced by Chinese Confucian traditions, moral self-cultivation is one of the primary goals of education. Taiwan, which was a Japanese colony for 50 years before coming under the control of the Chinese Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), presents a unique case for the study of ethics education, as Taiwanese schoolchildren were exposed to both Japanese and Chinese moral traditions over the course of the 20th century. Taiwan’s modern education system, established by the Japanese and expanded under KMT rule, allowed the ideologies of the two governments to reach a wide audience. Government monopolies on textbook creation, the provision of free or subsidized textbooks to schools, as well as the rigid and uniform nature of the school system all ensured that textbooks would be the primary resource for both students and teachers. This research seeks to examine and evaluate Taiwanese moral education from 1920 through to 1960, a period which covers both Japanese and Chinese rule. The study will be carried out by way of a comparative analysis of elementary school ethics and civics textbooks published under both regimes.參考文獻 Anderson, Benedict R. O`G. 1991. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.Apple, Michael W., and Nancy R. King. 1977. "What Do Schools Teach?" Curriculum Inquiry 6.4: 341-58.Averill, Stephen C. 1981. "The New Life in Action: The Nationalist Government in South Jiangxi, 1934-1937." The China Quarterly 88: 594-628.Baxter, James C. and Fogel, Joshua A. 2007. Writing Histories in Japan: Texts and Their Transformations From Ancient Times Through the Meiji Era. Kyoto, Japan: International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 317-350.Beasley, W. G. 1994. Japanese Imperialism 1894-1945. Oxford: Clarendon.Bush, Richard C. III. 2011. The Republic of China in Historical Perspective. Speech presented at A Spectacular Century: The Republic of China Centennial Democracy Forums. Taipei, Taiwan.Chang, Bi-Yu. 2011. "So Close, Yet so Far Away: Imaging Chinese `Homeland` in Taiwan`s Geography Education (1945--68)." Cultural Geographies 18.3: 385-411.Chang, Kuang-Hui. 2003. Analysis of Elementary School Textbooks at the Initial Stage of Postwar (1945-1963): Exploration of Educational Practice “Anti-Communist Russia.” Master’s Thesis. Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.Chen, Edward I-Te. 1977. "Japan`s Decision to Annex Taiwan: A Study of Ito-Mutsu Diplomacy, 1894-95." The Journal of Asian Studies 37.1: 61-72. Ching, Leo T. S. 2001. Becoming Japanese. Berkeley, CA: University of California.Chu, Yun-Han, and Lin, Jih-Wen. 2001. "Political Development in 20th-Century Taiwan: State-Building, Regime Transformation and the Construction of National Identity." The China Quarterly 165: 102-129.Chun, Allen. 1994. "From Nationalism to Nationalizing: Cultural Imagination and State Formation in Postwar Taiwan." The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 31: 49-69.Clough, Ralph N. 1996. "The Enduring Influence of the Republic of China on Taiwan Today." The China Quarterly 148: 1054-071.Culp, Robert. 2006. "Rethinking Governmentality: Training, Cultivation, and Cultural Citizenship in Nationalist China." The Journal of Asian Studies 65.03: 529-554.De Bary, Theordore William, Chan, Wing-Tsit, and Lufrano, Richard John. 2000. Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume II: From 1600 through the Twentieth Century. New York: Columbia UP.Dickson, Bruce J. 1993. "The Lessons of Defeat: The Reorganization of the Kuomintang on Taiwan, 1950–52." The China Quarterly 133: 56-84.Dirlik, Arif. 1975. "The Ideological Foundations of the New Life Movement: A Study in Counterrevolution." The Journal of Asian Studies 34.4: 945-980.Eastman, Lloyd E. 1981. "Who Lost China? Chiang Kai-shek Testifies." The China Quarterly 88: 658-668.-. 1986. "New Perspectives on the History of Nationalist China." The History Teacher 19.4: 545-557.Fitzgerald, John. 1990. "The Misconceived Revolution: State and Society in China`s Nationalist Revolution, 1923-26." The Journal of Asian Studies 49.2: 323-343.Gregor, A. James. 1981. "Confucianism and the Political Thought of Sun Yat-Sen." Philosophy East and West 31.1: 55-70.Harrison, Henrietta. 2000. The Making of the Republican Citizen: Political Ceremonies and Symbols in China, 1911-1929. Oxford: Oxford UP.He, Li-You. 2006. A Pilot Study of Early Postwar Taiwanese Textbooks: Case Study of National Library Editions (Published Between 1945-1949). National Library Bulletin, 95.4: 16-22. Hsu, Pei-Hsien. 2005. Zhímíndì Táiwān de Jìndài Xuéxiào. Taipei: Yuǎn Liú.Hu, Fang-Yu. 2011. "Taiwanese Girls` Education, 1897-1945: An Analysis of Policy and Practice in a Gendered Colonial System." Eras 13.1: 1-30.Jansen, Marius B. 1984. "Japanese Imperialism: Late Meiji Perspectives." in Myers, Ramon H. and Peattie, Mark R. ed. The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University.Kao, Jian-He. 2007. Analysis of Taiwanese Elementary School Civics Textbooks (1952-1989). Master’s Thesis. Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.Keenan, Barry C. 1974. "Educational Reform and Politics in Early Republican China." The Journal of Asian Studies 33.2: 225-237.Kohlberg, Lawrence. 1966. "Moral Education in the Schools: A Developmental View." The School Review 74.1: 1-30.Lamley, Harry J. 1971. "Assimilation Efforts in Colonial Taiwan: The Fate of the 1914 Movement." Monumenta Serica 29: 496-520.Law, Wing-Wah. 2002. "Education Reform in Taiwan: A Search for A `National` Identity Through Democratisation and Taiwanisation." Compare 32.1: 61-81.Lee, Cheng-Pang. 2012. “Shadow of the Colonial Power: The Failure of the Temple Reorganization Campaign under the Japanese Colonialism.” Studies on Asia, Series IV, Vol.2, No.1: 120-144.Li, Chin-An. 2008. “The Lexical Influence of Colonial Language Policies on Taiwanese Novel-Writing, 1924-1998: A Computer-Assisted Corpus Analysis.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Humanities and Social Sciences, 53.1: 65-81. Web. Lin, Mosei, 2000. Public Education in Formosa Under the Japanese Administration: A Historical and Analytical Study of the Development and the Cultural Problems. Xin Ziran Zhuyi.Lin, Ching-Ming. 1997. Nihon Tōchika, Taiwan no ‘Kōminka’ Kyōuiku. Tokyo: Kōbunken.Liu, Jennifer. 2012. "Anticipating Invasion: Military Training in Taiwan’s High Schools, 1953-1960." Twentieth-Century China 37.3: 204-28.Loh, Pichon P. Y. 1970. "The Ideological Persuasion of Chiang Kai-Shek." Modern Asian Studies 4.03: 211-238.Martin, Roberta. 1975. "The Socialization of Children in China and on Taiwan: An Analysis of Elementary School Textbooks." The China Quarterly 62: 242-62.Martin, Jane R. 1976. "What Should We Do With A Hidden Curriculum When We Find One?" Curriculum Inquiry 6.2: 135-51.Meyer, Jeffrey. 1988. "Moral Education in Taiwan." Comparative Education Review 32.1: 20-38. --. 1988a. "Teaching Morality in Taiwan Schools: The Message of the Textbooks." The China Quarterly 114: 267-84.Myers, Ramon H., and Peattie, Mark R. 1984. The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton U.Nolte, Sharon H., and Hajime Onishi. 1983. "National Morality and Universal Ethics. Onishi Hajime and the Imperial Rescript on Education." Monumenta Nipponica 38.3: 283-94.Oshiba, Mamoru. 1961. "Moral Education in Japan." The School Review 69.2: 227-44. Paauw, Douglas S. 1957. "The Kuomintang and Economic Stagnation, 1928-37." The Journal of Asian Studies 16.2: 213-220.Paolitto, Diana Pritchard. 1977. "The Role of the Teacher in Moral Education." Theory Into Practice 16.2: 73-80.Peattie, Mark R. 1984. "Japanese Imperialism: Late Meiji Perspectives." in Myers, Ramon H. and Peattie, Mark R. ed. The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University.Pingel, Falk. 2009. UNESCO Guidebook on Textbook Research and Textbook Revision. 2nd ed. Paris: UNESCO.Republic of China Ministry of Education. 1948. Elementary School Curriculum Standards Outline. Section 1.--. 1954. A Summary of the Past 4 Years of Educational Administration.Sandel, Todd L. 2003. "Linguistic Capital in Taiwan: The KMT`s Mandarin Language Policy and Its Perceived Impact on Language Practices of Bilingual Mandarin and Tai-Gi Speakers." Language in Society 32.04: 523-51. Shiba, Ryotaro. 1994. “Interview With Lee Teng-Hui.” Asahi Weekly, 6-13 May. English text available at:, Harold W. 1991. "Japanese Elementary School Education." The Elementary School Journal 92.1: 109-20.Su, Ya-Chen. 2007. "Ideological Representations of Taiwan`s History: An Analysis of Elementary Social Studies Textbooks, 1978-1995." Curriculum Inquiry 37.3: 205-37.Tai, Eika. 1999. “Kokugo and Colonial Education in Taiwan.” Positions 7.2: 503-531. Taylor, Jeremy E. 2006. "The Production of the Chiang Kai-shek Personality Cult, 1929–1975." The China Quarterly 185.1: 96-110.Tsai, Chin-Tang. 1993. “Rìběn Jùtái Chūqí Gōngxuéxiào ‘Guóyǔ’ Jiàokēshū zhī Fēnxī.” in Cheng, Liang-Sheng ed. Zhōngguó yǔ Yàzhōu Guójiāguānxishǐ Xuéshù Yántǎohuì Lùnwénjí. Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.--. 2009. "The Education and Influence of Ko-Gakko Shushin-Education in Japanese Ruled Period." Bulletin of Taiwan Historical Research, NTNU 2: 3-32.Tsurumi, E. Patricia. 1974. "Meiji Primary School Language and Ethics Textbooks: Old Values for a New Society?" Modern Asian Studies 8.02: 247-61. --. 1977. Japanese Colonial Education in Taiwan, 1895-1945. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP.--. 1979. "Education and Assimilation in Taiwan under Japanese Rule, 1895—1945." Modern Asian Studies 13.04: 617-41.--. 1984. "Japanese Imperialism: Late Meiji Perspectives." in Myers, Ramon H. and Peattie, Mark R. ed. The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University.Wakeman, Frederic. 1997. "A Revisionist View of the Nanjing Decade: Confucian Fascism." The China Quarterly 150: 395-432.Wu, Tien-Wei. 1968. "Chiang Kai-shek`s March Twentieth Coup D`Etat of 1926." The Journal of Asian Studies 27.3: 585-602.Yamazaki, Naoya. 2009. Sengo Taiwan Kyōiku to Nashonaru Aidentiti. Tokyo: Tōshindō.Yu, George T. 1991. "The 1911 Revolution: Past, Present, and Future." Asian Survey 31.10: 895-904. 描述 碩士
103資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 李福鐘 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Li, Jerome en_US (Authors) 龍偉 zh_TW (Authors) Drew McNeil en_US dc.creator (作者) 龍偉 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) McNeil, Drew en_US (日期) 2014 en_US 2-Mar-2015 10:18:50 (UTC+8) - 2-Mar-2015 10:18:50 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Mar-2015 10:18:50 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0101926014 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101926014 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 103 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在西方傳統上,宗教對個人道德修養扮演重要角色。相反地,由於受到中國儒教傳統的影響,許多亞洲國家認為道德教育列為正規教育重要的一環。自十九世紀末至今,台灣經歷五十年日本政府的殖民階段,後續接受中國國民黨統治,其學童在不同政權下所接受的道德教育為一值得研究的主題。台灣近代的教育系統建立於日本政府殖民時期,之後經過國民黨政府修正。兩個政府都壟斷了教科書的編修與發行,並提供學生免費或價廉的教科書,更透過統一、嚴格的教育系統使得政府發行的教科書變成老師與學生最主要的學習資源,確保執政者之信念在民眾間可獲得推廣。本論文的目的是探討1920年至1960年期間台灣兒童所接受的道德教育。研究的方法是檢視及評估此段期間內,分別由日本殖民政府與國民黨政府所出版的小學修身與公民教科書,我們將對教科書內傳達的道德價值觀進行分析與比較。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the Western world religion has long played an important role in moral education and self-cultivation. Conversely, in many Asian countries which have been influenced by Chinese Confucian traditions, moral self-cultivation is one of the primary goals of education. Taiwan, which was a Japanese colony for 50 years before coming under the control of the Chinese Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), presents a unique case for the study of ethics education, as Taiwanese schoolchildren were exposed to both Japanese and Chinese moral traditions over the course of the 20th century. Taiwan’s modern education system, established by the Japanese and expanded under KMT rule, allowed the ideologies of the two governments to reach a wide audience. Government monopolies on textbook creation, the provision of free or subsidized textbooks to schools, as well as the rigid and uniform nature of the school system all ensured that textbooks would be the primary resource for both students and teachers. This research seeks to examine and evaluate Taiwanese moral education from 1920 through to 1960, a period which covers both Japanese and Chinese rule. The study will be carried out by way of a comparative analysis of elementary school ethics and civics textbooks published under both regimes. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Introduction and Overview 1 1.2. Purpose 2 1.3. Motivation 3 1.3.1. Eastern and Western Morality 4 1.3.2. Japanese and Chinese Regimes 5 1.3.3. Taiwanese History and National Consciousness 8 1.4. Literature Review 9 1.4.1. Japanese Colonial-Era Research 10 1.4.2. Postwar KMT-Era Research 17 2. Methodology 25 2.1. Unit of Analysis 25 2.2. Description of Textbook Sample 27 2.3. Analytical Framework 30 3. Historical Background of Japanese Colonial Period 33 3.1. Japanese Colonialism 33 3.2. Assimilation 34 3.3. Education in Meiji-Era Japan 36 3.4. The Imperial Rescript on Education 39 3.5. Japanese Education in Colonial-Era Taiwan 41 3.6. The Kōminka Movement 42 vi 3.7. The School System in Colonial-Era Taiwan 44 3.8. Common School Curriculum 46 4. Historical Background of Early Kuomintang Period 48 4.1. Chinese Nationalism 48 4.2 The Three Principles of the People 49 4.3. Symbolism and the Party-State 52 4.4. Nationalist Education and the Nanking Decade 54 4.5. Citizenship Training During the Nanking Decade 55 4.6. The New Life Movement 57 4.7. Retreat to Taiwan and KMT Reform 59 4.8. Anti-Communist Ideology 60 4.9. Elementary School Curriculum 60 5. Content Analysis of Japanese Ethics Textbooks 63 5.1. Presentation 63 5.2. Moral Values 69 5.2.1. Loyalty/Patriotism 72 Loyalty 74 Patriotism 79 5.2.2. Diligence/Persistence 82 5.2.3. Empathy/Compassion 86 5.2.4. Civic Virtue 87 5.2.5. Responsibility/Duty 89 5.2.6. Filial Piety 91 5.2.7. Other Virtues 92 5.3. Portrayal of Groups 94 5.3.1. Ethnic Groups 94 5.3.2. Gender 98 5.3.3. Family 100 5.3.4. Occupations 101 6. Content Analysis of Chinese Civics Textbooks 106 6.1. Presentation 1066.2. Moral Values 112 6.2.1. Political Knowledge 115 Organization/Functions of Government 116 State Policy 121 Democratic Process 124 Rights and Duties 127 6.2.2. Moral Knowledge 129 Confucian Morals/Family Relations 129 Health/Hygiene 131 Other Virtues 133 6.3 Portrayal of Groups 134 6.3.1. Ethnic Groups 135 6.3.2. Gender 136 6.3.3. Family 138 6.3.4. Occupations 139 7. Discussion 144 7.1. Presentation 144 7.2. Illustrations 149 7.3. Moral Values 151 7.4. Portrayal of Groups 154 7.5. Group Identity 156 8. Conclusion 161 8.1. Challenges and Possibilities for Future Research 161 8.2. Conclusion 162 References 165 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3718875 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 台灣 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 道德教育 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教科書分析 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwan en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) moral education en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) textbook analysis en_US dc.title (題名) 台灣的道德教育: 小學修身與公民教科書之比較研究 (1920-1960) zh_TW dc.title (題名) Taiwan`s Moral Education: Comparative Analysis of Elementary School Ethics and Civics Textbooks (1920-1960) en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Anderson, Benedict R. O`G. 1991. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.Apple, Michael W., and Nancy R. King. 1977. "What Do Schools Teach?" Curriculum Inquiry 6.4: 341-58.Averill, Stephen C. 1981. "The New Life in Action: The Nationalist Government in South Jiangxi, 1934-1937." The China Quarterly 88: 594-628.Baxter, James C. and Fogel, Joshua A. 2007. Writing Histories in Japan: Texts and Their Transformations From Ancient Times Through the Meiji Era. Kyoto, Japan: International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 317-350.Beasley, W. G. 1994. Japanese Imperialism 1894-1945. Oxford: Clarendon.Bush, Richard C. III. 2011. The Republic of China in Historical Perspective. Speech presented at A Spectacular Century: The Republic of China Centennial Democracy Forums. Taipei, Taiwan.Chang, Bi-Yu. 2011. "So Close, Yet so Far Away: Imaging Chinese `Homeland` in Taiwan`s Geography Education (1945--68)." Cultural Geographies 18.3: 385-411.Chang, Kuang-Hui. 2003. Analysis of Elementary School Textbooks at the Initial Stage of Postwar (1945-1963): Exploration of Educational Practice “Anti-Communist Russia.” Master’s Thesis. Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.Chen, Edward I-Te. 1977. "Japan`s Decision to Annex Taiwan: A Study of Ito-Mutsu Diplomacy, 1894-95." The Journal of Asian Studies 37.1: 61-72. Ching, Leo T. S. 2001. Becoming Japanese. Berkeley, CA: University of California.Chu, Yun-Han, and Lin, Jih-Wen. 2001. "Political Development in 20th-Century Taiwan: State-Building, Regime Transformation and the Construction of National Identity." The China Quarterly 165: 102-129.Chun, Allen. 1994. "From Nationalism to Nationalizing: Cultural Imagination and State Formation in Postwar Taiwan." The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 31: 49-69.Clough, Ralph N. 1996. "The Enduring Influence of the Republic of China on Taiwan Today." The China Quarterly 148: 1054-071.Culp, Robert. 2006. "Rethinking Governmentality: Training, Cultivation, and Cultural Citizenship in Nationalist China." The Journal of Asian Studies 65.03: 529-554.De Bary, Theordore William, Chan, Wing-Tsit, and Lufrano, Richard John. 2000. Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume II: From 1600 through the Twentieth Century. New York: Columbia UP.Dickson, Bruce J. 1993. "The Lessons of Defeat: The Reorganization of the Kuomintang on Taiwan, 1950–52." The China Quarterly 133: 56-84.Dirlik, Arif. 1975. "The Ideological Foundations of the New Life Movement: A Study in Counterrevolution." The Journal of Asian Studies 34.4: 945-980.Eastman, Lloyd E. 1981. "Who Lost China? Chiang Kai-shek Testifies." The China Quarterly 88: 658-668.-. 1986. "New Perspectives on the History of Nationalist China." The History Teacher 19.4: 545-557.Fitzgerald, John. 1990. "The Misconceived Revolution: State and Society in China`s Nationalist Revolution, 1923-26." The Journal of Asian Studies 49.2: 323-343.Gregor, A. James. 1981. "Confucianism and the Political Thought of Sun Yat-Sen." Philosophy East and West 31.1: 55-70.Harrison, Henrietta. 2000. The Making of the Republican Citizen: Political Ceremonies and Symbols in China, 1911-1929. Oxford: Oxford UP.He, Li-You. 2006. A Pilot Study of Early Postwar Taiwanese Textbooks: Case Study of National Library Editions (Published Between 1945-1949). National Library Bulletin, 95.4: 16-22. Hsu, Pei-Hsien. 2005. Zhímíndì Táiwān de Jìndài Xuéxiào. Taipei: Yuǎn Liú.Hu, Fang-Yu. 2011. "Taiwanese Girls` Education, 1897-1945: An Analysis of Policy and Practice in a Gendered Colonial System." Eras 13.1: 1-30.Jansen, Marius B. 1984. "Japanese Imperialism: Late Meiji Perspectives." in Myers, Ramon H. and Peattie, Mark R. ed. The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University.Kao, Jian-He. 2007. Analysis of Taiwanese Elementary School Civics Textbooks (1952-1989). Master’s Thesis. Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.Keenan, Barry C. 1974. "Educational Reform and Politics in Early Republican China." The Journal of Asian Studies 33.2: 225-237.Kohlberg, Lawrence. 1966. "Moral Education in the Schools: A Developmental View." The School Review 74.1: 1-30.Lamley, Harry J. 1971. "Assimilation Efforts in Colonial Taiwan: The Fate of the 1914 Movement." Monumenta Serica 29: 496-520.Law, Wing-Wah. 2002. "Education Reform in Taiwan: A Search for A `National` Identity Through Democratisation and Taiwanisation." Compare 32.1: 61-81.Lee, Cheng-Pang. 2012. “Shadow of the Colonial Power: The Failure of the Temple Reorganization Campaign under the Japanese Colonialism.” Studies on Asia, Series IV, Vol.2, No.1: 120-144.Li, Chin-An. 2008. “The Lexical Influence of Colonial Language Policies on Taiwanese Novel-Writing, 1924-1998: A Computer-Assisted Corpus Analysis.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Humanities and Social Sciences, 53.1: 65-81. Web. Lin, Mosei, 2000. Public Education in Formosa Under the Japanese Administration: A Historical and Analytical Study of the Development and the Cultural Problems. Xin Ziran Zhuyi.Lin, Ching-Ming. 1997. Nihon Tōchika, Taiwan no ‘Kōminka’ Kyōuiku. Tokyo: Kōbunken.Liu, Jennifer. 2012. "Anticipating Invasion: Military Training in Taiwan’s High Schools, 1953-1960." Twentieth-Century China 37.3: 204-28.Loh, Pichon P. Y. 1970. "The Ideological Persuasion of Chiang Kai-Shek." Modern Asian Studies 4.03: 211-238.Martin, Roberta. 1975. "The Socialization of Children in China and on Taiwan: An Analysis of Elementary School Textbooks." The China Quarterly 62: 242-62.Martin, Jane R. 1976. "What Should We Do With A Hidden Curriculum When We Find One?" Curriculum Inquiry 6.2: 135-51.Meyer, Jeffrey. 1988. "Moral Education in Taiwan." Comparative Education Review 32.1: 20-38. --. 1988a. "Teaching Morality in Taiwan Schools: The Message of the Textbooks." The China Quarterly 114: 267-84.Myers, Ramon H., and Peattie, Mark R. 1984. The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton U.Nolte, Sharon H., and Hajime Onishi. 1983. "National Morality and Universal Ethics. Onishi Hajime and the Imperial Rescript on Education." 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Language in Society 32.04: 523-51. Shiba, Ryotaro. 1994. “Interview With Lee Teng-Hui.” Asahi Weekly, 6-13 May. English text available at:, Harold W. 1991. "Japanese Elementary School Education." The Elementary School Journal 92.1: 109-20.Su, Ya-Chen. 2007. "Ideological Representations of Taiwan`s History: An Analysis of Elementary Social Studies Textbooks, 1978-1995." Curriculum Inquiry 37.3: 205-37.Tai, Eika. 1999. “Kokugo and Colonial Education in Taiwan.” Positions 7.2: 503-531. Taylor, Jeremy E. 2006. "The Production of the Chiang Kai-shek Personality Cult, 1929–1975." The China Quarterly 185.1: 96-110.Tsai, Chin-Tang. 1993. “Rìběn Jùtái Chūqí Gōngxuéxiào ‘Guóyǔ’ Jiàokēshū zhī Fēnxī.” in Cheng, Liang-Sheng ed. Zhōngguó yǔ Yàzhōu Guójiāguānxishǐ Xuéshù Yántǎohuì Lùnwénjí. Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.--. 2009. "The Education and Influence of Ko-Gakko Shushin-Education in Japanese Ruled Period." Bulletin of Taiwan Historical Research, NTNU 2: 3-32.Tsurumi, E. 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