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題名 公用事業訂價策略:盈餘目標下之社會福利極大化訂價模型
作者 孫弘
Sun, Hong
貢獻者 林全
Lin, Quan
Sun, Hong
日期 1996
上傳時間 28-Apr-2016 11:50:32 (UTC+8)
摘要 公用事業之訂價影響公眾利益極大,所以如何擬訂適當的價格,一直是公用事業經營者與費率審議者的研究課題。本文針對公用事業在既定盈餘目標下,如何運用Ramsey訂價與兩部訂價追求社會福利極大,作為本文的研究方向。
參考文獻 1.林忠正(1993) , "兼顧公平與效率的兩部訂價模型",人文及社會
     科學集刊,第6卷第一期, 97-112 。
     2. Atkinson, A. B. and Stiglitz, J. E. (1980), Lectures on Public Economics,
     McGraw-Hill, New York.
     3. Auerbach, A. J. and Pellechio, A. J. (1978), "The Two-Part Tariff and
     Voluntary Market Participation", Quarterly Journal of Economics 92,
     4. Baumol, W. J. and Bradford, D. F. (1970), "Optimal Departures from
     Marginal Cost Pricing", American Economic Review 60,265-283 .
     5. Bos, D. (1985), "Public Sector Pricing", in Auerbach, A. J. and Feldstein,
     M. (ed.) Handbook of Public Economics, Vol. 1, NorthHolland,
     New York.
     6. Brown, S. J. and Sibley, D. S. (1986), The Theory of Public Utility
     Pricing, Vambridge University Press, London.
     7. Coase, H. R. (1946), "The Marginal Cost Controversy", Economica
     8. Feldstein, M. S. (1972 a), "Distributional Equity and the Optimal
     Structure of Public Prices", American Economic Review 62,32-36.
     9. (1972 b), "Equity and Efficiency in Public Sector Pricing: the
     Optimal Two-Part Tariff", Quarterly Journal of Economics 86, 175-187.
     10. Gabor, A. (1955), "A Note on Block Tariffs", Review of Economic
     Studies 23, 32-41.
     11. Leland, H. E. and Meyer, R. A. (1976), "Monopoly Pricing Structures
     with Imperfect Discrimination", Bell Journal of Economics 7, 449-462.
     12. Littlechild, S. C. (1975), "Two-Part Tariff and Consumption Externalities",
     Bell Journal of Economics 6, 661-670.
     13. Meyer, R. A. (1975), "Monopoly Pricing and Capacity Choice under
     Umcertainty", American Economic Review 65, 326-337.
     14. Murphy, M. M. (1977), "Price Discrimination, Market Separation, and
     the Multi-part Tariff`, Economic Inquiry 15,587-599.
     15. Ng, Y. and Weisser, M. (1974), "Optimal Pricing with a Budget Constraint
     - the Case of the Two-Part Tariff`, Review of Economic Studies
     16. Just, R. E., Hueth, D. L. and Schmitz, A. (1982), Applied Welfare
     Economics and Public Policy, Prentice-Hall, Inc.
     17. Oi, W. (1971), "A Disneyland Dilemma: Two-Part Tariffs for a
     Michey Mouse Monopoly", Quarterly Journal of Economics 85, 77-96.
     18. Ordover, J. A. and Panzar, J. C. (1980), "On the Nonexistence of
     Pareto Superior Outlay Schedules", Bell Journal of Economics 11,
     19. ------(1982), "On the Nonlinear Pricing of Inputs", International
     Economic Review 23, 659-675.
     20. Panzar, J. C. and Sibley, D. S. (1989), "Optimal Two-Part Tariffs for
     Inputs the Case of Imperfect Competition", Journal of Public Economics
     40, 237-249.
     21. Sandmo, A. (1976), "Optimal Taxation - an Introduction to the Literature",
     Journal of Public Economics 6, 37-54.
     22. Scott, F. A. and Morrell, S. O. (1985), "Two-Part Pricing for a Multi Product
     Monopolist", Economic Inquiry 24, 295-307.
     23. Shennan, R. and Visscher, M. (1982), "Rate of Return Regulation and
     Two-Part Tariffs", Quarterly Journal of Economics 97, 27-42.
     24. Tschirhart, J. (1980), "On Public Utility Pricing under Stochastic Demand",
     Scottish Journal of Political Economy 27, 216-234.
     25. Varian, H. (1989), "Price Discrimination", in Handbook of Industrial
     Organization, Vol. 1, Edited by Schmalensee , R. and Willig, R. D.
     26. ------ (1992), Microeconomic Analysis, Norton, New York.
     27. Willig, R. D. (1976), "Consumer`s Surplus Without Apology", American
     Economic Review 66, 597-599.
     28. ------ (1978), "Pareto-Superior Nonlinear Outlay Schedule", Bell
     Journal of Economics 9, 56-69.
     29 . Yang, C. C. (1992), "Optimal Linear Income Tax With Random Revenue"
     Journal of Public Economics 52, 391-401.
     30. Young, A. R. (1991), "Transaction Cost, Two-Part Tariffs, and Collusion",
     Economic Inquiry 29, 590-591.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林全zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lin, Quanen_US (Authors) 孫弘zh_TW (Authors) Sun, Hongen_US
dc.creator (作者) 孫弘zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Sun, Hongen_US (日期) 1996en_US 28-Apr-2016 11:50:32 (UTC+8)- 28-Apr-2016 11:50:32 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 28-Apr-2016 11:50:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002002978en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 公用事業之訂價影響公眾利益極大,所以如何擬訂適當的價格,一直是公用事業經營者與費率審議者的研究課題。本文針對公用事業在既定盈餘目標下,如何運用Ramsey訂價與兩部訂價追求社會福利極大,作為本文的研究方向。
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章前言..........1
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 公用事業訂價策略:盈餘目標下之社會福利極大化訂價模型zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1.林忠正(1993) , "兼顧公平與效率的兩部訂價模型",人文及社會
     科學集刊,第6卷第一期, 97-112 。
     2. Atkinson, A. B. and Stiglitz, J. E. (1980), Lectures on Public Economics,
     McGraw-Hill, New York.
     3. Auerbach, A. J. and Pellechio, A. J. (1978), "The Two-Part Tariff and
     Voluntary Market Participation", Quarterly Journal of Economics 92,
     4. Baumol, W. J. and Bradford, D. F. (1970), "Optimal Departures from
     Marginal Cost Pricing", American Economic Review 60,265-283 .
     5. Bos, D. (1985), "Public Sector Pricing", in Auerbach, A. J. and Feldstein,
     M. (ed.) Handbook of Public Economics, Vol. 1, NorthHolland,
     New York.
     6. Brown, S. J. and Sibley, D. S. (1986), The Theory of Public Utility
     Pricing, Vambridge University Press, London.
     7. Coase, H. R. (1946), "The Marginal Cost Controversy", Economica
     8. Feldstein, M. S. (1972 a), "Distributional Equity and the Optimal
     Structure of Public Prices", American Economic Review 62,32-36.
     9. (1972 b), "Equity and Efficiency in Public Sector Pricing: the
     Optimal Two-Part Tariff", Quarterly Journal of Economics 86, 175-187.
     10. Gabor, A. (1955), "A Note on Block Tariffs", Review of Economic
     Studies 23, 32-41.
     11. Leland, H. E. and Meyer, R. A. (1976), "Monopoly Pricing Structures
     with Imperfect Discrimination", Bell Journal of Economics 7, 449-462.
     12. Littlechild, S. C. (1975), "Two-Part Tariff and Consumption Externalities",
     Bell Journal of Economics 6, 661-670.
     13. Meyer, R. A. (1975), "Monopoly Pricing and Capacity Choice under
     Umcertainty", American Economic Review 65, 326-337.
     14. Murphy, M. M. (1977), "Price Discrimination, Market Separation, and
     the Multi-part Tariff`, Economic Inquiry 15,587-599.
     15. Ng, Y. and Weisser, M. (1974), "Optimal Pricing with a Budget Constraint
     - the Case of the Two-Part Tariff`, Review of Economic Studies
     16. Just, R. E., Hueth, D. L. and Schmitz, A. (1982), Applied Welfare
     Economics and Public Policy, Prentice-Hall, Inc.
     17. Oi, W. (1971), "A Disneyland Dilemma: Two-Part Tariffs for a
     Michey Mouse Monopoly", Quarterly Journal of Economics 85, 77-96.
     18. Ordover, J. A. and Panzar, J. C. (1980), "On the Nonexistence of
     Pareto Superior Outlay Schedules", Bell Journal of Economics 11,
     19. ------(1982), "On the Nonlinear Pricing of Inputs", International
     Economic Review 23, 659-675.
     20. Panzar, J. C. and Sibley, D. S. (1989), "Optimal Two-Part Tariffs for
     Inputs the Case of Imperfect Competition", Journal of Public Economics
     40, 237-249.
     21. Sandmo, A. (1976), "Optimal Taxation - an Introduction to the Literature",
     Journal of Public Economics 6, 37-54.
     22. Scott, F. A. and Morrell, S. O. (1985), "Two-Part Pricing for a Multi Product
     Monopolist", Economic Inquiry 24, 295-307.
     23. Shennan, R. and Visscher, M. (1982), "Rate of Return Regulation and
     Two-Part Tariffs", Quarterly Journal of Economics 97, 27-42.
     24. Tschirhart, J. (1980), "On Public Utility Pricing under Stochastic Demand",
     Scottish Journal of Political Economy 27, 216-234.
     25. Varian, H. (1989), "Price Discrimination", in Handbook of Industrial
     Organization, Vol. 1, Edited by Schmalensee , R. and Willig, R. D.
     26. ------ (1992), Microeconomic Analysis, Norton, New York.
     27. Willig, R. D. (1976), "Consumer`s Surplus Without Apology", American
     Economic Review 66, 597-599.
     28. ------ (1978), "Pareto-Superior Nonlinear Outlay Schedule", Bell
     Journal of Economics 9, 56-69.
     29 . Yang, C. C. (1992), "Optimal Linear Income Tax With Random Revenue"
     Journal of Public Economics 52, 391-401.
     30. Young, A. R. (1991), "Transaction Cost, Two-Part Tariffs, and Collusion",
     Economic Inquiry 29, 590-591.