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題名 為什麼會估不準?-影響大量估價準確性因素之探討
A Study on Factors that Affecting Accuracy of Mass Appraisal
作者 陳信豪
Chen, Sin Hao
貢獻者 張金鶚<br>江穎慧
Chang, Chin Oh<br>Chiang, Ying Hui
Chen, Sin Hao
關鍵詞 大量估價
Mass Appraisal
Accuracy of Valuation
Multinomial Logistic Model
日期 2015
上傳時間 1-Oct-2015 14:22:50 (UTC+8)
摘要 從1960年代開始,公部門基於稅務處理需求,使得電腦輔助大量估價(Computer Assisted Mass Assessment,CAMA)成為輔助的工具,大幅提升了估價的效率。在1990年代,金融機構因不動產證券化的發展及不良資產估價等業務,而衍生了對大量不動產進行估價的需求,同時在電腦與統計模型的進步之下,自動估價模型(Automated Valuation Models,AVM)應然而生,並被廣泛應用在金融市場。由此可知因為不動產經濟活動的熱絡發展,大量估價的需求日益增加,其具備的客觀與效率等優點更彰顯其重要性。
本文在實證部分分成兩階段,首先以特徵價格理論為基礎,利用實價登錄資料建立大量估價模型,以MAPE與Hit Rate來衡量估價準確性,結果指出MAPE達到14.19%,而正負誤差10%的命中率為47.18%、正負誤差20%的命中率為74.75%,跟過往研究所建立的大量估價模型相比具有相當的水準,顯示出官方性質的交易資料具有一定的可信度。在建置大量估價模型後,本文以模型價格及成交價格間的比值作為劃分估價準確程度的依據,以多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析,結果指出住宅大樓、捷運站周遭住宅、大坪數住宅估價結果容易呈現低估情形;而新市區中心估價結果容易呈現高估的情形;另外比較特別的是舊市區中心、北郊區估價結果較容易呈現高估及低估,換言之在這兩個區域估價容易得到不準確的結果。
Since 1960s, public sector began to take advantage of computer assisted mass assessment(CAMA) based on taxation services and greatly improved the efficiency of appraisal. In 1990s, financial institutions due to the development of securitization of real estate and non-performing asset valuation and other services, generating the demand of mass appraisal. Simultaneously, due to the development of computer and statistical models gradually progress, bring in automated valuation models(AVM) in the financial markets. Hence, with the real estate economic activities gradually booming, the increasing demand for mass appraisal, which has the objective of efficiency and other advantages will be more to highlight its importance.
While the increasing demand for mass appraisal, but past studies about the accuracy of appraisal, mainly focused on the theoretical and technical aspects, the impact of behavior on the valuation results, and to explore appraisers and mass appraisal of the valuation. However, past studies less focused on a large number of factors affect the accuracy of the appraisal.
Since the hedonic price theory implies highly heterogeneous characteristics of real estate, real estate prices affected by factors of macroeconomic, tax policy, housing properties, public facilities, location and so on, but whether the aforementioned factors will affect the valuation accuracy?Is this research seeking to explore the issue.
In this paper, the empirical section is divided into two stages, first with the hedonic price theory based on the use actual price registration to establish the mass appraisal models, and base on MAPE and Hit Rate to measure the accuracy of the appraisal, the results indicate MAPE reached 14.19%, while the margin of error of 10% hit rate of 47.18%, 20% hit rate is 74.75%. Compared with the past studies, this model has established a great performance. This research proved that the official data with reliability.
After establishing the mass appraisal models, the research use model prices and the transaction price ratio as the basis for division between the accuracy of the appraisal and use multinomial logistic model to conduct empirical analysis. The results indicated that the residential building, housing around MRT stations, the big area housing was prone to result underestimate valuations, the new urban center appraisal results likely to show overvalued valuations. On the other hand, old city center and the northern suburbs results presented overestimate and underestimate valuations simultaneously, in other words, that is usually get inaccurate results in these two regions.
參考文獻 內政部營建署,2006,市區道路人行道設計手冊。,取用日期:2014年5月27日。
李春長、童作君(2010),住宅特徵價格模型之多層次分析,「經濟論文叢刊」,第38卷,第2期, 第289-325頁。
陳奉瑤、張欣民(2003),自動估價系統(AVM)到底算不算是估價?,土地問題研究季刊,第2卷2 期,頁72-77。
彭建文、楊宗憲、楊詩韻 (2009),捷運系統對不同區位房價影響分析─以營運階段為例,「運輸計劃季刊」,第38卷,第3期,第275-296頁。
Adelman, I. and Griliches, Z., 1961, On an Index of Quality Change, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 56:535-546.
Allison, P.D. 1999, Comparing logit and probit coefficients across groups. Sociological Methods & Research, 28(2): 186-208.
Armstrong, R. J. & Rodriguez, D. A., 2006, An Evaluation of the Accessibility Benefits of Commuter Rail in Eastern Massachusetts Using Spatial Hedonic Price Functions, Transportation, 33(1): 21-43.
Blundell, G.F. & Ward, C.W.R , 1999, The Accuracy of Valuation-Expectation and Reality Unpublished Paper, Department of Land Management, The University of Reading.
Brown, G., Matysiak, G. A. and Shepherd, M., 1998, Valuaton Uncertainty and the Millison Report, Journal of Property Research, 15:1-13.
Bowes, D. R. & Ihlanfeldt, K. R., 2001, Identifying the Impacts of Rail Transit Stations on Residential Property Values, Journal of Urban Economics, 50: 1-25.
Clapp, J.M., 1990, A Methodology for Constructing Vacant Land Price Indices ,AREUEA Journal, 18(3):274-293.
Calhoun, Charles A., 2001, Property Valuation Methods and Data in the United States, Housing Finance International, 16(2):12-23.
Cannaday, R. E. & M. Sunderman., 1986. Estimation of Depreciation for Single-family Appraisals, Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association, 14(2): 255-273.
Coffman, C. & Gregson, M. E., 1998. Railroad Development and Land Value, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 16(2): 191-204.
Diaz, J. III & J. A. Hansz, 1997, How Valuers Use the Value Opinions of Others, Journal of Property Valuation and Investment, 15(3):256-260.
Diaz, J. III & Wolverton, M.L., 1998, A Longitudinal Examination of the Appraisal Smoothing Hypothesis, Real Estate Economics, 26(2):349-358.
Fisher, A. W., 2002, Real Time Valuation, Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 20(3):213-222.
Frew, J. and G.D. Jud., 2003, Estimating the Value of Apartment Building, The Journal of Real Estate Research, 25(1): 77-86.
Hess, D. B. & Almeida, T. A., (2007). Impact of Proximity to Light Rail Rapid Transit on Station-area Property Values in Buffalo, New York, Urban Studies, 44(5): 1041-1068.
Hoshino, T. & K. Kuriyama (2010). Measuring the Benefits of Neighbourhood Park Amenities: Application and Comparison of Spatial Hedonic Approaches, Environmental and Resource Economics , 45(3): 429-444.
Huh, S. & S. J. Kwak (1997).The Choice of Functional Form and Variables in the Hedonic Price in Seoul, Urban Studies, 34(7): 989-998.
Ibrahim, M. F., Cheng, F. J. and Eng, K. H., 2005,Automated Valuation Model: An Application to the Public Housing Resale Market in Singapore, Property Management, 23(5):357-373.
Jonas, Drivers/IPD, 1990, The Variance in Valuations, London: Investment Property Databank.
Kinnard, W. N. & Boyce, B. N., 1978, An Introduction to Appraising Real Property, Society of Real Estate Appraisers.
Kinnard, W. N, 2001, New Thinking in Appraisal Theory, The Appraisal Journal, 69(3):235-244.
Lancaster, K. (1965). The theory of qualitative linear systems, Econometrica, 33(2): 395-409.
Levy,D.& E. Schuck, 1999,The Influence of Clients no Valuation, Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 17(4):380-396.
Lusht, K. M., 1996, A Comparison of Prices Brought by English Auction and Private Negotiations, Journal of Real Estate Economics, 24(5):17-530.
Malpezzi, S., Ozanne, L. and Thibodeau, T., 1980, Characteristic Prices of Housing in Fifty-Nine Metropolitan Areas, Research Report, Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Matysiak, G. and Wang, P., 1995, Commercial Property Market Prices and Valuation:
Analyzing the Correspondence, Journal of Property Research, 12(3):181-202.
McFadden, D., 1975, The Revealed Preference of Government Bureaucracy: Theory, The Bell Journal of Economics, 6(2):410-416.
Morancho, A., 2003, A hedonic valuation of urban green areas, Landscape Urban Plan, 66:35-41.
Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Fook Jam Cheng, Kheng How Eng, 2005, Automated valuation model: an application to the public housing resale market in Singapore, Property Management, 23(5):357-373.
Nelson, J. P., 1978, Residential Choice, Hedonic Prices, and the Demand for Urban Air Quality, Journal of Urban Economics, 5:357-369.
Ries, J. & T. Somerville., 2010. School Quality and Residential Property Values: Evidence from Vancouver Rezoning, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(4): 928-944.
Rosen, S., 1974. Hedonic prices and implicit markets: Product differentiation in pure competition, Journal of Political Economy, 82(1): 34-55.
Shimizu, C. & K.G. Nishimura, 2006, Biases in Appraisal Land Price Information: The Case of Japan, Journal of Property Investment and Finance. 24(2):150-175.
Sirmans, G. S., Macpherson, D. A., and Zietz, E. N., 2005. The Composition of Hedonic Pricing Models, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 13(1): 3-44.
Smith, V. K., and W. H. Desvousges, 1986, The Value of Avoiding a Lulu: Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 68(2):293-299.
Soderberg, B., 2002, A Note on the Hedonic Model Specification for Income
Properties, Research in Real Estate Monograph Series: Real Estate Valuation Theory. K Wang & M L Wolverton (Eds),Kluwer., Boston.
Webb, B., 1994, On the Reliability of Commercial Appraisals: An Analysis of Properties Sold from the Russell-NCREIF Index (1978-1992), Real Estate Finance , 11(1):62-65.
Wolverton & Gallimore, 1999. Client Feedback and the Role of the Appraiser, Journal of Real Estate Research, 18(3): 415-432.
Yiu, C. Y., Tang, B.S., Chiang, Y. H. and Choy, L. H. T., 2006, Alternative Theories of Appraisal Bias, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 14(3):321-344.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張金鶚<br>江穎慧zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chang, Chin Oh<br>Chiang, Ying Huien_US (Authors) 陳信豪zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Sin Haoen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳信豪zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Sin Haoen_US (日期) 2015en_US 1-Oct-2015 14:22:50 (UTC+8)- 1-Oct-2015 14:22:50 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Oct-2015 14:22:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0102257019en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102257019zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 從1960年代開始,公部門基於稅務處理需求,使得電腦輔助大量估價(Computer Assisted Mass Assessment,CAMA)成為輔助的工具,大幅提升了估價的效率。在1990年代,金融機構因不動產證券化的發展及不良資產估價等業務,而衍生了對大量不動產進行估價的需求,同時在電腦與統計模型的進步之下,自動估價模型(Automated Valuation Models,AVM)應然而生,並被廣泛應用在金融市場。由此可知因為不動產經濟活動的熱絡發展,大量估價的需求日益增加,其具備的客觀與效率等優點更彰顯其重要性。
本文在實證部分分成兩階段,首先以特徵價格理論為基礎,利用實價登錄資料建立大量估價模型,以MAPE與Hit Rate來衡量估價準確性,結果指出MAPE達到14.19%,而正負誤差10%的命中率為47.18%、正負誤差20%的命中率為74.75%,跟過往研究所建立的大量估價模型相比具有相當的水準,顯示出官方性質的交易資料具有一定的可信度。在建置大量估價模型後,本文以模型價格及成交價格間的比值作為劃分估價準確程度的依據,以多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析,結果指出住宅大樓、捷運站周遭住宅、大坪數住宅估價結果容易呈現低估情形;而新市區中心估價結果容易呈現高估的情形;另外比較特別的是舊市區中心、北郊區估價結果較容易呈現高估及低估,換言之在這兩個區域估價容易得到不準確的結果。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since 1960s, public sector began to take advantage of computer assisted mass assessment(CAMA) based on taxation services and greatly improved the efficiency of appraisal. In 1990s, financial institutions due to the development of securitization of real estate and non-performing asset valuation and other services, generating the demand of mass appraisal. Simultaneously, due to the development of computer and statistical models gradually progress, bring in automated valuation models(AVM) in the financial markets. Hence, with the real estate economic activities gradually booming, the increasing demand for mass appraisal, which has the objective of efficiency and other advantages will be more to highlight its importance.
While the increasing demand for mass appraisal, but past studies about the accuracy of appraisal, mainly focused on the theoretical and technical aspects, the impact of behavior on the valuation results, and to explore appraisers and mass appraisal of the valuation. However, past studies less focused on a large number of factors affect the accuracy of the appraisal.
Since the hedonic price theory implies highly heterogeneous characteristics of real estate, real estate prices affected by factors of macroeconomic, tax policy, housing properties, public facilities, location and so on, but whether the aforementioned factors will affect the valuation accuracy?Is this research seeking to explore the issue.
In this paper, the empirical section is divided into two stages, first with the hedonic price theory based on the use actual price registration to establish the mass appraisal models, and base on MAPE and Hit Rate to measure the accuracy of the appraisal, the results indicate MAPE reached 14.19%, while the margin of error of 10% hit rate of 47.18%, 20% hit rate is 74.75%. Compared with the past studies, this model has established a great performance. This research proved that the official data with reliability.
After establishing the mass appraisal models, the research use model prices and the transaction price ratio as the basis for division between the accuracy of the appraisal and use multinomial logistic model to conduct empirical analysis. The results indicated that the residential building, housing around MRT stations, the big area housing was prone to result underestimate valuations, the new urban center appraisal results likely to show overvalued valuations. On the other hand, old city center and the northern suburbs results presented overestimate and underestimate valuations simultaneously, in other words, that is usually get inaccurate results in these two regions.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 3
第二節 研究範圍與方法 4
一、研究範圍 4
二、研究方法 4
第二節 研究架構與流程 6
第二章 文獻回顧與理論 8
第一節 大量估價模型與理論 8
第二節 影響住宅價格的因素 10
第四節 大量估價準確性與估價偏誤 13
第五節 小結 15
第三章 研究設計與資料說明 16
第一節 研究設計 16
第二節 資料說明與處理 18
一、資料來源 18
二、資料處理 18
三、樣本敘述統計 20
第四章 實證分析 25
第一節 模型設定與變數選取 25
一、大量估價模型 25
二、多項羅吉特迴歸模型 25
三、大量估價模型建置變數選取 27
第二節 實證分析結果 35
第三節 小結 42
第五章 結論與建議 44
第一節 結論 44
第二節 建議 45
參考文獻 46
dc.format.extent 1007249 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大量估價zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 估價準確性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 多項羅吉特模型zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mass Appraisalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Accuracy of Valuationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Multinomial Logistic Modelen_US
dc.title (題名) 為什麼會估不準?-影響大量估價準確性因素之探討zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on Factors that Affecting Accuracy of Mass Appraisalen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 內政部營建署,2006,市區道路人行道設計手冊。,取用日期:2014年5月27日。
李春長、童作君(2010),住宅特徵價格模型之多層次分析,「經濟論文叢刊」,第38卷,第2期, 第289-325頁。
陳奉瑤、張欣民(2003),自動估價系統(AVM)到底算不算是估價?,土地問題研究季刊,第2卷2 期,頁72-77。
彭建文、楊宗憲、楊詩韻 (2009),捷運系統對不同區位房價影響分析─以營運階段為例,「運輸計劃季刊」,第38卷,第3期,第275-296頁。
Adelman, I. and Griliches, Z., 1961, On an Index of Quality Change, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 56:535-546.
Allison, P.D. 1999, Comparing logit and probit coefficients across groups. Sociological Methods & Research, 28(2): 186-208.
Armstrong, R. J. & Rodriguez, D. A., 2006, An Evaluation of the Accessibility Benefits of Commuter Rail in Eastern Massachusetts Using Spatial Hedonic Price Functions, Transportation, 33(1): 21-43.
Blundell, G.F. & Ward, C.W.R , 1999, The Accuracy of Valuation-Expectation and Reality Unpublished Paper, Department of Land Management, The University of Reading.
Brown, G., Matysiak, G. A. and Shepherd, M., 1998, Valuaton Uncertainty and the Millison Report, Journal of Property Research, 15:1-13.
Bowes, D. R. & Ihlanfeldt, K. R., 2001, Identifying the Impacts of Rail Transit Stations on Residential Property Values, Journal of Urban Economics, 50: 1-25.
Clapp, J.M., 1990, A Methodology for Constructing Vacant Land Price Indices ,AREUEA Journal, 18(3):274-293.
Calhoun, Charles A., 2001, Property Valuation Methods and Data in the United States, Housing Finance International, 16(2):12-23.
Cannaday, R. E. & M. Sunderman., 1986. Estimation of Depreciation for Single-family Appraisals, Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association, 14(2): 255-273.
Coffman, C. & Gregson, M. E., 1998. Railroad Development and Land Value, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 16(2): 191-204.
Diaz, J. III & J. A. Hansz, 1997, How Valuers Use the Value Opinions of Others, Journal of Property Valuation and Investment, 15(3):256-260.
Diaz, J. III & Wolverton, M.L., 1998, A Longitudinal Examination of the Appraisal Smoothing Hypothesis, Real Estate Economics, 26(2):349-358.
Fisher, A. W., 2002, Real Time Valuation, Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 20(3):213-222.
Frew, J. and G.D. Jud., 2003, Estimating the Value of Apartment Building, The Journal of Real Estate Research, 25(1): 77-86.
Hess, D. B. & Almeida, T. A., (2007). Impact of Proximity to Light Rail Rapid Transit on Station-area Property Values in Buffalo, New York, Urban Studies, 44(5): 1041-1068.
Hoshino, T. & K. Kuriyama (2010). Measuring the Benefits of Neighbourhood Park Amenities: Application and Comparison of Spatial Hedonic Approaches, Environmental and Resource Economics , 45(3): 429-444.
Huh, S. & S. J. Kwak (1997).The Choice of Functional Form and Variables in the Hedonic Price in Seoul, Urban Studies, 34(7): 989-998.
Ibrahim, M. F., Cheng, F. J. and Eng, K. H., 2005,Automated Valuation Model: An Application to the Public Housing Resale Market in Singapore, Property Management, 23(5):357-373.
Jonas, Drivers/IPD, 1990, The Variance in Valuations, London: Investment Property Databank.
Kinnard, W. N. & Boyce, B. N., 1978, An Introduction to Appraising Real Property, Society of Real Estate Appraisers.
Kinnard, W. N, 2001, New Thinking in Appraisal Theory, The Appraisal Journal, 69(3):235-244.
Lancaster, K. (1965). The theory of qualitative linear systems, Econometrica, 33(2): 395-409.
Levy,D.& E. Schuck, 1999,The Influence of Clients no Valuation, Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 17(4):380-396.
Lusht, K. M., 1996, A Comparison of Prices Brought by English Auction and Private Negotiations, Journal of Real Estate Economics, 24(5):17-530.
Malpezzi, S., Ozanne, L. and Thibodeau, T., 1980, Characteristic Prices of Housing in Fifty-Nine Metropolitan Areas, Research Report, Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Matysiak, G. and Wang, P., 1995, Commercial Property Market Prices and Valuation:
Analyzing the Correspondence, Journal of Property Research, 12(3):181-202.
McFadden, D., 1975, The Revealed Preference of Government Bureaucracy: Theory, The Bell Journal of Economics, 6(2):410-416.
Morancho, A., 2003, A hedonic valuation of urban green areas, Landscape Urban Plan, 66:35-41.
Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Fook Jam Cheng, Kheng How Eng, 2005, Automated valuation model: an application to the public housing resale market in Singapore, Property Management, 23(5):357-373.
Nelson, J. P., 1978, Residential Choice, Hedonic Prices, and the Demand for Urban Air Quality, Journal of Urban Economics, 5:357-369.
Ries, J. & T. Somerville., 2010. School Quality and Residential Property Values: Evidence from Vancouver Rezoning, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(4): 928-944.
Rosen, S., 1974. Hedonic prices and implicit markets: Product differentiation in pure competition, Journal of Political Economy, 82(1): 34-55.
Shimizu, C. & K.G. Nishimura, 2006, Biases in Appraisal Land Price Information: The Case of Japan, Journal of Property Investment and Finance. 24(2):150-175.
Sirmans, G. S., Macpherson, D. A., and Zietz, E. N., 2005. The Composition of Hedonic Pricing Models, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 13(1): 3-44.
Smith, V. K., and W. H. Desvousges, 1986, The Value of Avoiding a Lulu: Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 68(2):293-299.
Soderberg, B., 2002, A Note on the Hedonic Model Specification for Income
Properties, Research in Real Estate Monograph Series: Real Estate Valuation Theory. K Wang & M L Wolverton (Eds),Kluwer., Boston.
Webb, B., 1994, On the Reliability of Commercial Appraisals: An Analysis of Properties Sold from the Russell-NCREIF Index (1978-1992), Real Estate Finance , 11(1):62-65.
Wolverton & Gallimore, 1999. Client Feedback and the Role of the Appraiser, Journal of Real Estate Research, 18(3): 415-432.
Yiu, C. Y., Tang, B.S., Chiang, Y. H. and Choy, L. H. T., 2006, Alternative Theories of Appraisal Bias, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 14(3):321-344.