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題名 國中生情緒障礙教育實施現況之調查研究
作者 吳怡慧
貢獻者 曾志朗
關鍵詞 情緒障礙教育
日期 1998
上傳時間 22-Apr-2016 16:57:01 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究目的在探討情緒障礙的概念、影響因素、及國中生情緒障礙的傾向;並經由實證研究了解性別、學校所在地、就讀班別、學業成績、父母婚姻狀況、及居住型態等六變項在國中生各類別情緒障礙傾向的差異;以及了解國中教師對國中生情緒障礙教育相關作法的知覺。主要採文獻分析與問卷調查法,受試為台北縣市之國三學生(552位)及國中教師(116位),研究工具為「國中生情緒發展現況調查問卷」(學生用)及「國中生情緒教育輔導現況調查問卷」(教師用)。主要發現為:一、國中生情緒障礙傾向方面,(一)女生畏懼性疾患傾向顯著高於男生;(二)技藝班精神性及情感性疾患的傾向顯著高於資優班;(三)學業成績91分以下者精神性及情感性疾患的傾向顯著高於學業成績91分以上者;(四)與祖父母或親戚同住者精神性疾患傾向顯著高於與父母同住者。二、比較發現師生對國中生情緒發展的知覺有不同。三、國中教師對發現情緒障礙高危險群之敏感度不夠。四、國中教師之師生情誼與親師溝通技巧不足。五、國中教師對學校情緒教育輔導措施之了解不足。最後根據研究發現提出結論及建議,供改進國中情緒障礙教育之參考。
參考文獻 壹、中文部分
     林寶貴、邱紹春、蘇芳柳(1998)。身心障礙者處境報告相關統計資料,下載自身心障礙者服務資訊網, status/graph/graph19.htm。
     洪儷瑜 (1999b)。學校如何因應情緒障礙學生的特殊需求──談情緒障礙特殊教育。特殊教育季刊,71期,7-12頁。
     胡海國、葉英 、張苙雲、葉之麗(1987)。精神疾病流行病學與社區精神醫療行為-精神疾病盛行率與社區精神醫療人力之探討。中華心理衛生學刊,3期,43-55頁。
     張美惠譯(1996)。Goleman,Daniel 原著。 Emotional Intelligence (EQ),台北:時報。
     教育部公報(1994a,7月)。下載自教育部網站:http: // publish。
     教育部公報(1994b,7月)。下載自教育部網站:http: // publish。
     教育部公報(1995,12月)。下載自教育部網站:http: // publish。
     教育部公報(1996,4月)。下載自教育部網站:http: // publish。
     陳展航(1994)。兒童青少年精神問題。載於沈楚文編:新精神醫學 (381-393頁)。台北:永大。
     Algozzine, B.(1980).The disturbing child: a matter of opinion. Behavioral Disorders, 5, 112-115.
     Barkley, R.A. (1990). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. New York: Guildford.
     Bingay, W. et al.(1994). Lessons from special educators. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 3(3), 34-36.
     Bower, E. (1982). Defining emotional disturbance: public policy and research. Psychology in the Schools, 19, 55-60.
     Carter, J. F. (1991). REI: What the regular educators are saying. In Severe Behavior Disorders Monograph. 1991. 11-17.
     Center, D.B. (1990). Social maladjustment: an interpretation. Behavioral Disorders, 15(3), 1990 May, 141-148.
     Center, D.B. (1993) What do regular class teachers think about emotional /behavioral disordered students? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children (71st, San Antonio, TX, Apr 5-9, 1993).
     Christenson, S. L. (1990). Differences in students` home environments:the need to work with families. School Psychology Reviews, 19(4), 505-517.
     Crowe, R.R., Noyes, R., Pauls,D. L., Slymen, D. (1983). A family study of panic disorder. Arch Gen Psychiary, 40, 1065-1069.
     Dice, M. L. (1993). Educational Services. In Intervention Strategies for Children with Emotioal or Behavioral Disorders.
     Eber, Lucille & Stieper, Carol (1993). Interagency collaboration through a school- based wraparound approach: a system analysis summary of project WRAP. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993) 215-223.
     Epstein, M.H. et al., (1994) Characteristics of children with emotional and behavioral disorders in community-Based programs designed to prevent placement in residential facilities. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 2(1), 51-57.
     Farmer, T. W. & Hollowell, J. H. (1994). Social networks in mainstream classrooms:social affiliations and behavioral characteristics of students with EBD. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 2(3), 143-155.
     Forness, S. R. & Knitzer, Jane (1992). A new proposed definition and terminology to replace "serious emotional disturbance" In Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, School Psychology Review, 21(1), 12-20.
     Glueck S.E. (1968). Delinquents and nondelinquents in perspective, U.S.A.: Harvard University.
     Greene, C. S. (1993). Attitudes of regular teachers and administrators toward mainstreaming(Inclusion). In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993) 241-246.
     Gunter, P. L. et al.(1994). Effects of chalenging behaviors of students with EBD on teacher instructional behavior. Preventing School Failure, 38(3), 35-39.
     Hallahan, D.P., Kauffman, J.M. & Lloyd, J.W.(1996). Introduction to learning disabilities, (3rd ed.), Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
     Kauffman, J. (1993). How we might achieve the radical reform of special education. Exceptional Children, 60(1), 6-16.
     Kauffman, J. M. & Smucker, K.(1995). Chapter 2 --The legacies of placement: A brief history of placement options and issues with commentary on their evolution. In J. M. Kauffman, J. W. Lloyd, D.P. Hallahan, & T. A. Astuto, (Eds.) Issues in educational placement: students with emotional and behavioral disorders (pp.21-44). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
     Kauffman, J. M.(1995). Why we must celebrate a diversity of restrictive environment. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 10, 225-232.
     Kauffman, J. M.(1997). Characteristics of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and youth. (6th. Ed.) Columbus, Ohio: Merrill.(台北:雙葉)
     Kauffman, J.M. & Pulllen, P. L. (1996). Eight myths about special education. Focus on Exceptional Children, 28(5), 1-12.
     Keir, S. S.,Culler, R. E.& Diamond, P. (1993). Baseline findings from a study focusing on the mental healther of children in three Demonstration project sites in Texas: the school of future project.(ERIC: ED372524).
     Keith, P. B. et al.(1993). Investigating the influences of class size and class mix on special education student outcomes: Phase one results. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association(Clearwater, FL, Feb. 18,1993).
     Kester, S. (1983). DSMⅢclassifications by special education categories. In W. Bawden, R. Elliot, P. Hall, S. Kester, & J. Kunz (Eds.), Eligibility Criteria for Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED) (p.13). Los Angeles: S.W.S.E.L.P.A. of Los Angeles County.
     L `Homme, B., Evans, D., Curtin, K. & Shusterman, G. R.(1993). The city lights primary prevention and early intervention demonstration project. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993) 235- 240.
     Malkoff-Schwartz, S., Frank, E., Anderson, B., Sherrill, J.T., & Siegel, L. et al.(1998). Stressful life events and social rhythm disruption in the onset of manic and depressive bipolar episodes. Arch Gen Psychiary, 55, 702-707.
     Mattison, R. E. et al.(1992). Distinguishing characteristics of elementary schoolboys recommended for SED placements. Behavioral Disorders, 17(2), 107-114.
     Meier, T. & Brown, C. R. (1994). The color of inclusion. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems. 3(3), 15-18.
     Mullen, J. & Wood, F.(1986).Teacher and student ratings of the diturbingness of common problem behaviors. Behavioral Disorders, 11, 168-176.
     Noyes, R. Jr., Crowe, R.R., Harris, E.L. et al.(1986). Relationship between panic disorder and agorphobia. Arch Gen Psychiary, 43, 227-233.
     Peterson, C., Compas B.E., & Brooks, G. J. (1992). Depression in adolescence: current knowledge, research directions and implications for programs and policy. Working paper Commissioned by the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development. New York: Carnegie Corp.
     Plomin, R. (1995). Genetics and children`s experiences in the family. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 36, 33-68.
     Safran, J.& Safran, S.(1987).Teacher`s judgements of problem behaviors. Exceptional Children, 54, 240-244.
     Slenkovich, J. E.(1983). PL 94-142 As applied to DSMⅢ diagnosis. cupertino, CA: Kinghorn Press.
     The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD)(1987). Position Paper on Definition and Identification of Students with Behavioral Disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 13, 9-19.
     Tibbetts, T., Pike, T., & Welch N.(1986). Identification and assessment of the seriously emotionally disturbed child. Sacramento: California State Department of Education.
     Topper, K., Walker, H. R., Welkowitz, J., & Inatsuka, L. (1993c). Perceptions of students experiencing emotional behavioral disorders and their peers regarding inclusive classrooms. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993), 253-260.
     Walker, H. R., Welkowitz, J., Topper, K. & Inatsuka, L. (1993a). Perceptions of regular educators regarding the inclusion of students with emotional behavior disorders. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993) 261-267.
     Walker, H. R., Welkowitz, J., Topper, K. & Inatsuka, L. (1993b). Perceptions and Experiences of Special Educators Regarding the Inclusion of Students with Emotional Behavioral Disturbances. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993), 247-252.
     Webber, Jo. & Scheuermann, B. (1997). A challenging future: current barriers and recommended action for our field. Behavioral Disorders, 22(3), 167-178.
     Weinberg, L. A. & Weinberg, C.(1990).Seriously emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted? A critique of interpretations. Behavioral Disorders,15(3), 149-158.
     Wrobel, G.(1993). Preventing school failure for teachers: training for a lifelong career in EBD. Preventing School Failure, 37(2),16-20.
     Wulf, S.(1995, June 26). Glued to the tube. Time, 66-72.
     Ysseldyke, J.E., et al., (1988). Alternate explanations for learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, and educable mentally retarded student`s math achievement. Research Report No.11. Instructional Alternatives Project. Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis.(ERIC: ED304813).
     Ysseldyke, J.E., et al., (1988). Alternate explanations for learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, and educable mentally retarded student`s reading achievement. Research Report No.10. Instructional Alternatives Project. Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis.(ERIC: ED304812).
     Zimet S.G. & Farley G.K.(1984). The self-concept of children entering day psychiatric treatment. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 15, 142-150.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 曾志朗zh_TW (Authors) 吳怡慧zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 吳怡慧zh_TW (日期) 1998en_US 22-Apr-2016 16:57:01 (UTC+8)- 22-Apr-2016 16:57:01 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 22-Apr-2016 16:57:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002001542en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 86152021zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究目的在探討情緒障礙的概念、影響因素、及國中生情緒障礙的傾向;並經由實證研究了解性別、學校所在地、就讀班別、學業成績、父母婚姻狀況、及居住型態等六變項在國中生各類別情緒障礙傾向的差異;以及了解國中教師對國中生情緒障礙教育相關作法的知覺。主要採文獻分析與問卷調查法,受試為台北縣市之國三學生(552位)及國中教師(116位),研究工具為「國中生情緒發展現況調查問卷」(學生用)及「國中生情緒教育輔導現況調查問卷」(教師用)。主要發現為:一、國中生情緒障礙傾向方面,(一)女生畏懼性疾患傾向顯著高於男生;(二)技藝班精神性及情感性疾患的傾向顯著高於資優班;(三)學業成績91分以下者精神性及情感性疾患的傾向顯著高於學業成績91分以上者;(四)與祖父母或親戚同住者精神性疾患傾向顯著高於與父母同住者。二、比較發現師生對國中生情緒發展的知覺有不同。三、國中教師對發現情緒障礙高危險群之敏感度不夠。四、國中教師之師生情誼與親師溝通技巧不足。五、國中教師對學校情緒教育輔導措施之了解不足。最後根據研究發現提出結論及建議,供改進國中情緒障礙教育之參考。zh_TW
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 情緒障礙教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國中生zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 國中生情緒障礙教育實施現況之調查研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文部分
     林寶貴、邱紹春、蘇芳柳(1998)。身心障礙者處境報告相關統計資料,下載自身心障礙者服務資訊網, status/graph/graph19.htm。
     洪儷瑜 (1999b)。學校如何因應情緒障礙學生的特殊需求──談情緒障礙特殊教育。特殊教育季刊,71期,7-12頁。
     胡海國、葉英 、張苙雲、葉之麗(1987)。精神疾病流行病學與社區精神醫療行為-精神疾病盛行率與社區精神醫療人力之探討。中華心理衛生學刊,3期,43-55頁。
     張美惠譯(1996)。Goleman,Daniel 原著。 Emotional Intelligence (EQ),台北:時報。
     教育部公報(1994a,7月)。下載自教育部網站:http: // publish。
     教育部公報(1994b,7月)。下載自教育部網站:http: // publish。
     教育部公報(1995,12月)。下載自教育部網站:http: // publish。
     教育部公報(1996,4月)。下載自教育部網站:http: // publish。
     陳展航(1994)。兒童青少年精神問題。載於沈楚文編:新精神醫學 (381-393頁)。台北:永大。
     Algozzine, B.(1980).The disturbing child: a matter of opinion. Behavioral Disorders, 5, 112-115.
     Barkley, R.A. (1990). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. New York: Guildford.
     Bingay, W. et al.(1994). Lessons from special educators. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 3(3), 34-36.
     Bower, E. (1982). Defining emotional disturbance: public policy and research. Psychology in the Schools, 19, 55-60.
     Carter, J. F. (1991). REI: What the regular educators are saying. In Severe Behavior Disorders Monograph. 1991. 11-17.
     Center, D.B. (1990). Social maladjustment: an interpretation. Behavioral Disorders, 15(3), 1990 May, 141-148.
     Center, D.B. (1993) What do regular class teachers think about emotional /behavioral disordered students? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children (71st, San Antonio, TX, Apr 5-9, 1993).
     Christenson, S. L. (1990). Differences in students` home environments:the need to work with families. School Psychology Reviews, 19(4), 505-517.
     Crowe, R.R., Noyes, R., Pauls,D. L., Slymen, D. (1983). A family study of panic disorder. Arch Gen Psychiary, 40, 1065-1069.
     Dice, M. L. (1993). Educational Services. In Intervention Strategies for Children with Emotioal or Behavioral Disorders.
     Eber, Lucille & Stieper, Carol (1993). Interagency collaboration through a school- based wraparound approach: a system analysis summary of project WRAP. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993) 215-223.
     Epstein, M.H. et al., (1994) Characteristics of children with emotional and behavioral disorders in community-Based programs designed to prevent placement in residential facilities. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 2(1), 51-57.
     Farmer, T. W. & Hollowell, J. H. (1994). Social networks in mainstream classrooms:social affiliations and behavioral characteristics of students with EBD. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 2(3), 143-155.
     Forness, S. R. & Knitzer, Jane (1992). A new proposed definition and terminology to replace "serious emotional disturbance" In Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, School Psychology Review, 21(1), 12-20.
     Glueck S.E. (1968). Delinquents and nondelinquents in perspective, U.S.A.: Harvard University.
     Greene, C. S. (1993). Attitudes of regular teachers and administrators toward mainstreaming(Inclusion). In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993) 241-246.
     Gunter, P. L. et al.(1994). Effects of chalenging behaviors of students with EBD on teacher instructional behavior. Preventing School Failure, 38(3), 35-39.
     Hallahan, D.P., Kauffman, J.M. & Lloyd, J.W.(1996). Introduction to learning disabilities, (3rd ed.), Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
     Kauffman, J. (1993). How we might achieve the radical reform of special education. Exceptional Children, 60(1), 6-16.
     Kauffman, J. M. & Smucker, K.(1995). Chapter 2 --The legacies of placement: A brief history of placement options and issues with commentary on their evolution. In J. M. Kauffman, J. W. Lloyd, D.P. Hallahan, & T. A. Astuto, (Eds.) Issues in educational placement: students with emotional and behavioral disorders (pp.21-44). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
     Kauffman, J. M.(1995). Why we must celebrate a diversity of restrictive environment. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 10, 225-232.
     Kauffman, J. M.(1997). Characteristics of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and youth. (6th. Ed.) Columbus, Ohio: Merrill.(台北:雙葉)
     Kauffman, J.M. & Pulllen, P. L. (1996). Eight myths about special education. Focus on Exceptional Children, 28(5), 1-12.
     Keir, S. S.,Culler, R. E.& Diamond, P. (1993). Baseline findings from a study focusing on the mental healther of children in three Demonstration project sites in Texas: the school of future project.(ERIC: ED372524).
     Keith, P. B. et al.(1993). Investigating the influences of class size and class mix on special education student outcomes: Phase one results. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association(Clearwater, FL, Feb. 18,1993).
     Kester, S. (1983). DSMⅢclassifications by special education categories. In W. Bawden, R. Elliot, P. Hall, S. Kester, & J. Kunz (Eds.), Eligibility Criteria for Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED) (p.13). Los Angeles: S.W.S.E.L.P.A. of Los Angeles County.
     L `Homme, B., Evans, D., Curtin, K. & Shusterman, G. R.(1993). The city lights primary prevention and early intervention demonstration project. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993) 235- 240.
     Malkoff-Schwartz, S., Frank, E., Anderson, B., Sherrill, J.T., & Siegel, L. et al.(1998). Stressful life events and social rhythm disruption in the onset of manic and depressive bipolar episodes. Arch Gen Psychiary, 55, 702-707.
     Mattison, R. E. et al.(1992). Distinguishing characteristics of elementary schoolboys recommended for SED placements. Behavioral Disorders, 17(2), 107-114.
     Meier, T. & Brown, C. R. (1994). The color of inclusion. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems. 3(3), 15-18.
     Mullen, J. & Wood, F.(1986).Teacher and student ratings of the diturbingness of common problem behaviors. Behavioral Disorders, 11, 168-176.
     Noyes, R. Jr., Crowe, R.R., Harris, E.L. et al.(1986). Relationship between panic disorder and agorphobia. Arch Gen Psychiary, 43, 227-233.
     Peterson, C., Compas B.E., & Brooks, G. J. (1992). Depression in adolescence: current knowledge, research directions and implications for programs and policy. Working paper Commissioned by the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development. New York: Carnegie Corp.
     Plomin, R. (1995). Genetics and children`s experiences in the family. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 36, 33-68.
     Safran, J.& Safran, S.(1987).Teacher`s judgements of problem behaviors. Exceptional Children, 54, 240-244.
     Slenkovich, J. E.(1983). PL 94-142 As applied to DSMⅢ diagnosis. cupertino, CA: Kinghorn Press.
     The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD)(1987). Position Paper on Definition and Identification of Students with Behavioral Disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 13, 9-19.
     Tibbetts, T., Pike, T., & Welch N.(1986). Identification and assessment of the seriously emotionally disturbed child. Sacramento: California State Department of Education.
     Topper, K., Walker, H. R., Welkowitz, J., & Inatsuka, L. (1993c). Perceptions of students experiencing emotional behavioral disorders and their peers regarding inclusive classrooms. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993), 253-260.
     Walker, H. R., Welkowitz, J., Topper, K. & Inatsuka, L. (1993a). Perceptions of regular educators regarding the inclusion of students with emotional behavior disorders. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993) 261-267.
     Walker, H. R., Welkowitz, J., Topper, K. & Inatsuka, L. (1993b). Perceptions and Experiences of Special Educators Regarding the Inclusion of Students with Emotional Behavioral Disturbances. In A System of Care for Children`s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Annual Research Conference Proceedings (6th. Tampa. FL. March 1-3, 1993), 247-252.
     Webber, Jo. & Scheuermann, B. (1997). A challenging future: current barriers and recommended action for our field. Behavioral Disorders, 22(3), 167-178.
     Weinberg, L. A. & Weinberg, C.(1990).Seriously emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted? A critique of interpretations. Behavioral Disorders,15(3), 149-158.
     Wrobel, G.(1993). Preventing school failure for teachers: training for a lifelong career in EBD. Preventing School Failure, 37(2),16-20.
     Wulf, S.(1995, June 26). Glued to the tube. Time, 66-72.
     Ysseldyke, J.E., et al., (1988). Alternate explanations for learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, and educable mentally retarded student`s math achievement. Research Report No.11. Instructional Alternatives Project. Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis.(ERIC: ED304813).
     Ysseldyke, J.E., et al., (1988). Alternate explanations for learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, and educable mentally retarded student`s reading achievement. Research Report No.10. Instructional Alternatives Project. Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis.(ERIC: ED304812).
     Zimet S.G. & Farley G.K.(1984). The self-concept of children entering day psychiatric treatment. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 15, 142-150.