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題名 臺灣地區綜合所得稅免稅額及扣除額演變之研究 作者 黃怡靜 貢獻者 朱澤民
黃怡靜關鍵詞 所得稅
稅基侵蝕日期 2000 上傳時間 31-Mar-2016 15:32:24 (UTC+8) 摘要 台灣地區自民國45年起開始實施綜合所得稅制,以個人的綜合所得為課徵範圍,使我國的所得稅制度邁入一個新的里程碑;實行至今已40餘載,社會型態不斷改變與生活水準的提高,政府也應因應社會結構變動適當調整賦稅制度。尤以許多不必要的扣除額項目與成長,已達到個人所得稅稅基嚴重被侵蝕的地步,而以租稅優惠的方法來達成社會政策目標,也造成了資源配置不均的問題,故產生稅制的不公平及無效率。 參考文獻 (一)中文部分:1.五味雄治著,簡錦川譯,日本之稅制,財政部財政人員訓練所,民國73/62.王建火宣,租稅法,文笙書局,民86年6月3.王政一,談美國個人所得稅標準扣除額之改變,稅務旬刊第967期,67/84.王政一、潘明正等譯,個人所得稅,財政部財稅人員訓練所編印,民國63/85.吳文彬,個人所得稅侵蝕問題之研究,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民國69年6.李怡慧,「綜合所得稅列舉扣除額增列個人租金支出之探討」,財稅研究88/07, p122-1317.林大造著,簡錦川譯,所得稅之基本問題,財政部財政人員訓練所,民國73年2月8.林長友、劉代洋著,稅務法規概要,三民書局印行,民869.林春燕,我國綜合所得稅免稅所得問題之探討,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民70年6月10.林燧生,比較個人所得稅制度,財政部財政人員訓練所,民國61年1月11.倪麗心,台灣地區綜合所得稅稅率結構演變之研究,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民89年1月12.財政部賦稅改革委員會編印,物價上漲與所得稅課徵問題之研究,民國78/613.________,綜合所得稅免稅與未稅所得之研究,民國78/614.________,綜合所得稅免稅額、寬減額與扣除額之研究,民國78 /615.________,綜合所得稅免稅額、寬減額與扣除額之研究,民國78/616.________,綜合所得稅率結構之研究,民國78年6月17.________,賦稅改革總報告書,民國78年6月18.張則堯,財政學原理,三民書局,民國69年7月19.陳可粵編著,我國所得稅制度之變遷,台灣商務印書館發行,民國75年初版20.陳曉玫,個人所得稅列舉扣除額及標準扣除額之研究,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民7421.黃瑞春,個人所得稅寬免額訂定問題之研究,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民68年6月22.楊必立,中國所得稅研究,東華書局印行,民國64年12月初版23.鄭文輝等,物價上漲與所得稅課徵問題之研究,財政部賦稅改革委員會編印,民國78月624.鄭文輝等,綜合所得稅免稅額、寬減額與扣除額之研究,財政部賦稅改革委員會編印,民國78年6月25.歷年賦稅統計資料26.賴三郎編著,實用稅務法令詮釋3:綜合所得稅,實用稅務出版社,民國76年4月27.顏慶章,租稅法,月旦出版,民83(二)英文部分1.1999-2000 Handbook by CCH Tax Law Editors, p1249-12632.Armstrong Robert E. Personal Income Tax Practice Set(New York: McGraw-Hill,)1988.3.Atkinson, A. B. Public economics in action : the basic income/flat tax proposal(New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford : Oxford University Press,)19954.Bobbett Catherine S., Kest Juhani European tax handbook 1990,(Amsterdam : International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, 1990).5.Cnossen Sijbren and Richard M. Bird. The Personal Income Tax : Phoenix from the Ashes? (Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland)1990.6.Congress of the United States Joint Committee on Taxation, Impact on International Competitiveness of Replacing the Federal Income Tax(Washington, D. C.: U.S. G.P.O), 19967.________, Internal Revenue Service`s 1995 earned income tax credit compliance study(Washington, D. C.: U.S. G.P.O), 19988.________, The Economic Problems of the Income Tax System(Washington, D. C.: U.S. G.P.O), 19969.Dan Throop Smith, Federal Tax Reform, (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1961)10.Devereux Michael P. The Economics of Tax Policy(New York : Oxford University Press,)1996.11.Giovannini Alberto, R. Glenn Hubbard, and Joel Slemrod. Studies in international taxation (Chicago : University of Chicago Press,)c1993.12.Goode Richard, The Individual Income Tax, Revised Edition,(Washington,D.C.: The Brookings Institution,1964)13.________,” The Economic Definition of Income “in Joseph A. Pechman, Comprehensive Income Taxation (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1977)14.Haig Robert M., “The Concept of Income-Economic and Legal Aspect,” in Readings in the Economics of Taxation (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D.Irwin, Inc.,), 1959,15.Hugh Ault. J. Comparative income taxation : a structural analysis(The Huge, The Netherlands ; Boston, Mass. : Kluwer Law International,)199716.International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, Tax Policy in OECD Country—Choices & Conflicts, 199317.Ishi Hiromitsu, The Japanese Tax System, 2nd edn., Oxford University Press,199318.John F Due, “Personal Deductions,” in Comprehensive Income Taxation, Pechman J.A ed., (Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1977)19.Kibuta.Ongwamuhana, The Taxation of Income from Foreign Investments : A Tax Study of Some Developing Countries (Boston : Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, )1991.20.Maslove, Allan M. Maslove. Tax Reform in Canada : the Process and Impact(Halifax, N.S. : Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1989)21.Melvin I White, ”Deduction for Nonbusiness Expenses and on Economic Concept of Not Income,” in Federal Tax Policy for Economic Growth and Stability, Joint Committee on the Economic Report, 1955, P357-36022.Messere Ken, Tax Policy in OECD Countries, Amsterdam: IBFD Publications BV.23.________, The Tax System in Industrialized Countries, (Oxford University Press , 1998)24.OECD, Personal Income Tax Base:A Comparative Survey, (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD, 1990)25.________, A Comparative Study of Personal Income Tax Models (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD)1988.26.________, An Empirical Analysis of Changes in Personal Income Taxes (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD)1986.27.________, Personal Income Tax Systems, (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD, 1986)28.________, The OECD STAN Database for Industrial Analysis (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD), 199229.________, Revenue Statistics, 1965/1998 (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD), 199930.Pechman Joseph A, “Erosion of the Individual Income Tax,”in National Tax Journal, Vo1.10 No.1 (March 1957)31.________, Federal Tax Policy, fifth edition, (Washington,D.C.:The Brookings Institution,1987)32.________, Options of Tax Reform,(Washington, D. C.: the Brookings Institution, 1984)33.________, Who Paid the Taxes, 1966-85, (Washington, D. C.: the Brookings Institution, 1985)34.Seltzer, Lawrence Howard.,The Personal Exemptions in the Income Tax (New York : National Bureau of Economic Research; distributed by Columbia University Press,)1968.35.Simon James and Christopher Nobes, The economics of taxation: principles, policy, and, practice (New York : Prentice Hall, 1998)36.Slemrod Joel and Bakija Jon. Taxing ourselves : a citizen`s guide to the great debate over tax reform(Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press,)1996.37.Shibata Tokue, Japan’s Public Sector(University of Tokyo Press, 1993)38.U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States:1999(Washington, D. C.: U.S. G.P.O)39.Wayland D Gardner, Government Finance, National, State, and Local, (New York: Printice-Hall, Inc, 1989)40.Yitzhaki, Shlomo. ,”A Note on Income Tax Evasion: A Theoretical Analysis”, Journal of Public Economics Vol.3, No. 2 (May): 201-02 描述 碩士
87255014資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 朱澤民 zh_TW (Authors) 黃怡靜 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 黃怡靜 zh_TW (日期) 2000 en_US 31-Mar-2016 15:32:24 (UTC+8) - 31-Mar-2016 15:32:24 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 31-Mar-2016 15:32:24 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) A2002001845 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 財政學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 87255014 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 台灣地區自民國45年起開始實施綜合所得稅制,以個人的綜合所得為課徵範圍,使我國的所得稅制度邁入一個新的里程碑;實行至今已40餘載,社會型態不斷改變與生活水準的提高,政府也應因應社會結構變動適當調整賦稅制度。尤以許多不必要的扣除額項目與成長,已達到個人所得稅稅基嚴重被侵蝕的地步,而以租稅優惠的方法來達成社會政策目標,也造成了資源配置不均的問題,故產生稅制的不公平及無效率。 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 封面頁證明書致謝詞論文摘要目錄圖表目錄第一章 緒論第一節 研究動機與目的第二節 研究範圍與方法第三節 本文架構第二章 理論部分第一節 所得的定義第二節 所得稅稅基侵蝕因素第三節 免稅、寬減額理論依據第四節 扣除額理論依據第五節 薪資特別扣除理論依據第六節 物價上漲與所得稅基關係第三章 台灣地區所得稅稅基制的遞嬗第一節 所得稅稅基之建制第二節 免稅額、寬減額制定第三節 我國扣除額規定沿革第四節 特別扣除額第四章 國際間的比較第一節 美國第二節 日本第三節 英國第四節 其它OECD國家第五節 國際間所得稅稅基改革趨勢第五章 台灣地區所得稅稅基結構發展分析第一節 課稅稅基成長趨勢第二節 寬免額、標準扣除額分析第三節 列舉扣除額之成長與分配第四節 歷年來特別扣除額之成長與變動第五節 台灣地區實行物價指數調整情形第六章 結論與建議第一節 結論第二節 建議附表參考文獻 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 所得稅 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 列舉扣除額 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 免稅額 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 標準扣除額 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 特別扣除額 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 稅基侵蝕 zh_TW dc.title (題名) 臺灣地區綜合所得稅免稅額及扣除額演變之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (一)中文部分:1.五味雄治著,簡錦川譯,日本之稅制,財政部財政人員訓練所,民國73/62.王建火宣,租稅法,文笙書局,民86年6月3.王政一,談美國個人所得稅標準扣除額之改變,稅務旬刊第967期,67/84.王政一、潘明正等譯,個人所得稅,財政部財稅人員訓練所編印,民國63/85.吳文彬,個人所得稅侵蝕問題之研究,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民國69年6.李怡慧,「綜合所得稅列舉扣除額增列個人租金支出之探討」,財稅研究88/07, p122-1317.林大造著,簡錦川譯,所得稅之基本問題,財政部財政人員訓練所,民國73年2月8.林長友、劉代洋著,稅務法規概要,三民書局印行,民869.林春燕,我國綜合所得稅免稅所得問題之探討,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民70年6月10.林燧生,比較個人所得稅制度,財政部財政人員訓練所,民國61年1月11.倪麗心,台灣地區綜合所得稅稅率結構演變之研究,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民89年1月12.財政部賦稅改革委員會編印,物價上漲與所得稅課徵問題之研究,民國78/613.________,綜合所得稅免稅與未稅所得之研究,民國78/614.________,綜合所得稅免稅額、寬減額與扣除額之研究,民國78 /615.________,綜合所得稅免稅額、寬減額與扣除額之研究,民國78/616.________,綜合所得稅率結構之研究,民國78年6月17.________,賦稅改革總報告書,民國78年6月18.張則堯,財政學原理,三民書局,民國69年7月19.陳可粵編著,我國所得稅制度之變遷,台灣商務印書館發行,民國75年初版20.陳曉玫,個人所得稅列舉扣除額及標準扣除額之研究,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民7421.黃瑞春,個人所得稅寬免額訂定問題之研究,政大財政研究所碩士論文,民68年6月22.楊必立,中國所得稅研究,東華書局印行,民國64年12月初版23.鄭文輝等,物價上漲與所得稅課徵問題之研究,財政部賦稅改革委員會編印,民國78月624.鄭文輝等,綜合所得稅免稅額、寬減額與扣除額之研究,財政部賦稅改革委員會編印,民國78年6月25.歷年賦稅統計資料26.賴三郎編著,實用稅務法令詮釋3:綜合所得稅,實用稅務出版社,民國76年4月27.顏慶章,租稅法,月旦出版,民83(二)英文部分1.1999-2000 Handbook by CCH Tax Law Editors, p1249-12632.Armstrong Robert E. Personal Income Tax Practice Set(New York: McGraw-Hill,)1988.3.Atkinson, A. B. Public economics in action : the basic income/flat tax proposal(New York : Clarendon Press ; Oxford : Oxford University Press,)19954.Bobbett Catherine S., Kest Juhani European tax handbook 1990,(Amsterdam : International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, 1990).5.Cnossen Sijbren and Richard M. Bird. The Personal Income Tax : Phoenix from the Ashes? (Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland)1990.6.Congress of the United States Joint Committee on Taxation, Impact on International Competitiveness of Replacing the Federal Income Tax(Washington, D. C.: U.S. G.P.O), 19967.________, Internal Revenue Service`s 1995 earned income tax credit compliance study(Washington, D. C.: U.S. G.P.O), 19988.________, The Economic Problems of the Income Tax System(Washington, D. C.: U.S. G.P.O), 19969.Dan Throop Smith, Federal Tax Reform, (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1961)10.Devereux Michael P. The Economics of Tax Policy(New York : Oxford University Press,)1996.11.Giovannini Alberto, R. Glenn Hubbard, and Joel Slemrod. Studies in international taxation (Chicago : University of Chicago Press,)c1993.12.Goode Richard, The Individual Income Tax, Revised Edition,(Washington,D.C.: The Brookings Institution,1964)13.________,” The Economic Definition of Income “in Joseph A. Pechman, Comprehensive Income Taxation (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1977)14.Haig Robert M., “The Concept of Income-Economic and Legal Aspect,” in Readings in the Economics of Taxation (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D.Irwin, Inc.,), 1959,15.Hugh Ault. J. Comparative income taxation : a structural analysis(The Huge, The Netherlands ; Boston, Mass. : Kluwer Law International,)199716.International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, Tax Policy in OECD Country—Choices & Conflicts, 199317.Ishi Hiromitsu, The Japanese Tax System, 2nd edn., Oxford University Press,199318.John F Due, “Personal Deductions,” in Comprehensive Income Taxation, Pechman J.A ed., (Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1977)19.Kibuta.Ongwamuhana, The Taxation of Income from Foreign Investments : A Tax Study of Some Developing Countries (Boston : Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, )1991.20.Maslove, Allan M. Maslove. Tax Reform in Canada : the Process and Impact(Halifax, N.S. : Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1989)21.Melvin I White, ”Deduction for Nonbusiness Expenses and on Economic Concept of Not Income,” in Federal Tax Policy for Economic Growth and Stability, Joint Committee on the Economic Report, 1955, P357-36022.Messere Ken, Tax Policy in OECD Countries, Amsterdam: IBFD Publications BV.23.________, The Tax System in Industrialized Countries, (Oxford University Press , 1998)24.OECD, Personal Income Tax Base:A Comparative Survey, (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD, 1990)25.________, A Comparative Study of Personal Income Tax Models (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD)1988.26.________, An Empirical Analysis of Changes in Personal Income Taxes (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD)1986.27.________, Personal Income Tax Systems, (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD, 1986)28.________, The OECD STAN Database for Industrial Analysis (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD), 199229.________, Revenue Statistics, 1965/1998 (Paris:Committee on Fiscal Affairs of OECD), 199930.Pechman Joseph A, “Erosion of the Individual Income Tax,”in National Tax Journal, Vo1.10 No.1 (March 1957)31.________, Federal Tax Policy, fifth edition, (Washington,D.C.:The Brookings Institution,1987)32.________, Options of Tax Reform,(Washington, D. C.: the Brookings Institution, 1984)33.________, Who Paid the Taxes, 1966-85, (Washington, D. C.: the Brookings Institution, 1985)34.Seltzer, Lawrence Howard.,The Personal Exemptions in the Income Tax (New York : National Bureau of Economic Research; distributed by Columbia University Press,)1968.35.Simon James and Christopher Nobes, The economics of taxation: principles, policy, and, practice (New York : Prentice Hall, 1998)36.Slemrod Joel and Bakija Jon. Taxing ourselves : a citizen`s guide to the great debate over tax reform(Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press,)1996.37.Shibata Tokue, Japan’s Public Sector(University of Tokyo Press, 1993)38.U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States:1999(Washington, D. C.: U.S. G.P.O)39.Wayland D Gardner, Government Finance, National, State, and Local, (New York: Printice-Hall, Inc, 1989)40.Yitzhaki, Shlomo. ,”A Note on Income Tax Evasion: A Theoretical Analysis”, Journal of Public Economics Vol.3, No. 2 (May): 201-02 zh_TW