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題名 台灣當代音樂電台的音樂生產機制:從音樂社會學與媒介產製觀點出發
The Comtemporary Music Production Dynamics of Taiwan`s Music Radio: The Viewpoint from Sociology of Music and Media Production
作者 蔡若津
Tsai, Zuo-Jin
貢獻者 黃葳威
Vivian Huang, Wei-Wei
Tsai, Zuo-Jin
關鍵詞 音樂社會學
sociology of music
media production
music decisiom making
record promotion
日期 2000
上傳時間 18-Apr-2016 16:21:31 (UTC+8)
摘要 台灣廣播媒體生態自進入頻道開放以來,目前除電台數目增加為118家以外,也出現了許多以音樂頻道為經營型態的類型音樂電台。過去部分的音樂文化論述在談及廣播電視媒體時,論點不乏多所批評其與唱片公司勾結來配合打歌宣傳,對於音樂文化的負面影響甚巨。但是如今,電台經營越趨專業化的情況下,似乎在台灣,廣播電台與流行音樂工業間的關係,也逐漸有了轉變。
參考文獻 報紙、雜誌
     阿諾德 豪澤爾(1980):《藝術社會學》,居延安譯。台北:雅典出版社。
     Arnheim, Rudolf.(1992):《藝術心理學新論》,郭小平、翟燦譯。台北:台灣商務。
     Attali ,Jacques.(1995[1977]):《噪音:音樂的政治經濟學》,宋素鳳、翁桂堂譯。台北:時報。
     Baskvrville, D.(1985).Music business handbook and career guide(6th ed.). London: Sage.
     Barnard, S.(1988). On the radio. music radio in Britain. Milton keynes : Open University Press.
     Bocock, R.(1995[1993]):《消費》,張君玫、黃鵬仁譯。台北:巨流圖書。
     Bogue, J.D. (1973). The radio audience for classical music : The case of station WEFM. Chicago. Community and Family Study Center : University of Chicago.
     Carroll, L. R., & Davis, M. D.,(1993). Electronic media programming : Strategies and decision making . NY : McGraw Hill.
     Frith , Simon.(1978[1994]).《搖滾樂社會學》,彭倩文譯。台北:萬象。
     Frith , S.(1987). The Industrialization of Popular Music.In James Lull(Eds.). Popular Music and Communication .Newbury Park:Sage.
     Gallagher, M.(1994[1982]):〈媒體組織與媒體職業的控制協商〉(戴育賢譯),In Michael, Gurevitch., Tony, Bennett., James, Curran., & Janet, Woollacott.(編)《文化、社會與媒體:批判性觀點》,頁211-245。台北:遠流。
     Gouldner , A .(1997[1990]):〈論意識型態、文化機器與新興的視聽感官工業〉(李紀舍譯),Jeffrey, C. Alexander., & Steven, Seidman.(Eds.).《文化與社會》,頁365-380。台北:立緒。
     Grossberg, L., Wartella, E., & Whitney, D.Charles.(1999[1998]):《媒體原理與製造》,楊意菁/陳芸芸譯。台北:韋伯。
     Halper , Donna. L.(1997):《廣播音樂節目導播》,張淑華譯。台北:廣電基金。
     Harker, R.(1985). Keeping Close to the Customer Through Music Research. In Bernadette McGuire(Eds.). Radio In search of excellence : Lessons from Americans best run radio stations ( pp97-104). Washington, DC : National Association of Broadcasters.
     MacFarland, T. D.(1997). Future radio programming strategies : Cultivating listenership in the digital age. London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     McQuail , D.(1996[1994]):《大眾傳播理論》,潘邦順譯,台北:風雲論壇。
     O’Donnel, B. L., Carl, H., & Philip, B.(1989). Radio station operations. CA : Wadsworth Publishing Company.
     Paiva, B.(1983).The Program Director’s Handbook. Blue Ridge Summit TAB Books.
     Peatman, J. G.(1943). Radio and Popular Music. In Paul Lazarafeld & F.N.Stanton(Eds.).Radio Research (pp.335-393). New York : Duell , Sloan & Pearce.
     Picard, G.R.(1994[1989]):《媒介經濟學》,馮建三譯。台北:遠流。
     Pringle , Peter K . Starr , Michael. & McCavitt , William E.(1998[1995]):《電子媒體經營管理》,陳芊圭譯。台北:亞太。
     Scoot, K.R.(1998). Human resource management in the electronic media. London : Quorum Books.
     Silbermann, A.(1963). The sociology of music . London : Routledge.
     Supicic, I.(1987). Music In society : A guide to the sociology of music. NY : Pendragon.
     Taylor, Lisa & Willis Adrew.(1999[1999]):《大眾傳播媒體新論》,簡妙如等譯。台北:韋伯。
     Turow, Joseph.(1997[1991]):〈大眾傳播觀點下的娛樂工業〉(謝慰雯譯)In James Curran & Michael Gurevitch(Eds.),《大眾媒介與社會》,頁227-247。台北:五南。
     Wallis, R., & Malm, K.(1992). Media policy and music activity . London : Routledge.
     Wilby, P., & Conroy, A.(1994). The radio handbook . London : Routledge.
     Ahlkvist, Jarl A.(1996).Around The Dial : commercial radio and the production of popular music. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56. 11, may.
     Burns, Joseph E.(1996). Agenda Setting Reconsidered : The Process At Work In Music Radio. Doctor dissertation of Bowling Green of State University.
     Kelliher , D.B.(1981).The Decision Making Process of the Radio Music Gatekeeper:A path Analytical Approach. Doctor dissertation of University of Oregin.
     Moreno , Elsa.(1999).Music On Radio : transformation of a content in a programming concept. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60. 02, summer.
     Baldwin, L. & Mizerski, R.(1985).An experimental investigation concerning the comparative influence of MTV and radio on consumer market responses to new music. In E. C. Hirshman & M. B. Holbrook(Eds.). Advances in Consumer Research. 12 : 476-481.
     Carroll , R., Silbergleid , M., Beachum , C., Perry , S., Pluscht , P., & Pescatore , M.(1993). Meanings of Radio to Teenagers in a Niche-Programing Era. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media . 37 : 159-176.
     Erdelyi, M.(1940).The relationship between “radio plugs”and sheet music sales of popular music. Journal of Applied Psychology . 24 : 696-702.
     Fathi , A . & Heath , C.L.(1974).Group influence , mass media and musical taste among Canadian students. Journal of Broadcasting , 28 , 122-142.
     Frith , Simon .(1994[1987]):〈邁向民眾音樂美學〉,《島嶼邊緣》,張釗維譯,11:11-27。
     Ganzert, Charles F.(1997).Hot Clocks , Jingles , and Top Tunes : The Bartell Group Stations and Development of Top 40 Radio. Popular Music and Society. 21(4):51-62.
     Hirsch , Paul . M .(1971).Sociological Approaches to the Pop music phenomenon, American Behavioral Scientist 14(3):371-399.
     Intintoli , Michael.(1985).Ethnography and Media Production. Communication , 8 : 245-263.
     Lull , James .(1978).Audiences for Contemporary radio formats. Journal of Broadcasting , 22(4), 439-453.
     Melton G., & Galician, M. (1987). A sociological approach to the pop music phenomenon : Radio and music utilization for expectation , motivation , and satisfaction. Popular Music and Society , 11(3),35-46.
     Negus ,K.(1993)Plugging and programming : pop radio and record promotion in Britain and United States. Popular Music , 12(1) : 57-68.
     Rothenbuhler , Eric.W.(1985). Programming Decision Making Popular Music Radio. Communication Research. 12(2) : 209-233.
     Rothenbuhler, Eric E.(1996). Commercial Radio As Communication. Journal of Communication. 46(1) : 125-143.
     Rothenbuhler , Eric.W.(1987).Commercial Radio and Popular Music:Processes of Selection and Factors of Influence. In James Lull(Eds.). Popular Music and Communication , pp.79-93.Newbury Park : Sage.
     Turow , Joseph.(1985).Cultural Argumentation Through the Mass Media : Aframework for organizational research. Communication , vol.8, P.139-164.
     Weibe , G.(1940).The Effect of Radio Plugging on Students Opinion of Popular Songs. Journal of Applied Psychology . 24 : 721-727.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 黃葳威zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Vivian Huang, Wei-Weien_US (Authors) 蔡若津zh_TW (Authors) Tsai, Zuo-Jinen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡若津zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Zuo-Jinen_US (日期) 2000en_US 18-Apr-2016 16:21:31 (UTC+8)- 18-Apr-2016 16:21:31 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Apr-2016 16:21:31 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) A2002001721en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 廣播電視學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 86453001zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 台灣廣播媒體生態自進入頻道開放以來,目前除電台數目增加為118家以外,也出現了許多以音樂頻道為經營型態的類型音樂電台。過去部分的音樂文化論述在談及廣播電視媒體時,論點不乏多所批評其與唱片公司勾結來配合打歌宣傳,對於音樂文化的負面影響甚巨。但是如今,電台經營越趨專業化的情況下,似乎在台灣,廣播電台與流行音樂工業間的關係,也逐漸有了轉變。zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 封面頁
     第一章 緒論
     第一節 研究動機
     第二節 廣播與流行音樂的關係
     第三節 展開台灣廣播媒體與音樂的研究
     第二章 相關文獻與研究取向
     第一節 文獻探討
     第二節 研究取向
     第三章 研究架構與方法
     第一節 研究架構
     第二節 研究方法
     第四章 媒介環境因素:唱片公司、音樂市場與電台間的相互影響
     第一節 電台的社會性
     第二節 音樂市場與音樂文化的變遷
     第三節 唱片公司與電台
     第四節 本章節要
     第五章 電台組織:音樂電台的音樂產製
     第一節 電台類型定位與音樂決策的限制
     第二節 音樂編排的影響因素
     第三節 電台內部職業角色的影響
     第四節 本章節要
     第六章 結論、討論與建議
     第一節 建構一整體觀的廣播音樂生產機制
     第二節 該採用何種觀點?有關電台的自主性
     第三節 討論與建議
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 音樂社會學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 媒介產製zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 播出單zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 播歌循環率zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 音樂決策zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 唱片促銷zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) sociology of musicen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) media productionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) playlisten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) rotationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) music decisiom makingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) record promotionen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣當代音樂電台的音樂生產機制:從音樂社會學與媒介產製觀點出發zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Comtemporary Music Production Dynamics of Taiwan`s Music Radio: The Viewpoint from Sociology of Music and Media Productionen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 報紙、雜誌
     阿諾德 豪澤爾(1980):《藝術社會學》,居延安譯。台北:雅典出版社。
     Arnheim, Rudolf.(1992):《藝術心理學新論》,郭小平、翟燦譯。台北:台灣商務。
     Attali ,Jacques.(1995[1977]):《噪音:音樂的政治經濟學》,宋素鳳、翁桂堂譯。台北:時報。
     Baskvrville, D.(1985).Music business handbook and career guide(6th ed.). London: Sage.
     Barnard, S.(1988). On the radio. music radio in Britain. Milton keynes : Open University Press.
     Bocock, R.(1995[1993]):《消費》,張君玫、黃鵬仁譯。台北:巨流圖書。
     Bogue, J.D. (1973). The radio audience for classical music : The case of station WEFM. Chicago. Community and Family Study Center : University of Chicago.
     Carroll, L. R., & Davis, M. D.,(1993). Electronic media programming : Strategies and decision making . NY : McGraw Hill.
     Frith , Simon.(1978[1994]).《搖滾樂社會學》,彭倩文譯。台北:萬象。
     Frith , S.(1987). The Industrialization of Popular Music.In James Lull(Eds.). Popular Music and Communication .Newbury Park:Sage.
     Gallagher, M.(1994[1982]):〈媒體組織與媒體職業的控制協商〉(戴育賢譯),In Michael, Gurevitch., Tony, Bennett., James, Curran., & Janet, Woollacott.(編)《文化、社會與媒體:批判性觀點》,頁211-245。台北:遠流。
     Gouldner , A .(1997[1990]):〈論意識型態、文化機器與新興的視聽感官工業〉(李紀舍譯),Jeffrey, C. Alexander., & Steven, Seidman.(Eds.).《文化與社會》,頁365-380。台北:立緒。
     Grossberg, L., Wartella, E., & Whitney, D.Charles.(1999[1998]):《媒體原理與製造》,楊意菁/陳芸芸譯。台北:韋伯。
     Halper , Donna. L.(1997):《廣播音樂節目導播》,張淑華譯。台北:廣電基金。
     Harker, R.(1985). Keeping Close to the Customer Through Music Research. In Bernadette McGuire(Eds.). Radio In search of excellence : Lessons from Americans best run radio stations ( pp97-104). Washington, DC : National Association of Broadcasters.
     MacFarland, T. D.(1997). Future radio programming strategies : Cultivating listenership in the digital age. London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     McQuail , D.(1996[1994]):《大眾傳播理論》,潘邦順譯,台北:風雲論壇。
     O’Donnel, B. L., Carl, H., & Philip, B.(1989). Radio station operations. CA : Wadsworth Publishing Company.
     Paiva, B.(1983).The Program Director’s Handbook. Blue Ridge Summit TAB Books.
     Peatman, J. G.(1943). Radio and Popular Music. In Paul Lazarafeld & F.N.Stanton(Eds.).Radio Research (pp.335-393). New York : Duell , Sloan & Pearce.
     Picard, G.R.(1994[1989]):《媒介經濟學》,馮建三譯。台北:遠流。
     Pringle , Peter K . Starr , Michael. & McCavitt , William E.(1998[1995]):《電子媒體經營管理》,陳芊圭譯。台北:亞太。
     Scoot, K.R.(1998). Human resource management in the electronic media. London : Quorum Books.
     Silbermann, A.(1963). The sociology of music . London : Routledge.
     Supicic, I.(1987). Music In society : A guide to the sociology of music. NY : Pendragon.
     Taylor, Lisa & Willis Adrew.(1999[1999]):《大眾傳播媒體新論》,簡妙如等譯。台北:韋伯。
     Turow, Joseph.(1997[1991]):〈大眾傳播觀點下的娛樂工業〉(謝慰雯譯)In James Curran & Michael Gurevitch(Eds.),《大眾媒介與社會》,頁227-247。台北:五南。
     Wallis, R., & Malm, K.(1992). Media policy and music activity . London : Routledge.
     Wilby, P., & Conroy, A.(1994). The radio handbook . London : Routledge.
     Ahlkvist, Jarl A.(1996).Around The Dial : commercial radio and the production of popular music. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56. 11, may.
     Burns, Joseph E.(1996). Agenda Setting Reconsidered : The Process At Work In Music Radio. Doctor dissertation of Bowling Green of State University.
     Kelliher , D.B.(1981).The Decision Making Process of the Radio Music Gatekeeper:A path Analytical Approach. Doctor dissertation of University of Oregin.
     Moreno , Elsa.(1999).Music On Radio : transformation of a content in a programming concept. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60. 02, summer.
     Baldwin, L. & Mizerski, R.(1985).An experimental investigation concerning the comparative influence of MTV and radio on consumer market responses to new music. In E. C. Hirshman & M. B. Holbrook(Eds.). Advances in Consumer Research. 12 : 476-481.
     Carroll , R., Silbergleid , M., Beachum , C., Perry , S., Pluscht , P., & Pescatore , M.(1993). Meanings of Radio to Teenagers in a Niche-Programing Era. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media . 37 : 159-176.
     Erdelyi, M.(1940).The relationship between “radio plugs”and sheet music sales of popular music. Journal of Applied Psychology . 24 : 696-702.
     Fathi , A . & Heath , C.L.(1974).Group influence , mass media and musical taste among Canadian students. Journal of Broadcasting , 28 , 122-142.
     Frith , Simon .(1994[1987]):〈邁向民眾音樂美學〉,《島嶼邊緣》,張釗維譯,11:11-27。
     Ganzert, Charles F.(1997).Hot Clocks , Jingles , and Top Tunes : The Bartell Group Stations and Development of Top 40 Radio. Popular Music and Society. 21(4):51-62.
     Hirsch , Paul . M .(1971).Sociological Approaches to the Pop music phenomenon, American Behavioral Scientist 14(3):371-399.
     Intintoli , Michael.(1985).Ethnography and Media Production. Communication , 8 : 245-263.
     Lull , James .(1978).Audiences for Contemporary radio formats. Journal of Broadcasting , 22(4), 439-453.
     Melton G., & Galician, M. (1987). A sociological approach to the pop music phenomenon : Radio and music utilization for expectation , motivation , and satisfaction. Popular Music and Society , 11(3),35-46.
     Negus ,K.(1993)Plugging and programming : pop radio and record promotion in Britain and United States. Popular Music , 12(1) : 57-68.
     Rothenbuhler , Eric.W.(1985). Programming Decision Making Popular Music Radio. Communication Research. 12(2) : 209-233.
     Rothenbuhler, Eric E.(1996). Commercial Radio As Communication. Journal of Communication. 46(1) : 125-143.
     Rothenbuhler , Eric.W.(1987).Commercial Radio and Popular Music:Processes of Selection and Factors of Influence. In James Lull(Eds.). Popular Music and Communication , pp.79-93.Newbury Park : Sage.
     Turow , Joseph.(1985).Cultural Argumentation Through the Mass Media : Aframework for organizational research. Communication , vol.8, P.139-164.
     Weibe , G.(1940).The Effect of Radio Plugging on Students Opinion of Popular Songs. Journal of Applied Psychology . 24 : 721-727.