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題名 國民中學教師反績效行為與組織公民行為關係之研究:中介變項及其前置因素之探討
其他題名 The Relationship between Counterproductive and Citizenship Behavior for Junior High School Teachers in Taiwan: Meditators and Its Antecedents
作者 吳政達
貢獻者 教育行政與政策研究所
日期 2012
上傳時間 14-Apr-2016 17:18:57 (UTC+8)
摘要 目的-在組織行為的研究中,傳統上多以研究成員對組織產生自願性與主動性之行為, 如組織公民行為對組織的正向影響,然而,影響組織發展之因素,亦有反績效行為,唯 此反績效行為較少探討。因此,探討反績效行為與組織公民行為之關係以了解對組織正 負向的影響。本研究主要目的有三:評估教師反績效行為與教師組織公民行為之間的關 聯;評估個人層級前置變項,如情緒、責任感對教師反績效行為與教師組織公民行為的 影響以及工作態度對此關係的中介效果;最後,評估組織層級前置變項,如組織公平、 組織政治對對教師反績效行為與教師組織公民行為的影響以及工作態度對此關係的中 介效果。 研究設計- 本研究主要研究對象為臺灣地區國民中學教師,並以分層隨機抽樣的方式選 取受試者。研究工具之問卷內容包括兩部份,第一部份內容為組織與個人之前置變項(情 緒、責任感、組織公平、組織政治知覺)及中介變項(工作滿意度與組織承諾);第二 部份內容則為反績效行為與組織公民行為。資料分析首先透過驗證性因素分析確定量表 的統計適配資料,最後再透過結構方程模式,分析這些潛在變數的預期路徑以及相對支 持強度,最後對模式的因果關係模式作假設檢定。 研究貢獻- 在研究變項上,納入反績效行為之探討,並加以整合教師組織公民行為,預 期對教師的工作表現建構一完整的實證模型架構;在研究方法上,藉由探討組織層面及 個人層面,透過工作態度對反績效行為與組織公民行為的影響,期能建構學校反績效行 為及組織公民行為因果理論模型;最後,在研究結果上,可以作為有關預防和干預反績 效行為的實務工作參考。
Purpose- Job performance, increasingly being deemed as the focus of organizational behavior studies, mostly encompass two constructs such as counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Consequently, theory and empirical researches are valuable necessaries to explore the correlation and antecedents of CWB and OCB. The present study aims to examine the relationship between CWB and OCB, the impact of the antecedents of individual and organizational level (eg. emotion, conscientiousness) on CWB and OCB of teachers, and the job attitudes serve as mediators in the CWB-OCB relationship. Research design- A survey research was conducted using a sample of junior high school teachers in Taiwan. The data will be collected from raters selected by stratified random sampling. Questionnaire of the measure comprise two sections. Antecedents of individual and organizational level (eg. emotion, conscientiousness, organizational justice, perceptions of organizational politics) and the mediating variables (eg. Job satisfaction, organizational commitment) are in the first half, while items of CWB and OCB are in the second half. With reference to data analysis, we first examine the validity of the measures by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). To test these hypotheses, we use Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) to account for the prediction of path diagram of latent variables, and perform relative strength in the path analysis to show causal model. Originality/value- The proposed analytical framework adopting CWB and OCB shows a comprehensive empirical model of teacher’s job performance. Methodologically, we a)estimate the strength of the relationship between CWB and OCB at both individual and organizational level, b)determine whether their impact on CWB and OCB is mediated by job attitude to build a causal model consisting of CWB-OCB at school. Moreover, based on the results of the research, there will be practical reference and implication for the prevention and intervention of counterproductive work behavior.
關聯 計畫編號 NSC101-2410-H004-125
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 教育行政與政策研究所
dc.creator (作者) 吳政達zh_TW (日期) 2012 14-Apr-2016 17:18:57 (UTC+8)- 14-Apr-2016 17:18:57 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 14-Apr-2016 17:18:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 目的-在組織行為的研究中,傳統上多以研究成員對組織產生自願性與主動性之行為, 如組織公民行為對組織的正向影響,然而,影響組織發展之因素,亦有反績效行為,唯 此反績效行為較少探討。因此,探討反績效行為與組織公民行為之關係以了解對組織正 負向的影響。本研究主要目的有三:評估教師反績效行為與教師組織公民行為之間的關 聯;評估個人層級前置變項,如情緒、責任感對教師反績效行為與教師組織公民行為的 影響以及工作態度對此關係的中介效果;最後,評估組織層級前置變項,如組織公平、 組織政治對對教師反績效行為與教師組織公民行為的影響以及工作態度對此關係的中 介效果。 研究設計- 本研究主要研究對象為臺灣地區國民中學教師,並以分層隨機抽樣的方式選 取受試者。研究工具之問卷內容包括兩部份,第一部份內容為組織與個人之前置變項(情 緒、責任感、組織公平、組織政治知覺)及中介變項(工作滿意度與組織承諾);第二 部份內容則為反績效行為與組織公民行為。資料分析首先透過驗證性因素分析確定量表 的統計適配資料,最後再透過結構方程模式,分析這些潛在變數的預期路徑以及相對支 持強度,最後對模式的因果關係模式作假設檢定。 研究貢獻- 在研究變項上,納入反績效行為之探討,並加以整合教師組織公民行為,預 期對教師的工作表現建構一完整的實證模型架構;在研究方法上,藉由探討組織層面及 個人層面,透過工作態度對反績效行為與組織公民行為的影響,期能建構學校反績效行 為及組織公民行為因果理論模型;最後,在研究結果上,可以作為有關預防和干預反績 效行為的實務工作參考。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Purpose- Job performance, increasingly being deemed as the focus of organizational behavior studies, mostly encompass two constructs such as counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Consequently, theory and empirical researches are valuable necessaries to explore the correlation and antecedents of CWB and OCB. The present study aims to examine the relationship between CWB and OCB, the impact of the antecedents of individual and organizational level (eg. emotion, conscientiousness) on CWB and OCB of teachers, and the job attitudes serve as mediators in the CWB-OCB relationship. Research design- A survey research was conducted using a sample of junior high school teachers in Taiwan. The data will be collected from raters selected by stratified random sampling. Questionnaire of the measure comprise two sections. Antecedents of individual and organizational level (eg. emotion, conscientiousness, organizational justice, perceptions of organizational politics) and the mediating variables (eg. Job satisfaction, organizational commitment) are in the first half, while items of CWB and OCB are in the second half. With reference to data analysis, we first examine the validity of the measures by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). To test these hypotheses, we use Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) to account for the prediction of path diagram of latent variables, and perform relative strength in the path analysis to show causal model. Originality/value- The proposed analytical framework adopting CWB and OCB shows a comprehensive empirical model of teacher’s job performance. Methodologically, we a)estimate the strength of the relationship between CWB and OCB at both individual and organizational level, b)determine whether their impact on CWB and OCB is mediated by job attitude to build a causal model consisting of CWB-OCB at school. Moreover, based on the results of the research, there will be practical reference and implication for the prevention and intervention of counterproductive work behavior.
dc.format.extent 3855620 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號 NSC101-2410-H004-125
dc.title (題名) 國民中學教師反績效行為與組織公民行為關係之研究:中介變項及其前置因素之探討zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Relationship between Counterproductive and Citizenship Behavior for Junior High School Teachers in Taiwan: Meditators and Its Antecedents
dc.type (資料類型) report