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題名 日本農地統計調查與政策應用分析之研習
其他題名 Farmland Statistics in Japan and Its Policy Applications
作者 林子欽;丁秀吟
貢獻者 地政學系
關鍵詞 農地資源分布;農地統計調查;農地政策調整
Farmland Resources Distribution;Farmland Resources Investigation;Farmland Policy Adjustment
日期 2013
上傳時間 20-Apr-2016 13:57:02 (UTC+8)
摘要 基於因應氣候變遷及糧食安全考量,必須確實掌握及便捷運用農地相關資訊,以維護一定品質與數量的農地資源。國內在農地資料之蒐集與彙整上,往往受到各機關在統計目的、調查對象及方法之不同,而產生不同類型之農地資源資料,如將該資訊直接運用於政策分析上,可能因訊息不充分或不完全而產生偏誤。 日本政府統計制度歷時久遠,尤其農林水產省自1924(大正13年)開始,每年針對各種農林水產資料收錄製成「農林水產統計表」。其農林水產統計資料不僅提供全國財政預算編列之基礎,亦提供穩定農糧供給對策之基本資訊,同時更做為訂定與評估農政政策目標的基本訊息來源。故其於農地統計調查、管理及應用分析等作法頗為健全與完備,值得我國參考借鏡,加上日本農業政策轉向多功能性,如何運用農地統計調查資訊,就農地政策與環境保全措施予以訂定與落實,以保護農地資源亦需實際瞭解。為能進一步瞭解日本於農地相關統計資源的體制與應用,實地的訪查與瞭解有其必要性,是以本項研習計畫之目的為: A.研習日本農地相關統計調查體系及調查方法相關制度建置情形。 B.瞭解日本農地相關統計資料,在其國家農地相關政策的制訂、農地保護及農業生產經營方向之角色及任務。 C.依前項研習內容,提供我國農地資源統計體系建構方向之參考。  
In response to the compound threats of climate change and food security, it is imperative to have accurate information of farmland uses that can be applied to relevant policy-making. Despite of this apparent need, information is often not consistent among departments at different government levels. This inconsistency could lead to unfortunate biases on farmland policies.   Japan has long enjoyed a reputation of keeping accurate and reliable long-term statistics on farmland uses. This information is also believed to be widely used in facilitating policy-making and outcome evaluation.   Based on the above observation, this research aims to (1). Firstly, understand how the statistics system on farmland uses in Japan is established and functioning. (2) Secondly, how the statistics at various levels of governments are employed to assist Japanese agricultural sector. (3) Thirdly, how the successful parts of Japanese experience, if possible, be transformed to Taiwan.
關聯 計畫編號 102農科-4.2.1-科-a1(9)
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 地政學系
dc.creator (作者) 林子欽;丁秀吟zh_TW (日期) 2013 20-Apr-2016 13:57:02 (UTC+8)- 20-Apr-2016 13:57:02 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 20-Apr-2016 13:57:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 基於因應氣候變遷及糧食安全考量,必須確實掌握及便捷運用農地相關資訊,以維護一定品質與數量的農地資源。國內在農地資料之蒐集與彙整上,往往受到各機關在統計目的、調查對象及方法之不同,而產生不同類型之農地資源資料,如將該資訊直接運用於政策分析上,可能因訊息不充分或不完全而產生偏誤。 日本政府統計制度歷時久遠,尤其農林水產省自1924(大正13年)開始,每年針對各種農林水產資料收錄製成「農林水產統計表」。其農林水產統計資料不僅提供全國財政預算編列之基礎,亦提供穩定農糧供給對策之基本資訊,同時更做為訂定與評估農政政策目標的基本訊息來源。故其於農地統計調查、管理及應用分析等作法頗為健全與完備,值得我國參考借鏡,加上日本農業政策轉向多功能性,如何運用農地統計調查資訊,就農地政策與環境保全措施予以訂定與落實,以保護農地資源亦需實際瞭解。為能進一步瞭解日本於農地相關統計資源的體制與應用,實地的訪查與瞭解有其必要性,是以本項研習計畫之目的為: A.研習日本農地相關統計調查體系及調查方法相關制度建置情形。 B.瞭解日本農地相關統計資料,在其國家農地相關政策的制訂、農地保護及農業生產經營方向之角色及任務。 C.依前項研習內容,提供我國農地資源統計體系建構方向之參考。  
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In response to the compound threats of climate change and food security, it is imperative to have accurate information of farmland uses that can be applied to relevant policy-making. Despite of this apparent need, information is often not consistent among departments at different government levels. This inconsistency could lead to unfortunate biases on farmland policies.   Japan has long enjoyed a reputation of keeping accurate and reliable long-term statistics on farmland uses. This information is also believed to be widely used in facilitating policy-making and outcome evaluation.   Based on the above observation, this research aims to (1). Firstly, understand how the statistics system on farmland uses in Japan is established and functioning. (2) Secondly, how the statistics at various levels of governments are employed to assist Japanese agricultural sector. (3) Thirdly, how the successful parts of Japanese experience, if possible, be transformed to Taiwan.
dc.format.extent 202166 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號 102農科-4.2.1-科-a1(9)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 農地資源分布;農地統計調查;農地政策調整
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Farmland Resources Distribution;Farmland Resources Investigation;Farmland Policy Adjustment
dc.title (題名) 日本農地統計調查與政策應用分析之研習zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Farmland Statistics in Japan and Its Policy Applications
dc.type (資料類型) report