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題名 國中學生學業成就與偏差行為之歸因
作者 陳嫈郁
Chen, Ying Yu
貢獻者 蔣治邦
Jiang, Zhi Bang
Chen, Ying Yu
日期 1994
上傳時間 28-Apr-2016 15:26:50 (UTC+8)
摘要 學業成就與行為表現是學生在學校中最主要的活動,學生對學業及行為表現的歸因,影響學生學習的動機、態度、情緒、責任感與對後續成功表現的期望;教育對學生學業及行為表現的歸因,則影響教師對學生的情感、評價、態度、回饋與幫助行為。以往有關師生對學生學業及行為歸因的研究,在範圍上多將學業與行為分別予以探討;在對象上,多為假設情境投射測驗;在師生受試的關係上鮮有配對取樣之研究。
參考文獻 l 李美枝,社會心理學,民76 ,67-117,臺北市:大洋出版社。
     2 劉焜輝,歸因治療理論與實施,民80 ,1-16,臺北市: 天馬出版社。
     3. Atkinson,l. W.Motivational detenninants of risk taking behavior. Psychological Review, 1957,64,359-372.
     4. Atkinson,J.M.(Ed. )Motives in fantasy,ation, and society.Princeton:
     Van Nostrand, 1958. ATKINSON,J.W.An introduction to motivation. Princeton:Van Nostrand, 1964.
     5. Alan S.K., William, W.S., & Mary, Mary)v1. VI. (1979), Dimensions or problem behaviors of emotionally disturbed children as seem by their parents and and teachers. Psychology f11 the Schools, 16(2).208-217.
     6. Anderson,N.H.Likableness ratings of 555 personality-trait words. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1968,9,272-279.
     7. Algozzine,B.(1977).The emotionally disturbed child:Disturded or disturbing Journal of Abnorll1al Child Psychology, 5, 205-11.
     8. Alogzzine,B.&Cunran, T.( 1979) Teachers` prcditions of childrens schol success as a function of their behavioral toler.1nces. Journall of Educational Research. 72,344-7
     9. Algozzine,B.Ysseldye.F.Cluistenson,S., & Thurlow, M. (1983). A factor analysis of teachers` intervention choices for dealing with students` behavior and learning problems.Elementmy School Journal, 84, 189-97.
     10. Ames,R. Teachers` attributions of responsibility:Some unexpected nondefensive effects Journal of Educational Psychology, 1975, 67, 668-676.
     11. Abramson,L. Y.,Seligman,M.E.P.,&Teasdale lD. Learned helplessness in humans: Critique and reformulation Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978,87,49-74.
     l2. Bar-Tal,D. Attributional analysis of achievement related behavior. Review of Educational Research, 1978, 48,259-2 7/.
     13.Bl1lce,C.,& Alan,5.(1982). Perservice teachers` perceptions of children`s problem behavior.Journal of Edl(catiol1Ld Research, 82, 34-39.
     14.Betancourt,H. , & Weiner,B(l 982).Attlibutions for achievement related events,expectancy,and sentiments .Journal of Psychology, 13-.362-374.
     15. Brandt,L. J. ,Hayden ` M.E. ,&Brophy,1.E.( 1975). Teachcrs` artitucles and ascription of causation.Journal o/Educational Psychology, 67.677-682.
     16.ßrown,1., & Wei.ner,B.(1984). Affective consequences of ability versus effort ascription :Controversies,resolutions, and quan-daries Journal of Educational psychology, 76, 146-158
     17.Bar-Tal,D. ,Goldberg,M.,& Knaani.A. (l 984 ).Cause of success and failure and their dimcnensions as a function of SES and gender : A phenonull010gical analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 54.51-61.
     18.Bradley. G. W. (1978). Self-scrving biases in thc attribution procsess : A reexmination of the fact and fiction question.
     Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 36, 56- 7 1
     19.Brophy, 1.E. (1 983). Research on the self-fulfilling prophesy and teacher expectations. Journal 01 Educational Psychology,
     75, 631-611.
     20.Brophy, J. , & Rohrkempcr, M. (1981). The ini1ucllce of problem ownership on teachers`perceptions of and strategies for coping with problem students Journal of Educational Psychology. 1976, 13 212-218.
     21.Beckman,L. J. Effects of students` performance on teachcrs` and observers` attributions of causality. Journal of Educational
     Psychology, 1970,61 , 76-82.
     22.Beckman, L. J. Causal attributions of teachers and parent
     regarding children`s performance. Psychology in the School,
     1976, 13,212-218.
     2 .Bentzen, F. Sex ratios in leanning adn behavior disorder. The National Elementary Principal, 1966,46,13-17.
     24.Brandt,L.J., Hayden, tv1. E., &Brophy,J. E. Teachcrs`attitudes and ascriptiion of causlion. Journal of Educational Psychology. 1975, 67, 677-682.
     25.ßrophy, J.,& Good, T.Teachcr-studcnt relationship:Causcs and consequences. New York: Holt 、Rineharl & Winsloll. 1974.
     26.D,B.,&J.G. (1981). A comparison of teachers`, pupils` and parents` attributions regarding pupils` academic achicevemenes.Bri!ish Journal Educational Psychology, 51,301-311.
     27.Cooper,H.M ` Pygmalion grows up:A model for teacher expectation communication and performance influence. Reive`l-v of Educational Research, in press.
     28.Cooper, H.M. & BARON,R.M.Academic expectational and attlibules responsibility as predictors of professional teachers` reinforcemeny behavior Journal of Educational Psychology, 1977. 69, 40
     29.Cooper,H.M.,& Baron,R.M.(1977). Academic expectations and attributed responsibility as prcdictors of professional teachers` reinforcement behavior Journal of Educational Psychology, 69. -UN -418.
     30.Cooper, H.t\\1, & Burger,J.M.(1980).How Teachers explain students` academic perfol1wnance:A categorization of free response acdenmic attributions All1erican Educational Research Journal I 17 I 95 -109.
     3l.Cooper, H.M., & Good,T.L. (1983). Pymaltion grows up. New York: Longman.
     32.Cooper,H.M.,&Lowc,C.A.(1977).Task information and altlibutions for academic performance by professional teachers and role
     players Journal of Personality,Journal of Personality 45.469-483.
     33.Covington, M. V., & Omelich C.L.( 1979).Effort:The double-edged sword in school acruevement Journal of Educational Psychology, 71,169-182.
     34. Cooper, H. M. Controlling personal rewards: Professional teache (`s` differential use of feedback and the effects of feedback on
     the student`s motivation to perfonn. Journal of Educational
     Psychology, 1977, 69, 419-427.
     35.Cooper,H.M.,& Baron,R.M. Academic expectations ancl attlibulcd responsibility as predictors of professional teachers` relnfocement behavior. Journal of Educational Psychology. 1977.66, 409-418.
     36.Cooper, H.t\\1.,13urger,li`vL, & Seymour,G.E. Classroom context and student ability as influences on teacher percptions of classroom controLAmerican Educational of Journal, 1979. 16. 18<)- 19fi.
     37.Elic, M.V., & Fredelic J.M. (1981). Teacher and parent causal perceptions of school problems. American Educational Research Journal,18(1),29-37.
     38.frederic J.M. (1979). Causal attributions for school-related problems: Teacher perceptions and teacher feedback, Journal of Educational Psychology, 71 (6),809-818.
     39.fontaine,G. (1974). Social comparison and some detenrunants of expected personal control and expected performance in novel task situations. Journal 0/ Personality and Social Psychology .29,487-496.
     40.Flieze,LH.,Bar-Tal,D., & Carroll,J.S.(Eds.) New approaches to social poblems.San Francisco:Jossey-Bass, 1979.
     41. Gwendolyn, S. (1980). Bias in attribution of positive and negatine behavior in children by school psychologists,parents, and teachers.Perceptual and Motor skills, 50 .. 1283-1290.
     42. Heider, F.(1958).The psychology of interpersonal relations.New York: Wiley.
     43.lckes, W.J., & Layden,iv1.A.(1978). Athibutional styles. In J.H.
     Halvey, W. 1. Ickes` & R. F. Kidd (Eds.) , New directions /J1attribution research(Vol.2,pp.1190152).Hillsciale, NJ:Erbaum.
     44.Joseph Guttmann. (1982). Pupils`,teachers`,and parents` causal attributions for problem behavior. Journal of Educational
     Research, 12-20.
     45.Jeny, B.H.(1984) Teacher ratings of problem behaviors: Which student behaviors "concern" and "disturb"teacher? Psychology /11 the schools, 21,483-484.
     46.JeITy.B.H. (1985)What reasons are given by teachers who refere problem behavior students?Psychology in the schools ,22,79-82.
     47 . Jones,E.E.,& Davis ,K.E. from acts to dispositions: The attribution process in person perception.In Berkowitz., L.(Ed.), Advances
     in Experimental Social Psychology ( Vol. 2). New York :
     Academic Press,1965.
     48 Jones,E.E.,& Nisbel1,R .E. The actor and the obscrvcr:Divergenl
     perceptions ofth ecauses of behavior. In E.E.Joncs c! al.(Eds.) .A ttribution:Perceiving the causes of behaVIOr. i`v1ornstowll, N..f. :General Learning Press, 1973.
     49.KelleyJlH .,& ·(.:hc1a,J.J.(l980). Attribution theory and research. Annual review 0/ psyc1 ology, 3 ,427-459.
     50. elley,H.H.Attribuiio t theory in social psychology In D.Lcvinc (Ed.), l`febras`ka Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, 196`/.
     51.Kcll y,H.H. Attribution in social interaction.lvlonistowTI,N.J.: General Learni g Press, 971.
     52. Kelley, 1- . H. The processes of causal attribution. American Psychologist, 1973,28,107-128.
     53.Lllginbuhl,lF.,erowe,D.H.,&Kahn,J.P.(1975).eausal attributions for success and failure. Journal of Personality and Social PSJJchology, 31,84-93.
     54 .Laeson,J.R .( 1977).Evidence for a self-serving bi.1S in the atlribvtion of causaJity. Journal 0/ Personulity,45,430-441.
     55. Kukla, A. Attributional deten nin,mts of achievement -rela ted behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972,21, 166-17.
     56.Kaufman,A.,_., Wood, MJv1., & S `am, W. W. Dirnensions of problem bchavio . of emotionally (Esturbed cl . d ` n as s en by their pare _Js (nd teachers.p,,:ycholo v in t Ie Schools, 1979, 16,207-217.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蔣治邦zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Jiang, Zhi Bangen_US (Authors) 陳嫈郁zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Ying Yuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳嫈郁zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Ying Yuen_US (日期) 1994en_US 28-Apr-2016 15:26:50 (UTC+8)- 28-Apr-2016 15:26:50 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 28-Apr-2016 15:26:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002003004en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 學業成就與行為表現是學生在學校中最主要的活動,學生對學業及行為表現的歸因,影響學生學習的動機、態度、情緒、責任感與對後續成功表現的期望;教育對學生學業及行為表現的歸因,則影響教師對學生的情感、評價、態度、回饋與幫助行為。以往有關師生對學生學業及行為歸因的研究,在範圍上多將學業與行為分別予以探討;在對象上,多為假設情境投射測驗;在師生受試的關係上鮮有配對取樣之研究。zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章緒論..........1
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 國中學生學業成就與偏差行為之歸因zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) l 李美枝,社會心理學,民76 ,67-117,臺北市:大洋出版社。
     2 劉焜輝,歸因治療理論與實施,民80 ,1-16,臺北市: 天馬出版社。
     3. Atkinson,l. W.Motivational detenninants of risk taking behavior. Psychological Review, 1957,64,359-372.
     4. Atkinson,J.M.(Ed. )Motives in fantasy,ation, and society.Princeton:
     Van Nostrand, 1958. ATKINSON,J.W.An introduction to motivation. Princeton:Van Nostrand, 1964.
     5. Alan S.K., William, W.S., & Mary, Mary)v1. VI. (1979), Dimensions or problem behaviors of emotionally disturbed children as seem by their parents and and teachers. Psychology f11 the Schools, 16(2).208-217.
     6. Anderson,N.H.Likableness ratings of 555 personality-trait words. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1968,9,272-279.
     7. Algozzine,B.(1977).The emotionally disturbed child:Disturded or disturbing Journal of Abnorll1al Child Psychology, 5, 205-11.
     8. Alogzzine,B.&Cunran, T.( 1979) Teachers` prcditions of childrens schol success as a function of their behavioral toler.1nces. Journall of Educational Research. 72,344-7
     9. Algozzine,B.Ysseldye.F.Cluistenson,S., & Thurlow, M. (1983). A factor analysis of teachers` intervention choices for dealing with students` behavior and learning problems.Elementmy School Journal, 84, 189-97.
     10. Ames,R. Teachers` attributions of responsibility:Some unexpected nondefensive effects Journal of Educational Psychology, 1975, 67, 668-676.
     11. Abramson,L. Y.,Seligman,M.E.P.,&Teasdale lD. Learned helplessness in humans: Critique and reformulation Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978,87,49-74.
     l2. Bar-Tal,D. Attributional analysis of achievement related behavior. Review of Educational Research, 1978, 48,259-2 7/.
     13.Bl1lce,C.,& Alan,5.(1982). Perservice teachers` perceptions of children`s problem behavior.Journal of Edl(catiol1Ld Research, 82, 34-39.
     14.Betancourt,H. , & Weiner,B(l 982).Attlibutions for achievement related events,expectancy,and sentiments .Journal of Psychology, 13-.362-374.
     15. Brandt,L. J. ,Hayden ` M.E. ,&Brophy,1.E.( 1975). Teachcrs` artitucles and ascription of causation.Journal o/Educational Psychology, 67.677-682.
     16.ßrown,1., & Wei.ner,B.(1984). Affective consequences of ability versus effort ascription :Controversies,resolutions, and quan-daries Journal of Educational psychology, 76, 146-158
     17.Bar-Tal,D. ,Goldberg,M.,& Knaani.A. (l 984 ).Cause of success and failure and their dimcnensions as a function of SES and gender : A phenonull010gical analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 54.51-61.
     18.Bradley. G. W. (1978). Self-scrving biases in thc attribution procsess : A reexmination of the fact and fiction question.
     Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 36, 56- 7 1
     19.Brophy, 1.E. (1 983). Research on the self-fulfilling prophesy and teacher expectations. Journal 01 Educational Psychology,
     75, 631-611.
     20.Brophy, J. , & Rohrkempcr, M. (1981). The ini1ucllce of problem ownership on teachers`perceptions of and strategies for coping with problem students Journal of Educational Psychology. 1976, 13 212-218.
     21.Beckman,L. J. Effects of students` performance on teachcrs` and observers` attributions of causality. Journal of Educational
     Psychology, 1970,61 , 76-82.
     22.Beckman, L. J. Causal attributions of teachers and parent
     regarding children`s performance. Psychology in the School,
     1976, 13,212-218.
     2 .Bentzen, F. Sex ratios in leanning adn behavior disorder. The National Elementary Principal, 1966,46,13-17.
     24.Brandt,L.J., Hayden, tv1. E., &Brophy,J. E. Teachcrs`attitudes and ascriptiion of causlion. Journal of Educational Psychology. 1975, 67, 677-682.
     25.ßrophy, J.,& Good, T.Teachcr-studcnt relationship:Causcs and consequences. New York: Holt 、Rineharl & Winsloll. 1974.
     26.D,B.,&J.G. (1981). A comparison of teachers`, pupils` and parents` attributions regarding pupils` academic achicevemenes.Bri!ish Journal Educational Psychology, 51,301-311.
     27.Cooper,H.M ` Pygmalion grows up:A model for teacher expectation communication and performance influence. Reive`l-v of Educational Research, in press.
     28.Cooper, H.M. & BARON,R.M.Academic expectational and attlibules responsibility as predictors of professional teachers` reinforcemeny behavior Journal of Educational Psychology, 1977. 69, 40
     29.Cooper,H.M.,& Baron,R.M.(1977). Academic expectations and attributed responsibility as prcdictors of professional teachers` reinforcement behavior Journal of Educational Psychology, 69. -UN -418.
     30.Cooper, H.t\\1, & Burger,J.M.(1980).How Teachers explain students` academic perfol1wnance:A categorization of free response acdenmic attributions All1erican Educational Research Journal I 17 I 95 -109.
     3l.Cooper, H.M., & Good,T.L. (1983). Pymaltion grows up. New York: Longman.
     32.Cooper,H.M.,&Lowc,C.A.(1977).Task information and altlibutions for academic performance by professional teachers and role
     players Journal of Personality,Journal of Personality 45.469-483.
     33.Covington, M. V., & Omelich C.L.( 1979).Effort:The double-edged sword in school acruevement Journal of Educational Psychology, 71,169-182.
     34. Cooper, H. M. Controlling personal rewards: Professional teache (`s` differential use of feedback and the effects of feedback on
     the student`s motivation to perfonn. Journal of Educational
     Psychology, 1977, 69, 419-427.
     35.Cooper,H.M.,& Baron,R.M. Academic expectations ancl attlibulcd responsibility as predictors of professional teachers` relnfocement behavior. Journal of Educational Psychology. 1977.66, 409-418.
     36.Cooper, H.t\\1.,13urger,li`vL, & Seymour,G.E. Classroom context and student ability as influences on teacher percptions of classroom controLAmerican Educational of Journal, 1979. 16. 18<)- 19fi.
     37.Elic, M.V., & Fredelic J.M. (1981). Teacher and parent causal perceptions of school problems. American Educational Research Journal,18(1),29-37.
     38.frederic J.M. (1979). Causal attributions for school-related problems: Teacher perceptions and teacher feedback, Journal of Educational Psychology, 71 (6),809-818.
     39.fontaine,G. (1974). Social comparison and some detenrunants of expected personal control and expected performance in novel task situations. Journal 0/ Personality and Social Psychology .29,487-496.
     40.Flieze,LH.,Bar-Tal,D., & Carroll,J.S.(Eds.) New approaches to social poblems.San Francisco:Jossey-Bass, 1979.
     41. Gwendolyn, S. (1980). Bias in attribution of positive and negatine behavior in children by school psychologists,parents, and teachers.Perceptual and Motor skills, 50 .. 1283-1290.
     42. Heider, F.(1958).The psychology of interpersonal relations.New York: Wiley.
     43.lckes, W.J., & Layden,iv1.A.(1978). Athibutional styles. In J.H.
     Halvey, W. 1. Ickes` & R. F. Kidd (Eds.) , New directions /J1attribution research(Vol.2,pp.1190152).Hillsciale, NJ:Erbaum.
     44.Joseph Guttmann. (1982). Pupils`,teachers`,and parents` causal attributions for problem behavior. Journal of Educational
     Research, 12-20.
     45.Jeny, B.H.(1984) Teacher ratings of problem behaviors: Which student behaviors "concern" and "disturb"teacher? Psychology /11 the schools, 21,483-484.
     46.JeITy.B.H. (1985)What reasons are given by teachers who refere problem behavior students?Psychology in the schools ,22,79-82.
     47 . Jones,E.E.,& Davis ,K.E. from acts to dispositions: The attribution process in person perception.In Berkowitz., L.(Ed.), Advances
     in Experimental Social Psychology ( Vol. 2). New York :
     Academic Press,1965.
     48 Jones,E.E.,& Nisbel1,R .E. The actor and the obscrvcr:Divergenl
     perceptions ofth ecauses of behavior. In E.E.Joncs c! al.(Eds.) .A ttribution:Perceiving the causes of behaVIOr. i`v1ornstowll, N..f. :General Learning Press, 1973.
     49.KelleyJlH .,& ·(.:hc1a,J.J.(l980). Attribution theory and research. Annual review 0/ psyc1 ology, 3 ,427-459.
     50. elley,H.H.Attribuiio t theory in social psychology In D.Lcvinc (Ed.), l`febras`ka Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, 196`/.
     51.Kcll y,H.H. Attribution in social interaction.lvlonistowTI,N.J.: General Learni g Press, 971.
     52. Kelley, 1- . H. The processes of causal attribution. American Psychologist, 1973,28,107-128.
     53.Lllginbuhl,lF.,erowe,D.H.,&Kahn,J.P.(1975).eausal attributions for success and failure. Journal of Personality and Social PSJJchology, 31,84-93.
     54 .Laeson,J.R .( 1977).Evidence for a self-serving bi.1S in the atlribvtion of causaJity. Journal 0/ Personulity,45,430-441.
     55. Kukla, A. Attributional deten nin,mts of achievement -rela ted behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972,21, 166-17.
     56.Kaufman,A.,_., Wood, MJv1., & S `am, W. W. Dirnensions of problem bchavio . of emotionally (Esturbed cl . d ` n as s en by their pare _Js (nd teachers.p,,:ycholo v in t Ie Schools, 1979, 16,207-217.