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題名 動態短期利率期限結構模型:臺灣票券市場之實證研究
Dynamic short-term structure model-A empirical study on Taiwanese Note Market作者 方世明
Fang, Shi-Ming貢獻者 林炯垚
Lin, Jiong-Yao
Fang, Shi-Ming關鍵詞 利率
票券日期 1996 上傳時間 28-Apr-2016 11:52:12 (UTC+8) 摘要 本篇研究主要目的在於檢驗一般化一因子及二因子利率隨機過程模型何者對於臺灣貨幣市場利率 變動行為模式最具解釋能力。再運用模型所求得之 利率變動估計值及當期市場遠期利率,求解二項分 配未來短期利率之各結點估計值,形成二項分配利 率期限結構。由於二項分配利率期限結構為一任意 形態之樹狀結構,且同時考量過去利率波動程度及 市場對於未來之預期,故此一模型將可運用於對未 來利率水準之預測或作為存續期間模型之折現率以 改善利率風險衡量之理論限制。 參考文獻 中文部份:1 ,莊武仁“利率期限結構及其檢定“貨幣市場簡訊 民國80年12月。2 ,莊武仁 黃尹亭“臺灣貨幣市場利率期限結構之實證研究━━SR和DSR模型適用性之比較分析“臺灣銀行季刊 民國82年12月。3, 李清賢“臺灣貨幣市場短期利率模型適用性之比較分析" 淡江大學金融研究所碩士論文 84年6月。4, 鄭鼎立“壹灣地區貨幣市場利率非線性結構之探討”淡江大學金融研究所碩士論文 民國84 年6月。英文部份:Black, F and Scholcs, M, 1973 "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities," Jownal of Political Economy,637-654.Black, F, E,, Derman, and Toy, 1990 IIA One-Factor Model of Interest Rates and its Application to Treasury Bond Options" Financial Analysts journal ,33-99.Bollerslev, T, (1986), "Generalized Autoregressive Conditional heteroskedasticity", Journal of Econometrics 31,307-327.Brennam, M, J, and Schwartz, E, S, (1979), "A Continuous Time Approach to the Pricing of Bonds", JOW11al of Banking and Finance 3,133-155.Campbell, J, Y,, 1986 "Adefence of traditional hypotheses about the term structure of interest rates" Journal of Finance 41,183-193.Chan, K, e, G, A, Karolyi, F, A, Longstaff, and A, B, Sanders, July 1992“An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Models of the Short-Term Interest Rate" Journal of Finance, 1209-1227.Cox, J,e, 1,E,Ingersoll, and S, A, Ross, 1981 "A Re-Examination of Traditional Hypotheses About the Term Structure of Interest Rates", Journal of Finance 36,51-61.---------, 1985a "An intertemporal general equilibrium model of asset prices" Econometrica 53, 363-384.---------, 1985b "Theory of the Term Stucture of Interest Rates" Econometrica 53, 385-407.Dothan, L, U,, 1978, "On the //term Structure of Interest Rates", Journal of Financial Economics 6, 59-69.Engle, R, F,, 1982 "Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity with estimates of the variance of U,K inilatiol1 ,Ecol1ometrica 50, 987-1008.Fabozzi, F, J, and T, D, Fabozzi, `Handbook of Fixed Income Securities`, Fourth Edition, (IRWIN, INC), 798-800, 1171-1203.Gagnon, L, and L, D, Johnson, 1994 Spring "Dynamic Immunization under Stochastic Interest Rates 11 The Journal of portfolio management, 48-54.Hansen, L, P, 1982 "Large sample properties of Generalized Methed of Moments estimators" Econometrica 50,1029-1054.Hansen, L, P, and, K, J, Singleton, September 1982 "Generalized Instrumental Variables estimation of Nonlinear Rational Expectation Model" Econometrica, 1069-1286.Heath, D, R, Jarrow, and A, Mortol1, 1992 "Bond pricing and the termstructure of interest rates : A new methodology" Econometrica 60,77-105.Ho, Thomas S, Y, and S, B, Lee, 1986 "Term structure movements and pricing interest rate contingent claims" Journal of Finance 41,1011-1029.Hull, 1, C and, A,White, Winter 1990 "Pricing interest-rate derivative securities" Review of Financial Studies, 573-592.Hull, J, c,, "Options, Futuress, and Other Derivative Securities", Second Edition (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-hall, 1993), 370-410.Longstaff F, A, and E, S, Schwartz, September 1992 "Interest Rate Volatility and the Term Structw-e : A Two-Factor General Equilibrium Model" Journal of Finance, 1259-1282, Merton,, R, C,, 1971 "Optimum Consumption and portfolio rules in a continuous-time model" Journal of Economic Theory 3,337-413.Sanders, A, B, and, H, Unal, 1988 "ON the intertemporal stability of the short term rate of interest" Journal of Financial and Quantitative,Analysis 23,417-423.Vasiek, O,,1977 "An equilibrium characterization of the tem1 structure" Journal Financial Economics 5, 177-188. 描述 碩士
83357011資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 林炯垚 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Lin, Jiong-Yao en_US (Authors) 方世明 zh_TW (Authors) Fang, Shi-Ming en_US dc.creator (作者) 方世明 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Fang, Shi-Ming en_US (日期) 1996 en_US 28-Apr-2016 11:52:12 (UTC+8) - 28-Apr-2016 11:52:12 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 28-Apr-2016 11:52:12 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002002994 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 財務管理研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 83357011 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本篇研究主要目的在於檢驗一般化一因子及二因子利率隨機過程模型何者對於臺灣貨幣市場利率 變動行為模式最具解釋能力。再運用模型所求得之 利率變動估計值及當期市場遠期利率,求解二項分 配未來短期利率之各結點估計值,形成二項分配利 率期限結構。由於二項分配利率期限結構為一任意 形態之樹狀結構,且同時考量過去利率波動程度及 市場對於未來之預期,故此一模型將可運用於對未 來利率水準之預測或作為存續期間模型之折現率以 改善利率風險衡量之理論限制。 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章緒論第一節研究動機..........1第二節研究目的..........2第三節研究範圍與限制..........3第三節研究架構..........4本章註釋..........6第二章文獻探討第一節理論文獻探討..........7第二節實證文獻探討..........15本章註釋..........22第三章研究方法第一節二項分配利率期限結構理論模型..........24第二節實證模型..........30第三節GARCH與GMM模型比較..........33本章註釋..........37第四章實證模型第一節GARCH效果檢定..........39第二節模型配適度檢定..........40第三節二項分配期限結構模型..........54第五章結論與建議第一節結論..........60第二節建議..........61文獻探討..........63 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 利率 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 期限結構 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 利率隨機過程 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 貨幣市場 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 二項分配模型 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 票券 zh_TW dc.title (題名) 動態短期利率期限結構模型:臺灣票券市場之實證研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Dynamic short-term structure model-A empirical study on Taiwanese Note Market en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部份:1 ,莊武仁“利率期限結構及其檢定“貨幣市場簡訊 民國80年12月。2 ,莊武仁 黃尹亭“臺灣貨幣市場利率期限結構之實證研究━━SR和DSR模型適用性之比較分析“臺灣銀行季刊 民國82年12月。3, 李清賢“臺灣貨幣市場短期利率模型適用性之比較分析" 淡江大學金融研究所碩士論文 84年6月。4, 鄭鼎立“壹灣地區貨幣市場利率非線性結構之探討”淡江大學金融研究所碩士論文 民國84 年6月。英文部份:Black, F and Scholcs, M, 1973 "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities," Jownal of Political Economy,637-654.Black, F, E,, Derman, and Toy, 1990 IIA One-Factor Model of Interest Rates and its Application to Treasury Bond Options" Financial Analysts journal ,33-99.Bollerslev, T, (1986), "Generalized Autoregressive Conditional heteroskedasticity", Journal of Econometrics 31,307-327.Brennam, M, J, and Schwartz, E, S, (1979), "A Continuous Time Approach to the Pricing of Bonds", JOW11al of Banking and Finance 3,133-155.Campbell, J, Y,, 1986 "Adefence of traditional hypotheses about the term structure of interest rates" Journal of Finance 41,183-193.Chan, K, e, G, A, Karolyi, F, A, Longstaff, and A, B, Sanders, July 1992“An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Models of the Short-Term Interest Rate" Journal of Finance, 1209-1227.Cox, J,e, 1,E,Ingersoll, and S, A, Ross, 1981 "A Re-Examination of Traditional Hypotheses About the Term Structure of Interest Rates", Journal of Finance 36,51-61.---------, 1985a "An intertemporal general equilibrium model of asset prices" Econometrica 53, 363-384.---------, 1985b "Theory of the Term Stucture of Interest Rates" Econometrica 53, 385-407.Dothan, L, U,, 1978, "On the //term Structure of Interest Rates", Journal of Financial Economics 6, 59-69.Engle, R, F,, 1982 "Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity with estimates of the variance of U,K inilatiol1 ,Ecol1ometrica 50, 987-1008.Fabozzi, F, J, and T, D, Fabozzi, `Handbook of Fixed Income Securities`, Fourth Edition, (IRWIN, INC), 798-800, 1171-1203.Gagnon, L, and L, D, Johnson, 1994 Spring "Dynamic Immunization under Stochastic Interest Rates 11 The Journal of portfolio management, 48-54.Hansen, L, P, 1982 "Large sample properties of Generalized Methed of Moments estimators" Econometrica 50,1029-1054.Hansen, L, P, and, K, J, Singleton, September 1982 "Generalized Instrumental Variables estimation of Nonlinear Rational Expectation Model" Econometrica, 1069-1286.Heath, D, R, Jarrow, and A, Mortol1, 1992 "Bond pricing and the termstructure of interest rates : A new methodology" Econometrica 60,77-105.Ho, Thomas S, Y, and S, B, Lee, 1986 "Term structure movements and pricing interest rate contingent claims" Journal of Finance 41,1011-1029.Hull, 1, C and, A,White, Winter 1990 "Pricing interest-rate derivative securities" Review of Financial Studies, 573-592.Hull, J, c,, "Options, Futuress, and Other Derivative Securities", Second Edition (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-hall, 1993), 370-410.Longstaff F, A, and E, S, Schwartz, September 1992 "Interest Rate Volatility and the Term Structw-e : A Two-Factor General Equilibrium Model" Journal of Finance, 1259-1282, Merton,, R, C,, 1971 "Optimum Consumption and portfolio rules in a continuous-time model" Journal of Economic Theory 3,337-413.Sanders, A, B, and, H, Unal, 1988 "ON the intertemporal stability of the short term rate of interest" Journal of Financial and Quantitative,Analysis 23,417-423.Vasiek, O,,1977 "An equilibrium characterization of the tem1 structure" Journal Financial Economics 5, 177-188. zh_TW