
Showing 76-100 of 100
Date Title Type Full Text
2007 Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance: Shifting the Research Frontier book/chapter pdf(1048)
2007 Failure of Genetic Programming Induced Trading Strategies: Distinguishing between Efficient Markets and Inefficient Algorithms book/chapter pdf(1260)
2007 Trading Strategies Based on K-Means Clustering and Regression Model book/chapter
2006 A Functional Modularity Approach to Agent-based Modeling of the Evolution of Technology book/chapter pdf(1036)
2006 Pretests for Genetic - Programming Evolved Trading Programs: book/chapter pdf(985)
2005 On the Role of Risk Preference in Survivability book/chapter pdf(992)
2004 Toward a New Principle of Agent Engineering in Multiagent Systems: Computational Equivalence book/chapter pdf(846)
2004 Discovering c Programming with Lambda Abstraction book/chapter pdf(1276)
2004 Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance book/chapter 說明頁(673)
2003 Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance book/chapter pdf(1565)
2003 Overfitting or Poor Learning : A Critique of Current Financial Applications of GP book/chapter pdf(1195)
2003 Agent-Based Computational Macro-economics: A Survey book/chapter pdf(1560)
2002-03 Individual Rationality as a Partial Impediment to Market Efficiency book/chapter pdf(1077)
2002 Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming Economics book/chapter pdf(1309)
2002 Evolutionary Computation in Economics and Finance: An Overview of the Book book/chapter pdf(1132)
2002 Taiwan``s Macroeconomic Performance in the 1990s: An Overview book/chapter 說明頁(1384)
2002 On AIE-ASM: Software to Simulate Artificial Stock Markets with Genetic Programming book/chapter pdf(978)
2002 Genetic Programming: A Tutorial with the Software Simple GP book/chapter pdf(1121)
2002 Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming in Computational Finance: An Overview of the Book book/chapter pdf(1213)
2002 Evolutionary Computation in Economics and Finance: A Bibliography book/chapter pdf(374)
2000 Toward an Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Bargaining Strategies in Double Auction Markets with Genetic Programming book/chapter pdf(373)
1998 Genetic programming in the overlapping generations model: An illustration with the dynamics of the inflation rate conference pdf(154)
1998 Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Programming: A Comparative Study Based on Financial Data book/chapter pdf(277)
1997 Modeling Speculators with Genetic Programming book/chapter pdf(389)
1997 Would and Should Government Lie about Economic Statistics: Understanding Opinion Formation Processes through Evolutionary Cellular Automata book/chapter pdf(741)