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題名 立體顯像對使用者心流經驗之探究-以環形互動空間的數位遊戲為例
A Research of User`s Flow Experience for Stereoscopics: A Case Study on Interactive Digital Game Using Circular Projection.作者 任偉強
Jen, Wei Chiang貢獻者 黃心健<br>張寶芳
Huang, Hsin Chien<br>Chang, Pao Fang
Jen, Wei Chiang關鍵詞 心流經驗
flow experience
digital game
active shutter 3D glasses日期 2015 上傳時間 27-Jul-2015 11:37:27 (UTC+8) 摘要 隨著數位內容的發展,電腦視覺與圖學這兩大領域正進行技術上的整合。遊戲不斷追求畫質與效能突破的同時,顯像設備擔任的角色更顯為重要,以輔助使用者的角度出發,營造數位遊戲中的深度感,探討立體顯像技術如何對使用者的心流經驗中的心流特徵三項構面,樂趣感、控制感與投入感產生影響。此外,設計符合遊戲心流的數位遊戲,並於環形互動空間中,讓使用者穿戴主動式快門立體眼鏡來體驗遊戲。 本研究包含五個階段,依序為分析規劃、設計開發、前測評估、遊戲評估、歸納結論。在分析規劃階段中,透過文獻探討歸納出立體顯像的視覺原理與心流經驗的研究方法,並在設計開發階段中,以Unity 3D引擎作為遊戲開發環境,以Kinect體感感測器作為使用者的操作介面,立體顯像設備則以主動式快門立體眼鏡與三台短焦型立體投影機做環形投影融接,期望達到更好的評估結果。於前測評估階段中,請10位受測者做遊戲立體顯像的影像錯位設定,以及使用者與環形螢幕距離的評估與測試,得到結果後再進行相關遊戲數據的修改。遊戲評估階段,以參與活動調查法並使用問券與訪談,對12位受測者進行研究。最後在歸納結論階段,根據遊戲評估階段所得到的結果做分析,整理並歸納結論。 本研究結果發現,立體顯像能帶給使用者更多的樂趣感與投入感,但在控制感方面研究結果並不顯著。另外在立體顯像的遊戲建構設計,遊戲物件透過明確的位置設計安排,可以讓使用者能感受到更明確的層次感。以及藉由環形互動空間能夠給予使用者包覆感、遊戲的臨場感,以及舞台感。最後,期望本研究的遊戲設計過程與環形互動空間實作經驗,能提供建議給未來研究做參考。
With the development of digital content, computer vision and computer graphics are going through the technical integration. While people keep working on improving picture quality and efficiency of video games, it shows the importance of display device. From user’s perspective, it creates a sense of depth in digital game and find out how stereoscopic influences user’s flow experience of enjoyment, control and engagement. In addition, I designed the digital game in accordance with gameflow model and let users wear active shutter 3D glasses to experience the game in immersive projection wall. This research includes 5 phases: Planning and Analyzing, Designing and Developing, Pretesting, Assess game and Conclusion. During planning and analyzing phase, I discover the visual principle of designing the stereo images of the game and the research method of flow experience by literature review. Furthermore, during designing and developing phase, I use Unity 3D engine as games developing environment and Kinect sensor as user operation interface. Also, I use NVIDIA 3D Vision active shutter 3D glasses and 3 short throw stereo projectors as a stereo display equipment to do the circular projection blend / warp so that it could reach a better result. During pretesting, I invited 10 users to execute 5 levels of stereoscopic and determine the distance between the user and the screen. Finally, I obtained user feedback to improve the digital game. During assess game phase, I use participatory active survey, questionnaires and interviews to research on 12 users. Lastly, during conclusion phase, I analyze it according to the result from assess game phase, organizing it and make the conclusion. This study found that stereoscopic can bring more enjoyment and engagement to users but it’s not that distinctive when it comes to control. Moreover, the concept about the stereoscopic of the spatial construction, the direct design and the suitable arrangement of the game objects may make the users feel the different space hierarchy. By using circular projection, users could immerse themselves in the game, experience more scene feeling and the sense of being on the stage. Finally, I hope my study of the process of game design and practical experience of circular projection could provide an important reference for future research.參考文獻 Buckingham, D. (2006). Studying computer games. In D. Carr, D. Buckingham, A. Burn, & G. Schott(Eds.), Computer games: Text, narrative and play. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.Caillois, Roger. (1958). Man, play and games(M. Brarash, Trans.),Urbana, IL : University of Illinois Press.Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). BEYOND BOREDOM AND ANXIETY. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Massimini, F. (1985). On the psychological selection of bio-cultural information. 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1004620003資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 黃心健<br>張寶芳 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Huang, Hsin Chien<br>Chang, Pao Fang en_US (Authors) 任偉強 zh_TW (Authors) Jen, Wei Chiang en_US dc.creator (作者) 任偉強 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Jen, Wei Chiang en_US (日期) 2015 en_US 27-Jul-2015 11:37:27 (UTC+8) - 27-Jul-2015 11:37:27 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 27-Jul-2015 11:37:27 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0100462003 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 數位內容碩士學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 1004620003 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著數位內容的發展,電腦視覺與圖學這兩大領域正進行技術上的整合。遊戲不斷追求畫質與效能突破的同時,顯像設備擔任的角色更顯為重要,以輔助使用者的角度出發,營造數位遊戲中的深度感,探討立體顯像技術如何對使用者的心流經驗中的心流特徵三項構面,樂趣感、控制感與投入感產生影響。此外,設計符合遊戲心流的數位遊戲,並於環形互動空間中,讓使用者穿戴主動式快門立體眼鏡來體驗遊戲。 本研究包含五個階段,依序為分析規劃、設計開發、前測評估、遊戲評估、歸納結論。在分析規劃階段中,透過文獻探討歸納出立體顯像的視覺原理與心流經驗的研究方法,並在設計開發階段中,以Unity 3D引擎作為遊戲開發環境,以Kinect體感感測器作為使用者的操作介面,立體顯像設備則以主動式快門立體眼鏡與三台短焦型立體投影機做環形投影融接,期望達到更好的評估結果。於前測評估階段中,請10位受測者做遊戲立體顯像的影像錯位設定,以及使用者與環形螢幕距離的評估與測試,得到結果後再進行相關遊戲數據的修改。遊戲評估階段,以參與活動調查法並使用問券與訪談,對12位受測者進行研究。最後在歸納結論階段,根據遊戲評估階段所得到的結果做分析,整理並歸納結論。 本研究結果發現,立體顯像能帶給使用者更多的樂趣感與投入感,但在控制感方面研究結果並不顯著。另外在立體顯像的遊戲建構設計,遊戲物件透過明確的位置設計安排,可以讓使用者能感受到更明確的層次感。以及藉由環形互動空間能夠給予使用者包覆感、遊戲的臨場感,以及舞台感。最後,期望本研究的遊戲設計過程與環形互動空間實作經驗,能提供建議給未來研究做參考。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the development of digital content, computer vision and computer graphics are going through the technical integration. While people keep working on improving picture quality and efficiency of video games, it shows the importance of display device. From user’s perspective, it creates a sense of depth in digital game and find out how stereoscopic influences user’s flow experience of enjoyment, control and engagement. In addition, I designed the digital game in accordance with gameflow model and let users wear active shutter 3D glasses to experience the game in immersive projection wall. This research includes 5 phases: Planning and Analyzing, Designing and Developing, Pretesting, Assess game and Conclusion. During planning and analyzing phase, I discover the visual principle of designing the stereo images of the game and the research method of flow experience by literature review. Furthermore, during designing and developing phase, I use Unity 3D engine as games developing environment and Kinect sensor as user operation interface. Also, I use NVIDIA 3D Vision active shutter 3D glasses and 3 short throw stereo projectors as a stereo display equipment to do the circular projection blend / warp so that it could reach a better result. During pretesting, I invited 10 users to execute 5 levels of stereoscopic and determine the distance between the user and the screen. Finally, I obtained user feedback to improve the digital game. During assess game phase, I use participatory active survey, questionnaires and interviews to research on 12 users. Lastly, during conclusion phase, I analyze it according to the result from assess game phase, organizing it and make the conclusion. This study found that stereoscopic can bring more enjoyment and engagement to users but it’s not that distinctive when it comes to control. Moreover, the concept about the stereoscopic of the spatial construction, the direct design and the suitable arrangement of the game objects may make the users feel the different space hierarchy. By using circular projection, users could immerse themselves in the game, experience more scene feeling and the sense of being on the stage. Finally, I hope my study of the process of game design and practical experience of circular projection could provide an important reference for future research. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 謝辭 ... i中文摘要 ... ii英文摘要 ... iii目錄 ... vi表目錄 ... vii圖目錄 ... ix第一章 緒論 ... 11.1 研究背景 ... 11.2 研究動機 ... 11.3 研究目的 ... 21.4 研究架構 ... 31.5 研究範圍和限制 ... 41.6 名詞界定與釋義 ... 5第二章 文獻探討 ... 72.1 人類立體視覺原理 ... 72.1.1 立體感的深度線索 ... 72.1.2 立體視覺的形成 ... 152.2 立體顯像技術探討 ... 182.2.1 平面螢幕顯示立體原理 ... 182.2.2 立體顯像發展概況 ... 212.2.3 立體顯像的技術難題 ... 312.3 視覺認知與知覺組織 ... 342.3.1 視覺訊息認知與處理 ... 342.3.2 感覺與知覺 ... 362.3.3 知覺的組織-完形心理學 ... 372.3.4 知覺與動作反應 ... 432.4 心流經驗 ... 452.4.1 心流經驗的定義 ... 452.4.2 心流狀態與心流頻道模型 ... 452.4.3 心流特徵 ... 492.4.4 心流活動下的遊戲 ... 522.4.5 心流經驗的測量 ... 542.5 數位遊戲 ... 552.5.1 數位遊戲的定義 ... 552.5.2 數位遊戲中的心流經驗 ... 582.5.3 數位遊戲的設計-gameflow ... 59第三章 研究方法 ... 643.1 研究流程與步驟 ... 653.1.1 分析規劃階段 ... 663.1.2 設計開發階段 ... 663.1.3 前測評估階段 ... 673.1.4 遊戲評估階段 ... 673.1.5 歸納結論 ... 673.2 研究問題 ... 673.3 研究對象 ... 68第四章 數位遊戲與環形互動空間的建構設計 ... 694.1 設計開發階段 ... 694.1.1 數位遊戲的建構設計 ... 694.1.2 數位遊戲的圖像設計 ... 804.1.3 數位遊戲的立體顯像空間建構 ... 834.1.4 環形互動空間的建構 ... 1004.2 前測評估階段 ... 1104.2.1 前測評估對象 ... 1104.2.2 前測評估流程 ... 1114.2.3 前測評估問卷 ... 1134.2.4 前測評估分析 ... 1144.2.5 前測評估結果 ... 119第五章 研究結果與分析 ... 1225.1 遊戲評估階段 ... 1225.1.1 遊戲評估對象 ... 1225.1.2 遊戲評估流程 ... 1235.1.3 心流經驗評估問卷 ... 1245.1.4 訪談問題 ... 1255.2 評估資料分析 ... 1265.2.1 問券資料整理與分析 ... 1265.2.2 訪談資料整理與分析 ... 1335.3 遊戲評估觀察記錄 ... 136第六章 結論與建議 ... 1386.1 研究發現與討論 ... 1386.2 未來研究建議 ... 140參考文獻 ... 143英文部分 ... 143中文部分 ... 146網路資料部分 ... 148附錄一 環形互動空間的架設 ... 149附錄二 前測評估流程說明頁 ... 151附錄三 心流經驗評估流程說明頁 ... 152附錄四 前測評估問卷 ... 153附錄五 心流經驗A組評估問卷 ... 155附錄六 心流經驗B組評估問卷 ... 158附錄七 遊戲操作教學 ... 161附錄八 環形互動空間的數位遊戲情境 ... 164附錄九 數位遊戲說明海報 ... 166附錄十 遊戲實際影片與製作過程 ... 167附錄十一 使用者站立位置標記 ... 168 zh_TW dc.format.extent 92936548 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 心流經驗 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 立體顯像 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 遊戲心流 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位遊戲 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 主動式快門立體眼鏡ㄑ zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) flow experience en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) stereoscopic en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) gameflow en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) digital game en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) active shutter 3D glasses en_US dc.title (題名) 立體顯像對使用者心流經驗之探究-以環形互動空間的數位遊戲為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A Research of User`s Flow Experience for Stereoscopics: A Case Study on Interactive Digital Game Using Circular Projection. en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Buckingham, D. 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