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題名 對貨幣單一化理論之研究
The research on the theory of monetary unification作者 蔡淳如
Tsai, Ch`Ru, un貢獻者 王春源
Wang,Chuen Yuan
Tsai,Ch`un Ru關鍵詞 貨幣單一化
Monetary unification
Monetary union日期 1996 上傳時間 28-Apr-2016 11:50:07 (UTC+8) 摘要 區域經濟整合為 1990年代國際經濟發展之主要潮流,其中尤以歐洲聯盟 之演變最引人注目。歐洲聯盟正進行中之貨幣單一化乃區域經濟整合之最 高目標,亦為其未來政治聯盟之基礎與成敗關鍵所繫。就目前情況來看, 歐洲單一貨幣的實施遭遇若干阻礙,但不論此目標能否如期達成,其勢必 會對國際金融市場與全球經濟造成重大影響。由於我國之經濟發展與對外 貿易之成長息息相關,因此對於此種區域貨幣整合之形成有必要加以深入 瞭解。對參加貨幣同盟之各會員國而言,貨幣整合之利弊兼而有之。本論 文將由組成貨幣同盟之成本效益問題出發,探討能使各會員國在加入貨幣 同盟後獲得淨效益之條件;並就歐洲聯盟推動貨幣單一化過程中所遭遇之 問題,例如:貨幣同盟應採取何種貨幣整合方式、各會員國之財政政策應 扮演何種角色、貨幣整合時所選擇之貨幣兌換率將對貨幣同盟造成何種影 響、以及為維繫各會員國之貨幣整合關係不致瓦解,貨幣同盟於共同決策 方面將形成何種權力分配等,作一整理分析。 參考文獻 Artis, M.O 991) One l\\1arket;One Market, One Money : An Evaluation of the Political -Benefits -and Costs - of ·-Forming Aft Economic and Monetary Union, Open Economic Review, 2, 315-21. Barro, R. and D. Gordon (1983) Rules, Discretion and Reputation in a Model of Monetary Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, 12, 101-21. Bayoumi, T. (1994) A Formal Model of Optimum Currency Areas, IMF STAFF Papers, 41(4),537-54. ___________and B. Eichengreen (1994) Monetary and Exchange Rate Arrangements for NAFT A, Journal of Development Economics, 43, 125-65. Boyd, C., Gielens, G. and D. Gros (1990) Bid-Ask Spreads in the ForeignExchange Markets, mimeo, Brussels. Bruno, M. and J. Sachs (1985) Economics of Worldwide Stagflation, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Calmfors, L. and J. Driffill (1988) Bargaining Structure, Corporatism and Macroeconomic Performance, Economic Policy, 6, 13-61. Canzoneri, M. and C. Rogers (1990) Is the European Community An Optimal Currency Area ? Optimal Taxation Versus the Cost of Multiple Currencies, The American Economic Review, June, 419-33. Casella, A. (1992) Participation in a Currency Union, The American Review, September, 847-63. ]65 ____ and J. Feinstein( 1989) Management of a Common Currency, in A European Central Bank? , A. Giovannini and M. De Cecco (eds.), Cambridge: CUP, 131-56. Cohen, B. (1992) Currency Areas, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, 1, P. Newman, M. Milgate, and J. Eatwell (eds.) London: Macmillan, 556-57. Currie, D., Levine, P. and J. Pearlman (1992) European Monetary Union or Hard EMS ?, European Economic Review, 36, 1185-1204. De Grauwe, P. (1992a) German Monetary Unification, European Economic Review, 36, 445-53. _____ (1992b) The Econom.ics of Monetary integration, Oxford University Press. _____ (1994) Towards EMU Without the EMS, Economic Policy, April, 147-85. Delors Report (1989) Report on Economic and Monetary Union in the European Community, Report of the Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union in the European Community, EC, Luxembourg. Dornbusch, R. (1988) The European Monetary System, the Dollar and the Yen, in Giavazzi et a1., The European Monetary System, Cambridge: CUP, 23-36. EC Commission (1990) One Market, One Money, 111 European Economy, 44. Eichengreen, B. (1992) One Money for Europe? Less from the US Currency Union, Economic Policy, 117-87. Emerson, M., Gros, D., Italianer, A., Pisani-Ferry, J. and H. Reichenbach (1992) One Market, One Money: An Evaluation of the Potential Benefits and Costs of Forming an Economic and Monetary Union, Oxford University Press. Flandreau, M. (1993) On the Inflationary Bias of Common Currencies: The Latin Union Puzzle, European Economic Review, 37, 501-6. Fratianni, M. and J.von Hagen (1990) German Dominance in the EMS: The Empirical Evidence, Open Economies Review, 1, 86-7. ____ (1993) The Transition to European Monetary Union and the European Monetary Institute, Economics and Politics, 5(2), 167- 86. Giavazzi, F. and A. Giovannini (1989) Limiting Exchange Rate Flexibility: The EMS, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. ____ and M. Pagano (1988) The Advantage of Tying One`s Hands : EMS discipline and Central Bank Credibility, European Economic Review, 32, 1055-82. Grubel, H.G. (1981) International Economics, Homewood, Illonois : Richard Irwin. Gruske, K.D. (1989) Additional Costs of Taxation:Administrative and Compliance Costs - Some Empirical Evidence in Aldo Chiancone and Ken Messere, (eds.) , Changes in Revenue Structures, Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Horn, H. and T. Persson (1988) Exchange Rate Policy, Wage Formation and Credibility, European Economic Review, 32, 1621-37. International Monetary Fund (1984) Exchange Rate Volatility and World Trade : A Study by the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund, Occasional Papers, 28. Kenen, P .B. (1969) The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: An Ecletic View, in Monetwy Problems of the International Economy, R.A. Mundell & A.K. Swoboda (eds.), University of Chicago Press, 41-60. Krugman, P. (1991 a) Policy Problems of a Monetary Unionin The European Monetary System in the 1990s , P. De Grauwe and L. Papadanos (eds.) , London: Longman, 48-64. ____ (1991 b) Geography and Trade, Cambridge, Mass : MIT Press. Kydland, F. and E. Prescott (1977) Rules Rather Than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans, Journal of Political Economy, 85. Masera, R.S. (1994) Single Market, Exchanges Rates and Monetary Unification, The World Economy, 17(3), 249-79. Masson, P.R. and J. Melitz (1991) Fiscal Policy Independence in a European Monetary Union, Open Economic Review, 2, 113-36. _____ and M.P. Taylor (1993) Fiscal Policy within Common Currency Areas, Journal of Common Market Studies, 31, 29-44. McKinnon, R.I. (1963) Optimum Currency Areas, American Economic Review, 53, 717-25. Minford, P. (1993) The Path to Monetary Union 111 Europe, The World Economy, 16(1), 17-27. Mundell, R.A. (1961) Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, American Econolnic Review, 51, 657-65. Olson, M. and R. Zeckhauser (1966) An Economic Theory of Alliances, Review of Economics and Statistics, 48, 266-79. Portes, R. (1993) EMS and EMU After the Fall, The World Economy, 16(1),1-15. Robson, P. (1987) The Economics of International Integration, 3rd edition(London : Allen and Unwin. Romer, P. (1986) Increasing Returns and Long-term Growth , Journal of Political Economy. Roubini, N. and J. Sachs (1989) Government Spending and Budget Deficits in the Industrial Countries, Economic Policy, 11, 100-32. Sachs, J. (1983) International Policy Coordination in a Dynamic Macroeconomic Model, NBER Working Paper No.1166. Sala-i-Martin, X. and J. Sachs (1992) Fiscal Federalism and Optimum CUlTency Areas : Evidence for Europe from the United States , in M.B. Canzoneri , V. Grilli and P.R. Masson (eds.), Establishing a Central Bank: Issues in Europe and Lessons from the United States,Cambridge University Press, 195-219. Sargent, T.J. and F.R. Velde (1990) The Analytics of German Monetary Unification, Federal Reserve Bank 0/ San Francisco Quarterly Review, Fall(4), 33-50. Sibert, A. (1992) Government Finance in a Common Currency Area, Journal o/International A10ney and Finance, II, 567-78. Tavlas, C.S. (1993) The `New` Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, The World Economy, 16, 663-85. Waiters, A. (1986) Britain`s Economic Renaissance, Oxford University Press. 描述 碩士
82255009資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 王春源 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Wang,Chuen Yuan en_US (Authors) 蔡淳如 zh_TW (Authors) Tsai,Ch`un Ru en_US dc.creator (作者) 蔡淳如 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Ch`Ru, un en_US (日期) 1996 en_US 28-Apr-2016 11:50:07 (UTC+8) - 28-Apr-2016 11:50:07 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 28-Apr-2016 11:50:07 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002002732 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 財政學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 82255009 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 區域經濟整合為 1990年代國際經濟發展之主要潮流,其中尤以歐洲聯盟 之演變最引人注目。歐洲聯盟正進行中之貨幣單一化乃區域經濟整合之最 高目標,亦為其未來政治聯盟之基礎與成敗關鍵所繫。就目前情況來看, 歐洲單一貨幣的實施遭遇若干阻礙,但不論此目標能否如期達成,其勢必 會對國際金融市場與全球經濟造成重大影響。由於我國之經濟發展與對外 貿易之成長息息相關,因此對於此種區域貨幣整合之形成有必要加以深入 瞭解。對參加貨幣同盟之各會員國而言,貨幣整合之利弊兼而有之。本論 文將由組成貨幣同盟之成本效益問題出發,探討能使各會員國在加入貨幣 同盟後獲得淨效益之條件;並就歐洲聯盟推動貨幣單一化過程中所遭遇之 問題,例如:貨幣同盟應採取何種貨幣整合方式、各會員國之財政政策應 扮演何種角色、貨幣整合時所選擇之貨幣兌換率將對貨幣同盟造成何種影 響、以及為維繫各會員國之貨幣整合關係不致瓦解,貨幣同盟於共同決策 方面將形成何種權力分配等,作一整理分析。 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 圖次..........V 第一章緒論..........1 第一節研究目的..........1 第二節研究重點..........2 註解..........5 第二章貨幣同盟之成本效益分析..........7 第一節貨幣單一化之成本分析..........8 第二節貨幣單一化之效益分析..........14 第三節現代最商通貨區理論..........20 第四節最適通貨區之組成標準..........28 第五節本章結語..........44 註解..........46 第三章兩種貨幣制度之比較..........49 第一節不可撤銷固定匯率制度之抑制通貨膨脹的特性..........50 第二節不可撤銷固定匯率制度之可靠性問題..........59 第三節共同央行之制度設計對共同通貨制度之重要性..........64 第四節本章結語..........68 註解..........71 第四章貨幣同盟之財政政策..........73 第一節因應負面衝擊──中央集權之預算制度的設計..........74 第二節貨幣同盟內財政政策之自主性角色..........76 第三節貨幣同盟內財政政策之協調角色..........79 第四節本章結語..........90 註解..........93 第五章貨幣兌換率之選擇對貨幣同盟的影響..........94 第一節Sargent & Velde之理論模型..........95 第二節統一前兩國之政策選擇..........104 第三節不被預期之貨幣整合..........107 第四節預期中之貨幣整合的影響..........116 第五節貨幣整合不具明確之整合條件..........119 第六節本章結語..........126 註解..........128 第六章由支撐觀點論貨幣同盟內各會員國之權力分配..........130 第一節直觀說明..........131 第二節Casella之理論模型..........135 第三節兩個在推持其本國通貨下之最適政策..........140 第四節兩個在採取共同通貨下之最適政策..........144 第五節貨幣同盟內之權力分配問題..........148 第六節本章結語..........155 註解..........157 第七章結論..........159 參考文獻..........165 附錄..........170 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 貨幣單一化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 貨幣同盟 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Monetary unification en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Monetary union en_US dc.title (題名) 對貨幣單一化理論之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The research on the theory of monetary unification en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Artis, M.O 991) One l\\1arket;One Market, One Money : An Evaluation of the Political -Benefits -and Costs - of ·-Forming Aft Economic and Monetary Union, Open Economic Review, 2, 315-21. Barro, R. and D. Gordon (1983) Rules, Discretion and Reputation in a Model of Monetary Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, 12, 101-21. Bayoumi, T. (1994) A Formal Model of Optimum Currency Areas, IMF STAFF Papers, 41(4),537-54. ___________and B. Eichengreen (1994) Monetary and Exchange Rate Arrangements for NAFT A, Journal of Development Economics, 43, 125-65. Boyd, C., Gielens, G. and D. Gros (1990) Bid-Ask Spreads in the ForeignExchange Markets, mimeo, Brussels. Bruno, M. and J. Sachs (1985) Economics of Worldwide Stagflation, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Calmfors, L. and J. Driffill (1988) Bargaining Structure, Corporatism and Macroeconomic Performance, Economic Policy, 6, 13-61. Canzoneri, M. and C. Rogers (1990) Is the European Community An Optimal Currency Area ? Optimal Taxation Versus the Cost of Multiple Currencies, The American Economic Review, June, 419-33. Casella, A. (1992) Participation in a Currency Union, The American Review, September, 847-63. ]65 ____ and J. Feinstein( 1989) Management of a Common Currency, in A European Central Bank? , A. Giovannini and M. De Cecco (eds.), Cambridge: CUP, 131-56. Cohen, B. (1992) Currency Areas, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, 1, P. Newman, M. Milgate, and J. Eatwell (eds.) London: Macmillan, 556-57. Currie, D., Levine, P. and J. Pearlman (1992) European Monetary Union or Hard EMS ?, European Economic Review, 36, 1185-1204. De Grauwe, P. (1992a) German Monetary Unification, European Economic Review, 36, 445-53. _____ (1992b) The Econom.ics of Monetary integration, Oxford University Press. _____ (1994) Towards EMU Without the EMS, Economic Policy, April, 147-85. Delors Report (1989) Report on Economic and Monetary Union in the European Community, Report of the Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union in the European Community, EC, Luxembourg. Dornbusch, R. (1988) The European Monetary System, the Dollar and the Yen, in Giavazzi et a1., The European Monetary System, Cambridge: CUP, 23-36. EC Commission (1990) One Market, One Money, 111 European Economy, 44. Eichengreen, B. (1992) One Money for Europe? Less from the US Currency Union, Economic Policy, 117-87. Emerson, M., Gros, D., Italianer, A., Pisani-Ferry, J. and H. Reichenbach (1992) One Market, One Money: An Evaluation of the Potential Benefits and Costs of Forming an Economic and Monetary Union, Oxford University Press. Flandreau, M. (1993) On the Inflationary Bias of Common Currencies: The Latin Union Puzzle, European Economic Review, 37, 501-6. Fratianni, M. and J.von Hagen (1990) German Dominance in the EMS: The Empirical Evidence, Open Economies Review, 1, 86-7. ____ (1993) The Transition to European Monetary Union and the European Monetary Institute, Economics and Politics, 5(2), 167- 86. Giavazzi, F. and A. Giovannini (1989) Limiting Exchange Rate Flexibility: The EMS, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. ____ and M. Pagano (1988) The Advantage of Tying One`s Hands : EMS discipline and Central Bank Credibility, European Economic Review, 32, 1055-82. Grubel, H.G. (1981) International Economics, Homewood, Illonois : Richard Irwin. Gruske, K.D. (1989) Additional Costs of Taxation:Administrative and Compliance Costs - Some Empirical Evidence in Aldo Chiancone and Ken Messere, (eds.) , Changes in Revenue Structures, Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Horn, H. and T. Persson (1988) Exchange Rate Policy, Wage Formation and Credibility, European Economic Review, 32, 1621-37. International Monetary Fund (1984) Exchange Rate Volatility and World Trade : A Study by the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund, Occasional Papers, 28. Kenen, P .B. (1969) The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: An Ecletic View, in Monetwy Problems of the International Economy, R.A. Mundell & A.K. Swoboda (eds.), University of Chicago Press, 41-60. Krugman, P. (1991 a) Policy Problems of a Monetary Unionin The European Monetary System in the 1990s , P. De Grauwe and L. Papadanos (eds.) , London: Longman, 48-64. ____ (1991 b) Geography and Trade, Cambridge, Mass : MIT Press. Kydland, F. and E. Prescott (1977) Rules Rather Than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans, Journal of Political Economy, 85. Masera, R.S. (1994) Single Market, Exchanges Rates and Monetary Unification, The World Economy, 17(3), 249-79. Masson, P.R. and J. Melitz (1991) Fiscal Policy Independence in a European Monetary Union, Open Economic Review, 2, 113-36. _____ and M.P. Taylor (1993) Fiscal Policy within Common Currency Areas, Journal of Common Market Studies, 31, 29-44. McKinnon, R.I. (1963) Optimum Currency Areas, American Economic Review, 53, 717-25. Minford, P. (1993) The Path to Monetary Union 111 Europe, The World Economy, 16(1), 17-27. Mundell, R.A. (1961) Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, American Econolnic Review, 51, 657-65. Olson, M. and R. Zeckhauser (1966) An Economic Theory of Alliances, Review of Economics and Statistics, 48, 266-79. Portes, R. (1993) EMS and EMU After the Fall, The World Economy, 16(1),1-15. Robson, P. (1987) The Economics of International Integration, 3rd edition(London : Allen and Unwin. Romer, P. (1986) Increasing Returns and Long-term Growth , Journal of Political Economy. Roubini, N. and J. Sachs (1989) Government Spending and Budget Deficits in the Industrial Countries, Economic Policy, 11, 100-32. Sachs, J. (1983) International Policy Coordination in a Dynamic Macroeconomic Model, NBER Working Paper No.1166. Sala-i-Martin, X. and J. Sachs (1992) Fiscal Federalism and Optimum CUlTency Areas : Evidence for Europe from the United States , in M.B. Canzoneri , V. Grilli and P.R. Masson (eds.), Establishing a Central Bank: Issues in Europe and Lessons from the United States,Cambridge University Press, 195-219. Sargent, T.J. and F.R. Velde (1990) The Analytics of German Monetary Unification, Federal Reserve Bank 0/ San Francisco Quarterly Review, Fall(4), 33-50. Sibert, A. (1992) Government Finance in a Common Currency Area, Journal o/International A10ney and Finance, II, 567-78. Tavlas, C.S. (1993) The `New` Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, The World Economy, 16, 663-85. Waiters, A. (1986) Britain`s Economic Renaissance, Oxford University Press. zh_TW