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題名 天賦—上帝的禮物:一個有關翻譯的聯想
其他題名 Talent—the Gift/Present of God:Reflections on Translation
作者 張上冠
Chang, Shang-Kuan
貢獻者 國立政治大學外國語文學院
關鍵詞 喻言;才幹/金錢;天賦/禮物;翻譯;信心
parable; talent(s); gift/present; translation; faith
日期 2013-06-01
上傳時間 4-Jan-2016 16:49:16 (UTC+8)
摘要 德希達 (Jacques Derrida) 在《論文字學》(Of Grammatology) 的第四章論及「字母和絕對再現」(The Alphabet and Absolute Representation) 這個議題時寫道:“The critical description of money is the faithful reflection of the discourse on writing.” 德希達認為字母「不隸屬任何特定語言」(“bound to no particular language”),因此主張書寫符號能被利用而超越自身原先的文化及語言:“One may … borrow graphic signs [and] make them safely emigrate outside of their culture and their language of origin”。同理,由於金錢藉自身為符號來代替實物,所以金錢如同符號也可跨越文化或經濟體:“Money replaces things by their signs, not only within a society but from one culture to another, or from one economic organization to another”。德希達這個論點在筆者看來可以挪用來討論翻譯做為書寫符號之間/內意義的交換變化以及金錢做為價值交換流通的象徵這兩者之間的類比關係。本篇論文先以《聖經》〈馬太福音〉的一則喻言 (parable),「按才幹受責任」,做為論述的起/啟點,探討個人才幹(或者說天賦),假若被視為某種上帝的恩賜/賦予/禮物時,所可能引發的問題。由於英文 talent 一字同時具有「金錢」和「才能」兩種字義,上述喻言隱約之中或可用來闡明德希達對文字符號和金錢之間的錯綜關係。論文並以米爾頓 (John Milton) 一首涉及上述喻言的詩 “On His Blindness” 做為對照,將文字/才幹做為上帝之禮物這個假設置入翻譯研究的範疇中予以討論。筆者主張語言文字是種「(非)禮物的禮物」,而譯者雖然有心發揮其文字語言的「天賦」並且盡力從事「可能/不可能的」翻譯,但譯者也應坦然面對意義不斷流變的不定性。譯者的天職其實是在實踐中維繫翻譯之禮,而翻譯之禮的目的則是對語言文字的「保存」。
In the fourth chapter, namely, “The Alphabet and Absolute Representation,” of Of Grammatology, Derrida writes: “The critical description of money is the faithful reflection of the discourse on writing.” Derrida also contends that “one may … borrow graphic signs [and] make them safely emigrate outside of their culture and their language of origin.” And by parity of reason, Derrida further argues that “money replaces things by their signs, not only within a society but from one culture to another, or from one economic organization to another.” In the light of Derrida’s theoretical inquiry, this paper aims to deal with the interrelations among money, language (writing), and gift/present within the context of translation as the act of “exchange” of meaning. Two texts, i.e., “The Parable of Talent” (Mathew 25:14-30) and “On His Blindness” by John Milton, will be compared and contrasted in order to make the point that (translation) talent as the gift/present of God is a “(non)present,” and that a translator, when encountering the (im)possibility of translation, can but accept the paradoxical motto that In Translation We Trust.
關聯 知識之禮再探禮物文化學術論壇
資料類型 conference
dc.contributor 國立政治大學外國語文學院
dc.creator (作者) 張上冠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Shang-Kuan (日期) 2013-06-01 4-Jan-2016 16:49:16 (UTC+8)- 4-Jan-2016 16:49:16 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Jan-2016 16:49:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 德希達 (Jacques Derrida) 在《論文字學》(Of Grammatology) 的第四章論及「字母和絕對再現」(The Alphabet and Absolute Representation) 這個議題時寫道:“The critical description of money is the faithful reflection of the discourse on writing.” 德希達認為字母「不隸屬任何特定語言」(“bound to no particular language”),因此主張書寫符號能被利用而超越自身原先的文化及語言:“One may … borrow graphic signs [and] make them safely emigrate outside of their culture and their language of origin”。同理,由於金錢藉自身為符號來代替實物,所以金錢如同符號也可跨越文化或經濟體:“Money replaces things by their signs, not only within a society but from one culture to another, or from one economic organization to another”。德希達這個論點在筆者看來可以挪用來討論翻譯做為書寫符號之間/內意義的交換變化以及金錢做為價值交換流通的象徵這兩者之間的類比關係。本篇論文先以《聖經》〈馬太福音〉的一則喻言 (parable),「按才幹受責任」,做為論述的起/啟點,探討個人才幹(或者說天賦),假若被視為某種上帝的恩賜/賦予/禮物時,所可能引發的問題。由於英文 talent 一字同時具有「金錢」和「才能」兩種字義,上述喻言隱約之中或可用來闡明德希達對文字符號和金錢之間的錯綜關係。論文並以米爾頓 (John Milton) 一首涉及上述喻言的詩 “On His Blindness” 做為對照,將文字/才幹做為上帝之禮物這個假設置入翻譯研究的範疇中予以討論。筆者主張語言文字是種「(非)禮物的禮物」,而譯者雖然有心發揮其文字語言的「天賦」並且盡力從事「可能/不可能的」翻譯,但譯者也應坦然面對意義不斷流變的不定性。譯者的天職其實是在實踐中維繫翻譯之禮,而翻譯之禮的目的則是對語言文字的「保存」。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the fourth chapter, namely, “The Alphabet and Absolute Representation,” of Of Grammatology, Derrida writes: “The critical description of money is the faithful reflection of the discourse on writing.” Derrida also contends that “one may … borrow graphic signs [and] make them safely emigrate outside of their culture and their language of origin.” And by parity of reason, Derrida further argues that “money replaces things by their signs, not only within a society but from one culture to another, or from one economic organization to another.” In the light of Derrida’s theoretical inquiry, this paper aims to deal with the interrelations among money, language (writing), and gift/present within the context of translation as the act of “exchange” of meaning. Two texts, i.e., “The Parable of Talent” (Mathew 25:14-30) and “On His Blindness” by John Milton, will be compared and contrasted in order to make the point that (translation) talent as the gift/present of God is a “(non)present,” and that a translator, when encountering the (im)possibility of translation, can but accept the paradoxical motto that In Translation We Trust.
dc.format.extent 821561 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 知識之禮再探禮物文化學術論壇
dc.relation (關聯) 主辦單位:國立政治大學外國語文學院
dc.relation (關聯) 舉辦日期:2013.06
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 喻言;才幹/金錢;天賦/禮物;翻譯;信心
dc.subject (關鍵詞) parable; talent(s); gift/present; translation; faith
dc.title (題名) 天賦—上帝的禮物:一個有關翻譯的聯想zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Talent—the Gift/Present of God:Reflections on Translation
dc.type (資料類型) conference