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題名 我國壽險業從事房貸業務之研究 作者 曾雅梅
Zeng, Ya-Mei貢獻者 陳常沂
Chen, Chang-Yi
Zeng, Ya-Mei日期 1995 上傳時間 28-Apr-2016 15:12:30 (UTC+8) 參考文獻 壹、中文部份1 、李文雄著?「不動產管理」,聯豐書報社,八十二年四月。2 、廖成典、李阿乙、梅建平合著?「不動產投資概論」,第二j仗,華泰書局,八十四年九月。3 、廬嘉梧?「房屋抵押貸款評價之選擇權分析」,中央大學財管所8 4 年論文。4 、劉代洋、鄭義為?「銀行住宅放款信用評估之實證研究報告」,國科會計畫,民國八十三年。5 、何萍實撰譯?「美國壽險業投資運用的概況」,壽險季刊第22 期,氏國六十七年6 王康文譯?「美國壽險公司之投資」,壽險季刊第3 1 、3 2期,民間六十七年7 、「壽險公司投資策l咯」,第一版,因泰人壽保險叢書編輯委員舍,民國七十一年四月。8 、胡靖榮?「我國壽險業投資於上市股票之研究」,政治大學保險研究所八十年論文。9 、蘇源拓?「美國NAIC 壽險業風險資本需求之研究」,政治大學保險研究所8 3 年論文。1 0 、蔣榮源?「壽險公司資金運用於不動產投資之研究」,政治學保險研究所8 3 年論文。1 1 、袁宗蔚著, 「保險學」,第三十三版,三民書局,民國八十三年十月。1 2 、張金鶚著, 「我國住宅金融制度之研究」,內政部營建署,民國八十一年七月。1 3 、中華民國,台灣地區民國81年住宅資訊統計彙報84年4 月1 4 、黃建忠"台灣、地區的人口老化與照護人力之預估"中正社福所八十一年論文貳、英文部份1 "Andrew C. Power & Joel B1eeke "Investments In the ..Limelight," Best`s Review ,June 19872 "Bradford Case & Ann B.Schnarc "PreliminaryEvaluation of the HECM Reverse Mortgage Program,"AREUEA ,19943 "Bruce , G . We bb "Borrower Risk under AlternativeMortgage Instruments," The Journal of Finance,March 10824 "Buseserand Hendershott & Sanders "Pricing Life ofLoan Caps on Default-free Adjustable RateMortgages," AREUEA ,19855 "Christopher J. Mayer & Katerina V. Simons "ReverseMortgages and the Liquidity of Housing Wealth,"AREUEA ,19946 "Dennis P.Yeskey "Insurance Companies Churn TheirInvestments for the` 90s," Real Estate Finance,Winter 19947 "Donald F.Cunninghan & Charles A.Capone,JR."TheRelative Termination Experience of Adjustable toFixed-Rate Mortgages," The Journal of Finance,December 19908 "Gary A.Anderson, Joel R.Barber, Chun-haoChang" Prepayment Risk and the Duration ofDefault-free Mortgage-backed Securities," TheJournal of financial Research ,Spring 19939 "George W.Fenn & Rebel A.Cole "Announcement ofAsset-quality Problems and contagion Effects in theLife Insurance Industry," Journal of FinancialEconmics ,19941 0 " Jan K.Brueckner ,Financial Market Rates andFlows,4th edition1 1 "Joe Peek "A Call to ARMs:A djustable RateMortgages in the 1980s," New England EconomicsReview ,March/April 19901 2 "K.Khazeh,Wayne H.Decker,Robert C.Winder & MartinT.Neat "Who Has ARMs," Real Estate Finance ,Winter199113 "J.Sa-Aadu "Consumer Welfare Under the AdiustablerateMortgage:Some Empirical Evidence," AREUEA,19871 4 "Joan Lamm-Tennant "Asset/Liability Management forlOathe Life Insurer:Situration Aalysis and Strategy,"Journal of Risk and Insurance ,19891 5 "K. Khazeh, Wayne H. Decker, & Robert C. Winder"Consumer Preferences Toward Adjustable and FixedRate Mortgages," Real Estate Finance,Summer ,19901 6 "Linda S.Klein & C.Ii`.Sirmans "Reverse Mortgagesand Prepayment Risk," AREUEA ,19941 7 "Peter Chinloy & Isaac F.Megbolugbe "ReverseMortgages:Contracting and Crossover Risk," AREUEA,19941 8 "Peter Chinloy "Elective Mortgage Prepayment:Termination and Curtailment,? AREUEA,19931 9 "Robert Lawrence Kuhn , Mortgage and AssetSecuritization ,19902 0" Scott F.Richard and Richard Roll "Prepayments onFixed-rate Mortgage-backed Securities," The Journalof Portfolio Management ,Spring 19892 1 "Stephen A.Buser, Patric H.Hendershott & AnthonyB.Sanders "Pricing Lif-of-Loan Rate Caps on DefaultFree Adjustable Rate Mortgages," AREUEA ,19852 2 "Thomas P.Boehm & Michael C.Ehrhardt "ReverseMortgages and Interest Rate Risk," AREUEA ,19942 3 "Thomas J.Miceli & C.F.Sirmans "Reverse Mortgagesand Borrower Maintenance Risk," AREUEA ,19942 4 `William W.Bartlett ,The Valuation of MortgagebackedSecurities, 1th edition ,19942 5 `Peter A.Merrigan "How Risk-based CapitalRegulations for The Life Insurance Industry AffectReal Estate," The Real Estate Finance Jouranl ,Fall 19942 6 ," Investments In the Limelight," Best`s Reviews,June 1987 02 7 ,"The Sturcture,Conduct, and Regulation of theLife insurance Industry," Financial Condition andReglation of Insurance Companies2 8 ," Investments In the Limelight," Best`s Reviews ,June 19872 9 `"More turbulence Ahead for Life Insurers` RealEstate Investments," Insurance Review ,June 1992 描述 碩士
風險管理與保險研究所資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳常沂 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Chang-Yi en_US (Authors) 曾雅梅 zh_TW (Authors) Zeng, Ya-Mei en_US dc.creator (作者) 曾雅梅 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Zeng, Ya-Mei en_US (日期) 1995 en_US 28-Apr-2016 15:12:30 (UTC+8) - 28-Apr-2016 15:12:30 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 28-Apr-2016 15:12:30 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002002944 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 風險管理與保險研究所 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章緒論..........1第一節研究動機與目的..........1第二節研究範圍與研究限制..........2第三節研究架構..........3第二章房屋貸款之特性..........6第一節房屋貸款之種類..........6第二節房屋貸款與提前清償之關係..........13第一目提前清償之定義與緣由..........13第二目提前清償對金融機構之影響..........16第三目提前清償之預測模型..........20第三節違約風險..........21第一目違約風險之理論基礎..........22第二目違約風險之因素..........23第四節浮動利率抵押貸款之結構..........27第三章我國壽險業主要投資工具之比較..........34第一節壽險業投資策略之制定..........34第一目壽險公司投資之原則..........34第二目美國壽險業過去之投資策略..........35第三目RBC實施對壽險業投資之影響..........38第二節我國壽險業資金運用之狀況..........41第一目公債投資..........42第二目股票投資..........44第三目不動產投資..........47第三節我國壽險業主要投資工具之比較..........49第一目各投資工具性之比較..........49第二目各投資工具風險與報酬之比較..........53第四章壽險公司投資房貸業務之探討..........58第一節我國房貸市場現況..........58第一目房屋貸款之種類..........58第二目國內房屋貸款之分析..........62第三目我國壽險業投資房屋貸款業務現況..........64我二節壽險公司發展固定利率房屋貸款的可行性..........67第一目固定利率房屋貸款與浮動利率房屋貸款之比較..........67第二目借款人對於ARM與FRM之選擇..........70第三目我國壽險業推行固定利率房屋貸款之探討..........72第三節壽險公司推行GPM及RM業務之可行性..........73第一目國內壽險業推行GMP之可行性探討..........73第二目我國壽險業推行RM業務之可行性分析..........77第四節壽險公司從事各種房屋貸款之比較..........81第一目各類型房屋貸款之再融資風險..........82第二目各類型房屋貸款之違約風險..........84第三目壽險公司推行各項房屋貸款業務之比較..........86第五章結論與建議..........93 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.title (題名) 我國壽險業從事房貸業務之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文部份1 、李文雄著?「不動產管理」,聯豐書報社,八十二年四月。2 、廖成典、李阿乙、梅建平合著?「不動產投資概論」,第二j仗,華泰書局,八十四年九月。3 、廬嘉梧?「房屋抵押貸款評價之選擇權分析」,中央大學財管所8 4 年論文。4 、劉代洋、鄭義為?「銀行住宅放款信用評估之實證研究報告」,國科會計畫,民國八十三年。5 、何萍實撰譯?「美國壽險業投資運用的概況」,壽險季刊第22 期,氏國六十七年6 王康文譯?「美國壽險公司之投資」,壽險季刊第3 1 、3 2期,民間六十七年7 、「壽險公司投資策l咯」,第一版,因泰人壽保險叢書編輯委員舍,民國七十一年四月。8 、胡靖榮?「我國壽險業投資於上市股票之研究」,政治大學保險研究所八十年論文。9 、蘇源拓?「美國NAIC 壽險業風險資本需求之研究」,政治大學保險研究所8 3 年論文。1 0 、蔣榮源?「壽險公司資金運用於不動產投資之研究」,政治學保險研究所8 3 年論文。1 1 、袁宗蔚著, 「保險學」,第三十三版,三民書局,民國八十三年十月。1 2 、張金鶚著, 「我國住宅金融制度之研究」,內政部營建署,民國八十一年七月。1 3 、中華民國,台灣地區民國81年住宅資訊統計彙報84年4 月1 4 、黃建忠"台灣、地區的人口老化與照護人力之預估"中正社福所八十一年論文貳、英文部份1 "Andrew C. Power & Joel B1eeke "Investments In the ..Limelight," Best`s Review ,June 19872 "Bradford Case & Ann B.Schnarc "PreliminaryEvaluation of the HECM Reverse Mortgage Program,"AREUEA ,19943 "Bruce , G . We bb "Borrower Risk under AlternativeMortgage Instruments," The Journal of Finance,March 10824 "Buseserand Hendershott & Sanders "Pricing Life ofLoan Caps on Default-free Adjustable RateMortgages," AREUEA ,19855 "Christopher J. Mayer & Katerina V. Simons "ReverseMortgages and the Liquidity of Housing Wealth,"AREUEA ,19946 "Dennis P.Yeskey "Insurance Companies Churn TheirInvestments for the` 90s," Real Estate Finance,Winter 19947 "Donald F.Cunninghan & Charles A.Capone,JR."TheRelative Termination Experience of Adjustable toFixed-Rate Mortgages," The Journal of Finance,December 19908 "Gary A.Anderson, Joel R.Barber, Chun-haoChang" Prepayment Risk and the Duration ofDefault-free Mortgage-backed Securities," TheJournal of financial Research ,Spring 19939 "George W.Fenn & Rebel A.Cole "Announcement ofAsset-quality Problems and contagion Effects in theLife Insurance Industry," Journal of FinancialEconmics ,19941 0 " Jan K.Brueckner ,Financial Market Rates andFlows,4th edition1 1 "Joe Peek "A Call to ARMs:A djustable RateMortgages in the 1980s," New England EconomicsReview ,March/April 19901 2 "K.Khazeh,Wayne H.Decker,Robert C.Winder & MartinT.Neat "Who Has ARMs," Real Estate Finance ,Winter199113 "J.Sa-Aadu "Consumer Welfare Under the AdiustablerateMortgage:Some Empirical Evidence," AREUEA,19871 4 "Joan Lamm-Tennant "Asset/Liability Management forlOathe Life Insurer:Situration Aalysis and Strategy,"Journal of Risk and Insurance ,19891 5 "K. Khazeh, Wayne H. Decker, & Robert C. Winder"Consumer Preferences Toward Adjustable and FixedRate Mortgages," Real Estate Finance,Summer ,19901 6 "Linda S.Klein & C.Ii`.Sirmans "Reverse Mortgagesand Prepayment Risk," AREUEA ,19941 7 "Peter Chinloy & Isaac F.Megbolugbe "ReverseMortgages:Contracting and Crossover Risk," AREUEA,19941 8 "Peter Chinloy "Elective Mortgage Prepayment:Termination and Curtailment,? AREUEA,19931 9 "Robert Lawrence Kuhn , Mortgage and AssetSecuritization ,19902 0" Scott F.Richard and Richard Roll "Prepayments onFixed-rate Mortgage-backed Securities," The Journalof Portfolio Management ,Spring 19892 1 "Stephen A.Buser, Patric H.Hendershott & AnthonyB.Sanders "Pricing Lif-of-Loan Rate Caps on DefaultFree Adjustable Rate Mortgages," AREUEA ,19852 2 "Thomas P.Boehm & Michael C.Ehrhardt "ReverseMortgages and Interest Rate Risk," AREUEA ,19942 3 "Thomas J.Miceli & C.F.Sirmans "Reverse Mortgagesand Borrower Maintenance Risk," AREUEA ,19942 4 `William W.Bartlett ,The Valuation of MortgagebackedSecurities, 1th edition ,19942 5 `Peter A.Merrigan "How Risk-based CapitalRegulations for The Life Insurance Industry AffectReal Estate," The Real Estate Finance Jouranl ,Fall 19942 6 ," Investments In the Limelight," Best`s Reviews,June 1987 02 7 ,"The Sturcture,Conduct, and Regulation of theLife insurance Industry," Financial Condition andReglation of Insurance Companies2 8 ," Investments In the Limelight," Best`s Reviews ,June 19872 9 `"More turbulence Ahead for Life Insurers` RealEstate Investments," Insurance Review ,June 1992 zh_TW