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題名 日本國粹主義者對戊戌變法之看法-以福本日南為中心的考察
其他題名 A Japanese Nationalist Perspective on the 1898 Reform Movement: A Study of Fukumoto Nichinan
作者 Law, Ho-Sing
貢獻者 歷史系
關鍵詞 戊戌變法;日本國粹主義;福本日南;亞細亞主義
Japanese mationalists;pan-Asianism;Fukumoto Nichinan;1898 reform movement
日期 2010-03
上傳時間 15-Sep-2015 15:39:47 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文主要通過日本國粹主義者福本日南對戊戌變法的看法,作為研究近代中日交流史的一個側面。明治維新的成功,造成明治政府的西化傾向愈加嚴重。這引起一些知識份子的反省。他們憂慮過度的西化會造成日本國民精神的喪失,故提倡國粹主義。他們雖提倡保持日本傳統的價值觀,但對西化亦非全然抗拒。而他們在對待亞洲各國的態度上,亦出現與前人有所不同的轉變。由於西方列強打開中、日等國的大門,使得東亞傳統的天朝體系崩解。日本知識份子亦開始重新思考國家在亞洲該如何定位的問題,亦提出不少應對之法。如福澤諭吉提倡脫亞論,主張把日本自外於亞洲之外;而另一些人(即國粹主義者)則主張亞洲各國之間要有緊密的聯繫,以對抗白種人。在國粹主義者看來,確保鄰國的安全,是日本的責任,亦是他們的要務。所以,通過在中國進行長時期的遊歷、結交中國的上流社會人物,從中收集中國各方面之情報,且促進兩國人士之間的良好關係,就成為一些國粹主義者自許之任務。福本日南就是其中之一。福本日南和中國的政治人物有緊密之接觸,並有一定程度的交情。而他們的記載,亦成為日本知識份子認識戊戌變法的重要根據。不過,在他們的看法中,無疑會受到自身思想環境的影響,從而作為他們評價人物的標準。而在他們的論述,亦因應局勢的變化而有所轉變。而通過日本報刊的報導和日人言論上之動向,可以成為觀察晚清政治史和近代東亞史的一個重要面向。
This article investigates aspects of the modern contacts between China and Japan by examining the views of the Japanese nationalist Fukumoto Nichinan on the reform movement of 1898. The very successes of Japanese modernization and Westernization in the Meiji period raised new questions for intellectuals. How should the Japanese deal with the relationship between Meiji Japan and Asia? Could they reconnect Meiji Japan and Qing China? Some Japan nationalists felt that excessive Westernization threatened the traditional Japanese spirit, which led them to promote the ”national essence.” At the same time, although they sought to preserve the national spirit, they were not unalterably opposed to Westernization. Their views toward Asia differed from their predecessors`. Facing the collapse of the traditional Asian imperial order, Japanese intellectuals began to reconsider their nation`s relationship to Asia. Some like Fukuzawa Yukichi spoke of ”leaving Asia” while others, namely the national essence school, concluded that Japan must save Asia from the invasion of West, and that this was Japan`s destiny and duty, a course that would help preserve Japan`s safety as well. Fukumoto was a Japanese intellectual with long experience in China, and he developed close relationships with leading Chinese political figures. Japanese nationalists recognized the importance of the late Qing reform movement, and their attitudes toward it reveal much about the history of late Qing politics and modern Asia.
關聯 新史學, 21(1), 53-90
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 歷史系
dc.creator (作者) Law, Ho-Sing
dc.creator (作者) 羅皓星zh_TW (日期) 2010-03 15-Sep-2015 15:39:47 (UTC+8)- 15-Sep-2015 15:39:47 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 15-Sep-2015 15:39:47 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文主要通過日本國粹主義者福本日南對戊戌變法的看法,作為研究近代中日交流史的一個側面。明治維新的成功,造成明治政府的西化傾向愈加嚴重。這引起一些知識份子的反省。他們憂慮過度的西化會造成日本國民精神的喪失,故提倡國粹主義。他們雖提倡保持日本傳統的價值觀,但對西化亦非全然抗拒。而他們在對待亞洲各國的態度上,亦出現與前人有所不同的轉變。由於西方列強打開中、日等國的大門,使得東亞傳統的天朝體系崩解。日本知識份子亦開始重新思考國家在亞洲該如何定位的問題,亦提出不少應對之法。如福澤諭吉提倡脫亞論,主張把日本自外於亞洲之外;而另一些人(即國粹主義者)則主張亞洲各國之間要有緊密的聯繫,以對抗白種人。在國粹主義者看來,確保鄰國的安全,是日本的責任,亦是他們的要務。所以,通過在中國進行長時期的遊歷、結交中國的上流社會人物,從中收集中國各方面之情報,且促進兩國人士之間的良好關係,就成為一些國粹主義者自許之任務。福本日南就是其中之一。福本日南和中國的政治人物有緊密之接觸,並有一定程度的交情。而他們的記載,亦成為日本知識份子認識戊戌變法的重要根據。不過,在他們的看法中,無疑會受到自身思想環境的影響,從而作為他們評價人物的標準。而在他們的論述,亦因應局勢的變化而有所轉變。而通過日本報刊的報導和日人言論上之動向,可以成為觀察晚清政治史和近代東亞史的一個重要面向。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This article investigates aspects of the modern contacts between China and Japan by examining the views of the Japanese nationalist Fukumoto Nichinan on the reform movement of 1898. The very successes of Japanese modernization and Westernization in the Meiji period raised new questions for intellectuals. How should the Japanese deal with the relationship between Meiji Japan and Asia? Could they reconnect Meiji Japan and Qing China? Some Japan nationalists felt that excessive Westernization threatened the traditional Japanese spirit, which led them to promote the ”national essence.” At the same time, although they sought to preserve the national spirit, they were not unalterably opposed to Westernization. Their views toward Asia differed from their predecessors`. Facing the collapse of the traditional Asian imperial order, Japanese intellectuals began to reconsider their nation`s relationship to Asia. Some like Fukuzawa Yukichi spoke of ”leaving Asia” while others, namely the national essence school, concluded that Japan must save Asia from the invasion of West, and that this was Japan`s destiny and duty, a course that would help preserve Japan`s safety as well. Fukumoto was a Japanese intellectual with long experience in China, and he developed close relationships with leading Chinese political figures. Japanese nationalists recognized the importance of the late Qing reform movement, and their attitudes toward it reveal much about the history of late Qing politics and modern Asia.
dc.format.extent 3799479 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 新史學, 21(1), 53-90
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 戊戌變法;日本國粹主義;福本日南;亞細亞主義
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Japanese mationalists;pan-Asianism;Fukumoto Nichinan;1898 reform movement
dc.title (題名) 日本國粹主義者對戊戌變法之看法-以福本日南為中心的考察zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) A Japanese Nationalist Perspective on the 1898 Reform Movement: A Study of Fukumoto Nichinan
dc.type (資料類型) articleen