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題名 台灣上市櫃公司私募引進策略性投資人對公司長短期營運績效之影響
The Effect of Strategic Private Placement on Performance of Taiwan Lists and OTC Companies
作者 邱珮瑜
貢獻者 吳啟銘
關鍵詞 宣告效果
Announcement Effect
Event Study
Strategic private Placement
Capital Reduction
日期 2015
上傳時間 14-Jul-2015 10:37:59 (UTC+8)
摘要 我國政府於2002年引進私募制度後,為台灣企業開拓了一個新融資管道。隨著國際間競爭越來越激烈,企業對於私募需求日益漸增,至今私募的運用也越來越多元化。除了一般企業的融資需求外,私募更成為企業引進策略夥伴的一個重要方式。雖然私募給予我國企業許多好處,然而也產生了許多弊端,故2010年政府針對私募相關規範做大幅度修正,不僅對於資訊揭露進行了更加嚴格的把關,更對於私募的資格作更進一步規範。本研究希望能藉由觀察市場上對於減資之企業辦理私募引進策略性投資人之宣告效果及財務績效進一步探究減資引進策略性投資人之私募宣告效果及長期營運績效與私募價差比率及策略性投資人持股比率是否具有相關性,最後並透過實證研究說明在法規更改後資訊相對透明下,是否有助於投資人對於減資引進策略性投資人之企業的評價更樂觀並改善公司營運績效。
      將較為重要之實證結果陳列如下:(一) 未減資引進策略性投資人之企業在私募宣告日前三天具有顯著累積正異常報酬,而減資引進策略性投資人之企業在後三天具有顯著負累積異常報酬;而減資引進策略性投資人之企業的ROA與ROE在引進策略性投資人之後都顯著往上提升。(二) 私募減資公司引進策略性投資人之持股比重對企業私募宣告效果及長期營運績效皆不具顯著效果,而減資對累積異常報酬及ROA具有正向效果但並不顯著。(三) 私募價差受減資事件負向顯著影響,表示減資公司具有顯著較低的私募參考價格;而私募價差比率受到過去一年的ROE極大影響,但未來經營績效的好壞和私募價差並沒有太大的關聯。 (四) 法規修正對於減資引進策略性投資人之企業來說能增強投資人信心,卻不能顯著促進企業之長期經營績效。顯示出法規改變有助於增進資訊透明,進而達到增強投資人信心的效果。
參考文獻 Abe, Y. (1996). Chief executive turnover and firm performance in Japan. Journal of The Japanese and International Economies, 11, 2–26.
     Anderson, H. D., & Rose, L. C. (2007). Firm quality and the placement price of private equity. Working paper, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand.
     Bajaj, M., Denis, D. J., Ferris, S. P., & Sarin, A. (2001). Firm value and marketability discounts. Working paper, University of California, Berkeley, CA
     Barclay, M. J., Holderness, C. G., & Sheehan, D. P. (2001). The block pricing puzzle. Working paper, University of Rochester, New York
     Barclay, M., C. G. Holderness, and D. P. Sheehan. (2007). Private placements and  
       managerial entrenchment. Journal of Corporate Finance 13 (September): 461-484.
     Chang, R. D., Shen, W. H., & Huang, Y. H. (2011). Declaration effect, stock returns and earnings management: A study of private placement in Taiwan. Taiwan Accounting Review, 7: 21-62
     Cronqvist, H., and M. Nilsson. (2005). The choice between rights offerings and private equity placements. Journal of Financial Economics 78 (November): 375-407.
     Ferreira, E. J., & Brooks, L. D. 2007. Evidence on private equity offering announcements:
     Strong and weak firms’ pooling versus separation. Journal of Economics and
     Business, 59: 89-110.
     Hertzel, M. G., & Smith, R. L. (1993). Market discounts and shareholder gains for placing equity privately, Journal of Finance 48(June), 458-489.
     Hertzel, M. G., & Rees, L. L. (1998). Earnings and risk changes around private placements of equity, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 13(January) , 21-35.
     Hertzel, M. G., Lemmon, M., Linck, J. S., & Rees, L. (2002). , Long-run performance following private placements of equity, Journal of Finance 57(June), 2595-2617.
     Janney, J. J., & Folta, T. B. (2003). Signaling through private equity placements and its impact on the valuation of biotechnology firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 18: 361-380.
     Jensen, M. C. and W. H. Meckling (1976), Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior-Agency Cost and Ownership Structure. Journal of Financial and Economics 3: 305-360.
     Krishnamurthy, S., P. Spindt, et al. (2005). "Does investor identity matter in equity issues? Evidence from private placements." Journal of Financial Intermediation 14(April): 210-238.
     Myers, S. C. and N. S. Majluf (1984). "Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have." Journal of Financial Economics 13(June): 187-221.
     Wruck, K. H. (1989). Equity ownership concentration and firm value: Evidence from private equity financings, Journal of Financial Economics, 23(June), 3-28.
     Wruck, K. H., and Y. L.,Wu. (2009). Relationships, corporate governance, and performance: Evidence from private placements of common stock. Journal of Corporate Finance 15 (February): 30-47
     Wu, Y. L. (2000). The choice between public and private equity offerings. Working paper, SSRN.
     Sharpe, I. G., and L. E. Woo. 2002. Expected underpricing, corporate control and the choice of issuance mechanism in unseasoned equity markets. Working paper SSRN.
     Spiess, D. K., and J. Affleck-Grave, 1999, “The long-run performance of stock returns following debt offering”, Journal of financial economics, Vol.54, Iss.1:45-73.
     Stein, J., 1992, “Convertible bonds as backdoor equity financing.” Journal of Financial Economics 32 , 3-21.
     Tan, R. S. K., P. L. Chng and Y. H. Tong (2002), “Private Placements and Rights Issues in Singapore,” Pacific_Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 10 :29-54.
     林育安,2005 年,「私募股權之資訊內涵:上市(櫃)公司之實證研究」,國立台灣大學,國際企業學研究所,碩士論文。
     蔡琇如,2008 年,「台灣上市櫃公司私募股權宣告股價超額報酬之研究」,國立台北大學國際財務金融碩士在職專班,碩士論文。
     沈中華、李建然,事件研究法:財務與會計實證研究必備。台北市:華泰文化 事業股份有限公司,民國 89 年。
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 吳啟銘zh_TW (Authors) 邱珮瑜zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 邱珮瑜zh_TW (日期) 2015en_US 14-Jul-2015 10:37:59 (UTC+8)- 14-Jul-2015 10:37:59 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 14-Jul-2015 10:37:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1023570282en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財務管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102357028zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我國政府於2002年引進私募制度後,為台灣企業開拓了一個新融資管道。隨著國際間競爭越來越激烈,企業對於私募需求日益漸增,至今私募的運用也越來越多元化。除了一般企業的融資需求外,私募更成為企業引進策略夥伴的一個重要方式。雖然私募給予我國企業許多好處,然而也產生了許多弊端,故2010年政府針對私募相關規範做大幅度修正,不僅對於資訊揭露進行了更加嚴格的把關,更對於私募的資格作更進一步規範。本研究希望能藉由觀察市場上對於減資之企業辦理私募引進策略性投資人之宣告效果及財務績效進一步探究減資引進策略性投資人之私募宣告效果及長期營運績效與私募價差比率及策略性投資人持股比率是否具有相關性,最後並透過實證研究說明在法規更改後資訊相對透明下,是否有助於投資人對於減資引進策略性投資人之企業的評價更樂觀並改善公司營運績效。
      將較為重要之實證結果陳列如下:(一) 未減資引進策略性投資人之企業在私募宣告日前三天具有顯著累積正異常報酬,而減資引進策略性投資人之企業在後三天具有顯著負累積異常報酬;而減資引進策略性投資人之企業的ROA與ROE在引進策略性投資人之後都顯著往上提升。(二) 私募減資公司引進策略性投資人之持股比重對企業私募宣告效果及長期營運績效皆不具顯著效果,而減資對累積異常報酬及ROA具有正向效果但並不顯著。(三) 私募價差受減資事件負向顯著影響,表示減資公司具有顯著較低的私募參考價格;而私募價差比率受到過去一年的ROE極大影響,但未來經營績效的好壞和私募價差並沒有太大的關聯。 (四) 法規修正對於減資引進策略性投資人之企業來說能增強投資人信心,卻不能顯著促進企業之長期經營績效。顯示出法規改變有助於增進資訊透明,進而達到增強投資人信心的效果。
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
     第一節 研究背景與動機 1
     第二節 研究問題 3
     第三節 研究架構 4
     第二章 文獻回顧與法規限制 5
     第一節 我國私募股權制度及發展 5
     第二節 私募股權相關文獻探討 20
     第三章 研究方法 25
     第一節 研究假說 25
     第二節 資料來源與樣本 27
     第四章 實證結果與分析 38
     第一節 敘述統計結果 38
     第二節 減資引進策略性投資人之影響 39
     第三節 減資引進策略性投資人持股比重之影響 42
     第四節 減資引進策略性投資人私募之價差影響 43
     第五節 法規改變對減資引進策略性投資人之影響 45
     第五章 結論與建議 46
     第一節 研究結論 46
     第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議 47
     第三節 我國私募法之檢討與建議 48
     參考文獻 49
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 宣告效果zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 事件研究法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 私募zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 減資zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 策略性投資人zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Announcement Effecten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Event Studyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Strategic private Placementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Capital Reductionen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣上市櫃公司私募引進策略性投資人對公司長短期營運績效之影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Effect of Strategic Private Placement on Performance of Taiwan Lists and OTC Companiesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Abe, Y. (1996). Chief executive turnover and firm performance in Japan. Journal of The Japanese and International Economies, 11, 2–26.
     Anderson, H. D., & Rose, L. C. (2007). Firm quality and the placement price of private equity. Working paper, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand.
     Bajaj, M., Denis, D. J., Ferris, S. P., & Sarin, A. (2001). Firm value and marketability discounts. Working paper, University of California, Berkeley, CA
     Barclay, M. J., Holderness, C. G., & Sheehan, D. P. (2001). The block pricing puzzle. Working paper, University of Rochester, New York
     Barclay, M., C. G. Holderness, and D. P. Sheehan. (2007). Private placements and  
       managerial entrenchment. Journal of Corporate Finance 13 (September): 461-484.
     Chang, R. D., Shen, W. H., & Huang, Y. H. (2011). Declaration effect, stock returns and earnings management: A study of private placement in Taiwan. Taiwan Accounting Review, 7: 21-62
     Cronqvist, H., and M. Nilsson. (2005). The choice between rights offerings and private equity placements. Journal of Financial Economics 78 (November): 375-407.
     Ferreira, E. J., & Brooks, L. D. 2007. Evidence on private equity offering announcements:
     Strong and weak firms’ pooling versus separation. Journal of Economics and
     Business, 59: 89-110.
     Hertzel, M. G., & Smith, R. L. (1993). Market discounts and shareholder gains for placing equity privately, Journal of Finance 48(June), 458-489.
     Hertzel, M. G., & Rees, L. L. (1998). Earnings and risk changes around private placements of equity, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 13(January) , 21-35.
     Hertzel, M. G., Lemmon, M., Linck, J. S., & Rees, L. (2002). , Long-run performance following private placements of equity, Journal of Finance 57(June), 2595-2617.
     Janney, J. J., & Folta, T. B. (2003). Signaling through private equity placements and its impact on the valuation of biotechnology firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 18: 361-380.
     Jensen, M. C. and W. H. Meckling (1976), Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior-Agency Cost and Ownership Structure. Journal of Financial and Economics 3: 305-360.
     Krishnamurthy, S., P. Spindt, et al. (2005). "Does investor identity matter in equity issues? Evidence from private placements." Journal of Financial Intermediation 14(April): 210-238.
     Myers, S. C. and N. S. Majluf (1984). "Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have." Journal of Financial Economics 13(June): 187-221.
     Wruck, K. H. (1989). Equity ownership concentration and firm value: Evidence from private equity financings, Journal of Financial Economics, 23(June), 3-28.
     Wruck, K. H., and Y. L.,Wu. (2009). Relationships, corporate governance, and performance: Evidence from private placements of common stock. Journal of Corporate Finance 15 (February): 30-47
     Wu, Y. L. (2000). The choice between public and private equity offerings. Working paper, SSRN.
     Sharpe, I. G., and L. E. Woo. 2002. Expected underpricing, corporate control and the choice of issuance mechanism in unseasoned equity markets. Working paper SSRN.
     Spiess, D. K., and J. Affleck-Grave, 1999, “The long-run performance of stock returns following debt offering”, Journal of financial economics, Vol.54, Iss.1:45-73.
     Stein, J., 1992, “Convertible bonds as backdoor equity financing.” Journal of Financial Economics 32 , 3-21.
     Tan, R. S. K., P. L. Chng and Y. H. Tong (2002), “Private Placements and Rights Issues in Singapore,” Pacific_Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 10 :29-54.
     林育安,2005 年,「私募股權之資訊內涵:上市(櫃)公司之實證研究」,國立台灣大學,國際企業學研究所,碩士論文。
     蔡琇如,2008 年,「台灣上市櫃公司私募股權宣告股價超額報酬之研究」,國立台北大學國際財務金融碩士在職專班,碩士論文。
     沈中華、李建然,事件研究法:財務與會計實證研究必備。台北市:華泰文化 事業股份有限公司,民國 89 年。